version bump 0.3.7: comments and coverage

- parsing comments (h/t @kinwahlai, @hmalphettes)
- XLSX.version now exposed in source
- code coverage
- updated SSF to 0.5.2
- updated tests/files
This commit is contained in:
SheetJS 2014-01-21 23:58:26 -05:00
parent e8d14dd087
commit dd0a649c95
11 changed files with 247 additions and 148 deletions

@ -4,6 +4,10 @@ node_js:
- "0.8"
- "npm install -g mocha"
- "npm install blanket"
- "npm install coveralls mocha-lcov-reporter"
- "make init"
- "cd tests/files; make all; cd -"
- "make coveralls"

@ -1,8 +1,12 @@
DEPS=$(wildcard bits/*.js)
cat $^ > $@
bits/51_version.js: package.json
echo "XLSX.version = '"`grep version package.json | awk '{gsub(/[^0-9\.]/,"",$$2); print $$2}'`"';" > bits/51_version.js
.PHONY: clean
rm $(TARGET)
@ -26,3 +30,13 @@ jasmine:
.PHONY: lint
lint: $(TARGET)
jshint --show-non-errors $(TARGET)
.PHONY: cov
cov: misc/coverage.html
misc/coverage.html: xlsx.js
mocha --require blanket -R html-cov > misc/coverage.html
.PHONY: coveralls
mocha --require blanket --reporter mocha-lcov-reporter | ./node_modules/coveralls/bin/coveralls.js

@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
/* xlsx.js (C) 2013 SheetJS -- */
/* xlsx.js (C) 2013-2014 SheetJS -- */
/* vim: set ts=2: */
/*jshint eqnull:true */

@ -2,8 +2,7 @@
/* ssf.js (C) 2013 SheetJS -- */
var SSF = {};
var make_ssf = function(SSF){
String.prototype.reverse=function(){return this.split("").reverse().join("");};
var _strrev = function(x) { return String(x).reverse(); };
var _strrev = function(x) { return String(x).split("").reverse().join("");};
function fill(c,l) { return new Array(l+1).join(c); }
function pad(v,d,c){var t=String(v);return t.length>=d?t:(fill(c||0,d-t.length)+t);}
function rpad(v,d,c){var t=String(v);return t.length>=d?t:(t+fill(c||0,d-t.length));}
@ -15,6 +14,7 @@ opts_fmt.date1904 = 0;
opts_fmt.output = "";
opts_fmt.mode = "";
var table_fmt = {
0: 'General',
1: '0',
2: '0.00',
3: '#,##0',
@ -71,12 +71,12 @@ var frac = function frac(x, D, mixed) {
var B = x * sgn;
var P_2 = 0, P_1 = 1, P = 0;
var Q_2 = 1, Q_1 = 0, Q = 0;
var A = B|0;
var A = Math.floor(B);
while(Q_1 < D) {
A = B|0;
A = Math.floor(B);
P = A * P_1 + P_2;
Q = A * Q_1 + Q_2;
if((B - A) < 0.0000000001) break;
if((B - A) < 0.0000000005) break;
B = 1 / (B - A);
P_2 = P_1; P_1 = P;
Q_2 = Q_1; Q_1 = Q;
@ -84,6 +84,7 @@ var frac = function frac(x, D, mixed) {
if(Q > D) { Q = Q_1; P = P_1; }
if(Q > D) { Q = Q_2; P = P_2; }
if(!mixed) return [0, sgn * P, Q];
if(Q===0) throw "Unexpected state: "+P+" "+P_1+" "+P_2+" "+Q+" "+Q_1+" "+Q_2;
var q = Math.floor(sgn * P/Q);
return [q, sgn*P - q*Q, Q];
@ -113,9 +114,10 @@ var general_fmt = function(v) {
SSF._general = general_fmt;
var parse_date_code = function parse_date_code(v,opts) {
var date = Math.floor(v), time = Math.round(86400 * (v - date)), dow=0;
var date = Math.floor(v), time = Math.floor(86400 * (v - date)+1e-6), dow=0;
var dout=[], out={D:date, T:time, u:86400*(v-date)-time}; fixopts(opts = (opts||{}));
if(opts.date1904) date += 1462;
if(date > 2958465) return null;
if(date === 60) {dout = [1900,2,29]; dow=3;}
else if(date === 0) {dout = [1900,1,0]; dow=6;}
else {
@ -125,7 +127,7 @@ var parse_date_code = function parse_date_code(v,opts) {
d.setDate(d.getDate() + date - 1);
dout = [d.getFullYear(), d.getMonth()+1,d.getDate()];
dow = d.getDay();
if(opts.mode === 'excel' && date < 60) dow = (dow + 6) % 7;
if(/* opts.mode === 'excel' && */ date < 60) dow = (dow + 6) % 7;
out.y = dout[0]; out.m = dout[1]; out.d = dout[2];
out.S = time % 60; time = Math.floor(time / 60);
@ -135,13 +137,16 @@ var parse_date_code = function parse_date_code(v,opts) {
return out;
SSF.parse_date_code = parse_date_code;
/*jshint -W086 */
var write_date = function(type, fmt, val) {
if(val < 0) return "";
var o;
switch(type) {
case 'y': switch(fmt) { /* year */
case 'y': case 'yy': return pad(val.y % 100,2);
default: return val.y;
} break;
case 'yyy': case 'yyyy': return pad(val.y % 10000,4);
default: throw 'bad year format: ' + fmt;
case 'm': switch(fmt) { /* month */
case 'm': return val.m;
case 'mm': return pad(val.m,2);
@ -149,47 +154,51 @@ var write_date = function(type, fmt, val) {
case 'mmmm': return months[val.m-1][2];
case 'mmmmm': return months[val.m-1][0];
default: throw 'bad month format: ' + fmt;
} break;
case 'd': switch(fmt) { /* day */
case 'd': return val.d;
case 'dd': return pad(val.d,2);
case 'ddd': return days[val.q][0];
case 'dddd': return days[val.q][1];
