forked from sheetjs/
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
title: Data Grids and Tables
pagination_prev: demos/cloud/index
pagination_next: demos/data/index
Various JavaScript UI components provide a more interactive editing experience.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
title: WebSQL and SQLite
pagination_prev: demos/grid
pagination_next: demos/worker
type: web
sql: true
WebSQL is a popular SQL-based in-browser database available on Chrome. In
practice, it is powered by SQLite, and most simple SQLite-compatible queries
work as-is in WebSQL.
The public demo <> generates a database from workbook.
## WebSQL Details
Importing data from spreadsheets is straightforward using the `generate_sql`
helper function from ["Generating Tables"](/docs/demos/data/sql#generating-tables):
const db = openDatabase('sheetql', '1.0', 'SheetJS WebSQL Test', 2097152);
const stmts = generate_sql(ws, wsname);
// NOTE: tx.executeSql and db.transaction use callbacks. This wraps in Promises
for(var i = 0; i < stmts.length; ++i) await new Promise((res, rej) => {
db.transaction(tx =>
tx.executeSql(stmts[i], [],
(tx, data) => res(data), // if the query is successful, return the data
(tx, err) => rej(err) // if the query fails, reject with the error
The result of a SQL SELECT statement is a `SQLResultSet`. The `rows` property
is a `SQLResultSetRowList`. It is an "array-like" structure that has `length`
and properties like `0`, `1`, etc. However, this is not a real Array object.
A real Array can be created using `Array.from`:
const db = openDatabase('sheetql', '1.0', 'SheetJS WebSQL Test', 2097152);
db.readTransaction(tx =>
tx.executeSQL("SELECT * FROM DatabaseTable", [], (tx, data) => {
// data.rows is "array-like", so `Array.from` can make it a real array
const aoo = Array.from(data.rows);
const ws = XLSX.utils.json_to_sheet(aoo);
// ... it is recommended to perform an export here OR wrap in a Promise
### Live Demo
The following demo generates a database with 5 fixed SQL statements. Queries
can be changed in the Live Editor. The WebSQL database can be inspected in the
"WebSQL" section of the "Application" Tab of Developer Tools:

```jsx live
function SheetQL() {
const [out, setOut] = React.useState("");
const queries = [
'CREATE TABLE Presidents (Name TEXT, Idx REAL)',
'INSERT INTO Presidents (Name, Idx) VALUES ("Barack Obama", 44)',
'INSERT INTO Presidents (Name, Idx) VALUES ("Donald Trump", 45)',
'INSERT INTO Presidents (Name, Idx) VALUES ("Joseph Biden", 46)'
const xport = React.useCallback(async() => {
// prep database
const db = openDatabase('sheetql', '1.0', 'SheetJS WebSQL Test', 2097152);
for(var i = 0; i < queries.length; ++i) await new Promise((res, rej) => {
db.transaction((tx) => {
tx.executeSql(queries[i], [], (tx, data) => res(data), (tx, err) => rej(err));
// pull data and generate rows
db.readTransaction(tx => {
tx.executeSql("SELECT * FROM Presidents", [], (tx, data) => {
const aoo = Array.from(data.rows);
setOut("QUERY RESULT:\n" + => JSON.stringify(r)).join("\n") + "\n")
const ws = XLSX.utils.json_to_sheet(aoo);
const wb = XLSX.utils.book_new();
XLSX.utils.book_append_sheet(wb, ws, "Presidents");
XLSX.writeFile(wb, "SheetQL.xlsx");
return ( <pre>{out}<button onClick={xport}><b>Fetch!</b></button></pre> );
## Server-Side SQLite
Most platforms offer a simple way to query SQLite database files.
The following example shows how to query for each table in an SQLite database,
query for the data for each table, add each non-empty table to a workbook, and
export as XLSX.
[The Northwind database is available in SQLite form](
### NodeJS
The **`better-sqlite3`** module provides a very simple API for working with
SQLite databases. `Statement#all` runs a prepared statement and returns an array
of JS objects.
1) Install the dependencies:
npm i --save better-sqlite3
2) Save the following to `node.mjs`:
```js title="node.mjs"
/* Load SQLite3 connector library */
import Database from "better-sqlite3";
/* Load SheetJS library */
import * as XLSX from 'xlsx';
import * as fs from 'fs';
/* Initialize database */
var db = Database("northwind.db");
/* Create new workbook */
var wb = XLSX.utils.book_new();
/* Get list of table names */
var sql = db.prepare("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table'");
var result = sql.all();
/* Loop across each name */
result.forEach(function(row) {
/* Get first 100K rows */
var aoo = db.prepare("SELECT * FROM '" + + "' LIMIT 100000").all();
if(aoo.length > 0) {
/* Create Worksheet from the row objects */
var ws = XLSX.utils.json_to_sheet(aoo, {dense: true});
/* Add to Workbook */
XLSX.utils.book_append_sheet(wb, ws,;
/* Write File */
XLSX.writeFile(wb, "node.xlsx");
3) Run `node node.mjs` and open `node.xlsx`
### Bun
Bun ships with a built-in high-performance module `bun:sqlite`.
1) Install the dependencies:
npm i --save
2) Save the following to `bun.mjs`:
```js title="bun.mjs"
/* Load SQLite3 connector library */
import { Database } from "bun:sqlite";
/* Load SheetJS library */
import * as XLSX from 'xlsx';
import * as fs from 'fs';
/* Initialize database */
var db ="northwind.db");
/* Create new workbook */
var wb = XLSX.utils.book_new();
/* Get list of table names */
var sql = db.prepare("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table'");
var result = sql.all();
/* Loop across each name */
result.forEach(function(row) {
/* Get first 100K rows */
var aoo = db.prepare("SELECT * FROM '" + + "' LIMIT 100000").all();
if(aoo.length > 0) {
/* Create Worksheet from the row objects */
var ws = XLSX.utils.json_to_sheet(aoo, {dense: true});
/* Add to Workbook */
XLSX.utils.book_append_sheet(wb, ws,;
/* Write File */
XLSX.writeFile(wb, "bun.xlsx");
3) Run `bun bun.mjs` and open `bun.xlsx`
### Deno
Deno `sqlite` library returns raw arrays of arrays.
1) Save the following to `deno.ts`:
```ts title="deno.ts"
/* Load SQLite3 connector library */
import { DB } from "";
/* Load SheetJS library */
// @deno-types=""
import * as XLSX from '';
/* Initialize database */
var db = new DB("northwind.db");
/* Create new workbook */
var wb = XLSX.utils.book_new();
/* Get list of table names */
var sql = db.prepareQuery("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table'");
var result = sql.all();
/* Loop across each name */
result.forEach(function(row) {
/* Get first 100K rows */
var query = db.prepareQuery("SELECT * FROM '" + row[0] + "' LIMIT 100000")
var aoa = query.all();
if(aoa.length > 0) {
/* Create array of arrays */
var data = [query.columns().map(x =>].concat(aoa);
/* Create Worksheet from the aoa */
var ws = XLSX.utils.aoa_to_sheet(data, {dense: true});
/* Add to Workbook */
XLSX.utils.book_append_sheet(wb, ws, row[0]);
/* Write File */
XLSX.writeFile(wb, "deno.xlsx");
3) Run `deno run --allow-read --allow-write deno.ts` and open `deno.xlsx`
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
title: Local Storage API
pagination_prev: demos/grid
pagination_next: demos/worker
type: web
The Storage API, encompassing `localStorage` and `sessionStorage`, describes
simple key-value stores that only support string values and keys.
Arrays of objects can be stored using `JSON.stringify` using row index as key:
const aoo = XLSX.utils.sheet_to_json(ws);
for(var i = 0; i < aoo.length; ++i) localStorage.setItem(i, JSON.stringify(aoo[i]));
Recovering the array of objects is possible by using `JSON.parse`:
const aoo = [];
for(var i = 0; i < localStorage.length; ++i) aoo.push(JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(i)));
const ws = XLSX.utils.json_to_sheet(aoo);
This example will fetch <>, fill `localStorage` with
rows, then generate a worksheet from the rows and write to a new file.
This example is for illustration purposes. If array of objects is available, it
is strongly recommended to convert that array to a worksheet directly.
```jsx live
function SheetJStorage() {
const [url, setUrl] = React.useState("");
const set_url = React.useCallback((evt) => setUrl(;
const [out, setOut] = React.useState("");
const xport = React.useCallback(async() => {
// get first worksheet data as array of objects
const ab = await (await fetch(url)).arrayBuffer();
const wb =, wsname = wb.SheetNames[0];
const aoo = XLSX.utils.sheet_to_json(wb.Sheets[wsname]);
// reset and populate localStorage
for(var i = 0; i < aoo.length; ++i) localStorage.setItem(i, JSON.stringify(aoo[i]));
// create new array of objects from localStorage
const new_aoo = [];
for(var i = 0; i < localStorage.length; ++i) {
const row = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(i));
setOut(`Number of rows in LocalStorage: ${localStorage.length}`);
// create and export workbook
const new_ws = XLSX.utils.json_to_sheet(new_aoo);
const new_wb = XLSX.utils.book_new();
XLSX.utils.book_append_sheet(new_wb, new_ws, "Sheet1");
XLSX.writeFile(new_wb, "SheetJStorage.xlsx");
return ( <> {out && (<><a href={url}>{url}</a><pre>{out}</pre></>)}
<b>URL: </b><input type="text" value={url} onChange={set_url} size="50"/>
<br/><button onClick={xport}><b>Fetch!</b></button>
</> );
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
title: IndexedDB API
pagination_prev: demos/grid
pagination_next: demos/worker
type: web
IndexedDB is a very low-level API. It is strongly recommended to use a wrapper
library or [WebSQL](/docs/demos/data/websql) in production applications.
