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2022-07-09 23:59:44 +00:00
2023-10-16 09:12:56 +00:00
title: Bun
2022-08-24 23:48:22 +00:00
pagination_prev: getting-started/index
2023-07-26 20:18:07 +00:00
pagination_next: getting-started/examples/index
2022-07-09 23:59:44 +00:00
sidebar_position: 7
2023-09-17 04:57:06 +00:00
summary: Load NodeJS-style modules using CommonJS or ESM
2022-07-09 23:59:44 +00:00
import current from '/version.js';
2023-09-17 04:57:06 +00:00
import CodeBlock from '@theme/CodeBlock';
2022-07-09 23:59:44 +00:00
2023-09-17 04:57:06 +00:00
Tarballs are available on <>.
2022-07-09 23:59:44 +00:00
2023-09-17 04:57:06 +00:00
<p><a href={`${current}/xlsx-${current}.tgz`}>{current}/xlsx-{current}.tgz</a> is the URL for version {current}</p>
2022-07-09 23:59:44 +00:00
2023-03-28 04:57:47 +00:00
:::caution Bun support is considered experimental.
Great open source software grows with user tests and reports. Any issues should
be reported to the Bun project for further diagnosis.
2023-09-17 04:57:06 +00:00
## Installation
Tarballs can be directly installed with `bun install`[^1]:
<CodeBlock language="bash">{`\
bun install${current}/xlsx-${current}.tgz`}
2023-06-25 09:36:58 +00:00
:::tip pass
2023-04-27 09:12:19 +00:00
[Watch the repo]( or subscribe to the
[RSS feed]( to be notified when
new versions are released!
2023-09-17 04:57:06 +00:00
:::warning pass
At the time of writing `bun install` does not support vendored tarballs[^2].
2022-07-09 23:59:44 +00:00
2023-09-17 04:57:06 +00:00
## Usage
2022-07-09 23:59:44 +00:00
2023-09-17 04:57:06 +00:00
Bun supports both "CommonJS" and "ESM" modules.
2022-07-09 23:59:44 +00:00
2023-09-17 04:57:06 +00:00
:::info pass
2023-09-24 03:59:48 +00:00
**It is strongly recommended to use CommonJS in Bun.**
2023-09-17 04:57:06 +00:00
#### CommonJS `require`
By default, the module supports `require` and it will automatically add support
for streams and file system access:
const { readFile } = require("xlsx");
const wb = readFile("pres.numbers"); // works!
#### ESM `import`
When importing the library using ESM `import` statements, the native NodeJS
modules are not loaded. They must be added manually:
import * as XLSX from 'xlsx';
/* load 'fs' for readFile and writeFile support */
import * as fs from 'fs';
/* load 'stream' for stream support */
import { Readable } from 'stream';;
2022-07-09 23:59:44 +00:00
/* load the codepage support library for extended support with older formats */
2023-09-17 04:57:06 +00:00
import * as cpexcel from 'xlsx/dist/cpexcel.full.mjs';
2022-07-09 23:59:44 +00:00
2023-09-17 04:57:06 +00:00
2023-10-22 05:40:02 +00:00
## Bundling
For server-side scripts, `bun build` can pre-optimize dependencies. The Bun
builder requires a proper `package.json` that includes the SheetJS dependency.
This example was last tested on 2023 October 21 against BunJS 1.0.6.
0) Create a new project:
mkdir sheetjs-bun-dle
cd sheetjs-bun-dle
echo "{}" >> package.json
1) Install the library:
<CodeBlock language="bash">{`\
bun install${current}/xlsx-${current}.tgz`}
2) Save the following script to `bun.js`:
```js title="bun.js"
// highlight-next-line
import * as XLSX from 'xlsx';
// highlight-next-line
import * as fs from 'fs';
// highlight-next-line
/* fetch JSON data and parse */
const url = "";
const raw_data = await (await fetch(url)).json();
/* filter for the Presidents */
const prez = raw_data.filter((row) => row.terms.some((term) => term.type === "prez"));
/* flatten objects */
const rows = => ({
name: + " " +,
/* generate worksheet and workbook */
const worksheet = XLSX.utils.json_to_sheet(rows);
const workbook = XLSX.utils.book_new();
XLSX.utils.book_append_sheet(workbook, worksheet, "Dates");
/* fix headers */
XLSX.utils.sheet_add_aoa(worksheet, [["Name", "Birthday"]], { origin: "A1" });
/* calculate column width */
const max_width = rows.reduce((w, r) => Math.max(w,, 10);
worksheet["!cols"] = [ { wch: max_width } ];
/* create an XLSX file and try to save to Presidents.xlsx */
XLSX.writeFile(workbook, "Presidents.xlsx");
3) Bundle the script with `bun build`:
bun build --target=bun bun.js --outfile=app.js
This procedure will generate `app.js`.
4) Remove the `node_modules` directory and `package.json` file:
rm package.json
rm -rf ./node_modules
5) Run the script:
bun app.js
If the script succeeded, the file `Presidents.xlsx` will be created. That file
can be opened in a spreadsheet editor.
2023-10-16 09:12:56 +00:00
[^1]: Bun releases before the official 1.0.0 release did not support tarball dependencies. If a pre-1.0.0 release must be used, the [ES Module script can be vendored](/docs/getting-started/installation/standalone#ecmascript-module-imports) or the [NodeJS module can be installed with a NodeJS-compatible package manager](/docs/getting-started/installation/nodejs).
2023-09-17 04:57:06 +00:00
[^2]: See [the relevant issue in the Bun issue tracker](