default: throw 'bad day format: ' + fmt;
} break;
case 'h': switch(fmt) { /* 12-hour */
case 'h': return 1+(val.H+11)%12;
case 'hh': return pad(1+(val.H+11)%12, 2);
default: throw 'bad hour format: ' + fmt;
} break;
case 'H': switch(fmt) { /* 24-hour */
case 'h': return val.H;
case 'hh': return pad(val.H, 2);
default: throw 'bad hour format: ' + fmt;
} break;
case 'M': switch(fmt) { /* minutes */
case 'm': return val.M;
case 'mm': return pad(val.M, 2);
default: throw 'bad minute format: ' + fmt;
} break;
case 's': switch(fmt) { /* seconds */
case 's': return val.S;
case 'ss': return pad(val.S, 2);
case 'ss.0': return pad(val.S,2) + "." + Math.round(10*val.u);
case 's': return Math.round(val.S+val.u);
case 'ss': return pad(Math.round(val.S+val.u), 2);
case 'ss.0': o = pad(Math.round(10*(val.S+val.u)),3); return o.substr(0,2)+"." + o.substr(2);
case 'ss.00': o = pad(Math.round(100*(val.S+val.u)),4); return o.substr(0,2)+"." + o.substr(2);
case 'ss.000': o = pad(Math.round(1000*(val.S+val.u)),5); return o.substr(0,2)+"." + o.substr(2);
default: throw 'bad second format: ' + fmt;
} break;
case 'Z': switch(fmt) {
case '[h]': return val.D*24+val.H;
case '[h]': case '[hh]': o = val.D*24+val.H; break;
case '[m]': case '[mm]': o = (val.D*24+val.H)*60+val.M; break;
case '[s]': case '[ss]': o = ((val.D*24+val.H)*60+val.M)*60+Math.round(val.S+val.u); break;
default: throw 'bad abstime format: ' + fmt;
} break;
} return fmt.length === 3 ? o : pad(o, 2);
/* TODO: handle the ECMA spec format ee -> yy */
case 'e': { return val.y; } break;
case 'A': return (val.h>=12 ? 'P' : 'A') + fmt.substr(1);
default: throw 'bad format type ' + type + ' in ' + fmt;
String.prototype.reverse = function() { return this.split("").reverse().join(""); };
var commaify = function(s) { return s.reverse().replace(/.../g,"$&,").reverse().replace(/^,/,""); };
/*jshint +W086 */
var commaify = function(s) { return _strrev(_strrev(s).replace(/.../g,"$&,")).replace(/^,/,""); };
var write_num = function(type, fmt, val) {
if(type === '(') {
var ffmt = fmt.replace(/\( */,"").replace(/ \)/,"").replace(/\)/,"");
@ -201,9 +210,17 @@ var write_num = function(type, fmt, val) {
if(mul !== 0) return write_num(type, fmt, val * Math.pow(10,2*mul)) + fill("%",mul);
if(fmt.indexOf("E") > -1) {
var idx = fmt.indexOf("E") - fmt.indexOf(".") - 1;
if(fmt == '##0.0E+0') {
var ee = Number(val.toExponential(0).substr(3))%3;
o = (val/Math.pow(10,ee%3)).toPrecision(idx+1+(ee%3)).replace(/^([+-]?)([0-9]*)\.([0-9]*)[Ee]/,function($$,$1,$2,$3) { return $1 + $2 + $3.substr(0,ee) + "." + $3.substr(ee) + "E"; });
var period = fmt.length - 5;
var ee = (Number(val.toExponential(0).substr(2+(val<0))))%period;
o = (val/Math.pow(10,ee)).toPrecision(idx+1+(period+ee)%period);
if(!o.match(/[Ee]/)) {
var fakee = (Number(val.toExponential(0).substr(2+(val<0))));
if(o.indexOf(".") === -1) o = o[0] + "." + o.substr(1) + "E+" + (fakee - o.length+ee);
else throw "missing E |" + o;
o = o.replace(/^([+-]?)([0-9]*)\.([0-9]*)[Ee]/,function($$,$1,$2,$3) { return $1 + $2 + $3.substr(0,(period+ee)%period) + "." + $3.substr(ee) + "E"; });
} else o = val.toExponential(idx);
if(fmt.match(/E\+00$/) && o.match(/e[+-][0-9]$/)) o = o.substr(0,o.length-1) + "0" + o[o.length-1];
if(fmt.match(/E\-/) && o.match(/e\+/)) o = o.replace(/e\+/,"e");
@ -216,8 +233,8 @@ var write_num = function(type, fmt, val) {
var myn = (rnd - base*den), myd = den;
return sign + (base?base:"") + " " + (myn === 0 ? fill(" ", r[1].length + 1 + r[2].length) : pad(myn,r[1].length," ") + "/" + pad(myd,r[2].length));
if(fmt.match(/^00*$/)) return (val<0?"-":"")+pad(Math.round(Math.abs(val)), fmt.length);
if(fmt.match(/^####*$/)) return "dafuq";
if(fmt.match(/^00*$/)) return (val<0?"-":"")+pad(Math.round(aval),fmt.length);
if(fmt.match(/^####*$/)) return Math.round(val);
switch(fmt) {
case "0": return Math.round(val);
case "0.0": o = Math.round(val*10);
@ -226,12 +243,15 @@ var write_num = function(type, fmt, val) {
return String(o/100).replace(/^([^\.]+)$/,"$1.00").replace(/\.$/,".00").replace(/\.([0-9])$/,".$1"+"0");
case "0.000": o = Math.round(val*1000);
return String(o/1000).replace(/^([^\.]+)$/,"$1.000").replace(/\.$/,".000").replace(/\.([0-9])$/,".$1"+"00").replace(/\.([0-9][0-9])$/,".$1"+"0");
case "#.##": o = Math.round(val*100);
return String(o/100).replace(/^([^\.]+)$/,"$1.").replace(/^0\.$/,".");
case "#,###": var x = commaify(String(Math.round(aval))); return x !== "0" ? sign + x : "";
case "#,##0": return sign + commaify(String(Math.round(aval)));