`localForage` is a IndexedDB wrapper that presents an async Storage interface.
Arrays of objects can be stored using `JSON.stringify` using row index as key:
const aoo = XLSX.utils.sheet_to_json(ws);
for(var i = 0; i < aoo.length; ++i) await localForage.setItem(i, JSON.stringify(aoo[i]));
Recovering the array of objects is possible by using `JSON.parse`:
const aoo = [];
for(var i = 0; i < localForage.length; ++i) aoo.push(JSON.parse(await localForage.getItem(i)));
const wb = XLSX.utils.json_to_sheet(aoo);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
title: AlaSQL
pagination_prev: demos/grid
pagination_next: demos/worker
sql: true
import current from '/version.js';
AlaSQL is a pure JavaScript in-memory SQL database. It has built-in support for
SheetJS through the `XLSX` target operator.
This demo covers basic concepts pertaining to data import and export. The
official documentation includes advanced examples and deployment tips as well as
strategies for general data processing in AlaSQL expressions.
## NodeJS Usage
`alasql` uses an older version of the library. It can be overridden through a
`package.json` override in the latest versions of NodeJS:
<pre><code parentName="pre" {...{"className": "language-json"}}>{`\
"overrides": {
"xlsx": "${current}/xlsx-${current}.tgz"
#### Reading Files
By default, the `XLSX` "from" target automatically adds a `.xlsx` extension. To
read files with an arbitrary filename, the `autoExt: false` option should be
passed as the second argument:
SELECT `Name`, `Index` FROM XLSX(
"pres.numbers" --<< filename is "pres.numbers"
// highlight-start
, { --<< options are supplied as the second argument to XLSX operator
autoExt: false --<< do not automatically add ".xlsx" extension!
// highlight-end
) WHERE `Index` < 45
By default the workbook is parsed and `sheet_to_json` is used to pull data:
const { promise: alasql } = require("alasql");
(async() => {
const aoo = await alasql(`SELECT * from XLSX("pres.xlsb", {autoExt: false})`);
console.log(aoo); // [ { Name: "Bill Clinton", Index: 42 }, ...]
#### Writing Files
The `XLSX` "into" target calls `XLSX.writeFile` under the hood:
const { promise: alasql } = require("alasql");
(async() => {
const data = [
{ Name: "Bill Clinton", Index: 42 },
{ Name: "Someone Else", Index: 47 }
await alasql(`SELECT * INTO XLSX("PresMod5.xlsb") FROM ?`, [data]);
/* PresMod5.xlsb will be created */
### NodeJS Example
This demo was tested on 2023 February 23 against AlaSQL 3.1.0
1) Create an empty folder for the project:
mkdir alasql
cd alasql
2) In the folder, create a stub `package.json` with the `xlsx` override:
```json title="package.json"
"overrides": {
"xlsx": ""
3) Install SheetJS and AlaSQL:
npm i --save alasql@3.1.0
4) Download the test file <> :
curl -LO
5) Save the following test script to `SheetJSAlaSQL.js`:
```js title="SheetJSAlaSQL.js"
const { promise: alasql } = require("alasql");
(async() => {
/* read data from spreadsheet to JS */
const data = await alasql(`
SELECT \`Name\`, \`Index\`
FROM XLSX("pres.numbers", {autoExt:false})
WHERE \`Index\` < 45
/* write data from JS to spreadsheet */
data.push({Name: "Someone Else", Index: 47});
await alasql(`SELECT * INTO XLSX("SheetJSAlaSQL1.xlsx") FROM ?`, [data]);
6) Run the test script
node SheetJSAlaSQL.js
The output should display:
{ Name: 'Bill Clinton', Index: 42 },
{ Name: 'GeorgeW Bush', Index: 43 },
{ Name: 'Barack Obama', Index: 44 }
The script should generate `SheetJSAlaSQL1.xlsx` with the additional row:
Bill Clinton,42
GeorgeW Bush,43
Barack Obama,44
Someone Else,47
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
title: SQL Connectors
pagination_prev: demos/grid
pagination_next: demos/worker
sql: true
import Tabs from '@theme/Tabs';
import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';
### Generating Tables
This example will fetch <>, scan the columns of the
first worksheet to determine data types, and generate 6 PostgreSQL statements.
<details><summary><b>Explanation</b> (click to show)</summary>
The relevant `generate_sql` function takes a worksheet name and a table name:
// define mapping between determined types and PostgreSQL types
const PG = { "n": "float8", "s": "text", "b": "boolean" };
function generate_sql(ws, wsname) {
// generate an array of objects from the data
const aoo = XLSX.utils.sheet_to_json(ws);
// types will map column headers to types, while hdr holds headers in order
const types = {}, hdr = [];
// loop across each row object
aoo.forEach(row =>
// Object.entries returns a row of [key, value] pairs. Loop across those
Object.entries(row).forEach(([k,v]) => {
// If this is first time seeing key, mark unknown and append header array
if(!types[k]) { types[k] = "?"; hdr.push(k); }
// skip null and undefined
if(v == null) return;
// check and resolve type
switch(typeof v) {
case "string": // strings are the broadest type
types[k] = "s"; break;
case "number": // if column is not string, number is the broadest type
if(types[k] != "s") types[k] = "n"; break;
case "boolean": // only mark boolean if column is unknown or boolean
if("?b".includes(types[k])) types[k] = "b"; break;
default: types[k] = "s"; break; // default to string type
// The final array consists of the CREATE TABLE query and a series of INSERTs
return [
// generate CREATE TABLE query and return batch
`CREATE TABLE \`${wsname}\` (${ =>
// column name must be wrapped in backticks
`\`${h}\` ${PG[types[h]]}`
).join(", ")});`
].concat( => { // generate INSERT query for each row
// entries will be an array of [key, value] pairs for the data in the row
const entries = Object.entries(row);
// fields will hold the column names and values will hold the values
const fields = [], values = [];
// check each key/value pair in the row
entries.forEach(([k,v]) => {
// skip null / undefined
if(v == null) return;
// column name must be wrapped in backticks
// when the field type is numeric, `true` -> 1 and `false` -> 0
if(types[k] == "n") values.push(typeof v == "boolean" ? (v ? 1 : 0) : v);
// otherwise,
else values.push(`'${v.toString().replaceAll("'", "''")}'`);
if(fields.length) return `INSERT INTO \`${wsname}\` (${fields.join(", ")}) VALUES (${values.join(", ")})`;
})).filter(x => x); // filter out skipped rows
```jsx live
function SheetJSQLWriter() {
// define mapping between determined types and PostgreSQL types
const PG = { "n": "float8", "s": "text", "b": "boolean" };
function generate_sql(ws, wsname) {
const aoo = XLSX.utils.sheet_to_json(ws);
const types = {}, hdr = [];
// loop across each key in each column
aoo.forEach(row => Object.entries(row).forEach(([k,v]) => {
// set up type if header hasn't been seen
if(!types[k]) { types[k] = "?"; hdr.push(k); }
// check and resolve type
switch(typeof v) {
case "string": types[k] = "s"; break;
case "number": if(types[k] != "s") types[k] = "n"; break;
case "boolean": if("?b".includes(types[k])) types[k] = "b"; break;
default: types[k] = "s"; break;
return [
// generate CREATE TABLE query and return batch
`CREATE TABLE \`${wsname}\` (${ => `\`${h}\` ${PG[types[h]]}`).join(", ")});`
].concat( => {
const entries = Object.entries(row);
const fields = [], values = [];
entries.forEach(([k,v]) => {
if(v == null) return;
if(types[k] == "n") values.push(typeof v == "boolean" ? (v ? 1 : 0) : v);
else values.push(`'${v.toString().replaceAll("'", "''")}'`);
if(fields.length) return `INSERT INTO \`${wsname}\` (${fields.join(", ")}) VALUES (${values.join(", ")})`;
})).filter(x => x).slice(0, 6);
const [url, setUrl] = React.useState("");
const set_url = React.useCallback((evt) => setUrl(;
const [out, setOut] = React.useState("");
const xport = React.useCallback(async() => {
const ab = await (await fetch(url)).arrayBuffer();
const wb =, wsname = wb.SheetNames[0];
setOut(generate_sql(wb.Sheets[wsname], wsname).join("\n"));
return ( <> {out && (<><a href={url}>{url}</a><pre>{out}</pre></>)}
<b>URL: </b><input type="text" value={url} onChange={set_url} size="50"/>
<br/><button onClick={xport}><b>Fetch!</b></button>
</> );
## Databases
### Query Builders
Query builders are designed to simplify query generation and normalize field
types and other database minutiae.
