SheetJS 6801958327 version bump 0.6.1: dist cleanup
- XLSX format strings properly handles literal UTF8 chars (test apachepoi_49273)
- codepage updated to 1.0.0
- jszip updated to 2.2.0 (node-only)
- dist now contains jszip and codepage dependencies
- updated test_files
2014-04-22 18:37:08 -07:00

68 lines
1.9 KiB

/* 18.8.31 numFmts CT_NumFmts */
function parseNumFmts(t, opts) {
styles.NumberFmt = [];
for(var y in SSF._table) styles.NumberFmt[y] = SSF._table[y];
t[0].match(/<[^>]*>/g).forEach(function(x) {
var y = parsexmltag(x);
switch(y[0]) {
case '<numFmts': case '</numFmts>': case '<numFmts/>': break;
case '<numFmt': {
var f=utf8read(unescapexml(y.formatCode)), i=parseInt(y.numFmtId,10);
styles.NumberFmt[i] = f; if(i>0) SSF.load(f,i);
} break;
default: if(opts.WTF) throw 'unrecognized ' + y[0] + ' in numFmts';
/* 18.8.10 cellXfs CT_CellXfs */
function parseCXfs(t, opts) {
styles.CellXf = [];
t[0].match(/<[^>]*>/g).forEach(function(x) {
var y = parsexmltag(x);
switch(y[0]) {
case '<cellXfs': case '<cellXfs/>': case '</cellXfs>': break;
/* 18.8.45 xf CT_Xf */
case '<xf': delete y[0];
if(y.numFmtId) y.numFmtId = parseInt(y.numFmtId, 10);
styles.CellXf.push(y); break;
case '</xf>': break;
/* 18.8.1 alignment CT_CellAlignment */
case '<alignment': case '<alignment/>': break;
/* 18.8.33 protection CT_CellProtection */
case '<protection': case '</protection>': case '<protection/>': break;
case '<extLst': case '</extLst>': break;
case '<ext': break;
default: if(opts.WTF) throw 'unrecognized ' + y[0] + ' in cellXfs';
/* 18.8 Styles CT_Stylesheet*/
function parse_sty_xml(data, opts) {
/* 18.8.39 styleSheet CT_Stylesheet */
var t;
/* numFmts CT_NumFmts ? */
if((t=data.match(/<numFmts([^>]*)>.*<\/numFmts>/))) parseNumFmts(t, opts);
/* fonts CT_Fonts ? */
/* fills CT_Fills ? */
/* borders CT_Borders ? */
/* cellStyleXfs CT_CellStyleXfs ? */
/* cellXfs CT_CellXfs ? */
if((t=data.match(/<cellXfs([^>]*)>.*<\/cellXfs>/))) parseCXfs(t, opts);
/* dxfs CT_Dxfs ? */
/* tableStyles CT_TableStyles ? */
/* colors CT_Colors ? */
/* extLst CT_ExtensionList ? */
return styles;