This commit is contained in:
SheetJS 2023-01-19 21:25:16 -05:00
parent 3640bd8c1f
commit 8855895cad
4 changed files with 248 additions and 19 deletions

@ -214,10 +214,9 @@ been tested against both application types.
NodeJS `v16` is required. There are OS-specific tools for downgrading:
- [`nvm-windows`]( Windows
- [`n`]( Linux, MacOS, WSL, etc.
At the time of testing, NodeJS `v16` was required. A tool like
[`nvm-windows`]( should be
used to switch the NodeJS version.
@ -436,10 +435,8 @@ This demo was tested against `v0.64.30` on 2023 January 04 in MacOS 12.4
NodeJS `v16` is required. There are OS-specific tools for downgrading:
- [`nvm-windows`]( Windows
- [`n`]( Linux, MacOS, WSL, etc.
At the time of testing, NodeJS `v16` was required. A tool like
[`n`]( should be used to switch the NodeJS version.

@ -4,17 +4,9 @@ pagination_prev: demos/extensions/index
pagination_next: demos/gsheet
### NuxtJS
`@nuxt/content` is a file-based CMS for Nuxt, enabling static-site generation
and on-demand server rendering powered by spreadsheets.
This demo was tested on 2022 November 18 against Nuxt Content `v1.15.1`.
Nuxt Content `v2` (NuxtJS `v3`) employs a different architecture from `v1`.
@ -25,7 +17,15 @@ until the issues are resolved.
## Configuration
## Nuxt Content v1
This demo was tested on 2022 November 18 against Nuxt Content `v1.15.1`.
### Configuration
Through an override in `nuxt.config.js`, Nuxt Content will use custom parsers.
Differences from a stock `create-nuxt-app` config are shown below:
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ export default {
## Template Use
### Template Use
When a spreadsheet is placed in the `content` folder, Nuxt will find it. The
data can be referenced in a view with `asyncData`. The name should not include
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ neatly with nested `v-for`:
## Nuxt Content Demo
### Nuxt Content Demo
@ -248,3 +248,235 @@ npx http-server dist
Accessing the page http://localhost:8080 will show the page contents. Verifying
the static nature is trivial: make another change in Excel and save. The page
will not change.
## Nuxt Content v2
This demo was tested on 2023 January 19 against Nuxt Content `v2.3.0`.
### Overview
Nuxt Content `v2` supports custom transformers for controlling data. Although
the library hard-codes UTF-8 interpretations, the `_id` field currently uses
the pattern `content:` followed by the filename (if files are placed in the
`content` folder directly). This enables a transformer to re-read the file:
import { defineTransformer } from "@nuxt/content/transformers/utils";
import { read, utils } from "xlsx";
import { readFileSync } from "node:fs";
import { resolve } from 'node:path';
export default defineTransformer({
name: 'sheetformer',
extensions: ['.xlsx'],
parse (_id: string, rawContent: string) {
const wb = read(readFileSync(resolve("./content/" + _id.slice(8))));
const body = => ({ name, data: utils.sheet_to_json(wb.Sheets[name])}));
return { _id, body };
Pages can pull data using `useAsyncData`:
<script setup>
const key = "pres"; // matches pres.xlsx
const {data} = await useAsyncData('x', ()=>queryContent(`/${key}`).findOne());
// data.body is the output from the transformer and can be used in the template
Pages should use `ContentRenderer` to reference the data:
<template><ContentRenderer :value="data">
<!-- data.body is the array defined in the transformer -->
<div v-for="item in data.body" v-bind:key="">
<!-- each item has a "name" string for worsheet name -->
<h2>{{ }}</h2>
<!-- each item has a "body" array of data rows -->
<tr v-for="row in" v-bind:key="row.Index">
<!-- Assuming the sheet uses the columns "Name" and "Index" -->
<td>{{ row.Name }}</td>
<td>{{ row.Index }}</td>
### Nuxt Content 2 Demo
This demo was tested on 2023 January 19 against Nuxt Content `v2.3.0`.
The generated project used Nuxt `v3.0.0`.
1) Create a stock app and install dependencies:
npx nuxi init -t content sheetjs-nc2
cd sheetjs-nc2
npx yarn install
2) Install the SheetJS library and start the server:
npx yarn add
npx yarn dev
When the build finishes, the terminal will display a URL like:
> Local: http://localhost:3000/
The server is listening on that URL. Open the link in a web browser.
3) Download <> and move to the `content` folder.
curl -L -o content/pres.xlsx
4) Create the transformer.
Two files must be written:
- `sheetformer.ts` (the raw transformer module):
```ts title="sheetformer.ts"
import { defineTransformer } from "@nuxt/content/transformers/utils";
import { read, utils } from "xlsx";
import { readFileSync } from "node:fs";
import { resolve } from 'node:path';
export default defineTransformer({
name: 'sheetformer',
extensions: ['.xlsx'],
parse (_id: string, rawContent: string) {
const wb = read(readFileSync(resolve("./content/" + _id.slice(8))));
const body = => ({ name, data: utils.sheet_to_json(wb.Sheets[name])}));
return { _id, body };
- `sheetmodule.ts` (the nuxt configuration module):
```ts title="sheetmodule.ts"
import { resolve } from 'path'
import { defineNuxtModule } from '@nuxt/kit'
export default defineNuxtModule({
setup (_options, nuxt) {
nuxt.options.nitro.externals = nuxt.options.nitro.externals || {}
nuxt.options.nitro.externals.inline = nuxt.options.nitro.externals.inline || []
// @ts-ignore
nuxt.hook('content:context', (contentContext) => {
After creating the source files, the module must be added to `nuxt.config.ts`:
```ts title="nuxt.config.ts"
import SheetJSModule from './sheetmodule'
export default defineNuxtConfig({
modules: [
content: {}
Restart the dev server by exiting the process (Control+C) and running:
rm -rf .nuxt/content-cache ## forcefully clear cache
npx yarn run dev
Loading http://localhost:3000/pres should show some JSON data:
// ...
"data": {
"_path": "/pres",
// ...
"_id": "content:pres.xlsx",
"body": [
"name": "Sheet1", // <-- sheet name
"data": [ // <-- array of data objects
"Name": "Bill Clinton",
"Index": 42
5) Create a page. Save the following content to `pages/pres.vue`:
<script setup>
const {data} = await useAsyncData('s5s', () => queryContent('/pres').findOne());
<template><ContentRenderer :value="data">
<div v-for="item in data.body" v-bind:key="">
<h2>{{ }}</h2>
<tr v-for="row in" v-bind:key="row.Index">
<td>{{ row.Name }}</td>
<td>{{ row.Index }}</td>
Restart the dev server by exiting the process (Control+C) and running:
rm -rf .nuxt/content-cache ## forcefully clear cache
npx yarn run dev
The browser should now display an HTML table.
6) To verify that hot loading works, open `pres.xlsx` from the `content` folder
in Excel. Add a new row to the bottom and save the file.
The page should automatically refresh with the new content.
7) Stop the server (press `CTRL+C` in the terminal window) and run
npx yarn run generate
This will create a static site in `.output/public`, which can be served with:
npx http-server .output/public
Accessing http://localhost:8080/pres will show the page contents. Verifying
the static nature is trivial: make another change in Excel and save. The page
will not change.