forked from sheetjs/sheetjs
- SSF updated to 0.6.1 (h/t @notatestuser) - more tests and related XLSB records - XLSB plaintext comment and author - preliminary work for XLSB formats
358 lines
14 KiB
358 lines
14 KiB
/* vim: set ts=2: */
var XLSX;
var fs = require('fs'), assert = require('assert');
describe('source',function(){it('should load',function(){XLSX=require('./');});});
var opts = {};
if(process.env.WTF) opts.WTF = true;
var ex = [".xlsb", ".xlsm", ".xlsx"];
if(process.env.FMTS) ex=process.env.FMTS.split(":").map(function(x){return x[0]==="."?x:"."+x;});
var exp ={ return x + ".pending"; });
function test_file(x){return ex.indexOf(x.substr(-5))>=0||exp.indexOf(x.substr(-13))>=0;}
var files = (fs.existsSync('tests.lst') ? fs.readFileSync('tests.lst', 'utf-8').split("\n") : fs.readdirSync('test_files')).filter(test_file);
/* Excel enforces 31 character sheet limit, although technical file limit is 255 */
function fixsheetname(x) { return x.substr(0,31); }
function normalizecsv(x) { return x.replace(/\t/g,",").replace(/#{255}/g,"").replace(/"/g,"").replace(/[\n\r]+/g,"\n").replace(/\n*$/,""); }
var dir = "./test_files/";
function parsetest(x, wb) {
describe(x + ' should have all bits', function() {
var sname = dir + '2011/' + x + '.sheetnames';
it('should have all sheets', function() {
wb.SheetNames.forEach(function(y) { assert(wb.Sheets[y], 'bad sheet ' + y); });
it('should have the right sheet names', fs.existsSync(sname) ? function() {
var file = fs.readFileSync(sname, 'utf-8');
var names ="\n") + "\n";
assert.equal(names, file);
} : null);
describe(x + ' should generate CSV', function() {
wb.SheetNames.forEach(function(ws, i) {
it('#' + i + ' (' + ws + ')', function() {
var csv = XLSX.utils.make_csv(wb.Sheets[ws]);
describe(x + ' should generate JSON', function() {
wb.SheetNames.forEach(function(ws, i) {
it('#' + i + ' (' + ws + ')', function() {
var json = XLSX.utils.sheet_to_row_object_array(wb.Sheets[ws]);
describe(x + ' should generate formulae', function() {
wb.SheetNames.forEach(function(ws, i) {
it('#' + i + ' (' + ws + ')', function() {
var json = XLSX.utils.get_formulae(wb.Sheets[ws]);
describe(x + ' should generate correct output', function() {
wb.SheetNames.forEach(function(ws, i) {
var name = (dir + x + '.' + i + '.csv');
if(x.substr(-5) === ".xlsb") {
root = x.slice(0,-5);
if(!fs.existsSync(name)) name=(dir + root + '.xlsx.'+i+'.csv');
if(!fs.existsSync(name)) name=(dir + root + '.xlsm.'+i+'.csv');
if(!fs.existsSync(name)) name=(dir + root + '.xls.'+i+'.csv');
it('#' + i + ' (' + ws + ')', fs.existsSync(name) ? function() {
var file = fs.readFileSync(name, 'utf-8');
var csv = XLSX.utils.make_csv(wb.Sheets[ws]);
assert.equal(normalizecsv(csv), normalizecsv(file), "CSV badness");
} : null);
if(!fs.existsSync(dir + '2013/' + x + '.xlsb')) return;
describe(x + '.xlsb from 2013', function() {
it('should parse', function() {
var xlsb = XLSX.readFile(dir + '2013/' + x + '.xlsb', opts);
describe('should parse test files', function() {
files.forEach(function(x) {
it(x, x.substr(-8) == ".pending" ? null : function() {
var wb = XLSX.readFile(dir + x, opts);
parsetest(x, wb);
describe('options', function() {
var html_cell_types = ['s'];
