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2023-05-30 06:41:09 +00:00
#!/usr/bin/env -S deno run --allow-net
// @deno-types=""
import { read, stream, Sheet2CSVOpts, WorkSheet } from '';
interface Resumable { resume:()=>void; };
/* Generate row strings from a worksheet */
function sheet_to_csv_cb(ws: WorkSheet, cb:(d:string|null)=>void, opts: Sheet2CSVOpts = {}, batch = 1000): Resumable {
stream.set_readable(() => ({
__done: false,
// this function will be assigned by the SheetJS stream methods
_read: function() { this.__done = true; },
// this function is called by the stream methods
push: function(d: string|null) {
if(!this.__done) cb(d);
if(d == null) this.__done = true;
resume: function pump() {
for(var i = 0; i < batch && !this.__done; ++i) this._read();
if(!this.__done) setTimeout(pump.bind(this), 0);
return stream.to_csv(ws, opts) as Resumable;
/* Callback invoked on each row (string) and at the end (null) */
const csv_cb = (d:string|null) => {
if(d == null) return;
/* The strings include line endings, so raw write ops should be used */
Deno.stdout.write(new TextEncoder().encode(d));
/* Fetch, parse, and get first worksheet */
const ab = await (await fetch("")).arrayBuffer();
const wb = read(ab, { dense: true });
const ws = wb.Sheets[wb.SheetNames[0]];
/* Create and start CSV stream */
sheet_to_csv_cb(ws, csv_cb).resume();