The result of a `SELECT` statement is an array of objects:
const aoo = await"*").from("DataTable");
const worksheet = XLSX.utils.json_to_sheet(aoa);
Knex wraps primitive types when creating a table. `generate_sql` takes a `knex`
connection object and uses the API:
<details><summary><b>Generating a Table</b> (click to show)</summary>
// define mapping between determined types and Knex types
const PG = { "n": "float", "s": "text", "b": "boolean" };
async function generate_sql(knex, ws, wsname) {
// generate an array of objects from the data
const aoo = XLSX.utils.sheet_to_json(ws);
// types will map column headers to types, while hdr holds headers in order
const types = {}, hdr = [];
// loop across each row object
aoo.forEach(row =>
// Object.entries returns a row of [key, value] pairs. Loop across those
Object.entries(row).forEach(([k,v]) => {
// If this is first time seeing key, mark unknown and append header array
if(!types[k]) { types[k] = "?"; hdr.push(k); }
// skip null and undefined
if(v == null) return;
// check and resolve type
switch(typeof v) {
case "string": // strings are the broadest type
types[k] = "s"; break;
case "number": // if column is not string, number is the broadest type
if(types[k] != "s") types[k] = "n"; break;
case "boolean": // only mark boolean if column is unknown or boolean
if("?b".includes(types[k])) types[k] = "b"; break;
default: types[k] = "s"; break; // default to string type
await knex.schema.dropTableIfExists(wsname);
await knex.schema.createTable(wsname, (table) => { hdr.forEach(h => { table[PG[types[h]] || "text"](h); }); });
for(let i = 0; i < aoo.length; ++i) {
if(!aoo[i] || !Object.keys(aoo[i]).length) continue;
try { await knex.insert(aoo[i]).into(wsname); } catch(e) {}
return knex;
### Other SQL Databases
The `generate_sql` function from ["Building Schemas from Worksheets"](#building-schemas-from-worksheets)
can be adapted to generate SQL statements for a variety of databases, including:
The `pg` connector library was tested against the `generate_sql` output as-is.
The `rows` property of a query result is an array of objects that plays nice
with `json_to_sheet`:
const aoa = await connection.query(`SELECT * FROM DataTable`).rows;
const worksheet = XLSX.utils.json_to_sheet(aoa);
**MySQL / MariaDB**
The `mysql2` connector library was tested. The differences are shown below,
primarily stemming from the different quoting requirements and field types.
<details><summary><b>Differences</b> (click to show)</summary>
// highlight-start
// define mapping between determined types and MySQL types
const PG = { "n": "REAL", "s": "TEXT", "b": "TINYINT" };
// highlight-end
function generate_sql(ws, wsname) {
// generate an array of objects from the data
const aoo = XLSX.utils.sheet_to_json(ws);
// types will map column headers to types, while hdr holds headers in order
const types = {}, hdr = [];
// loop across each row object
aoo.forEach(row =>
// Object.entries returns a row of [key, value] pairs. Loop across those
Object.entries(row).forEach(([k,v]) => {
// If this is first time seeing key, mark unknown and append header array
if(!types[k]) { types[k] = "?"; hdr.push(k); }
// skip null and undefined
if(v == null) return;
// check and resolve type
switch(typeof v) {
case "string": // strings are the broadest type
types[k] = "s"; break;
case "number": // if column is not string, number is the broadest type
if(types[k] != "s") types[k] = "n"; break;
case "boolean": // only mark boolean if column is unknown or boolean
if("?b".includes(types[k])) types[k] = "b"; break;
default: types[k] = "s"; break; // default to string type
// The final array consists of the CREATE TABLE query and a series of INSERTs
return [
// generate CREATE TABLE query and return batch
// highlight-next-line
`CREATE TABLE ${wsname} (${ =>
// highlight-next-line
`${h} ${PG[types[h]]}`
).join(", ")});`
].concat( => { // generate INSERT query for each row
// entries will be an array of [key, value] pairs for the data in the row
const entries = Object.entries(row);
// fields will hold the column names and values will hold the values
const fields = [], values = [];
// check each key/value pair in the row
entries.forEach(([k,v]) => {
// skip null / undefined
if(v == null) return;
// highlight-next-line
// when the field type is numeric, `true` -> 1 and `false` -> 0
if(types[k] == "n") values.push(typeof v == "boolean" ? (v ? 1 : 0) : v);
// otherwise,
// highlight-next-line
else values.push(`"${v.toString().replaceAll('"', '""')}"`);
if(fields.length) return `INSERT INTO \`${wsname}\` (${fields.join(", ")}) VALUES (${values.join(", ")})`;
})).filter(x => x); // filter out skipped rows
The first property of a query result is an array of objects that plays nice
with `json_to_sheet`:
const aoa = await connection.query(`SELECT * FROM DataTable`)[0];
const worksheet = XLSX.utils.json_to_sheet(aoa);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
title: MongoDB
pagination_prev: demos/grid
pagination_next: demos/worker
type: document
MongoDB is a popular document-oriented database engine.
It is straightforward to treat collections as worksheets. Each object maps to
a row in the table.
## Integration Details
The official NodeJS connector is `mongodb`.
#### Importing Data
Data stored in an array of objects can be added to MongoDB Collections using
`Collection#insertMany`. `sheet_to_json` can generate data from worksheets:
/* import data from a worksheet to a collection */
const aoo = XLSX.utils.sheet_to_json(ws);
await collection.insertMany(aoo, {ordered: true});
#### Exporting Data
`Collection#find` can pull an array of objects from a Mongo Collection.
Normally the method adds a `_id` field to each object. The recommended way to
remove the field is to use a `projection` to suppress the ID:
/* generate an array of objects from a collection */
const aoo = await collection.find({}, {projection:{_id:0}}).toArray();
Worksheets can be generated from the result using `json_to_sheet`:
/* generate a worksheet from a collection */
const aoo = await collection.find({}, {projection:{_id:0}}).toArray();
const ws = utils.json_to_sheet(aoo);
## Complete Example
This demo was last tested on 2023 February 23 with MongoDB CE 6.0.4, MongoDB
connector module 5.1.0 and NodeJS 18.14.2.
0) Install MongoDB 6.0 Community Edition. The macOS steps required `brew`:
brew tap mongodb/brew
brew update
brew install mongodb-community@6.0
1) Start a MongoDB server on `localhost` (follow official instructions). To run
in the foreground on Intel MacOS:
/usr/local/opt/mongodb-community/bin/mongod --config /usr/local/etc/mongod.conf
2) Create base project and install the dependencies:
mkdir sheetjs-mongo
cd sheetjs-mongo
npm init -y
npm i --save mongodb@5.1.0
3) Save the following to `SheetJSMongoCRUD.mjs` (the key step is highlighted):
```js title="SheetJSMongoCRUD.mjs"
import { writeFile, set_fs, utils } from 'xlsx';
import * as fs from 'fs'; set_fs(fs);
import { MongoClient } from 'mongodb';
const url = 'mongodb://localhost:27017/sheetjs';
const db_name = 'sheetjs';
/* Connect to mongodb server */
const client = await MongoClient.connect(url, { useUnifiedTopology: true });
/* Sample data table */
const db = client.db(db_name);
try { await db.collection('pres').drop(); } catch(e) {}
const pres = db.collection('pres');
await pres.insertMany([
{ name: "Barack Obama", idx: 44 },
{ name: "Donald Trump", idx: 45 },
{ name: "Joseph Biden", idx: 46 }
], {ordered: true});
// highlight-start
/* Create worksheet from collection */
const aoo = await pres.find({}, {projection:{_id:0}}).toArray();
const ws = utils.json_to_sheet(aoo);
// highlight-end
/* Export to XLSX */
const wb = utils.book_new();
utils.book_append_sheet(wb, ws, "Presidents");
writeFile(wb, "SheetJSMongoCRUD.xlsx");
/* Close connection */
This script:
- connects to the local MongoDB server using database `sheetjs`
- removes the `pres` collection if it already exists
- creates a new collection `pres` with sample data
- creates a SheetJS worksheet from the collection (highlighted in the snippet)
- creates a SheetJS workbook, adds the worksheet, and exports to XLSX
4) Run `node SheetJSMongoCRUD.mjs` and open `SheetJSMongoCRUD.xlsx`
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
title: Redis
pagination_prev: demos/grid
pagination_next: demos/worker
type: nosql
Redis has 5 core data types: "String", List", "Set", "Sorted Set", and "Hash".
Since the keys and values are limited to simple strings (and numbers), it is
possible to store complete databases in a single worksheet.

## Integration Details
[`SheetJSRedis.mjs`](pathname:///nosql/SheetJSRedis.mjs) exports the methods:
- `redis_to_ws` creates a SheetJS worksheet by querying a redis client
- `ws_to_redis` creates an array of query objects from the SheetJS worksheet
The first row holds the data type and the second row holds the property name.
The "Exporting Data" snippets generate arrays of arrays that can be added to a
worksheet using `sheet_add_aoa`. Since the data is column-oriented, the goal is
to add the data starting in the first row of the column after the data:
function add_aoa_to_next_column(worksheet, aoa) {
/* get range of worksheet */
const range = XLSX.utils.decode_range(worksheet["!ref"])
/* the origin to write new data will start in the column after the range */
const origin = XLSX.utils.encode_cell({
r: 0, // start on first row
c: range.e.c + 1 // column after end
/* add data */
XLSX.utils.sheet_add_aoa(worksheet, aoa, { origin });
The "Importing Data" snippets generate redis queries. The `ws_to_redis` function
first generates an array of arrays with `sheet_to_json`:
const aoa = XLSX.utils.sheet_to_json(worksheet, { header: 1 });
#### Strings
Strings can be stored in a unified String table. The first column holds keys
and the second column holds values:
XXX| A | B |
1 | Strings | |
2 | | |
3 | Hello | World |
4 | Sheet | JS |
The SheetJS array-of-arrays representation of the string table is an array of
key/value pairs:
const aoa = ["Strings"]; aoa.length = 2; // [ "Strings", empty ]
const keys = await client.KEYS("*");
for(let key of keys) {
const type = await client.TYPE(key);
// highlight-start
if(type == "string") aoa.push([key, await client.GET(key)]);
// highlight-end
#### Lists
Lists are unidimensional and can be stored in their own columns.