case "#,##0.0": r = Math.round((val-Math.floor(val))*10); return val < 0 ? "-" + write_num(type, fmt, -val) : commaify(String(Math.floor(val))) + "." + r;
case "#,##0.00": r = Math.round((val-Math.floor(val))*100); return val < 0 ? "-" + write_num(type, fmt, -val) : commaify(String(Math.floor(val))) + "." + (r < 10 ? "0"+r:r);
case "# ? / ?": ff = frac(aval, 9, true); return sign + (ff[0]||"") + " " + (ff[1] === 0 ? " " : ff[1] + "/" + ff[2]);
case "# ?? / ??": ff = frac(aval, 99, true); return sign + (ff[0]||"") + " " + (ff[1] ? pad(ff[1],2," ") + "/" + rpad(ff[2],2," ") : " ");
case "# ??? / ???": ff = frac(aval, 999, true); return sign + (ff[0]||"") + " " + (ff[1] ? pad(ff[1],3," ") + "/" + rpad(ff[2],3," ") : " ");
case "# ? / ?": ff = frac(aval, 9, true); return sign + (ff[0]||(ff[1] ? "" : "0")) + " " + (ff[1] === 0 ? " " : ff[1] + "/" + ff[2]);
case "# ?? / ??": ff = frac(aval, 99, true); return sign + (ff[0]||(ff[1] ? "" : "0")) + " " + (ff[1] ? pad(ff[1],2," ") + "/" + rpad(ff[2],2," ") : " ");
case "# ??? / ???": ff = frac(aval, 999, true); return sign + (ff[0]||(ff[1] ? "" : "0")) + " " + (ff[1] ? pad(ff[1],3," ") + "/" + rpad(ff[2],3," ") : " ");
throw new Error("unsupported format |" + fmt + "|");
@ -259,6 +279,10 @@ function eval_fmt(fmt, v, opts, flen) {
/* Tokenize */
while(i < fmt.length) {
switch((c = fmt[i])) {
case 'G': /* General */
if(fmt.substr(i, i+6).toLowerCase() !== "general")
throw 'unrecognized character ' + fmt[i] + ' in ' + fmt;
out.push({t:'G',v:'General'}); i+=7; break;
case '"': /* Literal text */
for(o="";fmt[++i] !== '"' && i < fmt.length;) o += fmt[i];
out.push({t:'t', v:o}); ++i; break;
@ -268,25 +292,35 @@ function eval_fmt(fmt, v, opts, flen) {
case '@': /* Text Placeholder */
out.push({t:'T', v:v}); ++i; break;
/* Dates */
case 'M': case 'D': case 'Y': case 'H': case 'S': case 'E':
c = c.toLowerCase();
/* falls through */
case 'm': case 'd': case 'y': case 'h': case 's': case 'e':
if(v < 0) return "";
if(!dt) dt = parse_date_code(v, opts);
o = fmt[i]; while(fmt[++i] === c) o+=c;
if(!dt) return "";
o = fmt[i]; while((fmt[++i]||"").toLowerCase() === c) o+=c;
if(c === 's' && fmt[i] === '.' && fmt[i+1] === '0') { o+='.'; while(fmt[++i] === '0') o+= '0'; }
if(c === 'm' && lst.toLowerCase() === 'h') c = 'M'; /* m = minute */
if(c === 'h') c = hr;
o = o.toLowerCase();
q={t:c, v:o}; out.push(q); lst = c; break;
case 'A':
if(!dt) dt = parse_date_code(v, opts);
if(!dt) return "";
if(fmt.substr(i, 3) === "A/P") {q.v = dt.H >= 12 ? "P" : "A"; q.t = 'T'; hr='h';i+=3;}
else if(fmt.substr(i,5) === "AM/PM") { q.v = dt.H >= 12 ? "PM" : "AM"; q.t = 'T'; i+=5; hr='h'; }
else q.t = "t";
else { q.t = "t"; i++; }
out.push(q); lst = c; break;
case '[': /* TODO: Fix this -- ignore all conditionals and formatting */
o = c;
while(fmt[i++] !== ']') o += fmt[i];
if(o == "[h]") out.push({t:'Z', v:o});
if(o.match(/\[[HhMmSs]*\]/)) {
if(!dt) dt = parse_date_code(v, opts);
if(!dt) return "";
out.push({t:'Z', v:o.toLowerCase()});
} else { o=""; }
/* Numbers */
case '0': case '#':
@ -326,39 +360,41 @@ function eval_fmt(fmt, v, opts, flen) {
out[i].t = 't'; break;
case 'n': case '(':
var jj = i+1;
while(out[jj] && ("? D".indexOf(out[jj].t) > -1 || out[i].t == '(' && (out[jj].t == ')' || out[jj].t == 'n') || out[jj].t == 't' && (out[jj].v == '/' || out[jj].v == '$' || (out[jj].v == ' ' && (out[jj+1]||{}).t == '?')))) {
while(out[jj] && ("?D".indexOf(out[jj].t) > -1 || (out[jj].t == " " && (out[jj+1]||{}).t === "?" ) || out[i].t == '(' && (out[jj].t == ')' || out[jj].t == 'n') || out[jj].t == 't' && (out[jj].v == '/' || out[jj].v == '$' || (out[jj].v == ' ' && (out[jj+1]||{}).t == '?')))) {
if(out[jj].v!==' ') out[i].v += ' ' + out[jj].v;
delete out[jj]; ++jj;
out[i].v = write_num(out[i].t, out[i].v, v);
out[i].t = 't';
i = jj; break;
i = jj-1; break;
case 'G': out[i].t = 't'; out[i].v = general_fmt(v,opts); break;
default: throw "unrecognized type " + out[i].t;
return{return x.v;}).join("");
SSF._eval = eval_fmt;
function choose_fmt(fmt, v, o) {
if(typeof fmt === 'number') fmt = table_fmt[fmt];
if(typeof fmt === 'number') fmt = ((o&&o.table) ? o.table : table_fmt)[fmt];
if(typeof fmt === "string") fmt = split_fmt(fmt);
var l = fmt.length;
switch(fmt.length) {
case 1: fmt = [fmt[0], fmt[0], fmt[0], "@"]; break;
case 2: fmt = [fmt[0], fmt[fmt[1] === "@"?0:1], fmt[0], "@"]; break;
case 1: fmt = fmt[0].indexOf("@")>-1 ? ["General", "General", "General", fmt[0]] : [fmt[0], fmt[0], fmt[0], "@"]; break;
