
299 lines
12 KiB
Raw Normal View History

function get_sheet_type(n/*:string*/)/*:string*/ {
if(RELS.WS.indexOf(n) > -1) return "sheet";
if(RELS.CS && n == RELS.CS) return "chart";
if(RELS.DS && n == RELS.DS) return "dialog";
if(RELS.MS && n == RELS.MS) return "macro";
return (n && n.length) ? n : "sheet";
function safe_parse_wbrels(wbrels, sheets) {
if(!wbrels) return 0;
try {
wbrels = pwbr(w) { if(! = w.strRelID; return [, wbrels['!id'][].Target, get_sheet_type(wbrels['!id'][].Type)]; });
} catch(e) { return null; }
return !wbrels || wbrels.length === 0 ? null : wbrels;
2022-03-16 03:18:09 +00:00
function safe_parse_sheet(zip, path/*:string*/, relsPath/*:string*/, sheet, idx/*:number*/, sheetRels, sheets, stype/*:string*/, opts, wb, themes, styles) {
try {
sheetRels[sheet]=parse_rels(getzipstr(zip, relsPath, true), path);
var data = getzipdata(zip, path);
var _ws;
switch(stype) {
case 'sheet': _ws = parse_ws(data, path, idx, opts, sheetRels[sheet], wb, themes, styles); break;
case 'chart': _ws = parse_cs(data, path, idx, opts, sheetRels[sheet], wb, themes, styles);
if(!_ws || !_ws['!drawel']) break;
var dfile = resolve_path(_ws['!drawel'].Target, path);
var drelsp = get_rels_path(dfile);
var draw = parse_drawing(getzipstr(zip, dfile, true), parse_rels(getzipstr(zip, drelsp, true), dfile));
var chartp = resolve_path(draw, dfile);
var crelsp = get_rels_path(chartp);
_ws = parse_chart(getzipstr(zip, chartp, true), chartp, opts, parse_rels(getzipstr(zip, crelsp, true), chartp), wb, _ws);
case 'macro': _ws = parse_ms(data, path, idx, opts, sheetRels[sheet], wb, themes, styles); break;
case 'dialog': _ws = parse_ds(data, path, idx, opts, sheetRels[sheet], wb, themes, styles); break;
default: throw new Error("Unrecognized sheet type " + stype);
sheets[sheet] = _ws;
/* scan rels for comments and threaded comments */
2022-03-16 03:18:09 +00:00
var tcomments = [];
if(sheetRels && sheetRels[sheet]) keys(sheetRels[sheet]).forEach(function(n) {
var dfile = "";
if(sheetRels[sheet][n].Type == RELS.CMNT) {
dfile = resolve_path(sheetRels[sheet][n].Target, path);
var comments = parse_cmnt(getzipdata(zip, dfile, true), dfile, opts);
if(!comments || !comments.length) return;
sheet_insert_comments(_ws, comments, false);
if(sheetRels[sheet][n].Type == RELS.TCMNT) {
dfile = resolve_path(sheetRels[sheet][n].Target, path);
tcomments = tcomments.concat(parse_tcmnt_xml(getzipdata(zip, dfile, true), opts));
if(tcomments && tcomments.length) sheet_insert_comments(_ws, tcomments, true, opts.people || []);
} catch(e) { if(opts.WTF) throw e; }
function strip_front_slash(x/*:string*/)/*:string*/ { return x.charAt(0) == '/' ? x.slice(1) : x; }
function parse_zip(zip/*:ZIP*/, opts/*:?ParseOpts*/)/*:Workbook*/ {
2022-03-20 01:54:41 +00:00
opts = opts || {};
/* OpenDocument Part 3 Section 2.2.1 OpenDocument Package */
if(safegetzipfile(zip, 'META-INF/manifest.xml')) return parse_ods(zip, opts);
/* UOC */
