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2023-04-18 20:26:59 +00:00
title: AppleScript and OSA
pagination_prev: demos/cloud/index
pagination_next: demos/bigdata/index
2024-05-04 16:15:00 +00:00
summary: Integrate spreadsheets in macOS automation scripts
2023-04-18 20:26:59 +00:00
2023-04-27 09:12:19 +00:00
import current from '/version.js';
2023-05-03 03:40:40 +00:00
import Tabs from '@theme/Tabs';
import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';
2023-05-07 13:58:36 +00:00
import CodeBlock from '@theme/CodeBlock';
2023-04-27 09:12:19 +00:00
2024-03-12 06:47:52 +00:00
Open Scripting Architecture (OSA)[^1] enables macOS app automation with scripts.
OSA originally supported the "AppleScript" language. Modern macOS releases
(OSX 10.10 and later) natively support JavaScript scripts using "JXA"[^2].
2023-04-18 20:26:59 +00:00
2024-03-12 06:47:52 +00:00
[SheetJS]( is a JavaScript library for reading and writing
data from spreadsheets.
2023-04-18 20:26:59 +00:00
2024-07-01 03:59:01 +00:00
This demo uses SheetJS in OSA Scripts to pull data from a spreadsheet. We'll
explore how to use SheetJS libraries in AppleScript and JavaScript scripts. The
["Complete Demo"](#complete-demo) parses workbooks and generates CSV rows.
2024-03-12 06:47:52 +00:00
:::note Tested Environments
2023-04-18 20:26:59 +00:00
2024-03-12 06:47:52 +00:00
This demo was tested in the following environments:
2024-07-01 03:59:01 +00:00
| macOS | Language | Date |
| `14.5` | AppleScript (OSA) | 2024-06-30 |
| `14.5` | JavaScript (JXA) | 2024-06-30 |
2023-04-18 20:26:59 +00:00
## Integration details
2024-03-12 06:47:52 +00:00
The [SheetJS Standalone scripts](/docs/getting-started/installation/standalone)
can be parsed and evaluated from the JS engine. Once evaluated, the `XLSX`
global will be defined. A JS stub can expose methods from AppleScript scripts.
2023-04-18 20:26:59 +00:00
<Tabs groupId="osa">
<TabItem value="js" label="JavaScript">
The following snippet reads a file into a binary string:
function get_bstr(path) {
/* create NSString from the file contents using a binary encoding */
var str = $.NSString.stringWithContentsOfFileEncodingError(path, $.NSISOLatin1StringEncoding, null);
/* return the value as a JS object */
return ObjC.unwrap(str);
_Loading the Library_
Assuming the standalone library is in the same directory as the source file,
the script can be evaluated with `eval`:
var src = get_bstr("./xlsx.full.min.js");
_Parsing Files_
The same method can be used to read binary strings and parse with `type: "binary"`:
var file = get_bstr("./pres.numbers");
var wb =;
<TabItem value="as" label="AppleScript">
The core idea is to push the processing logic to a stub JS file.
_JS Stub_
The JS stub will be evaluated in the JavaScript context. The same technique from
the JavaScript section works in the stub:
function get_bstr(path) {
var str = $.NSString.stringWithContentsOfFileEncodingError(path, $.NSISOLatin1StringEncoding, null);
return ObjC.unwrap(str);
/* this will be called when AppleScript initializes the JS engine */
It is more efficient to offload as much work as possible into the stub. For
example, this function parses a workbook file from the filesystem and generates
a CSV without passing intermediate values back to AppleScript:
/* this method will be exposed as `wb_to_csv` */
function wb_to_csv(path) {
/* read file */
var filedata = get_bstr(path);
var wb =, { type: "binary" });
return XLSX.utils.sheet_to_csv(wb.Sheets[wb.SheetNames[0]]);
_Loading the Stub_
Assuming the stub is saved to `xlsx.stub.js`, the following handler creates a
context and evaluates the standalone library:
on getContext()
-- get contents of xlsx.stub.js
set UnixPath to POSIX path of ((path to me as text) & "::")
set libpath to POSIX path of (UnixPath & "xlsx.stub.js")
set {src, err} to current application's NSString's stringWithContentsOfFile:libpath encoding:(current application's NSISOLatin1StringEncoding) |error|:(reference)
if src is missing value then error (err's localizedDescription()) as text
-- create scripting context and evaluate the stub
set lang to current application's OSALanguage's languageForName:"JavaScript"
set osa to current application's OSAScript's alloc()'s initWithSource:src language:lang
return osa
end getContext
_Evaluating JS Code_
When calling a function, the result is an array whose first item is the value of
the evaluated code. A small helper function extracts the raw result:
on extractResult(res)
return item 1 of ((current application's NSArray's arrayWithObject:res) as list)
end extractResult
With everything defined, `executeHandlerWithName` will run functions defined in
the stub. For example:
set osa to getContext()
set {res, err} to osa's executeHandlerWithName:"wb_to_csv" arguments:{"pres.numbers"} |error|:(reference)
## Complete Demo
This example will read from a specified filename and print the first worksheet
data in CSV format.
