From aa8f3a759f816df614671ce8afa6813dfb9d8d7f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Pieter Sheth-Voss <>
Date: Thu, 12 Mar 2015 09:52:30 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] Add support for textRotation

---               | 19 +++++++++++++------
 bits/92_stylebuilder.js |  3 ++-
 test.js                 |  5 +++--
 xlsx.js                 |  3 ++-
 4 files changed, 20 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index 9d071be..c66eb79 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -449,20 +449,27 @@ top-level attributes: `fill`, `font`, `numFmt`, `alignment`, and `border`.
 |                 |                |  "0.00%;\\(0.00%\\);\\-;@" // string specifying a custom format, escaping special characters
 | alignment       | vertical       | "bottom"||"center"||"top"
 |                 | horizontal     | "bottom"||"center"||"top"
+|                 | textRotation   | Number from 0 to 180 or 255 (default is 0)
+|                 |                |   "90" is rotated up 90 degrees
+|                 |                |   "45" is rotated up 45 degrees
+|                 |                |  "135" is rotated down 45 degrees
+|                 |                | "180" is rotated down 180 degrees
+|                 |                | "255" is special,  aligned vertically
 | border          | top            | { style: BORDER_STYLE, color: COLOR_SPEC }
 |                 | bottom         | { style: BORDER_STYLE, color: COLOR_SPEC }
-|                 | left         | { style: BORDER_STYLE, color: COLOR_SPEC }
-|                 | right         | { style: BORDER_STYLE, color: COLOR_SPEC }
-|                 | diagonal         | { style: BORDER_STYLE, color: COLOR_SPEC }
-|                 | diagonalUp         | true||false
-|                 | diagonalDown         | true||false
+|                 | left           | { style: BORDER_STYLE, color: COLOR_SPEC }
+|                 | right          | { style: BORDER_STYLE, color: COLOR_SPEC }
+|                 | diagonal       | { style: BORDER_STYLE, color: COLOR_SPEC }
+|                 | diagonalUp     | true||false
+|                 | diagonalDown   | true||false
 **COLOR_SPEC** Colors for `fill`, `font`, and `border` are specified as objects, either:
+* `{ auto: 1}` specifying automatic values
 * `{ rgb: "FFFFAA00" }` specifying a hex ARGB value
 * `{ theme: "1", tint: "-0.25"}` specifying an integer index to a theme color and a tint value (default 0)
-* `{indexed: 64}` default value for `fill.bgColor`
+* `{ indexed: 64}` default value for `fill.bgColor`
 ** BORDER_STYLE** are piped directly to XML and may take on one of the following values:
  * `thin`
diff --git a/bits/92_stylebuilder.js b/bits/92_stylebuilder.js
index bc06889..a0dfbf7 100644
--- a/bits/92_stylebuilder.js
+++ b/bits/92_stylebuilder.js
@@ -192,10 +192,11 @@ if ((typeof 'module' != 'undefined'  && typeof require != 'undefined') || (typeo
           if (attributes.alignment.vertical)  { $alignment.attr('vertical', attributes.alignment.vertical);}
           if (attributes.alignment.indent)  { $alignment.attr('indent', attributes.alignment.indent);}
           if (attributes.alignment.wrapText)  { $alignment.attr('wrapText', attributes.alignment.wrapText);}
+          if (attributes.alignment.textRotation)  { $alignment.attr('textRotation', attributes.alignment.textRotation);}
         var count = +this.$cellXfs.children().length;
diff --git a/test.js b/test.js
index 3f0dc20..e6abb0b 100644
--- a/test.js
+++ b/test.js
@@ -57,6 +57,8 @@ var paths = {
 var N1 = 'XLSX';
 var N2 = 'XLSB';
 function parsetest(x, wb, full, ext) {
 	ext = (ext ? " [" + ext + "]": "");
 	if(!full && ext) return;
@@ -111,7 +113,7 @@ function parsetest(x, wb, full, ext) {
         var csv = fixcsv(X.utils.make_csv(wb.Sheets[ws]));
         var result = (file == csv);
         if (!result) {  //  try again parsing the file ourselves
-          // somehow these workbooks are getting here having been parsed without {cellNF: true}
+          // somehow these workbooks are getting here having been parsec without {cellNF: true}
           // so re-read them with {cellNF:true} and all works just great.
           // THus these CSV tests seem to fail due to issue with test framework rather than XLSX itself
           var wb1 = X.readFile(wb.FILENAME, {cellStyles:true, cellNF:true});
@@ -167,7 +169,6 @@ describe('should parse test files', function() {
 				var wb = wbtable[dir + x];
 				if(!wb) wb = X.readFile(dir + x, opts);
         var FILENAME = wb.FILENAME;
-        console.error(JSON.stringify(opts))
         wb =, {type:"buffer", bookType:ext.replace(/\./,"")}), {WTF:opts.WTF, cellNF: true})
         wb.FILENAME = FILENAME;
diff --git a/xlsx.js b/xlsx.js
index 92b0af4..e65b87b 100644
--- a/xlsx.js
+++ b/xlsx.js
@@ -5693,10 +5693,11 @@ if ((typeof 'module' != 'undefined'  && typeof require != 'undefined') || (typeo
           if (attributes.alignment.vertical)  { $alignment.attr('vertical', attributes.alignment.vertical);}
           if (attributes.alignment.indent)  { $alignment.attr('indent', attributes.alignment.indent);}
           if (attributes.alignment.wrapText)  { $alignment.attr('wrapText', attributes.alignment.wrapText);}
+          if (attributes.alignment.textRotation)  { $alignment.attr('textRotation', attributes.alignment.textRotation);}
         var count = +this.$cellXfs.children().length;