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<title>SheetJS Firebase Dump Demo</title>
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<h3><a href="//sheetjs.com/">SheetJS</a> Firebase Dump Demo</h3>
<b>Example Code</b>

  /* ... connect to firebase */
  const database = firebase.database();

  /* import workbook */
  await database.ref('foo').set(workbook);

  /* change cells */
    "Sheets/Sheet1/A1": {"t": "s", "v": "J"},
    "Sheets/Sheet1/A2": {"t": "n", "v": 5},

  /* export snapshot */
  const val = await database.ref('foo').once('value').val();
  XLSX.writeFile(wb, "firebase.xlsx");

<script src="xlsx.full.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://www.gstatic.com/firebasejs/4.12.0/firebase.js"></script>
const Firebase = firebase;
const config = {
  credential: {
    getAccessToken: () => ({
      expires_in: 0,
      access_token: '',
  databaseURL: 'ws://localhost:5555'

/* make new workbook object from CSV */
const wb = XLSX.read('a,b,c\n1,2,3', {type:"binary"});

let P = Promise.resolve("sheetjs");

/* Connect to Firebase server and initialize collection */
P = P.then(async () => {
  const database = Firebase.database();
  await database.ref('foo').set(null);
  return [database];

/* Insert entire workbook object into `foo` ref */
P = P.then(async ([database]) => {
  await database.ref('foo').set(wb);
  return [database];

/* Change cell A1 of Sheet1 to "J" and change A2 to 5 */
P = P.then(async ([database]) => {
    "Sheets/Sheet1/A1": {"t": "s", "v": "J"},
    "Sheets/Sheet1/A2": {"t": "n", "v": 5},
  return [database];

/* Write to file */
P = P.then(async ([database]) => {
  const val = await database.ref('foo').once('value');
  const wb = await val.val();
  XLSX.writeFile(wb, "firebase.xlsx");
  return [database];

/* Close connection */
P = P.then(async ([database]) => { database.app.delete(); });