2023-09-22 06:32:55 +00:00
0) Download the SheetJS Standalone script and test file. Move both files to
the project directory:
<li><a href={`${current}/package/dist/xlsx.full.min.js`}>xlsx.full.min.js</a></li>
2024-04-26 04:16:13 +00:00
<li><a href="">pres.numbers</a></li>
2023-09-22 06:32:55 +00:00
2023-04-18 20:26:59 +00:00
2023-05-07 13:58:36 +00:00
<CodeBlock language="bash">{`\
2024-04-26 04:16:13 +00:00
curl -LO
2023-04-27 09:12:19 +00:00
curl -LO${current}/package/dist/xlsx.full.min.js`}
2023-05-07 13:58:36 +00:00
2023-04-18 20:26:59 +00:00
<Tabs groupId="osa">
<TabItem value="js" label="JavaScript">
1) Save the following script to `sheetosa.js`:
```js title="sheetosa.js"
#!/usr/bin/env osascript -l JavaScript
function get_bstr(path) {
var str = $.NSString.stringWithContentsOfFileEncodingError(path, $.NSISOLatin1StringEncoding, null);
return ObjC.unwrap(str);
function run(argv) {
var filedata = get_bstr(argv[0]);
var wb =, { type: "binary" });
2) Make the script executable:
chmod +x sheetosa.js
3) Run the script, passing the path to the test file as an argument:
./sheetosa.js pres.numbers
<TabItem value="as" label="AppleScript">
1) Save the following script to `xlsx.stub.js`:
```js title="xlsx.stub.js"
function get_bstr(path) {
var str = $.NSString.stringWithContentsOfFileEncodingError(path, $.NSISOLatin1StringEncoding, null);
return ObjC.unwrap(str);
function wb_to_csv(path) {
var filedata = get_bstr(path);
var wb =, { type: "binary" });
return XLSX.utils.sheet_to_csv(wb.Sheets[wb.SheetNames[0]]);
2) Save the following script to `sheetosa.scpt`:
```applescript title="sheetosa.scpt"
#!/usr/bin/env osascript
use AppleScript version "2.7"
use scripting additions
use framework "Foundation"
use framework "OSAKit"
set osa to getContext()
set {res, err} to osa's executeHandlerWithName:"wb_to_csv" arguments:{"pres.numbers"} |error|:(reference)
on getContext()
set UnixPath to POSIX path of ((path to me as text) & "::")
2023-04-19 08:50:07 +00:00
set libpath to POSIX path of (UnixPath & "xlsx.stub.js")
2023-04-18 20:26:59 +00:00
set {src, err} to current application's NSString's stringWithContentsOfFile:libpath encoding:(current application's NSISOLatin1StringEncoding) |error|:(reference)
set lang to current application's OSALanguage's languageForName:"JavaScript"
set osa to current application's OSAScript's alloc()'s initWithSource:src language:lang
return osa
end getContext
on extractResult(res)
return item 1 of ((current application's NSArray's arrayWithObject:res) as list)
end extractResult
3) Make the script executable:
chmod +x sheetosa.scpt
2023-04-25 00:51:32 +00:00
4) Run the script (it is hardcoded to read `pres.numbers`):
2023-04-18 20:26:59 +00:00
2024-03-12 06:47:52 +00:00
2024-07-01 03:59:01 +00:00
If successful, CSV rows from the first worksheet will be printed:
Bill Clinton,42
GeorgeW Bush,43
Barack Obama,44
Donald Trump,45
Joseph Biden,46
2024-03-12 06:47:52 +00:00
[^1]: See ["Introduction to AppleScript Overview"]( in the Apple Developer documentation for more details.
[^2]: See ["Introduction to JavaScript for Automation Release Notes"]( in the Apple Developer documentation for more details.