forked from sheetjs/sheetjs
- parsexmltag and other hot functions now better optimized for v8 - monomorphic functions (different types -> different funcs) - more efficient decode_range implementation when source is trusted - regular expressions cached and simplified without breaking correctness - more efficient utf8 techniques when available - XLSX: large functions broken down into sub-functions (e.g. `parse_ws_xml`) - XLSB: avoid unnecessary binds - XLSB: assume no exotic codepage exists (no one else tries to write XLSB) - demo exposes rABS / worker / transferable options - more tests - jszip updated to 2.3.0 - SSF updated to 0.8.1 - codepage updated to 1.3.1
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65 lines
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function hex2RGB(h) {
var o = h.substr(h[0]==="#"?1:0,6);
return [parseInt(o.substr(0,2),16),parseInt(o.substr(0,2),16),parseInt(o.substr(0,2),16)];
function rgb2Hex(rgb) {
for(var i=0,o=1; i!=3; ++i) o = o*256 + (rgb[i]>255?255:rgb[i]<0?0:rgb[i]);
return o.toString(16).toUpperCase().substr(1);
function rgb2HSL(rgb) {
var R = rgb[0]/255, G = rgb[1]/255, B=rgb[2]/255;
var M = Math.max(R, G, B), m = Math.min(R, G, B), C = M - m;
if(C === 0) return [0, 0, R];
var H6 = 0, S = 0, L2 = (M + m);
S = C / (L2 > 1 ? 2 - L2 : L2);
case R: H6 = ((G - B) / C + 6)%6; break;
case G: H6 = ((B - R) / C + 2); break;
case B: H6 = ((R - G) / C + 4); break;
return [H6 / 6, S, L2 / 2];
function hsl2RGB(hsl){
var H = hsl[0], S = hsl[1], L = hsl[2];
var C = S * 2 * (L < 0.5 ? L : 1 - L), m = L - C/2;
var rgb = [m,m,m], h6 = 6*H;
var X;
if(S !== 0) switch(h6|0) {
case 0: case 6: X = C * h6; rgb[0] += C; rgb[1] += X; break;
case 1: X = C * (2 - h6); rgb[0] += X; rgb[1] += C; break;
case 2: X = C * (h6 - 2); rgb[1] += C; rgb[2] += X; break;
case 3: X = C * (4 - h6); rgb[1] += X; rgb[2] += C; break;
case 4: X = C * (h6 - 4); rgb[2] += C; rgb[0] += X; break;
case 5: X = C * (6 - h6); rgb[2] += X; rgb[0] += C; break;
for(var i = 0; i != 3; ++i) rgb[i] = Math.round(rgb[i]*255);
return rgb;
/* 18.8.3 bgColor tint algorithm */
function rgb_tint(hex, tint) {
if(tint === 0) return hex;
var hsl = rgb2HSL(hex2RGB(hex));
if (tint < 0) hsl[2] = hsl[2] * (1 + tint);
else hsl[2] = 1 - (1 - hsl[2]) * (1 - tint);
return rgb2Hex(hsl2RGB(hsl));
/* width calculations */
var DEF_MDW = 7, MAX_MDW = 15, MIN_MDW = 1, MDW = DEF_MDW;
function width2px(width) { return (( width + ((128/MDW)|0)/256 )* MDW )|0; }
function px2char(px) { return (((px - 5)/MDW * 100 + 0.5)|0)/100; }
function char2width(chr) { return (((chr * MDW + 5)/MDW*256)|0)/256; }
function cycle_width(collw) { return char2width(px2char(width2px(collw))); }
function find_mdw(collw, coll) {
if(cycle_width(collw) != collw) {
for(MDW=DEF_MDW; MDW>MIN_MDW; --MDW) if(cycle_width(collw) === collw) break;
if(MDW === MIN_MDW) for(MDW=DEF_MDW+1; MDW<MAX_MDW; ++MDW) if(cycle_width(collw) === collw) break;