--- sidebar_position: 7 --- import current from '/version.js'; import Tabs from '@theme/Tabs'; import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem'; import CodeBlock from '@theme/CodeBlock'; # VBA and Macros
File Format Support (click to show) Note that XLSX does not support macros. The XLSM file format is nearly identical to XLSX and supports macros. | Formats | Basic | Storage Representation | |:--------|:-----:|:-----------------------------------| | XLSM | ✔ | `vbaProject.bin` file in container | | XLSX | * | Not supported in format (use XLSM) | | XLSB | ✔ | `vbaProject.bin` file in container | | XLS | ✔ | Intercalated in CFB container | Asterisks (*) mark features that are not supported by the file formats. There is no way to embed VBA in the XLSX format.
VBA Macros are stored in a special data blob that is exposed in the `vbaraw` property of the workbook object when the `bookVBA` option is `true`. They are supported in `XLSM`, `XLSB`, and `BIFF8 XLS` formats. The supported format writers automatically insert the data blobs if it is present in the workbook and associate with the worksheet names. :::note The `vbaraw` property stores raw bytes. [SheetJS Pro](https://sheetjs.com/pro) offers a special component for extracting macro text from the VBA blob, editing the VBA project, and exporting new VBA blobs. ::: ## Demos The export demos focus on [an example](pathname:///vba/SheetJSVBAFormula.xlsm) that includes the following user-defined functions: ```vb Function GetFormulaA1(Cell As Range) As String GetFormulaA1 = Cell.Formula End Function Function GetFormulaRC(Cell As Range) As String GetFormulaRC = Cell.Formula2R1C1 End Function ``` ### Copying Macros After downloading the sample file, the demo extracts the VBA blob and creates a new workbook including the VBA blob. Click the button to create the file and open in a spreadsheet editor that supports VBA: ```jsx live function SheetJSVBAFormula() { return ( ); } ``` 0) Install the dependencies: {`\ npm init -y npm i --save https://cdn.sheetjs.com/xlsx-${current}/xlsx-${current}.tgz`} 1) Save the following script to `generate_file.js`: ```js title="generate_file.js" const XLSX = require("xlsx"); (async() => { /* Extract VBA Blob from test file */ const url = "https://docs.sheetjs.com/vba/SheetJSVBAFormula.xlsm"; const raw_data = await (await fetch(url)).arrayBuffer(); const blob = XLSX.read(raw_data, {bookVBA: true}).vbaraw; /* generate worksheet and workbook */ const worksheet = XLSX.utils.aoa_to_sheet([ ["Cell", "A1", "RC"], [ {t:"n", f:"LEN(A1)"}, // A2 {t:"s", f:"GetFormulaA1(A2)"}, // B2 {t:"s", f:"GetFormulaRC(A2)"} // C2 ] ]); const workbook = XLSX.utils.book_new(); XLSX.utils.book_append_sheet(workbook, worksheet, "Sheet1"); /* add VBA blob to new workbook */ workbook.vbaraw = blob; /* create an XLSM file and try to save to SheetJSVBANeu.xlsm */ XLSX.writeFile(workbook, "SheetJSVBANeu.xlsm", { bookVBA: true }); })(); ``` 2) Run the script: ```bash node generate_file.js ``` This script will generate `SheetJSVBANeu.xlsm`. ### Extracting VBA Blobs To obtain the blob, `bookVBA: 1` must be set in the `read` or `readFile` call. The following example extracts the embedded VBA blob in a workbook: ```jsx live function SheetJSExtractVBA(props) { const [msg, setMsg] = React.useState("Select a macro-enabled file"); return ( <> {msg}
{ /* parse workbook with bookVBA: true */ const wb = XLSX.read(await e.target.files[0].arrayBuffer(), {bookVBA: true}); /* get vba blob */ if(!wb.vbaraw) return setMsg("No VBA found!"); const blob = wb.vbaraw; /* download to vbaProject.bin */ setMsg("Attempting to download vbaProject.bin"); const url = URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([blob])); const a = document.createElement("a"); a.download = "vbaProject.bin"; a.href = url; document.body.appendChild(a); a.click(); document.body.removeChild(a); }}/> ); } ```
0) Install the dependencies: {`\ npm init -y npm i --save https://cdn.sheetjs.com/xlsx-${current}/xlsx-${current}.tgz`} 1) Save the following script to `extract_vba.js`: ```js title="extract_vba.js" const fs = require("fs"), XLSX = require("xlsx"); const wb = XLSX.readFile(process.argv[2], { bookVBA: true }); if(!wb.vbaraw) throw new Error("Could not find VBA blob!"); fs.writeFileSync("vbaProject.bin", wb.vbaraw); ``` 2) Run the script: ```bash node extract_vba.js SheetJSMacroEnabled.xlsm ``` This script will generate `vbaProject.bin`. It can be added to a new workbook.
### Exporting Blobs To ensure the writers export the VBA blob: - The output format must support VBA (`xlsm` or `xlsb` or `xls` or `biff8`) - The workbook object must have a valid `vbaraw` field - The `write` or `writeFile` call must include the option `bookVBA: true` This example uses [`vbaProject.bin`](pathname:///vba/vbaProject.bin) from the [sample file](pathname:///vba/vbaProject.bin): ```jsx live function SheetJSVBAPrepared() { return ( ); } ``` ## Details ### Code Names Excel will use `ThisWorkbook` (or a translation like `DieseArbeitsmappe`) as the default Code Name for the workbook. Each worksheet will be identified using the default `Sheet#` naming pattern even if the worksheet names have changed. A custom workbook code name will be stored in `wb.Workbook.WBProps.CodeName`. For exports, assigning the property will override the default value. Worksheet and Chartsheet code names are in the worksheet properties object at `wb.Workbook.Sheets[i].CodeName`. Macrosheets and Dialogsheets are ignored. The readers and writers preserve the code names, but they have to be manually set when adding a VBA blob to a different workbook. ### Macrosheets Older versions of Excel also supported a non-VBA "macrosheet" sheet type that stored automation commands. These are exposed in objects with the `!type` property set to `"macro"`. Under the hood, Excel treats Macrosheets as normal worksheets with special interpretation of the function expressions. #### Detecting Macros in Workbooks The `vbaraw` field will only be set if macros are present. Macrosheets will be explicitly flagged. Combining the two checks yields a simple function: ```js function wb_has_macro(wb/*:workbook*/)/*:boolean*/ { if(!!wb.vbaraw) return true; const sheets = wb.SheetNames.map((n) => wb.Sheets[n]); return sheets.some((ws) => !!ws && ws['!type']=='macro'); } ```