XXX| C |
1 | List |
2 | List1 |
3 | List1V1 |
4 | List1V2 |
The SheetJS array-of-arrays representation of lists is a column of values.
`LRANGE` returns a simple array of values. `sheet_add_aoa` interprets the result
as one row. The code transposes the result with ` => [v])`.
const values = await client.LRANGE(key, 0, -1);
const aoa = [ ["List"], [key] ].concat( => [v]));
#### Sets
Sets are unidimensional and can be stored in their own columns.
XXX| D |
1 | Set |
2 | Set1 |
3 | Set1A |
4 | Set1B |
The SheetJS array-of-arrays representation of sets is a column of values.
`SMEMBERS` returns a simple array of values. `sheet_add_aoa` interprets result
as one row. The code transposes the result with ` => [v])`.
const values = await client.SMEMBERS(key);
const aoa = [ ["Set"], [key] ].concat( => [v]));
#### Sorted Sets
Sorted Sets have an associated score which can be stored in the second column.
XXX| E | F |
1 | Sorted | |
2 | ZSet1 | |
3 | Key1 | 1 |
4 | Key2 | 2 |
The SheetJS array-of-arrays representation is an array of key/score pairs.
`ZRANGE_WITHSCORES` returns an array of objects which can be reshaped.
const values = await client.ZRANGE_WITHSCORES(key, 0, -1);
const aoa = [ ["Sorted"], [key] ].concat( => [v.value, v.score]));
#### Hashes
Hashes are stored like the string table, with key and value columns in order.
XXX| G | H |
1 | Hash | |
2 | Hash1 | |
3 | Key1 | Val1 |
4 | Key2 | Val2 |
The SheetJS array-of-arrays representation is an array of key/value pairs.
`HGETALL` returns a plain object which can be converted using `Object.entries`:
const values = await client.HGETALL(key);
const aoa = [ ["Hash"], [key] ].concat(Object.entries(values));
## Complete Example
This demo was last tested on 2023 February 23 with Redis 7.0.8, Redis connector
module 4.6.4 and NodeJS 18.14.2.
The most recent version of the `redis` node module does not work with most
versions of NodeJS. It is "ESM-only", requiring NodeJS 18 or later. As a result,
this demo also requires NodeJS version 18.
Questions regarding the `redis` library and the decision to drop traditional
NodeJS "CommonJS" module support should be directed to the Redis team.
0) Set up and start a local Redis server. On Intel macOS:
brew install redis@7.0.8
1) Download the following scripts:
- [`SheetJSRedis.mjs`](pathname:///nosql/SheetJSRedis.mjs)
- [`SheetJSRedisTest.mjs`](pathname:///nosql/SheetJSRedisTest.mjs)
curl -LO
curl -LO
2) Install dependencies and run:
npm i --save redis@4.6.4
node SheetJSRedisTest.mjs
Inspect the output and compare with the data in `SheetJSRedisTest.mjs`.
Open `SheetJSRedis.xlsx` and verify the columns have the correct data
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
title: PouchDB
pagination_prev: demos/grid
pagination_next: demos/worker
type: nosql
PouchDB is a pure JS database with built-in synchronization features.
## Integration Details
`Database#allDocs` is the standard approach for bulk data export. The generated
row objects have additional `_id` and `_rev` keys that should be removed.
Nested objects must be flattened. The ["Tutorial"](/docs/getting-started/example)
includes an example of constructing a simple array.
function export_pouchdb_to_xlsx(db) {
/* fetch all rows, including the underlying data */
db.allDocs({include_docs: true}, function(err, doc) {
/* pull the individual data rows */
const aoo = => {
/* `rest` will include every field from `r` except for _id and _rev */
const { _id, _rev, } = r;
return rest;
/* generate worksheet */
const ws = XLSX.utils.json_to_sheet(aoo);
/* generate workbook and export */
const wb = XLSX.utils.book_new();
XLSX.utils.book_append_sheet(wb, ws, "Sheet1");
XLSX.writeFile(wb, "SheetJSPouch.xlsx");
## Complete Example
0) Download the "Working Version" from the Getting Started guide.
The ZIP file should have `MD5` checksum `ac4da7cb0cade1be293ba222462f109c`:
curl -LO
md5sum || md5
### the checksum will be printed
If the download is unavailable, a mirror is available at
1) Unzip the `` file and enter the folder:
cd getting-started-todo-master
2) Edit `index.html` to reference the SheetJS library and add a button:
```html title="index.html"
<!-- highlight-start -->
<script src=""></script>
<button id="xport">Export!</button>
<!-- highlight-end -->
<section id="todoapp">
3) Just before the end of `app.js`, add a `click` event listener:
```js title="app.js"
if (remoteCouch) {
// highlight-start
document.getElementById("xport").addEventListener("click", function() {
db.allDocs({include_docs: true}, function(err, doc) {
const aoo = => {
const { _id, _rev, ... rest } = r.doc;
return rest;
const ws = XLSX.utils.json_to_sheet(aoo);
const wb = XLSX.utils.book_new(); XLSX.utils.book_append_sheet(wb, ws, "Sheet1");
XLSX.writeFile(wb, "SheetJSPouch.xlsx");
// highlight-end
4) Start a local web server:
npx http-server .
Access `http://localhost:8080` from your browser. Add a few items and click
the "Export!" button to generate a new file.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
"label": "Databases and Stores",
"position": 6,
"collapsed": false
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
title: Databases and Stores
pagination_prev: demos/grid
pagination_next: demos/worker
import DocCardList from '@theme/DocCardList';
import {useCurrentSidebarCategory} from '@docusaurus/theme-common';
"Database" is a catch-all term referring to traditional RDBMS as well as K/V
stores, document databases, and other "NoSQL" storages. There are many external
database systems as well as browser APIs like WebSQL and `localStorage`
## Data Storage
### Structured Tables
Database tables are a common import and export target for spreadsheets. One
common representation of a database table is an array of JS objects whose keys
are column headers and whose values are the underlying data values. For example,
| Name | Index |
| :----------- | ----: |
| Barack Obama | 44 |
| Donald Trump | 45 |
| Joseph Biden | 46 |
is naturally represented as an array of objects
{ Name: "Barack Obama", Index: 44 },
{ Name: "Donald Trump", Index: 45 },
{ Name: "Joseph Biden", Index: 46 }
The `sheet_to_json` and `json_to_sheet` helper functions work with objects of
similar shape, converting to and from worksheet objects. The corresponding
worksheet would include a header row for the labels:
XXX| A | B |
1 | Name | Index |
2 | Barack Obama | 44 |
3 | Donald Trump | 45 |
3 | Joseph Biden | 46 |
### Unstructured Data
"Schema-less" / "NoSQL" databases allow for arbitrary keys and values within the
entries in the database. K/V stores and Objects add additional restrictions.
There is no natural way to translate arbitrarily shaped schemas to worksheets
in a workbook. One common trick is to dedicate one worksheet to holding named
keys. For example, considering the JS object:
"title": "SheetDB",
"metadata": {
"author": "SheetJS",
"code": 7262
"data": [
{ "Name": "Barack Obama", "Index": 44 },
{ "Name": "Donald Trump", "Index": 45 },
A dedicated worksheet should store the one-off named values:
XXX| A | B |
1 | Path | Value |
2 | title | SheetDB |
3 | | SheetJS |
4 | metadata.code | 7262 |
## Data Interchange
### Exporting Data
There are NodeJS connector libraries for many popular RDBMS systems. Libraries
have facilities for connecting to a database, executing queries, and obtaining
results as arrays of JS objects that can be passed to `json_to_sheet`. The main
differences surround API shape and supported data types.
For example, `better-sqlite3` is a connector library for SQLite. The result of
a `SELECT` query is an array of objects suitable for `json_to_sheet`:
var aoo = db.prepare("SELECT * FROM 'Presidents' LIMIT 100000").all();
// highlight-next-line
var worksheet = XLSX.utils.json_to_sheet(aoo);
Other databases will require post-processing. For example, MongoDB results
include the Object ID (usually stored in the `_id` key). This can be removed
before generating a worksheet:
const aoo = await db.collection('coll').find({}).toArray();
// highlight-next-line
aoo.forEach((x) => delete x._id);
const ws = XLSX.utils.json_to_sheet(aoo);
### Importing Data
When a strict schema is needed, the `sheet_to_json` helper function generates
arrays of JS objects that can be scanned to determine the column "types".
Document databases like MongoDB tend not to require schemas. Arrays of objects
can be used directly without setting up a schema:
const aoo = XLSX.utils.sheet_to_json(ws);
// highlight-next-line
await db.collection('coll').insertMany(aoo, { ordered: true });
The ["SQL Connectors"](/docs/demos/data/sql) demo includes sample functions for
generating SQL CREATE TABLE and INSERT queries.
## DSV Interchange
Many databases offer utilities for reading and writing CSV, pipe-separated
documents, and other simple data files. They enable workflows where the library
generates CSV data for the database to process or where the library parses CSV
files created by the database.
#### Worksheet to CSV
CSV data can be generated from worksheets using `XLSX.utils.sheet_to_csv`.