before(function() {
XLSX = require('./');
describe('cell', function() {
it('should generate HTML by default', function() {
var wb = XLSX.readFile(dir + 'comments_stress_test.xlsx');
var ws = wb.Sheets.Sheet1;
Object.keys(ws).forEach(function(addr) {
if(addr[0] === "!" || !ws.hasOwnProperty(addr)) return;
assert(html_cell_types.indexOf(ws[addr].t) === -1 || ws[addr].h);
it('should not generate HTML when requested', function() {
var wb = XLSX.readFile(dir+'comments_stress_test.xlsx', {cellHTML:false});
var ws = wb.Sheets.Sheet1;
Object.keys(ws).forEach(function(addr) {
if(addr[0] === "!" || !ws.hasOwnProperty(addr)) return;
assert(typeof ws[addr].h === 'undefined');
it('should generate formulae by default', function() {
var wb = XLSX.readFile(dir + 'formula_stress_test.xlsb');
var found = false;
wb.SheetNames.forEach(function(s) {
var ws = wb.Sheets[s];
Object.keys(ws).forEach(function(addr) {
if(addr[0] === "!" || !ws.hasOwnProperty(addr)) return;
if(typeof ws[addr].f !== 'undefined') return found = true;
it('should not generate formulae when requested', function() {
var wb =XLSX.readFile(dir+'formula_stress_test.xlsb',{cellFormula:false});
wb.SheetNames.forEach(function(s) {
var ws = wb.Sheets[s];
Object.keys(ws).forEach(function(addr) {
if(addr[0] === "!" || !ws.hasOwnProperty(addr)) return;
assert(typeof ws[addr].f === 'undefined');
it('should not generate number formats by default', function() {
var wb = XLSX.readFile(dir+'number_format.xlsm');
wb.SheetNames.forEach(function(s) {
var ws = wb.Sheets[s];
Object.keys(ws).forEach(function(addr) {
if(addr[0] === "!" || !ws.hasOwnProperty(addr)) return;
assert(typeof ws[addr].z === 'undefined');
it('should generate number formats when requested', function() {
var wb = XLSX.readFile(dir+'number_format.xlsm', {cellNF: true});
wb.SheetNames.forEach(function(s) {
var ws = wb.Sheets[s];
Object.keys(ws).forEach(function(addr) {
if(addr[0] === "!" || !ws.hasOwnProperty(addr)) return;
assert(ws[addr].t!== 'n' || typeof ws[addr].z !== 'undefined');
describe('sheet', function() {
it('should not generate sheet stubs by default', function() {
var wb = XLSX.readFile(dir+'merge_cells.xlsx');
assert.throws(function() { wb.Sheets.Merge.A2.v; });
wb = XLSX.readFile(dir+'merge_cells.xlsb');
assert.throws(function() { wb.Sheets.Merge.A2.v; });
it('should generate sheet stubs when requested', function() {
var wb = XLSX.readFile(dir+'merge_cells.xlsx', {sheetStubs:true});
assert(typeof wb.Sheets.Merge.A2.t !== 'undefined');
wb = XLSX.readFile(dir+'merge_cells.xlsb', {sheetStubs:true});
assert.throws(function() { wb.Sheets.Merge.A2.v; });
function checkcells(wb, A46, B26, C16, D2) {
assert((typeof wb.Sheets.Text.A46 !== 'undefined') == A46);
assert((typeof wb.Sheets.Text.B26 !== 'undefined') == B26);
assert((typeof wb.Sheets.Text.C16 !== 'undefined') == C16);
assert((typeof wb.Sheets.Text.D2 !== 'undefined') == D2);
it('should read all cells by default', function() {
var wb = XLSX.readFile(dir+'formula_stress_test.xlsb');
checkcells(wb, true, true, true, true);
wb = XLSX.readFile(dir+'formula_stress_test.xlsx');
checkcells(wb, true, true, true, true);
it('sheetRows n=20', function() {
var wb = XLSX.readFile(dir+'formula_stress_test.xlsx', {sheetRows:20});
