///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if ((typeof 'module' != 'undefined' && typeof require != 'undefined') || (typeof $ != 'undefined')) { var StyleBuilder = function (options) { var customNumFmtId = 164; var table_fmt = { 0: 'General', 1: '0', 2: '0.00', 3: '#,##0', 4: '#,##0.00', 9: '0%', 10: '0.00%', 11: '0.00E+00', 12: '# ?/?', 13: '# ??/??', 14: 'm/d/yy', 15: 'd-mmm-yy', 16: 'd-mmm', 17: 'mmm-yy', 18: 'h:mm AM/PM', 19: 'h:mm:ss AM/PM', 20: 'h:mm', 21: 'h:mm:ss', 22: 'm/d/yy h:mm', 37: '#,##0 ;(#,##0)', 38: '#,##0 ;[Red](#,##0)', 39: '#,##0.00;(#,##0.00)', 40: '#,##0.00;[Red](#,##0.00)', 45: 'mm:ss', 46: '[h]:mm:ss', 47: 'mmss.0', 48: '##0.0E+0', 49: '@', 56: '"上午/下午 "hh"時"mm"分"ss"秒 "' }; var fmt_table = {}; for (var idx in table_fmt) { fmt_table[table_fmt[idx]] = idx; } // cache style specs to avoid excessive duplication _hashIndex = {}; _listIndex = []; return { initialize: function (options) { this.$fonts = XmlNode('fonts').attr('count',0).attr("x14ac:knownFonts","1"); this.$fills = XmlNode('fills').attr('count',0); this.$borders = XmlNode('borders').attr('count',0); this.$numFmts = XmlNode('numFmts').attr('count',0); this.$cellStyleXfs = XmlNode('cellStyleXfs'); this.$xf = XmlNode('xf') .attr('numFmtId', 0) .attr('fontId', 0) .attr('fillId', 0) .attr('borderId', 0); this.$cellXfs = XmlNode('cellXfs').attr('count',0); this.$cellStyles = XmlNode('cellStyles') .append(XmlNode('cellStyle') .attr('name', 'Normal') .attr('xfId',0) .attr('builtinId',0) ); this.$dxfs = XmlNode('dxfs').attr('count', "0"); this.$tableStyles = XmlNode('tableStyles') .attr('count','0') .attr('defaultTableStyle','TableStyleMedium9') .attr('defaultPivotStyle','PivotStyleMedium4') this.$styles = XmlNode('styleSheet') .attr('xmlns:mc','http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/markup-compatibility/2006') .attr('xmlns:x14ac','http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/spreadsheetml/2009/9/ac') .attr('xmlns','http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main') .attr('mc:Ignorable','x14ac') .prefix('') .append(this.$numFmts) .append(this.$fonts) .append(this.$fills) .append(this.$borders) .append(this.$cellStyleXfs.append(this.$xf)) .append(this.$cellXfs) .append(this.$cellStyles) .append(this.$dxfs) .append(this.$tableStyles); // need to specify styles at index 0 and 1. // the second style MUST be gray125 for some reason var defaultStyle = options.defaultCellStyle || {}; if (!defaultStyle.font) defaultStyle.font = {name: 'Calibri', sz: '12'}; if (!defaultStyle.font.name) defaultStyle.font.name = 'Calibri'; if (!defaultStyle.font.sz) defaultStyle.font.sz = 11; if (!defaultStyle.fill) defaultStyle.fill = { fgColor: { patternType: "none"}}; if (!defaultStyle.border) defaultStyle.border = {}; if (!defaultStyle.numFmt) defaultStyle.numFmt = 0; this.defaultStyle = defaultStyle; var gray125Style = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(defaultStyle)); gray125Style.fill = { fgColor: { patternType: "gray125"}} this.addStyles([defaultStyle, gray125Style]); return this; }, // create a style entry and returns an integer index that can be used in the cell .s property // these format of this object follows the emerging Common Spreadsheet Format addStyle: function (attributes) { var hashKey = JSON.stringify(attributes); var index = _hashIndex[hashKey]; if (index == undefined) { index = this._addXf(attributes); //_listIndex.push(attributes) -1; _hashIndex[hashKey] = index; } else { index = _hashIndex[hashKey]; } return index; }, // create style entries and returns array of integer indexes that can be used in cell .s property addStyles: function (styles) { var self = this; return styles.map(function (style) { return self.addStyle(style); }) }, _duckTypeStyle: function(attributes) { if (typeof attributes == 'object' && (attributes.patternFill || attributes.fgColor)) { return {fill: attributes }; // this must be read via XLSX.parseFile(...) } else if (attributes.font || attributes.numFmt || attributes.border || attributes.fill) { return attributes; } else { return this._getStyleCSS(attributes) } }, _getStyleCSS: function(css) { return css; //TODO }, // Create an record for the style as well as corresponding , , , // Right now this is simple and creates a , , , for every // We could perhaps get fancier and avoid duplicating auxiliary entries as Excel presumably intended, but bother. _addXf: function (attributes) { var fontId = this._addFont(attributes.font); var fillId = this._addFill(attributes.fill); var borderId = this._addBorder(attributes.border); var numFmtId = this._addNumFmt(attributes.numFmt); var $xf = XmlNode('xf') .attr("numFmtId", numFmtId) .attr("fontId", fontId) .attr("fillId", fillId) .attr("borderId", borderId) .attr("xfId", "0"); if (fontId > 0) { $xf.attr('applyFont', "1"); } if (fillId > 0) { $xf.attr('applyFill', "1"); } if (borderId > 0) { $xf.attr('applyBorder', "1"); } if (numFmtId > 0) { $xf.attr('applyNumberFormat', "1"); } if (attributes.alignment) { var $alignment = XmlNode('alignment'); if (attributes.alignment.horizontal) { $alignment.attr('horizontal', attributes.alignment.horizontal);} if (attributes.alignment.vertical) { $alignment.attr('vertical', attributes.alignment.vertical);} if (attributes.alignment.indent) { $alignment.attr('indent', attributes.alignment.indent);} if (attributes.alignment.wrapText) { $alignment.attr('wrapText', attributes.alignment.wrapText);} $xf.append($alignment).attr('applyAlignment',1) } this.