if(safegetzipfile(zip, 'objectdata.xml')) return parse_ods(zip, opts);
/* Numbers */
2022-01-29 02:29:34 +00:00
if(safegetzipfile(zip, 'Index/Document.iwa')) {
2022-01-31 11:40:30 +00:00
if(typeof Uint8Array == "undefined") throw new Error('NUMBERS file parsing requires Uint8Array support');
if(typeof parse_numbers_iwa != "undefined") {
if(zip.FileIndex) return parse_numbers_iwa(zip);
2022-01-29 02:29:34 +00:00
var _zip = CFB.utils.cfb_new();
zipentries(zip).forEach(function(e) { zip_add_file(_zip, e, getzipbin(zip, e)); });
return parse_numbers_iwa(_zip);
2022-01-29 02:29:34 +00:00
throw new Error('Unsupported NUMBERS file');
2022-01-10 18:45:50 +00:00
if(!safegetzipfile(zip, '[Content_Types].xml')) {
if(safegetzipfile(zip, 'index.xml.gz')) throw new Error('Unsupported NUMBERS 08 file');
if(safegetzipfile(zip, 'index.xml')) throw new Error('Unsupported NUMBERS 09 file');
2022-07-05 06:52:55 +00:00
var index_zip = CFB.find(zip, '');
if(index_zip) {
opts = dup(opts);
delete opts.type;
if(typeof index_zip.content == "string") opts.type = "binary";
return readSync(index_zip.content, opts);
2022-01-10 18:45:50 +00:00
throw new Error('Unsupported ZIP file');
var entries = zipentries(zip);
var dir = parse_ct((getzipstr(zip, '[Content_Types].xml')/*:?any*/));
var xlsb = false;
var sheets, binname;
if(dir.workbooks.length === 0) {
binname = "xl/workbook.xml";
if(getzipdata(zip,binname, true)) dir.workbooks.push(binname);
if(dir.workbooks.length === 0) {
binname = "xl/workbook.bin";
if(!getzipdata(zip,binname,true)) throw new Error("Could not find workbook");
xlsb = true;
if(dir.workbooks[0].slice(-3) == "bin") xlsb = true;
2017-03-18 23:25:50 +00:00
var themes = ({}/*:any*/);
var styles = ({}/*:any*/);
if(!opts.bookSheets && !opts.bookProps) {
strs = [];
if(dir.sst) try { strs=parse_sst(getzipdata(zip, strip_front_slash(dir.sst)), dir.sst, opts); } catch(e) { if(opts.WTF) throw e; }
2022-04-14 07:27:38 +00:00
if(opts.cellStyles && dir.themes.length) themes = parse_theme_xml(getzipstr(zip, dir.themes[0].replace(/^\//,''), true)||"", opts);
if( styles = parse_sty(getzipdata(zip, strip_front_slash(,, themes, opts);
/*var externbooks = */ {
try {
var rels = parse_rels(getzipstr(zip, get_rels_path(strip_front_slash(link))), link);
return parse_xlink(getzipdata(zip, strip_front_slash(link)), rels, link, opts);
} catch(e) {}
var wb = parse_wb(getzipdata(zip, strip_front_slash(dir.workbooks[0])), dir.workbooks[0], opts);
var props = {}, propdata = "";
if(dir.coreprops.length) {
propdata = getzipdata(zip, strip_front_slash(dir.coreprops[0]), true);
if(propdata) props = parse_core_props(propdata);
if(dir.extprops.length !== 0) {
propdata = getzipdata(zip, strip_front_slash(dir.extprops[0]), true);
if(propdata) parse_ext_props(propdata, props, opts);
var custprops = {};
if(!opts.bookSheets || opts.bookProps) {
if (dir.custprops.length !== 0) {
propdata = getzipstr(zip, strip_front_slash(dir.custprops[0]), true);