// starting from a worksheet object
const csv = XLSX.utils.sheet_to_json(ws);
// whole workbook conversion
const csv_arr = => XLSX.utils.sheet_to_json(wb.Sheets[n]));
#### CSV to Worksheet
`` can read strings with CSV data. It will generate single-sheet
workbooks with worksheet name `Sheet1`.
Where supported, `XLSX.readFile` can read files.
// starting from a CSV string
const ws_str =, {type: "string"}).Sheets.Sheet1;
// starting from a CSV binary string (e.g. `FileReader#readAsBinaryString`)
const ws_bstr =, {type: "binary"}).Sheets.Sheet1;
// starting from a CSV file in NodeJS or Bun or Deno
const ws_file = XLSX.readFile("test.csv").Sheets.Sheet1;
## Demos
### Web APIs
The following Web APIs are featured in separate demos:
<ul>{useCurrentSidebarCategory().items.filter(item => item.customProps?.type == "web").map(item => {
const listyle = (item.customProps?.icon) ? {
listStyleImage: `url("${item.customProps.icon}")`
} : {};
return (<li style={listyle} {...(item.customProps?.class ? {className: item.customProps.class}: {})}>
<a href={item.href}>{item.label}</a>{item.customProps?.summary && (" - " + item.customProps.summary)}
### SQL Databases
The following SQL-related topics are covered in separate demos:
<ul>{useCurrentSidebarCategory().items.filter(item => item.customProps?.sql).map(item => {
const listyle = (item.customProps?.icon) ? {
listStyleImage: `url("${item.customProps.icon}")`
} : {};
return (<li style={listyle} {...(item.customProps?.class ? {className: item.customProps.class}: {})}>
<a href={item.href}>{item.label}</a>{item.customProps?.summary && (" - " + item.customProps.summary)}
### NoSQL Data Stores
Demos for the following "NoSQL" data stores apply structured access patterns:
<ul>{useCurrentSidebarCategory().items.filter(item => item.customProps?.type == "document").map(item => {
const listyle = (item.customProps?.icon) ? {
listStyleImage: `url("${item.customProps.icon}")`
} : {};
return (<li style={listyle} {...(item.customProps?.class ? {className: item.customProps.class}: {})}>
<a href={item.href}>{item.label}</a>{item.customProps?.summary && (" - " + item.customProps.summary)}
Demos for the following "NoSQL" data stores apply unstructured access patterns:
<ul>{useCurrentSidebarCategory().items.filter(item => item.customProps?.type == "nosql").map(item => {
const listyle = (item.customProps?.icon) ? {
listStyleImage: `url("${item.customProps.icon}")`
} : {};
return (<li style={listyle} {...(item.customProps?.class ? {className: item.customProps.class}: {})}>
<a href={item.href}>{item.label}</a>{item.customProps?.summary && (" - " + item.customProps.summary)}
@ -1,859 +0,0 @@
title: Databases and SQL
import current from '/version.js';
import Tabs from '@theme/Tabs';
import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';
"Database" is a catch-all term referring to traditional RDBMS as well as K/V
stores, document databases, and other "NoSQL" storages. There are many external
database systems as well as browser APIs like WebSQL and `localStorage`
This demo discusses general strategies and provides examples for a variety of
database systems. The examples are merely intended to demonstrate very basic
Key-value stores, unstructured use of Document Databases, and other schema-less
databases are covered in the [NoSQL demo](/docs/demos/nosql).
## Structured Tables
Database tables are a common import and export target for spreadsheets. One
common representation of a database table is an array of JS objects whose keys
are column headers and whose values are the underlying data values. For example,
| Name | Index |
| :----------- | ----: |
| Barack Obama | 44 |
| Donald Trump | 45 |
| Joseph Biden | 46 |
is naturally represented as an array of objects
{ Name: "Barack Obama", Index: 44 },
{ Name: "Donald Trump", Index: 45 },
{ Name: "Joseph Biden", Index: 46 }
The `sheet_to_json` and `json_to_sheet` helper functions work with objects of
similar shape, converting to and from worksheet objects. The corresponding
worksheet would include a header row for the labels:
XXX| A | B |
1 | Name | Index |
2 | Barack Obama | 44 |
3 | Donald Trump | 45 |
3 | Joseph Biden | 46 |
### Building Worksheets from Structured Tables
There are NodeJS connector libraries for many popular RDBMS systems. Libraries
have facilities for connecting to a database, executing queries, and obtaining
results as arrays of JS objects that can be passed to `json_to_sheet`. The main
differences surround API shape and supported data types.
For example, `better-sqlite3` is a connector library for SQLite. The result of
a `SELECT` query is an array of objects suitable for `json_to_sheet`:
var aoo = db.prepare("SELECT * FROM 'Presidents' LIMIT 100000").all();
// highlight-next-line
var worksheet = XLSX.utils.json_to_sheet(aoo);
Other databases will require post-processing. For example, MongoDB results
include the Object ID (usually stored in the `_id` key). This can be removed
before generating a worksheet:
const aoo = await db.collection('coll').find({}).toArray();
// highlight-next-line
aoo.forEach((x) => delete x._id);
const ws = XLSX.utils.json_to_sheet(aoo);
### Building Schemas from Worksheets
When a strict schema is needed, the `sheet_to_json` helper function generates
arrays of JS objects that can be scanned to determine the column "types".
Document databases like MongoDB tend not to require schemas. Arrays of objects
can be used directly without setting up a schema:
const aoo = XLSX.utils.sheet_to_json(ws);
// highlight-next-line
await db.collection('coll').insertMany(aoo, { ordered: true });
This example will fetch <>, scan the columns of the
first worksheet to determine data types, and generate 6 PostgreSQL statements.
<details><summary><b>Explanation</b> (click to show)</summary>
The relevant `generate_sql` function takes a worksheet name and a table name:
// define mapping between determined types and PostgreSQL types
const PG = { "n": "float8", "s": "text", "b": "boolean" };
function generate_sql(ws, wsname) {
// generate an array of objects from the data
const aoo = XLSX.utils.sheet_to_json(ws);
// types will map column headers to types, while hdr holds headers in order
const types = {}, hdr = [];
// loop across each row object
aoo.forEach(row =>
// Object.entries returns a row of [key, value] pairs. Loop across those
Object.entries(row).forEach(([k,v]) => {
// If this is first time seeing key, mark unknown and append header array
if(!types[k]) { types[k] = "?"; hdr.push(k); }
// skip null and undefined
if(v == null) return;
// check and resolve type
switch(typeof v) {
case "string": // strings are the broadest type
types[k] = "s"; break;
case "number": // if column is not string, number is the broadest type
if(types[k] != "s") types[k] = "n"; break;
case "boolean": // only mark boolean if column is unknown or boolean
if("?b".includes(types[k])) types[k] = "b"; break;
default: types[k] = "s"; break; // default to string type
// The final array consists of the CREATE TABLE query and a series of INSERTs
return [
// generate CREATE TABLE query and return batch
`CREATE TABLE \`${wsname}\` (${ =>
// column name must be wrapped in backticks
`\`${h}\` ${PG[types[h]]}`
).join(", ")});`
].concat( => { // generate INSERT query for each row
// entries will be an array of [key, value] pairs for the data in the row
const entries = Object.entries(row);
// fields will hold the column names and values will hold the values
const fields = [], values = [];
// check each key/value pair in the row
entries.forEach(([k,v]) => {
// skip null / undefined
if(v == null) return;
// column name must be wrapped in backticks
// when the field type is numeric, `true` -> 1 and `false` -> 0
if(types[k] == "n") values.push(typeof v == "boolean" ? (v ? 1 : 0) : v);
// otherwise,
else values.push(`'${v.toString().replaceAll("'", "''")}'`);
if(fields.length) return `INSERT INTO \`${wsname}\` (${fields.join(", ")}) VALUES (${values.join(", ")})`;
})).filter(x => x); // filter out skipped rows
```jsx live
function SheetJSQLWriter() {
// define mapping between determined types and PostgreSQL types
const PG = { "n": "float8", "s": "text", "b": "boolean" };
function generate_sql(ws, wsname) {
const aoo = XLSX.utils.sheet_to_json(ws);
const types = {}, hdr = [];
// loop across each key in each column
aoo.forEach(row => Object.entries(row).forEach(([k,v]) => {
// set up type if header hasn't been seen
if(!types[k]) { types[k] = "?"; hdr.push(k); }
// check and resolve type
switch(typeof v) {
case "string": types[k] = "s"; break;
case "number": if(types[k] != "s") types[k] = "n"; break;
case "boolean": if("?b".includes(types[k])) types[k] = "b"; break;
default: types[k] = "s"; break;
return [
// generate CREATE TABLE query and return batch
`CREATE TABLE \`${wsname}\` (${ => `\`${h}\` ${PG[types[h]]}`).join(", ")});`
].concat( => {
const entries = Object.entries(row);
const fields = [], values = [];
entries.forEach(([k,v]) => {
if(v == null) return;
if(types[k] == "n") values.push(typeof v == "boolean" ? (v ? 1 : 0) : v);
else values.push(`'${v.toString().replaceAll("'", "''")}'`);
if(fields.length) return `INSERT INTO \`${wsname}\` (${fields.join(", ")}) VALUES (${values.join(", ")})`;
})).filter(x => x).slice(0, 6);
const [url, setUrl] = React.useState("");
const set_url = React.useCallback((evt) => setUrl(;
const [out, setOut] = React.useState("");
const xport = React.useCallback(async() => {
const ab = await (await fetch(url)).arrayBuffer();
const wb =, wsname = wb.SheetNames[0];
setOut(generate_sql(wb.Sheets[wsname], wsname).join("\n"));
return ( <> {out && (<><a href={url}>{url}</a><pre>{out}</pre></>)}
<b>URL: </b><input type="text" value={url} onChange={set_url} size="50"/>
<br/><button onClick={xport}><b>Fetch!</b></button>
</> );
### DSV Interchange
Many databases offer utilities for reading and writing CSV, pipe-separated
documents, and other simple data files. They enable workflows where the library
generates CSV data for the database to process or where the library parses CSV
files created by the database.