$cellXfs.append($xf); var count = +this.$cellXfs.children().length; this.$cellXfs.attr('count', count); console.log($xf); return count - 1; }, _addFont: function (attributes) { if (!attributes) { return 0; } var $font = XmlNode('font') .append(XmlNode('sz').attr('val', attributes.sz || this.defaultStyle.font.sz)) .append(XmlNode('name').attr('val', attributes.name || this.defaultStyle.font.name)) if (attributes.bold) $font.append(XmlNode('b')); if (attributes.underline) $font.append(XmlNode('u')); if (attributes.italic) $font.append(XmlNode('i')); if (attributes.color) { if (attributes.color.theme) { $font.append(XmlNode('color').attr('theme', attributes.color.theme)) if (attributes.color.tint) { //tint only if theme $font.append(XmlNode('tint').attr('theme', attributes.color.tint)) } } else if (attributes.color.rgb) { // not both rgb and theme $font.append(XmlNode('rgb').attr('theme', attributes.color.rgb)) } } this.$fonts.append($font); var count = this.$fonts.children().length; this.$fonts.attr('count', count); return count - 1; }, _addNumFmt: function (numFmt) { if (!numFmt) { return 0; } if (typeof numFmt == 'string') { var numFmtIdx = fmt_table[numFmt]; if (numFmtIdx >= 0) { return numFmtIdx; // we found a match against built in formats } } if (/^[0-9]+$/.exec(numFmt)) { return numFmt; // we're matching an integer against some known code } var $numFmt = XmlNode('numFmt') .attr('numFmtId', (++customNumFmtId)) .attr('formatCode', numFmt); this.$numFmts.append($numFmt); var count = this.$numFmts.children().length; this.$numFmts.attr('count', count); return customNumFmtId ; }, _addFill: function (attributes) { if (!attributes) { return 0; } var $patternFill = XmlNode('patternFill') .attr('patternType', attributes.patternType || 'solid'); if (attributes.fgColor) { var $fgColor = XmlNode('fgColor'); //Excel doesn't like it when we set both rgb and theme+tint, but xlsx.parseFile() sets both //var $fgColor = createElement('', null, null, {xmlMode: true}).attr(attributes.fgColor) if (attributes.fgColor.rgb) { if (attributes.fgColor.rgb.length == 6) { attributes.fgColor.rgb = "FF" + attributes.fgColor.rgb /// add alpha to an RGB as Excel expects aRGB } $fgColor.attr('rgb', attributes.fgColor.rgb); $patternFill.append($fgColor); } else if (attributes.fgColor.theme) { $fgColor.attr('theme', attributes.fgColor.theme); if (attributes.fgColor.tint) { $fgColor.attr('tint', attributes.fgColor.tint); } $patternFill.append($fgColor); } if (!attributes.bgColor) { attributes.bgColor = { "indexed": "64"} } } if (attributes.bgColor) { var $bgColor = XmlNode('bgColor').attr(attributes.bgColor); $patternFill.append($bgColor); } var $fill = XmlNode('fill') .append($patternFill); this.$fills.append($fill); var count = this.$fills.children().length; this.$fills.attr('count', count); return count - 1; }, _getSubBorder: function(direction, spec) { var $direction = XmlNode(direction); if (spec){ if (spec.style) $direction.attr('style', spec.style); if (spec.color) { var $color = XmlNode('color'); if (spec.color.auto) { $color.attr('auto', spec.color.auto); } else if (spec.color.rgb) { $color.attr('rgb', spec.color.rgb); } else if (spec.color.theme || spec.color.tint) { $color.attr('theme', spec.color.theme || "1"); $color.attr('tint', spec.color.tint || "0"); } $direction.append($color) } } return $direction; }, _addBorder: function (attributes) { if (!attributes) { return 0; } var self = this; var $border = XmlNode('border') .attr("diagonalUp",attributes.diagonalUp) .attr("diagonalDown",attributes.diagonalDown); var directions = ["left","right","top","bottom","diagonal"]; directions.forEach(function(direction) { $border.append(self._getSubBorder(direction, attributes[direction])) }); // if (!attributes.left && !attributes.right && !attributes.top && !attributes.bottom && !attributes.diagonal) { return 0;} console.log($border.toXml()); this.$borders.append($border); var count = this.$borders.children().length; this.$borders.attr('count', count); console.log(count); return count -1; }, toXml: function () { return this.$styles.toXml(); } }.initialize(options||{}); } }