if(propdata) custprops = parse_cust_props(propdata, opts);
var out = ({}/*:any*/);
if(opts.bookSheets || opts.bookProps) {
if(wb.Sheets) sheets = pluck(x){ return; });
else if(props.Worksheets && props.SheetNames.length > 0) sheets=props.SheetNames;
if(opts.bookProps) { out.Props = props; out.Custprops = custprops; }
if(opts.bookSheets && typeof sheets !== 'undefined') out.SheetNames = sheets;
if(opts.bookSheets ? out.SheetNames : opts.bookProps) return out;
sheets = {};
var deps = {};
if(opts.bookDeps && dir.calcchain) deps=parse_cc(getzipdata(zip, strip_front_slash(dir.calcchain)),dir.calcchain,opts);
var i=0;
var sheetRels = ({}/*:any*/);
var path, relsPath;
var wbsheets = wb.Sheets;
props.Worksheets = wbsheets.length;
props.SheetNames = [];
for(var j = 0; j != wbsheets.length; ++j) {
props.SheetNames[j] = wbsheets[j].name;
var wbext = xlsb ? "bin" : "xml";
var wbrelsi = dir.workbooks[0].lastIndexOf("/");
var wbrelsfile = (dir.workbooks[0].slice(0, wbrelsi+1) + "_rels/" + dir.workbooks[0].slice(wbrelsi+1) + ".rels").replace(/^\//,"");
if(!safegetzipfile(zip, wbrelsfile)) wbrelsfile = 'xl/_rels/workbook.' + wbext + '.rels';
var wbrels = parse_rels(getzipstr(zip, wbrelsfile, true), wbrelsfile.replace(/_rels.*/, "s5s"));
if((dir.metadata || []).length >= 1) {
/* TODO: MDX and other types of metadata */
opts.xlmeta = parse_xlmeta(getzipdata(zip, strip_front_slash(dir.metadata[0])),dir.metadata[0],opts);
if((dir.people || []).length >= 1) {
opts.people = parse_people_xml(getzipdata(zip, strip_front_slash(dir.people[0])),opts);
if(wbrels) wbrels = safe_parse_wbrels(wbrels, wb.Sheets);
/* Numbers iOS hack */
var nmode = (getzipdata(zip,"xl/worksheets/sheet.xml",true))?1:0;
2020-01-28 01:20:38 +00:00
wsloop: for(i = 0; i != props.Worksheets; ++i) {
var stype = "sheet";
if(wbrels && wbrels[i]) {
path = 'xl/' + (wbrels[i][1]).replace(/[\/]?xl\//, "");
if(!safegetzipfile(zip, path)) path = wbrels[i][1];
if(!safegetzipfile(zip, path)) path = wbrelsfile.replace(/_rels\/.*$/,"") + wbrels[i][1];
stype = wbrels[i][2];
} else {
path = 'xl/worksheets/sheet'+(i+1-nmode)+"." + wbext;
path = path.replace(/sheet0\./,"sheet.");
relsPath = path.replace(/^(.*)(\/)([^\/]*)$/, "$1/_rels/$3.rels");
2020-01-28 01:20:38 +00:00
if(opts && opts.sheets != null) switch(typeof opts.sheets) {
case "number": if(i != opts.sheets) continue wsloop; break;
case "string": if(props.SheetNames[i].toLowerCase() != opts.sheets.toLowerCase()) continue wsloop; break;
default: if(Array.isArray && Array.isArray(opts.sheets)) {
var snjseen = false;
for(var snj = 0; snj != opts.sheets.length; ++snj) {
if(typeof opts.sheets[snj] == "number" && opts.sheets[snj] == i) snjseen=1;
if(typeof opts.sheets[snj] == "string" && opts.sheets[snj].toLowerCase() == props.SheetNames[i].toLowerCase()) snjseen = 1;
if(!snjseen) continue wsloop;
safe_parse_sheet(zip, path, relsPath, props.SheetNames[i], i, sheetRels, sheets, stype, opts, wb, themes, styles);