case 2: fmt = fmt[1].indexOf("@")>-1 ? [fmt[0], fmt[0], fmt[0], fmt[1]] : [fmt[0], fmt[1], fmt[0], "@"]; break;
case 3: fmt = fmt[2].indexOf("@")>-1 ? [fmt[0], fmt[1], fmt[0], fmt[2]] : [fmt[0], fmt[1], fmt[2], "@"]; break;
case 4: break;
default: throw "cannot find right format for |" + fmt + "|";
if(typeof v !== "number") return [fmt.length, fmt[3]];
return [l, v > 0 ? fmt[0] : v < 0 ? fmt[1] : fmt[2]];
var format = function format(fmt,v,o) {
fixopts(o = (o||{}));
if(fmt === 0) return general_fmt(v, o);
if(typeof fmt === 'number') fmt = table_fmt[fmt];
if(typeof fmt === "string" && fmt.toLowerCase() === "general") return general_fmt(v, o);
if(typeof fmt === 'number') fmt = (o.table || table_fmt)[fmt];
var f = choose_fmt(fmt, v, o);
if(f[1].toLowerCase() === "general") return general_fmt(v,o);
if(v === true) v = "TRUE"; if(v === false) v = "FALSE";
return eval_fmt(f[1], v, o, f[0]);
@ -366,5 +402,7 @@ SSF._choose = choose_fmt;
SSF._table = table_fmt;
SSF.load = function(fmt, idx) { table_fmt[idx] = fmt; };
SSF.format = format;
SSF.get_table = function() { return table_fmt; };
SSF.load_table = function(tbl) { for(var i=0; i!=0x0188; ++i) if(tbl[i]) SSF.load(tbl[i], i); };

bits/51_version.js Normal file

@ -0,0 +1 @@
XLSX.version = '0.3.7';

@ -501,7 +501,7 @@ function parseComments(data) {
var comment = { author: y.authorId && authors[y.authorId] ? authors[y.authorId] : undefined, ref: y.ref, guid: y.guid };
var textMatch = x.match(/<text>([^\u2603]*)<\/text>/m);
if (!textMatch || !textMatch[1]) return; // a comment may contain an empty text tag.
var rt = parse_si(textMatch[1]);
var rt = parse_si(textMatch[1]);
comment.raw = rt.raw;
comment.t = rt.t;
comment.r = rt.r;
@ -543,7 +543,7 @@ function insertCommentsIntoSheet(sheetName, sheet, comments) {
if(range.e.c < thisCell.c) range.e.c = thisCell.c;
var encoded = encode_range(range);
if (encoded !== sheet["!ref"]) sheet["!ref"] = encoded;
if (!cell.c) {
cell.c = [];
@ -553,7 +553,7 @@ function insertCommentsIntoSheet(sheetName, sheet, comments) {
function getdata(data) {
if(!data) return null;
if(!data) return null;
if( return;
if(data._data && data._data.getContent) return,0).map(function(x) { return String.fromCharCode(x); }).join("");
return null;
@ -586,36 +586,34 @@ function parseZip(zip) {
var sheets = {}, i=0;
var sheetRels = {};
if(!props.Worksheets) {
/* Google Docs doesn't generate the appropriate metadata, so we impute: */
var wbsheets = wb.Sheets;
props.Worksheets = wbsheets.length;
props.SheetNames = [];
for(var j = 0; j != wbsheets.length; ++j) {
props.SheetNames[j] = wbsheets[j].name;
for(i = 0; i != props.Worksheets; ++i) {
try { /* TODO: remove these guards */
var path = 'xl/worksheets/sheet' + (i+1) + '.xml';
var relsPath = path.replace(/^(.*)(\/)([^\/]*)$/, "$1/_rels/$3.rels");
sheets[props.SheetNames[i]]=parseSheet(getdata(getzipfile(zip, path)));
sheetRels[props.SheetNames[i]]=parseRels(getdata(getzipfile(zip, relsPath)), path);
} catch(e) {}
else {
for(i = 0; i != props.Worksheets; ++i) {
try {
var path = dir.sheets[i].replace(/^\//,'');
/* Google Docs doesn't generate the appropriate metadata, so we impute: */
var wbsheets = wb.Sheets;
props.Worksheets = wbsheets.length;
props.SheetNames = [];
for(var j = 0; j != wbsheets.length; ++j) {
props.SheetNames[j] = wbsheets[j].name;
for(i = 0; i != props.Worksheets; ++i) {
try { /* TODO: remove these guards */
var path = 'xl/worksheets/sheet' + (i+1) + '.xml';
var relsPath = path.replace(/^(.*)(\/)([^\/]*)$/, "$1/_rels/$3.rels");
sheets[props.SheetNames[i]]=parseSheet(getdata(getzipfile(zip, path)));
sheetRels[props.SheetNames[i]]=parseRels(getdata(getzipfile(zip, relsPath)), path);
} catch(e) {}
if(dir.comments) {
parseCommentsAddToSheets(zip, dir.comments, sheets, sheetRels);
sheets[props.SheetNames[i]]=parseSheet(getdata(getzipfile(zip, path)));
sheetRels[props.SheetNames[i]]=parseRels(getdata(getzipfile(zip, relsPath)), path);
} catch(e) {}
} else {
for(i = 0; i != props.Worksheets; ++i) {
try {
var path = dir.sheets[i].replace(/^\//,'');
var relsPath = path.replace(/^(.*)(\/)([^\/]*)$/, "$1/_rels/$3.rels");
sheets[props.SheetNames[i]]=parseSheet(getdata(getzipfile(zip, path)));
sheetRels[props.SheetNames[i]]=parseRels(getdata(getzipfile(zip, relsPath)), path);
} catch(e) {}
if(dir.comments) parseCommentsAddToSheets(zip, dir.comments, sheets, sheetRels);
return {
Directory: dir,
Workbook: wb,

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ if(typeof require !== 'undefined' && typeof exports !== 'undefined') { =;