checkcells(wb, false, false, true, true);
wb = XLSX.readFile(dir+'formula_stress_test.xlsb', {sheetRows:20});
checkcells(wb, false, false, true, true);
it('sheetRows n=10', function() {
var wb = XLSX.readFile(dir+'formula_stress_test.xlsb', {sheetRows:10});
checkcells(wb, false, false, false, true);
wb = XLSX.readFile(dir+'formula_stress_test.xlsx', {sheetRows:10});
checkcells(wb, false, false, false, true);
describe('book', function() {
it('bookSheets should not generate sheets', function() {
var wb = XLSX.readFile(dir+'merge_cells.xlsx', {bookSheets:true});
assert(typeof wb.Sheets === 'undefined');
it('bookProps should not generate sheets', function() {
var wb = XLSX.readFile(dir+'number_format.xlsb', {bookProps:true});
assert(typeof wb.Sheets === 'undefined');
it('bookProps && bookSheets should not generate sheets', function() {
var wb = XLSX.readFile(dir+'LONumbers.xlsx', {bookProps:true, bookSheets:true});
assert(typeof wb.Sheets === 'undefined');
it('should not generate deps by default', function() {
var wb = XLSX.readFile(dir+'formula_stress_test.xlsx');
assert(typeof wb.Deps === 'undefined' || !(wb.Deps.length>0));
it('bookDeps should generate deps', function() {
var wb = XLSX.readFile(dir+'formula_stress_test.xlsx', {bookDeps:true});
assert(typeof wb.Deps !== 'undefined' && wb.Deps.length > 0);
it('should not generate files or keys by default', function() {
var wb = XLSX.readFile(dir+'formula_stress_test.xlsx');
assert(typeof wb.files === 'undefined');
assert(typeof wb.keys === 'undefined');
wb = XLSX.readFile(dir+'formula_stress_test.xlsb');
assert(typeof wb.files === 'undefined');
assert(typeof wb.keys === 'undefined');
it('bookFiles should generate files and keys', function() {
var wb = XLSX.readFile(dir+'formula_stress_test.xlsx', {bookFiles:true});
assert(typeof wb.files !== 'undefined');
assert(typeof wb.keys !== 'undefined');
wb = XLSX.readFile(dir+'formula_stress_test.xlsb', {bookFiles:true});
assert(typeof wb.files !== 'undefined');
assert(typeof wb.keys !== 'undefined');
describe('input formats', function() {
it('should read binary strings', function() {
|'comments_stress_test.xlsb', 'binary'), {type: 'binary'});
|'comments_stress_test.xlsx', 'binary'), {type: 'binary'});
it('should read base64 strings', function() {
|'comments_stress_test.xlsb', 'base64'), {type: 'base64'});
|'comments_stress_test.xlsx', 'base64'), {type: 'base64'});
describe('features', function() {
it('should have comment as part of cell properties', function(){
var XLSX = require('./');
var sheet = 'Sheet1';
var wbxlsx=XLSX.readFile(dir+'apachepoi_SimpleWithComments.xlsx');
var wbxlsb=XLSX.readFile(dir+'2013/apachepoi_SimpleWithComments.xlsx.xlsb');
[wbxlsx,wbxlsb].map(function(wb) { return wb.Sheets[sheet]; }).forEach(function(ws, i) {
assert.equal(ws.B1.c.length, 1,"must have 1 comment");
assert.equal(ws.B1.c[0].a, "Yegor Kozlov","must have the same author");
if(i > 0) return;
assert.equal(ws.B1.c[0].t.replace(/\r\n/g,"\n"), "Yegor Kozlov:\nfirst cell", "must have the concatenated texts");
assert.equal(ws.B1.c[0].r, '<r><rPr><b/><sz val="8"/><color indexed="81"/><rFont val="Tahoma"/></rPr><t>Yegor Kozlov:</t></r><r><rPr><sz val="8"/><color indexed="81"/><rFont val="Tahoma"/></rPr><t xml:space="preserve">\r\nfirst cell</t></r>', "must have the rich text representation");
