forked from sheetjs/sheetjs
2021-10-02 21:41:36 -04:00
app.js version bump 0.12.6: BrtUid 2018-03-19 17:42:55 -04:00
grid.html XLS Unicode Property Lists [ci skip] 2021-10-02 21:41:36 -04:00
index.html XLS Unicode Property Lists [ci skip] 2021-10-02 21:41:36 -04:00
README.md XLS Unicode Property Lists [ci skip] 2021-10-02 21:41:36 -04:00
SheetJS-angular.js XLS Unicode Property Lists [ci skip] 2021-10-02 21:41:36 -04:00
shim.js version bump 0.11.19: browser writeFile 2018-02-03 15:46:32 -05:00
xlsx.core.min.js systemjs and angular demos [ci skip] 2017-03-23 13:11:31 -04:00
xlsx.full.min.js systemjs and angular demos [ci skip] 2017-03-23 13:11:31 -04:00


The xlsx.core.min.js and xlsx.full.min.js scripts are designed to be dropped into web pages with script tags:

<script src="xlsx.full.min.js"></script>

Strictly speaking, there should be no need for an Angular demo! You can proceed as you would with any other browser-friendly library.

This demo uses AngularJS 1.5.0.

Array of Objects

A common data table is often stored as an array of objects:

$scope.data = [
  { Name: "Bill Clinton", Index: 42 },
  { Name: "GeorgeW Bush", Index: 43 },
  { Name: "Barack Obama", Index: 44 },
  { Name: "Donald Trump", Index: 45 }

This neatly maps to a table with ng-repeat:

<table id="sjs-table">
  <tr ng-repeat="row in data">

The $http service can request binary data using the "arraybuffer" response type coupled with XLSX.read with type "array":

  }).then(function(data) {
    var wb = XLSX.read(data.data, {type:"array"});
    var d = XLSX.utils.sheet_to_json(wb.Sheets[wb.SheetNames[0]]);
    $scope.data = d;
  }, function(err) { console.log(err); });

The HTML table can be directly exported with XLSX.utils.table_to_book:

var wb = XLSX.utils.table_to_book(document.getElementById('sjs-table'));
XLSX.writeFile(wb, "export.xlsx");

Import Directive

A general import directive is fairly straightforward:

  • Define the importSheetJs directive in the app:
app.directive("importSheetJs", [SheetJSImportDirective]);
  • Add the attribute import-sheet-js="" to the file input element:
<input type="file" import-sheet-js="" multiple="false"  />
  • Define the directive:
function SheetJSImportDirective() {
  return {
    scope: { opts: '=' },
    link: function ($scope, $elm) {
      $elm.on('change', function (changeEvent) {
        var reader = new FileReader();

        reader.onload = function (e) {
          /* read workbook */
          var ab = e.target.result;
          var workbook = XLSX.read(ab);

          /* DO SOMETHING WITH workbook HERE */


Export Service

An export can be triggered at any point! Depending on how data is represented, a workbook object can be built using the utility functions. For example, using an array of objects:

/* starting from this data */
var data = [
  { name: "Barack Obama", pres: 44 },
  { name: "Donald Trump", pres: 45 }

/* generate a worksheet */
var ws = XLSX.utils.json_to_sheet(data);

/* add to workbook */
var wb = XLSX.utils.book_new();
XLSX.utils.book_append_sheet(wb, ws, "Presidents");

/* write workbook and force a download */
XLSX.writeFile(wb, "sheetjs.xlsx");


grid.html uses angular-ui-grid to display a table. The library does not provide any way to modify the import button, so the demo includes a simple directive for a HTML File Input control. It also includes a sample service for export which adds an item to the export menu.

The demo SheetJSImportDirective follows the prescription from the README for File input controls using readAsArrayBuffer, converting to a suitable representation and updating the scope.

SheetJSExportService exposes export functions for XLSB and XLSX. Other file formats can be exported by changing the bookType variable. It grabs values from the grid, builds an array of arrays, generates a workbook and forces a download. By setting the filename and sheetname options in the ui-grid options, the output can be controlled.