#### Worksheet to CSV
CSV data can be generated from worksheets using `XLSX.utils.sheet_to_csv`.
// starting from a worksheet object
const csv = XLSX.utils.sheet_to_json(ws);
// whole workbook conversion
const csv_arr = => XLSX.utils.sheet_to_json(wb.Sheets[n]));
#### CSV to Worksheet
`` can read strings with CSV data. It will generate single-sheet
workbooks with worksheet name `Sheet1`.
Where supported, `XLSX.readFile` can read files.
// starting from a CSV string
const ws_str =, {type: "string"}).Sheets.Sheet1;
// starting from a CSV binary string (e.g. `FileReader#readAsBinaryString`)
const ws_bstr =, {type: "binary"}).Sheets.Sheet1;
// starting from a CSV file in NodeJS or Bun or Deno
const ws_file = XLSX.readFile("test.csv").Sheets.Sheet1;
## Databases
### SQLite
Most platforms offer a simple way to query SQLite databases.
The following example shows how to query for each table in an SQLite database,
query for the data for each table, add each non-empty table to a workbook, and
export as XLSX.
[The Northwind database is available in SQLite form](
<TabItem value="nodejs" label="NodeJS">
The **`better-sqlite3`** module provides a very simple API for working with
SQLite databases. `Statement#all` runs a prepared statement and returns an array
of JS objects.
1) Install the dependencies:
npm i --save better-sqlite3
2) Save the following to `node.mjs`:
```js title="node.mjs"
/* Load SQLite3 connector library */
import Database from "better-sqlite3";
/* Load SheetJS library */
import * as XLSX from 'xlsx';
import * as fs from 'fs';
/* Initialize database */
var db = Database("northwind.db");
/* Create new workbook */
var wb = XLSX.utils.book_new();
/* Get list of table names */
var sql = db.prepare("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table'");
var result = sql.all();
/* Loop across each name */
result.forEach(function(row) {
/* Get first 100K rows */
var aoo = db.prepare("SELECT * FROM '" + + "' LIMIT 100000").all();
if(aoo.length > 0) {
/* Create Worksheet from the row objects */
var ws = XLSX.utils.json_to_sheet(aoo, {dense: true});
/* Add to Workbook */
XLSX.utils.book_append_sheet(wb, ws,;
/* Write File */
XLSX.writeFile(wb, "node.xlsx");
3) Run `node node.mjs` and open `node.xlsx`
<TabItem value="bun" label="Bun">
Bun ships with a built-in high-performance module `bun:sqlite`.
1) Install the dependencies:
npm i --save
2) Save the following to `bun.mjs`:
```js title="bun.mjs"
/* Load SQLite3 connector library */
import { Database } from "bun:sqlite";
/* Load SheetJS library */
import * as XLSX from 'xlsx';
import * as fs from 'fs';
/* Initialize database */
var db ="northwind.db");
/* Create new workbook */
var wb = XLSX.utils.book_new();
/* Get list of table names */
var sql = db.prepare("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table'");
var result = sql.all();
/* Loop across each name */
result.forEach(function(row) {
/* Get first 100K rows */
var aoo = db.prepare("SELECT * FROM '" + + "' LIMIT 100000").all();
if(aoo.length > 0) {
/* Create Worksheet from the row objects */
var ws = XLSX.utils.json_to_sheet(aoo, {dense: true});
/* Add to Workbook */
XLSX.utils.book_append_sheet(wb, ws,;
/* Write File */
XLSX.writeFile(wb, "bun.xlsx");
3) Run `bun bun.mjs` and open `bun.xlsx`
<TabItem value="deno" label="Deno">
Deno `sqlite` library returns raw arrays of arrays.
1) Save the following to `deno.ts`:
```ts title="deno.ts"
/* Load SQLite3 connector library */
import { DB } from "";
/* Load SheetJS library */
// @deno-types=""
import * as XLSX from '';
/* Initialize database */
var db = new DB("northwind.db");
/* Create new workbook */
var wb = XLSX.utils.book_new();
/* Get list of table names */
var sql = db.prepareQuery("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table'");
var result = sql.all();
/* Loop across each name */
result.forEach(function(row) {
/* Get first 100K rows */
var query = db.prepareQuery("SELECT * FROM '" + row[0] + "' LIMIT 100000")
var aoa = query.all();
if(aoa.length > 0) {
/* Create array of arrays */
var data = [query.columns().map(x =>].concat(aoa);
/* Create Worksheet from the aoa */
var ws = XLSX.utils.aoa_to_sheet(data, {dense: true});
/* Add to Workbook */
XLSX.utils.book_append_sheet(wb, ws, row[0]);
/* Write File */
XLSX.writeFile(wb, "deno.xlsx");
3) Run `deno run --allow-read --allow-write deno.ts` and open `deno.xlsx`
### WebSQL
This information is included for legacy deployments. Web SQL is deprecated.
WebSQL was a popular SQL-based in-browser database available on Chrome. In
practice, it is powered by SQLite, and most simple SQLite-compatible queries
work as-is in WebSQL.
The public demo <> generates a database from workbook.
Importing data from spreadsheets is straightforward using the `generate_sql`
helper function from ["Building Schemas"](#building-schemas-from-worksheets):
const db = openDatabase('sheetql', '1.0', 'SheetJS WebSQL Test', 2097152);
const stmts = generate_sql(ws, wsname);
// NOTE: tx.executeSql and db.transaction use callbacks. This wraps in Promises
for(var i = 0; i < stmts.length; ++i) await new Promise((res, rej) => {
db.transaction(tx =>
tx.executeSql(stmts[i], [],
(tx, data) => res(data), // if the query is successful, return the data
(tx, err) => rej(err) // if the query fails, reject with the error
The result of a SQL SELECT statement is a `SQLResultSet`. The `rows` property
is a `SQLResultSetRowList`. It is an "array-like" structure that has `length`
and properties like `0`, `1`, etc. However, this is not a real Array object.
A real Array can be created using `Array.from`:
const db = openDatabase('sheetql', '1.0', 'SheetJS WebSQL Test', 2097152);
db.readTransaction(tx =>
tx.executeSQL("SELECT * FROM DatabaseTable", [], (tx, data) => {
// data.rows is "array-like", so `Array.from` can make it a real array
const aoo = Array.from(data.rows);
const ws = XLSX.utils.json_to_sheet(aoo);
// ... it is recommended to perform an export here OR wrap in a Promise
The following demo generates a database with 5 fixed SQL statements. Queries
can be changed in the Live Editor. The WebSQL database can be inspected in the
"WebSQL" section of the "Application" Tab of Developer Tools:

```jsx live
function SheetQL() {
const [out, setOut] = React.useState("");
const queries = [
'CREATE TABLE Presidents (Name TEXT, Idx REAL)',
'INSERT INTO Presidents (Name, Idx) VALUES ("Barack Obama", 44)',
'INSERT INTO Presidents (Name, Idx) VALUES ("Donald Trump", 45)',
'INSERT INTO Presidents (Name, Idx) VALUES ("Joseph Biden", 46)'
const xport = React.useCallback(async() => {
// prep database
const db = openDatabase('sheetql', '1.0', 'SheetJS WebSQL Test', 2097152);
for(var i = 0; i < queries.length; ++i) await new Promise((res, rej) => {
db.transaction((tx) => {
tx.executeSql(queries[i], [], (tx, data) => res(data), (tx, err) => rej(err));
// pull data and generate rows
db.readTransaction(tx => {
tx.executeSql("SELECT * FROM Presidents", [], (tx, data) => {
const aoo = Array.from(data.rows);
setOut("QUERY RESULT:\n" + => JSON.stringify(r)).join("\n") + "\n")
const ws = XLSX.utils.json_to_sheet(aoo);
const wb = XLSX.utils.book_new();
XLSX.utils.book_append_sheet(wb, ws, "Presidents");
XLSX.writeFile(wb, "SheetQL.xlsx");
return ( <pre>{out}<button onClick={xport}><b>Fetch!</b></button></pre> );
### LocalStorage and SessionStorage
The Storage API, encompassing `localStorage` and `sessionStorage`, describes
simple key-value stores that only support string values and keys.
Arrays of objects can be stored using `JSON.stringify` using row index as key:
const aoo = XLSX.utils.sheet_to_json(ws);
for(var i = 0; i < aoo.length; ++i) localStorage.setItem(i, JSON.stringify(aoo[i]));
Recovering the array of objects is possible by using `JSON.parse`:
const aoo = [];
for(var i = 0; i < localStorage.length; ++i) aoo.push(JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(i)));
const ws = XLSX.utils.json_to_sheet(aoo);
This example will fetch <>, fill `localStorage` with
rows, then generate a worksheet from the rows and write to a new file.
This example is for illustration purposes. If array of objects is available, it
is strongly recommended to convert that array to a worksheet directly.