assert.equal(ws.B1.c[0].h, '<span style="font-weight: bold;">Yegor Kozlov:</span><span style=""><br/>first cell</span>', "must have the html representation");
describe('should parse core properties and custom properties', function() {
var wbxlsx, wbxlsb;
before(function() {
XLSX = require('./');
wbxlsx = XLSX.readFile(dir+'custom_properties.xlsx');
wbxlsb = XLSX.readFile(dir+'custom_properties.xlsb');
function coreprop(wb) {
assert.equal(wb.Props.Company, 'Vector Inc');
assert.equal(wb.Props.Creator, 'Pony Foo');
function custprop(wb) {
assert.equal(wb.Custprops['I am a boolean'], true);
assert.equal(wb.Custprops['Date completed'], '1967-03-09T16:30:00Z');
assert.equal(wb.Custprops.Status, 2);
assert.equal(wb.Custprops.Counter, -3.14);
it('XLSX should parse core properties', function() { coreprop(wbxlsx); });
it('XLSB should parse core properties', function() { coreprop(wbxlsb); });
it('XLSX should parse custom properties', function() { custprop(wbxlsx); });
it('XLSB should parse custom properties', function() { custprop(wbxlsb); });
describe('should parse cells with date type (XLSX/XLSM)', function() {
var wb, ws;
before(function() {
XLSX = require('./');
wb = XLSX.readFile(dir+'xlsx-stream-d-date-cell.xlsx');
var sheetName = 'Sheet1';
ws = wb.Sheets[sheetName];
it('Must have read the date', function() {
var sheet = XLSX.utils.sheet_to_row_object_array(ws);
assert.equal(sheet[3]['てすと'], '2/14/14');
describe('sheetRows', function() {
it('should use original range if not set', function() {
var opts = {};
var wbxlsb = XLSX.readFile(dir+'formula_stress_test.xlsb', opts);
var wbxlsx = XLSX.readFile(dir+'formula_stress_test.xlsx', opts);
[wbxlsx, wbxlsb].forEach(function(wb) {
it('should adjust range if set', function() {
var opts = {sheetRows:10};
var wbxlsb = XLSX.readFile(dir+'formula_stress_test.xlsb', opts);
var wbxlsx = XLSX.readFile(dir+'formula_stress_test.xlsx', opts);
[wbxlsx, wbxlsb].forEach(function(wb) {
it('should not generate comment cells', function() {
var opts = {sheetRows:10};
var wbxlsb = XLSX.readFile(dir+'comments_stress_test.xlsb', opts);
var wbxlsx = XLSX.readFile(dir+'comments_stress_test.xlsx', opts);
[wbxlsx, wbxlsb].forEach(function(wb) {
describe('merge cells',function() {
var wbxls, wbxml;
before(function() {
XLS = require('./');
wbxlsx = XLS.readFile(dir+'merge_cells.xlsx');
wbxlsb = XLS.readFile(dir+'merge_cells.xlsb');
it('should have !merges', function() {
var m = [wbxlsx,wbxlsb].map(function(x) { return x.Sheets.Merge['!merges'].map(function(y) { return XLS.utils.encode_range(y); });});
describe('invalid files', function() {
it('should fail on passwords', function() {
assert.throws(function() { XLSX.readFile(dir + 'excel-reader-xlsx_error03.xlsx'); });
it('should fail on XLS files', function() {
assert.throws(function() { XLSX.readFile(dir + 'roo_type_excel.xlsx'); });
it('should fail on ODS files', function() {
assert.throws(function() { XLSX.readFile(dir + 'roo_type_openoffice.xlsx');});
it('should fail on DOC files', function() {
assert.throws(function() { XLSX.readFile(dir + 'word_doc.doc');});