# DTA Data File Codec Codec for reading Stata .DTA files and generating CSF workbook objects compatible with the [SheetJS](https://sheetjs.com) library constellation. DTA datasets can support millions of observations and over 32767 variables. The codec will truncate data to 1048576 observations and 16384 variables. includes a live demo. ## Installation Using NodeJS package manager: ```bash npm install --save https://cdn.sheetjs.com/dta-0.0.1/dta-0.0.1.tgz ``` The standalone script is also hosted on the SheetJS CDN: ```html ``` ## Usage The `parse` method accepts a `Uint8Array` representing the file data. It returns a ["Common Spreadsheet Format"](https://docs.sheetjs.com/docs/csf/) workbook object. The `set_utils` method accepts a `utils` object from SheetJS CE or a SheetJS Pro build. `parse` will use methods from the `utils` object. ### NodeJS ```js const XLSX = require("xlsx"), DTA = require("dta"); DTA.set_utils(XLSX.utils); const wb = DTA.parse(fs.readFileSync("auto.dta")); ``` ### Browser `dist/dta.min.js` is a standalone build designed to be added with `