exports.readFile = XLSX.readFile;
exports.utils = XLSX.utils;
exports.version = XLSX.version;
exports.main = function(args) {
var zip =[0], {type:'file'});

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "xlsx",
"version": "0.3.6",
"version": "0.3.7",
"author": "sheetjs",
"description": "(one day) a full-featured XLSX parser and writer. For now, primitive parser",
"keywords": [ "xlsx", "office", "excel", "spreadsheet" ],
@ -23,6 +23,11 @@
"test": "make mocha",
"test-jasmine": "jasmine-node --verbose tests/"
"config": {
"blanket": {
"pattern": "xlsx.js"
"bugs": { "url": "" },
"license": "Apache-2.0",
"engines": { "node": ">=0.6" }

@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 3bcc12b1d249f9bec2e00d18ab52d3fcaa5375e2
Subproject commit afa011178d1a7f87e0211cccee0fc18a302ffb2c


@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
/* xlsx.js (C) 2013 SheetJS -- */
/* xlsx.js (C) 2013-2014 SheetJS -- */
/* vim: set ts=2: */
/*jshint eqnull:true */
/* Spreadsheet Format -- jump to XLSX for the XLSX code */
/* ssf.js (C) 2013 SheetJS -- */
var SSF = {};
var make_ssf = function(SSF){
String.prototype.reverse=function(){return this.split("").reverse().join("");};
var _strrev = function(x) { return String(x).reverse(); };
var _strrev = function(x) { return String(x).split("").reverse().join("");};
function fill(c,l) { return new Array(l+1).join(c); }
function pad(v,d,c){var t=String(v);return t.length>=d?t:(fill(c||0,d-t.length)+t);}
function rpad(v,d,c){var t=String(v);return t.length>=d?t:(t+fill(c||0,d-t.length));}
@ -18,6 +17,7 @@ opts_fmt.date1904 = 0;
opts_fmt.output = "";
opts_fmt.mode = "";
var table_fmt = {
0: 'General',
1: '0',
2: '0.00',
3: '#,##0',
@ -74,12 +74,12 @@ var frac = function frac(x, D, mixed) {
var B = x * sgn;
var P_2 = 0, P_1 = 1, P = 0;
var Q_2 = 1, Q_1 = 0, Q = 0;
var A = B|0;
var A = Math.floor(B);
while(Q_1 < D) {
A = B|0;
A = Math.floor(B);
P = A * P_1 + P_2;
Q = A * Q_1 + Q_2;
if((B - A) < 0.0000000001) break;
if((B - A) < 0.0000000005) break;
B = 1 / (B - A);
P_2 = P_1; P_1 = P;
Q_2 = Q_1; Q_1 = Q;
@ -87,6 +87,7 @@ var frac = function frac(x, D, mixed) {
if(Q > D) { Q = Q_1; P = P_1; }
if(Q > D) { Q = Q_2; P = P_2; }
if(!mixed) return [0, sgn * P, Q];
if(Q===0) throw "Unexpected state: "+P+" "+P_1+" "+P_2+" "+Q+" "+Q_1+" "+Q_2;
var q = Math.floor(sgn * P/Q);
return [q, sgn*P - q*Q, Q];
@ -116,9 +117,10 @@ var general_fmt = function(v) {
SSF._general = general_fmt;
var parse_date_code = function parse_date_code(v,opts) {
var date = Math.floor(v), time = Math.round(86400 * (v - date)), dow=0;
var date = Math.floor(v), time = Math.floor(86400 * (v - date)+1e-6), dow=0;
var dout=[], out={D:date, T:time, u:86400*(v-date)-time}; fixopts(opts = (opts||{}));
if(opts.date1904) date += 1462;
if(date > 2958465) return null;
if(date === 60) {dout = [1900,2,29]; dow=3;}
else if(date === 0) {dout = [1900,1,0]; dow=6;}
else {
@ -128,7 +130,7 @@ var parse_date_code = function parse_date_code(v,opts) {
d.setDate(d.getDate() + date - 1);
dout = [d.getFullYear(), d.getMonth()+1,d.getDate()];
dow = d.getDay();
if(opts.mode === 'excel' && date < 60) dow = (dow + 6) % 7;
if(/* opts.mode === 'excel' && */ date < 60) dow = (dow + 6) % 7;
out.y = dout[0]; out.m = dout[1]; out.d = dout[2];
out.S = time % 60; time = Math.floor(time / 60);
@ -138,13 +140,16 @@ var parse_date_code = function parse_date_code(v,opts) {
return out;
SSF.parse_date_code = parse_date_code;
/*jshint -W086 */
var write_date = function(type, fmt, val) {
if(val < 0) return "";
var o;
switch(type) {
case 'y': switch(fmt) { /* year */
case 'y': case 'yy': return pad(val.y % 100,2);
default: return val.y;
} break;
case 'yyy': case 'yyyy': return pad(val.y % 10000,4);
default: throw 'bad year format: ' + fmt;
case 'm': switch(fmt) { /* month */
case 'm': return val.m;
case 'mm': return pad(val.m,2);
@ -152,47 +157,51 @@ var write_date = function(type, fmt, val) {
case 'mmmm': return months[val.m-1][2];
case 'mmmmm': return months[val.m-1][0];
default: throw 'bad month format: ' + fmt;
} break;
case 'd': switch(fmt) { /* day */
case 'd': return val.d;
case 'dd': return pad(val.d,2);
case 'ddd': return days[val.q][0];
case 'dddd': return days[val.q][1];
default: throw 'bad day format: ' + fmt;
} break;
case 'h': switch(fmt) { /* 12-hour */
case 'h': return 1+(val.H+11)%12;
case 'hh': return pad(1+(val.H+11)%12, 2);
default: throw 'bad hour format: ' + fmt;
} break;
case 'H': switch(fmt) { /* 24-hour */