out = ({
Directory: dir,
Workbook: wb,
Props: props,
Custprops: custprops,
Deps: deps,
Sheets: sheets,
SheetNames: props.SheetNames,
Strings: strs,
Styles: styles,
Themes: themes,
2022-03-20 01:54:41 +00:00
SSF: dup(table_fmt)
2020-01-28 01:20:38 +00:00
if(opts && opts.bookFiles) {
2021-10-13 07:20:25 +00:00
if(zip.files) {
out.keys = entries;
out.files = zip.files;
} else {
out.keys = [];
out.files = {};
zip.FullPaths.forEach(function(p, idx) {
p = p.replace(/^Root Entry[\/]/, "");
out.files[p] = zip.FileIndex[idx];
2020-01-28 01:20:38 +00:00
if(opts && opts.bookVBA) {
if(dir.vba.length > 0) out.vbaraw = getzipdata(zip,strip_front_slash(dir.vba[0]),true);
2018-02-04 23:58:00 +00:00
else if(dir.defaults && dir.defaults.bin === CT_VBA) out.vbaraw = getzipdata(zip, 'xl/vbaProject.bin',true);
return out;
/* [MS-OFFCRYPTO] 2.1.1 */
function parse_xlsxcfb(cfb, _opts/*:?ParseOpts*/)/*:Workbook*/ {
var opts = _opts || {};
var f = 'Workbook', data = CFB.find(cfb, f);
try {
f = '/!DataSpaces/Version';
data = CFB.find(cfb, f); if(!data || !data.content) throw new Error("ECMA-376 Encrypted file missing " + f);
/*var version = */parse_DataSpaceVersionInfo(data.content);
/* */
f = '/!DataSpaces/DataSpaceMap';
data = CFB.find(cfb, f); if(!data || !data.content) throw new Error("ECMA-376 Encrypted file missing " + f);
var dsm = parse_DataSpaceMap(data.content);
if(dsm.length !== 1 || dsm[0].comps.length !== 1 || dsm[0].comps[0].t !== 0 || dsm[0].name !== "StrongEncryptionDataSpace" || dsm[0].comps[0].v !== "EncryptedPackage")
throw new Error("ECMA-376 Encrypted file bad " + f);
/* */
f = '/!DataSpaces/DataSpaceInfo/StrongEncryptionDataSpace';
data = CFB.find(cfb, f); if(!data || !data.content) throw new Error("ECMA-376 Encrypted file missing " + f);
var seds = parse_DataSpaceDefinition(data.content);
if(seds.length != 1 || seds[0] != "StrongEncryptionTransform")
throw new Error("ECMA-376 Encrypted file bad " + f);
/* */
f = '/!DataSpaces/TransformInfo/StrongEncryptionTransform/!Primary';
data = CFB.find(cfb, f); if(!data || !data.content) throw new Error("ECMA-376 Encrypted file missing " + f);
/*var hdr = */parse_Primary(data.content);
} catch(e) {}
f = '/EncryptionInfo';
data = CFB.find(cfb, f); if(!data || !data.content) throw new Error("ECMA-376 Encrypted file missing " + f);
var einfo = parse_EncryptionInfo(data.content);
/* */
f = '/EncryptedPackage';
data = CFB.find(cfb, f); if(!data || !data.content) throw new Error("ECMA-376 Encrypted file missing " + f);
/*global decrypt_agile */
/*:: declare var decrypt_agile:any; */
if(einfo[0] == 0x04 && typeof decrypt_agile !== 'undefined') return decrypt_agile(einfo[1], data.content, opts.password || "", opts);
/*global decrypt_std76 */
/*:: declare var decrypt_std76:any; */
if(einfo[0] == 0x02 && typeof decrypt_std76 !== 'undefined') return decrypt_std76(einfo[1], data.content, opts.password || "", opts);
throw new Error("File is password-protected");