```jsx live
function SheetJStorage() {
const [url, setUrl] = React.useState("");
const set_url = React.useCallback((evt) => setUrl(;
const [out, setOut] = React.useState("");
const xport = React.useCallback(async() => {
// get first worksheet data as array of objects
const ab = await (await fetch(url)).arrayBuffer();
const wb =, wsname = wb.SheetNames[0];
const aoo = XLSX.utils.sheet_to_json(wb.Sheets[wsname]);
// reset and populate localStorage
for(var i = 0; i < aoo.length; ++i) localStorage.setItem(i, JSON.stringify(aoo[i]));
// create new array of objects from localStorage
const new_aoo = [];
for(var i = 0; i < localStorage.length; ++i) {
const row = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(i));
setOut(`Number of rows in LocalStorage: ${localStorage.length}`);
// create and export workbook
const new_ws = XLSX.utils.json_to_sheet(new_aoo);
const new_wb = XLSX.utils.book_new();
XLSX.utils.book_append_sheet(new_wb, new_ws, "Sheet1");
XLSX.writeFile(new_wb, "SheetJStorage.xlsx");
return ( <> {out && (<><a href={url}>{url}</a><pre>{out}</pre></>)}
<b>URL: </b><input type="text" value={url} onChange={set_url} size="50"/>
<br/><button onClick={xport}><b>Fetch!</b></button>
</> );
### IndexedDB
`localForage` is a IndexedDB wrapper that presents an async Storage interface.
Arrays of objects can be stored using `JSON.stringify` using row index as key:
const aoo = XLSX.utils.sheet_to_json(ws);
for(var i = 0; i < aoo.length; ++i) await localForage.setItem(i, JSON.stringify(aoo[i]));
Recovering the array of objects is possible by using `JSON.parse`:
const aoo = [];
for(var i = 0; i < localForage.length; ++i) aoo.push(JSON.parse(await localForage.getItem(i)));
const wb = XLSX.utils.json_to_sheet(aoo);
### Other SQL Databases
The `generate_sql` function from ["Building Schemas from Worksheets"](#building-schemas-from-worksheets)
can be adapted to generate SQL statements for a variety of databases, including:
The `pg` connector library was tested against the `generate_sql` output as-is.
The `rows` property of a query result is an array of objects that plays nice
with `json_to_sheet`:
const aoa = await connection.query(`SELECT * FROM DataTable`).rows;
const worksheet = XLSX.utils.json_to_sheet(aoa);
**MySQL / MariaDB**
The `mysql2` connector library was tested. The differences are shown below,
primarily stemming from the different quoting requirements and field types.
<details><summary><b>Differences</b> (click to show)</summary>
// highlight-start
// define mapping between determined types and MySQL types
const PG = { "n": "REAL", "s": "TEXT", "b": "TINYINT" };
// highlight-end
function generate_sql(ws, wsname) {
// generate an array of objects from the data
const aoo = XLSX.utils.sheet_to_json(ws);
// types will map column headers to types, while hdr holds headers in order
const types = {}, hdr = [];
// loop across each row object
aoo.forEach(row =>
// Object.entries returns a row of [key, value] pairs. Loop across those
Object.entries(row).forEach(([k,v]) => {
// If this is first time seeing key, mark unknown and append header array
if(!types[k]) { types[k] = "?"; hdr.push(k); }
// skip null and undefined
if(v == null) return;
// check and resolve type
switch(typeof v) {
case "string": // strings are the broadest type
types[k] = "s"; break;
case "number": // if column is not string, number is the broadest type
if(types[k] != "s") types[k] = "n"; break;
case "boolean": // only mark boolean if column is unknown or boolean
if("?b".includes(types[k])) types[k] = "b"; break;
default: types[k] = "s"; break; // default to string type
// The final array consists of the CREATE TABLE query and a series of INSERTs
return [
// generate CREATE TABLE query and return batch
// highlight-next-line
`CREATE TABLE ${wsname} (${ =>
// highlight-next-line
`${h} ${PG[types[h]]}`
).join(", ")});`
].concat( => { // generate INSERT query for each row
// entries will be an array of [key, value] pairs for the data in the row
const entries = Object.entries(row);
// fields will hold the column names and values will hold the values
const fields = [], values = [];
// check each key/value pair in the row
entries.forEach(([k,v]) => {
// skip null / undefined
if(v == null) return;
// highlight-next-line
// when the field type is numeric, `true` -> 1 and `false` -> 0
if(types[k] == "n") values.push(typeof v == "boolean" ? (v ? 1 : 0) : v);
// otherwise,
// highlight-next-line
else values.push(`"${v.toString().replaceAll('"', '""')}"`);
if(fields.length) return `INSERT INTO \`${wsname}\` (${fields.join(", ")}) VALUES (${values.join(", ")})`;
})).filter(x => x); // filter out skipped rows
The first property of a query result is an array of objects that plays nice
with `json_to_sheet`:
const aoa = await connection.query(`SELECT * FROM DataTable`)[0];
const worksheet = XLSX.utils.json_to_sheet(aoa);
### Query Builders
Query builders are designed to simplify query generation and normalize field
types and other database minutiae.
The result of a `SELECT` statement is an array of objects:
const aoo = await"*").from("DataTable");
const worksheet = XLSX.utils.json_to_sheet(aoa);
Knex wraps primitive types when creating a table. `generate_sql` takes a `knex`
connection object and uses the API:
<details><summary><b>Generating a Table</b> (click to show)</summary>
// define mapping between determined types and Knex types
const PG = { "n": "float", "s": "text", "b": "boolean" };
async function generate_sql(knex, ws, wsname) {
// generate an array of objects from the data
const aoo = XLSX.utils.sheet_to_json(ws);
// types will map column headers to types, while hdr holds headers in order
const types = {}, hdr = [];
// loop across each row object
aoo.forEach(row =>
// Object.entries returns a row of [key, value] pairs. Loop across those
Object.entries(row).forEach(([k,v]) => {
// If this is first time seeing key, mark unknown and append header array
if(!types[k]) { types[k] = "?"; hdr.push(k); }
// skip null and undefined
if(v == null) return;
// check and resolve type
switch(typeof v) {
case "string": // strings are the broadest type
types[k] = "s"; break;
case "number": // if column is not string, number is the broadest type
if(types[k] != "s") types[k] = "n"; break;
case "boolean": // only mark boolean if column is unknown or boolean
if("?b".includes(types[k])) types[k] = "b"; break;
default: types[k] = "s"; break; // default to string type
await knex.schema.dropTableIfExists(wsname);
await knex.schema.createTable(wsname, (table) => { hdr.forEach(h => { table[PG[types[h]] || "text"](h); }); });
for(let i = 0; i < aoo.length; ++i) {
if(!aoo[i] || !Object.keys(aoo[i]).length) continue;
try { await knex.insert(aoo[i]).into(wsname); } catch(e) {}
return knex;
### MongoDB Structured Collections
MongoDB is a popular document-oriented database engine.
It is straightforward to treat collections as worksheets. Each object maps to
a row in the table.
The official NodeJS connector is **`mongodb`**.
Worksheets can be generated from collections by using `Collection#find`. A
`projection` can suppress the object ID field:
/* generate a worksheet from a collection */
const aoo = await collection.find({}, {projection:{_id:0}}).toArray();
const ws = utils.json_to_sheet(aoo);
Collections can be populated with data from a worksheet using `insertMany`:
/* import data from a worksheet to a collection */
const aoo = XLSX.utils.sheet_to_json(ws);
await collection.insertMany(aoo, {ordered: true});
<details><summary><b>Complete Example</b> (click to show)</summary>
When this demo was last tested, the `mongodb` module did not work with Node 18.
It was verified in Node 16.16.0.
1) Install the dependencies:
npm i --save mongodb
2) Start a MongoDB server on `localhost` (follow official instructions)
3) Save the following to `SheetJSMongoCRUD.mjs` (the key step is highlighted):
```js title="SheetJSMongoCRUD.mjs"
import { writeFile, set_fs, utils } from 'xlsx';
import * as fs from 'fs'; set_fs(fs);
import { MongoClient } from 'mongodb';
const url = 'mongodb://localhost:27017/sheetjs';
const db_name = 'sheetjs';
(async() => {
/* Connect to mongodb server */
const client = await MongoClient.connect(url, { useUnifiedTopology: true });
/* Sample data table */
const db = client.db(db_name);
try { await db.collection('pres').drop(); } catch(e) {}
const pres = db.collection('pres');
await pres.insertMany([
{ name: "Barack Obama", idx: 44 },
{ name: "Donald Trump", idx: 45 },
{ name: "Joseph Biden", idx: 46 }
], {ordered: true});
// highlight-start
/* Export database to XLSX */
const wb = utils.book_new();
const aoo = await pres.find({}, {projection:{_id:0}}).toArray();
const ws = utils.json_to_sheet(aoo);
utils.book_append_sheet(wb, ws, "Presidents");
writeFile(wb, "SheetJSMongoCRUD.xlsx");
// highlight-end
/* Close connection */
4) Run `node SheetJSMongoCRUD.mjs` and open `SheetJSMongoCRUD.xlsx`
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
title: Web Workers
pagination_prev: demos/data/index
Parsing and writing large spreadsheets takes time. During the process, if the
@ -203,8 +203,16 @@ declare module '*.xlsx' {
6) Add the highlighted lines to `astro.config.mjs`:
```js title="astro.config.mjs"
// highlight-start
/* import `readFileSync` at the top of the script*/
import { readFileSync } from 'fs';
// highlight-end
import { defineConfig } from 'astro/config';
export default defineConfig({
// highlight-start
/* this vite section should be added as a property of the object */
vite: {
// this tells astro which extensions to handle
assetsInclude: ['**/*.numbers', '**/*.xlsx'],
@ -1,313 +0,0 @@
title: NoSQL Data Stores
import Tabs from '@theme/Tabs';
import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';
So-called "Schema-less" databases allow for arbitrary keys and values within the
entries in the database. K/V stores and Objects add additional restrictions.