case 'h': return val.H;
case 'hh': return pad(val.H, 2);
default: throw 'bad hour format: ' + fmt;
} break;
case 'M': switch(fmt) { /* minutes */
case 'm': return val.M;
case 'mm': return pad(val.M, 2);
default: throw 'bad minute format: ' + fmt;
} break;
case 's': switch(fmt) { /* seconds */
case 's': return val.S;
case 'ss': return pad(val.S, 2);
case 'ss.0': return pad(val.S,2) + "." + Math.round(10*val.u);
case 's': return Math.round(val.S+val.u);
case 'ss': return pad(Math.round(val.S+val.u), 2);
case 'ss.0': o = pad(Math.round(10*(val.S+val.u)),3); return o.substr(0,2)+"." + o.substr(2);
case 'ss.00': o = pad(Math.round(100*(val.S+val.u)),4); return o.substr(0,2)+"." + o.substr(2);
case 'ss.000': o = pad(Math.round(1000*(val.S+val.u)),5); return o.substr(0,2)+"." + o.substr(2);
default: throw 'bad second format: ' + fmt;
} break;
case 'Z': switch(fmt) {
case '[h]': return val.D*24+val.H;
case '[h]': case '[hh]': o = val.D*24+val.H; break;
case '[m]': case '[mm]': o = (val.D*24+val.H)*60+val.M; break;
case '[s]': case '[ss]': o = ((val.D*24+val.H)*60+val.M)*60+Math.round(val.S+val.u); break;
default: throw 'bad abstime format: ' + fmt;
} break;
} return fmt.length === 3 ? o : pad(o, 2);
/* TODO: handle the ECMA spec format ee -> yy */
case 'e': { return val.y; } break;
case 'A': return (val.h>=12 ? 'P' : 'A') + fmt.substr(1);
default: throw 'bad format type ' + type + ' in ' + fmt;
String.prototype.reverse = function() { return this.split("").reverse().join(""); };
var commaify = function(s) { return s.reverse().replace(/.../g,"$&,").reverse().replace(/^,/,""); };
/*jshint +W086 */
var commaify = function(s) { return _strrev(_strrev(s).replace(/.../g,"$&,")).replace(/^,/,""); };
var write_num = function(type, fmt, val) {
if(type === '(') {
var ffmt = fmt.replace(/\( */,"").replace(/ \)/,"").replace(/\)/,"");
@ -204,9 +213,17 @@ var write_num = function(type, fmt, val) {
if(mul !== 0) return write_num(type, fmt, val * Math.pow(10,2*mul)) + fill("%",mul);
if(fmt.indexOf("E") > -1) {
var idx = fmt.indexOf("E") - fmt.indexOf(".") - 1;
if(fmt == '##0.0E+0') {
var ee = Number(val.toExponential(0).substr(3))%3;
o = (val/Math.pow(10,ee%3)).toPrecision(idx+1+(ee%3)).replace(/^([+-]?)([0-9]*)\.([0-9]*)[Ee]/,function($$,$1,$2,$3) { return $1 + $2 + $3.substr(0,ee) + "." + $3.substr(ee) + "E"; });
var period = fmt.length - 5;
var ee = (Number(val.toExponential(0).substr(2+(val<0))))%period;
o = (val/Math.pow(10,ee)).toPrecision(idx+1+(period+ee)%period);
if(!o.match(/[Ee]/)) {
var fakee = (Number(val.toExponential(0).substr(2+(val<0))));
if(o.indexOf(".") === -1) o = o[0] + "." + o.substr(1) + "E+" + (fakee - o.length+ee);
else throw "missing E |" + o;
o = o.replace(/^([+-]?)([0-9]*)\.([0-9]*)[Ee]/,function($$,$1,$2,$3) { return $1 + $2 + $3.substr(0,(period+ee)%period) + "." + $3.substr(ee) + "E"; });
} else o = val.toExponential(idx);
if(fmt.match(/E\+00$/) && o.match(/e[+-][0-9]$/)) o = o.substr(0,o.length-1) + "0" + o[o.length-1];
if(fmt.match(/E\-/) && o.match(/e\+/)) o = o.replace(/e\+/,"e");
@ -219,8 +236,8 @@ var write_num = function(type, fmt, val) {
var myn = (rnd - base*den), myd = den;
return sign + (base?base:"") + " " + (myn === 0 ? fill(" ", r[1].length + 1 + r[2].length) : pad(myn,r[1].length," ") + "/" + pad(myd,r[2].length));
if(fmt.match(/^00*$/)) return (val<0?"-":"")+pad(Math.round(Math.abs(val)), fmt.length);
if(fmt.match(/^####*$/)) return "dafuq";
if(fmt.match(/^00*$/)) return (val<0?"-":"")+pad(Math.round(aval),fmt.length);
if(fmt.match(/^####*$/)) return Math.round(val);
switch(fmt) {
case "0": return Math.round(val);
case "0.0": o = Math.round(val*10);
@ -229,12 +246,15 @@ var write_num = function(type, fmt, val) {
return String(o/100).replace(/^([^\.]+)$/,"$1.00").replace(/\.$/,".00").replace(/\.([0-9])$/,".$1"+"0");
case "0.000": o = Math.round(val*1000);
return String(o/1000).replace(/^([^\.]+)$/,"$1.000").replace(/\.$/,".000").replace(/\.([0-9])$/,".$1"+"00").replace(/\.([0-9][0-9])$/,".$1"+"0");
case "#.##": o = Math.round(val*100);
return String(o/100).replace(/^([^\.]+)$/,"$1.").replace(/^0\.$/,".");
case "#,###": var x = commaify(String(Math.round(aval))); return x !== "0" ? sign + x : "";
case "#,##0": return sign + commaify(String(Math.round(aval)));
case "#,##0.0": r = Math.round((val-Math.floor(val))*10); return val < 0 ? "-" + write_num(type, fmt, -val) : commaify(String(Math.floor(val))) + "." + r;
