- require cpexcel instead of full codepage library
- hardcode the unescapexml regexp
- utf8read short circuit for ASCII strings
- cellFormulae also acts on XLSX/XLSM
- bin/xlsx.njs do not process formulae unless requested
- read BOM, handle UTF16LE-encoded XML
- handle namespaces in [Content_Types].xml
- parse workbook rels to determine sheet files
- numbers OSX boolean support (apparently requires "0" or "1")
- XLSX force "General" style to be serialized, omit implied cell type and style
- updated SSF to 0.7.0 (h/t @sysarchitect)
- updated jszip to 2.2.2
- removed old tests/files path, replaced with test_files
- themes written
- ignore potential existence of thumbnail when calculating relationship ids
- very basic XLSX / XLSM write support with roundtrip tests (XLSB stubs)
- reorganized source tree
- new XLSB range check ensures that A1 is not emitted for empty sheets
- SSF table emitted in output (consistent with js-xls)
- CLI supports writing
Backwards-incompatible changes:
o new Property aliases (see CORE_PROPS and EXT_PROPS)
o FILETIME custom properties parsed as JS Dates
o `xlsx2csv` -> `xlsx` (and `bin/xlsx{2csv,}.njs`)
- updated SSF to 0.6.5
- XLSB 'dbcs' uses codepage
- README bugfix (h/t @noodles)
- new tests: rawjson and json baselines generated by hand
- single cell ranges are encoded as cells ("A1" instead of "A1:A1") (h/t @clxl)
- source code alignment with js-xls
- all utilities are now wrapped in XLSX object
- codepage handling (h/t @xch89820)
- formula tag attributes (h/t @shaunthomas999)
- hyperlink support (h/t @sysarchitect, fixes#55)
- coverage test spinner (to prevent travis timeouts)
- SSF updated to 0.6.1 (h/t @notatestuser)
- more tests and related XLSB records
- XLSB plaintext comment and author
- preliminary work for XLSB formats
Most writers write sheets to
xl/worksheets/sheetN.xml (where N is 1-indexed)
Numbers for iOS apparently writes to
xl/worksheets/sheet.xml (for first sheet)
xl/worksheets/sheetN.xml (N>1, 0-indexed -- sheet1.xml corresponds to 2nd sheet)
The right thing to do is to dig into workbook rels, but that's for another day
- opts.sheetRows limits parsing; default (0) parses all rows
- added -n mode to xlsx2csv to control number of rows
- !ref will be adjusted; !fullref holds full range
- option bookFiles controls whether zip files and keys are written to object
*** Default has been flipped from "true" to "false"
- updated SSF to 0.5.8
- updated test_files to 20140216 (tests also look at 2013 XLSB)
- added dist files (make dist)
- opts.bookDeps parses calc chain; now chains are not parsed by default
- getzipdata safe option obviates some try-catch blocks
- parsing cell type 'd' (h/t @malphettes, yet again :)
- opts.WTF throws on errors
- cellHTML controls HTML generation
- cellFormula controls formula output
- sheetStubs now defaults to false
- cleaned up unnecessary CSV quotes (fixed#45)
- updated test_files to 20140211
- updated SSF to 0.5.7
- removed unused main function
- removed some dead code
- cell.r holds the raw rich text, cell.h now holds the html
(version 0.5.0 cell.raw -> cell.r, cell.r -> cell.h)
- similar changes to comments and XLSB generation
- removed some unused binary methods
Cell object stores the formatted text in the `.w` field
- Raw format and types are preserved in the `.t`, `.v` fields
- Accessors have been updated to use the field
updates for older OOXML:
- ECMA-376 makes reference to old sstItem shared string item
- [MS-XLSX] xmlns for workbook
- XLSB basic support for number formats
- removed extraneous Strings table element
- formatting xml tags (rich_stress_test)
- updating test_files to 20130130
Mixed formatting stored in the shared string table.
Ultimately there will be a function to convert to HTML, but in the interim this
extracts plaintext and populates the right fields
To avoid future confusion, any code shared between this and the XLS project
relate to concepts discussed in ECMA-376 and hence fall within the purview of
this project's license. A similar note should appear in the license for the
other projects.