These data stores are capable of storing structured data. Those use cases are
covered in the [Database demo](/docs/demos/database).
## Arbitrary Data to Spreadsheets
There is no natural way to translate arbitrarily shaped schemas to worksheets
in a workbook. One common trick is to dedicate one worksheet to holding named
keys. For example, considering the JS object:
"title": "SheetDB",
"metadata": {
"author": "SheetJS",
"code": 7262
"data": [
{ "Name": "Barack Obama", "Index": 44 },
{ "Name": "Donald Trump", "Index": 45 },
A dedicated worksheet should store the one-off named values:
XXX| A | B |
1 | Path | Value |
2 | title | SheetDB |
3 | | SheetJS |
4 | metadata.code | 7262 |
## Data Stores
### Redis
Redis has 5 core data types: "String", List", "Set", "Sorted Set", and "Hash".
Since the keys and values are limited to simple strings (and numbers), it is
possible to store complete databases in a single worksheet.

#### Mapping
The first row holds the data type and the second row holds the property name.
<TabItem value="strings" label="Strings">
Strings can be stored in a unified String table. The first column holds keys
and the second column holds values:
XXX| A | B |
1 | Strings | |
2 | | |
3 | Hello | World |
4 | Sheet | JS |
The SheetJS array-of-arrays representation of the string table is an array of
key/value pairs:
let aoa = ["Strings"]; aoa.length = 2; // [ "Strings", empty ]
const keys = await client.KEYS("*");
for(let key of keys) {
const type = await client.TYPE(key);
if(type == "string") aoa.push([key, await client.GET(key)]);
<TabItem value="list" label="Lists">
Lists are unidimensional and can be stored in their own columns.
XXX| C |
1 | List |
2 | List1 |
3 | List1V1 |
4 | List1V2 |
The SheetJS array-of-arrays representation of lists is a column of values.
if(type == "list") {
let values = await client.LRANGE(key, 0, -1);
aoa = [ ["List"], [key] ].concat( => [v]));
<TabItem value="set" label="Sets">
Sets are unidimensional and can be stored in their own columns.
XXX| D |
1 | Set |
2 | Set1 |
3 | Set1A |
4 | Set1B |
The SheetJS array-of-arrays representation of sets is a column of values.
if(type == "set") {
let values = await client.SMEMBERS(key);
aoa = [ ["Set"], [key] ].concat( => [v]));
<TabItem value="zset" label="Sorted Sets">
Sorted Sets have an associated score which can be stored in the second column.
XXX| E | F |
1 | Sorted | |
2 | ZSet1 | |
3 | Key1 | 1 |
4 | Key2 | 2 |
The SheetJS array-of-arrays representation is an array of key/score pairs.
if(type == "zset") {
let values = await client.ZRANGE_WITHSCORES(key, 0, -1);
aoa = [ ["Sorted"], [key] ].concat( => [v.value, v.score]));
<TabItem value="hashes" label="Hashes">
Hashes are stored like the string table, with key and value columns in order.
XXX| G | H |
1 | Hash | |
2 | Hash1 | |
3 | Key1 | Val1 |
4 | Key2 | Val2 |
The SheetJS array-of-arrays representation is an array of key/value pairs.
if(type == "hash") {
let values = await client.HGETALL(key);
aoa = [ ["Hash"], [key] ].concat(Object.entries(values));
#### Example
The most recent version of the `redis` node module does not work with most
versions of NodeJS. It is "ESM-only", requiring NodeJS 18 or later. As a result,
this demo also requires NodeJS version 18.
Questions regarding the `redis` library and the decision to drop traditional
NodeJS "CommonJS" module support should be directed to the Redis team.
0) Set up and start a local Redis server
1) Download the following scripts:
- [`SheetJSRedis.mjs`](pathname:///nosql/SheetJSRedis.mjs)
- [`SheetJSRedisTest.mjs`](pathname:///nosql/SheetJSRedisTest.mjs)
2) Install dependencies and run:
npm i --save redis
node SheetJSRedisTest.mjs
Inspect the output and compare with the data in `SheetJSRedisTest.mjs`.
Open `SheetJSRedis.xlsx` and verify the columns have the correct data
### PouchDB
`Database#allDocs` is the standard approach for bulk data export. The generated
row objects have additional `_id` and `_rev` keys that should be removed.
Nested objects must be flattened. The ["Tutorial"](/docs/getting-started/example)
includes an example of constructing a simple array.
function export_pouchdb_to_xlsx(db) {
/* fetch all rows, including the underlying data */
db.allDocs({include_docs: true}, function(err, doc) {
/* pull the individual data rows */
const aoo = => {
/* `rest` will include every field from `r` except for _id and _rev */
const { _id, _rev, } = r;
return rest;
/* generate worksheet */
const ws = XLSX.utils.json_to_sheet(aoo);
/* generate workbook and export */
const wb = XLSX.utils.book_new();
XLSX.utils.book_append_sheet(wb, ws, "Sheet1");
XLSX.writeFile(wb, "SheetJSPouch.xlsx");
<details><summary><b>Complete Example</b> (click to show)</summary>
0) Download the "Working Version" from the Getting Started guide.
The ZIP file should have `MD5` checksum `ac4da7cb0cade1be293ba222462f109c`:
curl -LO
md5sum || md5
### the checksum will be printed
If the download is unavailable, a mirror is available at
1) Unzip the `` file and enter the folder:
cd getting-started-todo-master
2) Edit `index.html` to reference the SheetJS library and add a button:
```html title="index.html"
<!-- highlight-start -->
<script src=""></script>
<button id="xport">Export!</button>
<!-- highlight-end -->
<section id="todoapp">
3) Just before the end of `app.js`, add a `click` event listener:
```js title="app.js"
if (remoteCouch) {
// highlight-start
document.getElementById("xport").addEventListener("click", function() {
db.allDocs({include_docs: true}, function(err, doc) {
const aoo = => {
const { _id, _rev, ... rest } = r.doc;
return rest;
const ws = XLSX.utils.json_to_sheet(aoo);
const wb = XLSX.utils.book_new(); XLSX.utils.book_append_sheet(wb, ws, "Sheet1");
XLSX.writeFile(wb, "SheetJSPouch.xlsx");
// highlight-end
4) Start a local web server:
npx http-server .
Access `http://localhost:8080` from your browser. Add a few items and click
the "Export!" button to generate a new file.
@ -16,9 +16,9 @@ run in the web browser, demos will include interactive examples.
- [`Web Workers`](/docs/demos/worker)
- [`Typed Arrays for Machine Learning`](/docs/demos/ml)
- [`Local File Access`](/docs/demos/localfile)
- [`LocalStorage and SessionStorage`](/docs/demos/database#localstorage-and-sessionstorage)
- [`Web SQL Database`](/docs/demos/database#websql)
- [`IndexedDB`](/docs/demos/database#indexeddb)
- [`LocalStorage and SessionStorage`](/docs/demos/data/storageapi)
- [`Web SQL Database`](/docs/demos/data/websql)
- [`IndexedDB`](/docs/demos/data/indexeddb)
### Web Frameworks
@ -94,8 +94,8 @@ run in the web browser, demos will include interactive examples.
- [`NodeJS Server-Side Processing`](/docs/demos/server#nodejs)
- [`Deno Server-Side Processing`](/docs/demos/server#deno)
- [`Headless Automation`](/docs/demos/headless)
- [`Databases and Structured Data Stores`](/docs/demos/database)
- [`NoSQL and Unstructured Data Stores`](/docs/demos/nosql)
- [`Databases and Structured Data Stores`](/docs/demos/data)
- [`NoSQL and Unstructured Data Stores`](/docs/demos/data)
- [`Legacy Internet Explorer`](/docs/demos/frontend/legacy#internet-explorer)
### Bundlers and Tooling
@ -733,7 +733,7 @@ creating worksheets from ML library exports (datasets stored in Typed Arrays).
<summary><b>Records from a database query (SQL or no-SQL)</b> (click to show)</summary>
The [`database` demo](/docs/demos/database/) includes examples of working with
The [`data` demo](/docs/demos/data/) includes examples of working with
databases and query results.
@ -655,7 +655,7 @@ generating typed arrays and tensors from worksheet data.
<summary><b>Populating a database (SQL or no-SQL)</b> (click to show)</summary>
The [`database` demo](/docs/demos/database/) includes examples of working with databases and query results.
The [`data` demo](/docs/demos/data/) includes examples of working with databases and query results.
@ -198,6 +198,9 @@ const config = {
/* hosting */
{ from: '/docs/demos/hosting/dropbox', to: '/docs/demos/cloud/dropbox/' },
{ from: '/docs/demos/hosting/github', to: '/docs/demos/cloud/github/' },
/* data */
{ from: '/docs/demos/nosql', to: '/docs/demos/data/' },
{ from: '/docs/demos/database', to: '/docs/demos/data/' },
Reference in New Issue
Block a user