case "#,##0.00": r = Math.round((val-Math.floor(val))*100); return val < 0 ? "-" + write_num(type, fmt, -val) : commaify(String(Math.floor(val))) + "." + (r < 10 ? "0"+r:r);
case "# ? / ?": ff = frac(aval, 9, true); return sign + (ff[0]||"") + " " + (ff[1] === 0 ? " " : ff[1] + "/" + ff[2]);
case "# ?? / ??": ff = frac(aval, 99, true); return sign + (ff[0]||"") + " " + (ff[1] ? pad(ff[1],2," ") + "/" + rpad(ff[2],2," ") : " ");
case "# ??? / ???": ff = frac(aval, 999, true); return sign + (ff[0]||"") + " " + (ff[1] ? pad(ff[1],3," ") + "/" + rpad(ff[2],3," ") : " ");
case "# ? / ?": ff = frac(aval, 9, true); return sign + (ff[0]||(ff[1] ? "" : "0")) + " " + (ff[1] === 0 ? " " : ff[1] + "/" + ff[2]);
case "# ?? / ??": ff = frac(aval, 99, true); return sign + (ff[0]||(ff[1] ? "" : "0")) + " " + (ff[1] ? pad(ff[1],2," ") + "/" + rpad(ff[2],2," ") : " ");
case "# ??? / ???": ff = frac(aval, 999, true); return sign + (ff[0]||(ff[1] ? "" : "0")) + " " + (ff[1] ? pad(ff[1],3," ") + "/" + rpad(ff[2],3," ") : " ");
throw new Error("unsupported format |" + fmt + "|");
@ -262,6 +282,10 @@ function eval_fmt(fmt, v, opts, flen) {
/* Tokenize */
while(i < fmt.length) {
switch((c = fmt[i])) {
case 'G': /* General */
if(fmt.substr(i, i+6).toLowerCase() !== "general")
throw 'unrecognized character ' + fmt[i] + ' in ' + fmt;
out.push({t:'G',v:'General'}); i+=7; break;
case '"': /* Literal text */
for(o="";fmt[++i] !== '"' && i < fmt.length;) o += fmt[i];
out.push({t:'t', v:o}); ++i; break;
@ -271,25 +295,35 @@ function eval_fmt(fmt, v, opts, flen) {
case '@': /* Text Placeholder */
out.push({t:'T', v:v}); ++i; break;
/* Dates */
case 'M': case 'D': case 'Y': case 'H': case 'S': case 'E':
c = c.toLowerCase();
/* falls through */
case 'm': case 'd': case 'y': case 'h': case 's': case 'e':
if(v < 0) return "";
if(!dt) dt = parse_date_code(v, opts);
o = fmt[i]; while(fmt[++i] === c) o+=c;
if(!dt) return "";
o = fmt[i]; while((fmt[++i]||"").toLowerCase() === c) o+=c;
if(c === 's' && fmt[i] === '.' && fmt[i+1] === '0') { o+='.'; while(fmt[++i] === '0') o+= '0'; }
if(c === 'm' && lst.toLowerCase() === 'h') c = 'M'; /* m = minute */
if(c === 'h') c = hr;
o = o.toLowerCase();
q={t:c, v:o}; out.push(q); lst = c; break;
case 'A':
if(!dt) dt = parse_date_code(v, opts);
if(!dt) return "";
if(fmt.substr(i, 3) === "A/P") {q.v = dt.H >= 12 ? "P" : "A"; q.t = 'T'; hr='h';i+=3;}
else if(fmt.substr(i,5) === "AM/PM") { q.v = dt.H >= 12 ? "PM" : "AM"; q.t = 'T'; i+=5; hr='h'; }
else q.t = "t";
else { q.t = "t"; i++; }
out.push(q); lst = c; break;
case '[': /* TODO: Fix this -- ignore all conditionals and formatting */
o = c;
while(fmt[i++] !== ']') o += fmt[i];
if(o == "[h]") out.push({t:'Z', v:o});
if(o.match(/\[[HhMmSs]*\]/)) {
if(!dt) dt = parse_date_code(v, opts);
if(!dt) return "";
out.push({t:'Z', v:o.toLowerCase()});
} else { o=""; }
/* Numbers */
case '0': case '#':
@ -329,39 +363,41 @@ function eval_fmt(fmt, v, opts, flen) {
out[i].t = 't'; break;
case 'n': case '(':
var jj = i+1;
while(out[jj] && ("? D".indexOf(out[jj].t) > -1 || out[i].t == '(' && (out[jj].t == ')' || out[jj].t == 'n') || out[jj].t == 't' && (out[jj].v == '/' || out[jj].v == '$' || (out[jj].v == ' ' && (out[jj+1]||{}).t == '?')))) {
while(out[jj] && ("?D".indexOf(out[jj].t) > -1 || (out[jj].t == " " && (out[jj+1]||{}).t === "?" ) || out[i].t == '(' && (out[jj].t == ')' || out[jj].t == 'n') || out[jj].t == 't' && (out[jj].v == '/' || out[jj].v == '$' || (out[jj].v == ' ' && (out[jj+1]||{}).t == '?')))) {
if(out[jj].v!==' ') out[i].v += ' ' + out[jj].v;
delete out[jj]; ++jj;
out[i].v = write_num(out[i].t, out[i].v, v);
out[i].t = 't';
i = jj; break;
i = jj-1; break;
case 'G': out[i].t = 't'; out[i].v = general_fmt(v,opts); break;
default: throw "unrecognized type " + out[i].t;
return{return x.v;}).join("");
SSF._eval = eval_fmt;
function choose_fmt(fmt, v, o) {
if(typeof fmt === 'number') fmt = table_fmt[fmt];
if(typeof fmt === 'number') fmt = ((o&&o.table) ? o.table : table_fmt)[fmt];
if(typeof fmt === "string") fmt = split_fmt(fmt);
var l = fmt.length;
switch(fmt.length) {
case 1: fmt = [fmt[0], fmt[0], fmt[0], "@"]; break;
case 2: fmt = [fmt[0], fmt[fmt[1] === "@"?0:1], fmt[0], "@"]; break;
case 1: fmt = fmt[0].indexOf("@")>-1 ? ["General", "General", "General", fmt[0]] : [fmt[0], fmt[0], fmt[0], "@"]; break;
case 2: fmt = fmt[1].indexOf("@")>-1 ? [fmt[0], fmt[0], fmt[0], fmt[1]] : [fmt[0], fmt[1], fmt[0], "@"]; break;
case 3: fmt = fmt[2].indexOf("@")>-1 ? [fmt[0], fmt[1], fmt[0], fmt[2]] : [fmt[0], fmt[1], fmt[2], "@"]; break;
case 4: break;
default: throw "cannot find right format for |" + fmt + "|";
if(typeof v !== "number") return [fmt.length, fmt[3]];
return [l, v > 0 ? fmt[0] : v < 0 ? fmt[1] : fmt[2]];
var format = function format(fmt,v,o) {
fixopts(o = (o||{}));
if(fmt === 0) return general_fmt(v, o);
if(typeof fmt === 'number') fmt = table_fmt[fmt];
if(typeof fmt === "string" && fmt.toLowerCase() === "general") return general_fmt(v, o);
if(typeof fmt === 'number') fmt = (o.table || table_fmt)[fmt];
var f = choose_fmt(fmt, v, o);
if(f[1].toLowerCase() === "general") return general_fmt(v,o);
if(v === true) v = "TRUE"; if(v === false) v = "FALSE";
return eval_fmt(f[1], v, o, f[0]);
@ -369,10 +405,13 @@ SSF._choose = choose_fmt;
SSF._table = table_fmt;
SSF.load = function(fmt, idx) { table_fmt[idx] = fmt; };
SSF.format = format;
SSF.get_table = function() { return table_fmt; };
SSF.load_table = function(tbl) { for(var i=0; i!=0x0188; ++i) if(tbl[i]) SSF.load(tbl[i], i); };
var XLSX = {};
XLSX.version = '0.3.7';
function parsexmltag(tag) {
var words = tag.split(/\s+/);
var z = {'0': words[0]};
@ -1080,7 +1119,7 @@ function parseComments(data) {
var comment = { author: y.authorId && authors[y.authorId] ? authors[y.authorId] : undefined, ref: y.ref, guid: y.guid };
var textMatch = x.match(/<text>([^\u2603]*)<\/text>/m);
if (!textMatch || !textMatch[1]) return; // a comment may contain an empty text tag.
var rt = parse_si(textMatch[1]);
var rt = parse_si(textMatch[1]);
comment.raw = rt.raw;
comment.t = rt.t;
comment.r = rt.r;
@ -1122,7 +1161,7 @@ function insertCommentsIntoSheet(sheetName, sheet, comments) {
if(range.e.c < thisCell.c) range.e.c = thisCell.c;
var encoded = encode_range(range);
if (encoded !== sheet["!ref"]) sheet["!ref"] = encoded;
if (!cell.c) {
cell.c = [];
@ -1132,7 +1171,7 @@ function insertCommentsIntoSheet(sheetName, sheet, comments) {
function getdata(data) {
if(!data) return null;
if(!data) return null;
if( return;
if(data._data && data._data.getContent) return,0).map(function(x) { return String.fromCharCode(x); }).join("");
return null;
@ -1165,36 +1204,34 @@ function parseZip(zip) {
var sheets = {}, i=0;
var sheetRels = {};
if(!props.Worksheets) {
/* Google Docs doesn't generate the appropriate metadata, so we impute: */
var wbsheets = wb.Sheets;
props.Worksheets = wbsheets.length;
props.SheetNames = [];
for(var j = 0; j != wbsheets.length; ++j) {
props.SheetNames[j] = wbsheets[j].name;
for(i = 0; i != props.Worksheets; ++i) {
try { /* TODO: remove these guards */
var path = 'xl/worksheets/sheet' + (i+1) + '.xml';
var relsPath = path.replace(/^(.*)(\/)([^\/]*)$/, "$1/_rels/$3.rels");
sheets[props.SheetNames[i]]=parseSheet(getdata(getzipfile(zip, path)));
sheetRels[props.SheetNames[i]]=parseRels(getdata(getzipfile(zip, relsPath)), path);
} catch(e) {}
else {
for(i = 0; i != props.Worksheets; ++i) {
try {
var path = dir.sheets[i].replace(/^\//,'');
/* Google Docs doesn't generate the appropriate metadata, so we impute: */
var wbsheets = wb.Sheets;
props.Worksheets = wbsheets.length;
props.SheetNames = [];
for(var j = 0; j != wbsheets.length; ++j) {
props.SheetNames[j] = wbsheets[j].name;
for(i = 0; i != props.Worksheets; ++i) {
try { /* TODO: remove these guards */
var path = 'xl/worksheets/sheet' + (i+1) + '.xml';
var relsPath = path.replace(/^(.*)(\/)([^\/]*)$/, "$1/_rels/$3.rels");
sheets[props.SheetNames[i]]=parseSheet(getdata(getzipfile(zip, path)));
sheetRels[props.SheetNames[i]]=parseRels(getdata(getzipfile(zip, relsPath)), path);
} catch(e) {}
if(dir.comments) {
parseCommentsAddToSheets(zip, dir.comments, sheets, sheetRels);
sheets[props.SheetNames[i]]=parseSheet(getdata(getzipfile(zip, path)));
sheetRels[props.SheetNames[i]]=parseRels(getdata(getzipfile(zip, relsPath)), path);
} catch(e) {}
} else {
for(i = 0; i != props.Worksheets; ++i) {
try {
var path = dir.sheets[i].replace(/^\//,'');
var relsPath = path.replace(/^(.*)(\/)([^\/]*)$/, "$1/_rels/$3.rels");
sheets[props.SheetNames[i]]=parseSheet(getdata(getzipfile(zip, path)));
sheetRels[props.SheetNames[i]]=parseRels(getdata(getzipfile(zip, relsPath)), path);
} catch(e) {}
if(dir.comments) parseCommentsAddToSheets(zip, dir.comments, sheets, sheetRels);
return {
Directory: dir,
Workbook: wb,
@ -1367,6 +1404,7 @@ if(typeof require !== 'undefined' && typeof exports !== 'undefined') { =;
exports.readFile = XLSX.readFile;
exports.utils = XLSX.utils;
exports.version = XLSX.version;
exports.main = function(args) {
var zip =[0], {type:'file'});