From 497897eea5fbc78ca3bbc41d119b6a632d99f0af Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: SheetJS Date: Sun, 13 Feb 2022 21:02:46 -0500 Subject: [PATCH] 0.18.1 --- index.html | 1673 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------- 1 file changed, 1205 insertions(+), 468 deletions(-) diff --git a/index.html b/index.html index 303d2bb6..8782f020 100644 --- a/index.html +++ b/index.html @@ -75,22 +75,13 @@



Parser and writer for various spreadsheet formats. Pure-JS cleanroom -implementation from official specifications, related documents, and test files. -Emphasis on parsing and writing robustness, cross-format feature compatibility -with a unified JS representation, and ES3/ES5 browser compatibility back to IE6.


This is the community version. We also offer a pro version with performance -enhancements, additional features like styling, and dedicated support.


Community Translations of this README:

- -

Pro Version


Commercial Support


Rendered Documentation


In-Browser Demos


Source Code


Issues and Bug Reports


The SheetJS Community Edition offers battle-tested open-source solutions for +extracting useful data from almost any complex spreadsheet and generating new +spreadsheets that will work with legacy and modern software alike.


SheetJS Pro offers solutions beyond data processing: +Edit complex templates with ease; let out your inner Picasso with styling; make +custom sheets with images/graphs/PivotTables; evaluate formula expressions and +port calculations to web apps; automate common spreadsheet tasks, and much more!

License Build Status Snyk Vulnerabilities @@ -111,19 +102,20 @@ enhancements, additional features like styling, and dedicated support.

  • -Writing Workbooks +Packaging and Releasing Data
  • @@ -185,8 +180,7 @@ enhancements, additional features like styling, and dedicated support.

    Document Features
  • -
  • -File Formats - -
  • +
  • File Formats
  • Testing

    Platforms and Integrations

    Other examples are included in the showcase.


    -Optional Modules

    - Optional features (click to show) -

    The node version automatically requires modules for additional features. Some -of these modules are rather large in size and are only needed in special -circumstances, so they do not ship with the core. For browser use, they must -be included directly:

    <!-- international support from js-codepage -->
    -<script src="dist/cpexcel.js"></script>

    An appropriate version for each dependency is included in the dist/ directory.


    The complete single-file version is generated at dist/xlsx.full.min.js


    A slimmer build is generated at dist/ Compared to full build:

    • codepage library skipped (no support for XLS encodings)
    • -
    • XLSX compression option not currently available
    • -
    • no support for XLSB / XLS / Lotus 1-2-3 / SpreadsheetML 2003
    • -
    • node stream utils removed
    • -

    Webpack and Browserify builds include optional modules by default. Webpack can -be configured to remove support with resolve.alias:

      /* uncomment the lines below to remove support */
    -  resolve: {
    -    alias: { "./dist/cpexcel.js": "" } // <-- omit international support
    -  }

    -ECMAScript 5 Compatibility


    Since the library uses functions like Array#forEach, older browsers require -shims to provide missing functions.


    To use the shim, add the shim before the script tag that loads xlsx.js:

    <!-- add the shim first -->
    -<script type="text/javascript" src="shim.min.js"></script>
    -<!-- after the shim is referenced, add the library -->
    -<script type="text/javascript" src="xlsx.full.min.js"></script>

    The script also includes IE_LoadFile and IE_SaveFile for loading and saving -files in Internet Explorer versions 6-9. The xlsx.extendscript.js script -bundles the shim in a format suitable for Photoshop and other Adobe products.


    +Acquiring and Extracting Data +

    +Parsing Workbooks




    Extract data from spreadsheet bytes

    var workbook =, opts);

    The read method can extract data from spreadsheet bytes stored in a JS string, +"binary string", NodeJS buffer or typed array (Uint8Array or ArrayBuffer).


    Read spreadsheet bytes from a local file and extract data

    var workbook = XLSX.readFile(filename, opts);

    The readFile method attempts to read a spreadsheet file at the supplied path. +Browsers generally do not allow reading files in this way (it is deemed a +security risk), and attempts to read files in this way will throw an error.


    The second opts argument is optional. "Parsing Options" +covers the supported properties and behaviors.




    Here are a few common scenarios (click on each subtitle to see the code):

    - Philosophy (click to show) -

    Prior to SheetJS, APIs for processing spreadsheet files were format-specific. -Third-party libraries either supported one format, or they involved a separate -set of classes for each supported file type. Even though XLSB was introduced in -Excel 2007, nothing outside of SheetJS or Excel supported the format.


    To promote a format-agnostic view, SheetJS starts from a pure-JS representation -that we call the "Common Spreadsheet Format". -Emphasizing a uniform object representation enables new features like format -conversion (reading an XLSX template and saving as XLS) and circumvents the mess -of classes. By abstracting the complexities of the various formats, tools -need not worry about the specific file type!


    A simple object representation combined with careful coding practices enables -use cases in older browsers and in alternative environments like ExtendScript -and Web Workers. It is always tempting to use the latest and greatest features, -but they tend to require the latest versions of browsers, limiting usability.


    Utility functions capture common use cases like generating JS objects or HTML. -Most simple operations should only require a few lines of code. More complex -operations generally should be straightforward to implement.


    Excel pushes the XLSX format as default starting in Excel 2007. However, there -are other formats with more appealing properties. For example, the XLSB format -is spiritually similar to XLSX but files often tend up taking less than half the -space and open much faster! Even though an XLSX writer is available, other -format writers are available so users can take advantage of the unique -characteristics of each format.


    The primary focus of the Community Edition is correct data interchange, focused -on extracting data from any compatible data representation and exporting data in -various formats suitable for any third party interface.


    -Parsing Workbooks


    For parsing, the first step is to read the file. This involves acquiring the -data and feeding it into the library. Here are a few common scenarios:

    - nodejs read a file (click to show) -

    readFile is only available in server environments. Browsers have no API for -reading arbitrary files given a path, so another strategy must be used.

    if(typeof require !== 'undefined') XLSX = require('xlsx');
    -var workbook = XLSX.readFile('test.xlsx');
    -/* DO SOMETHING WITH workbook HERE */
    - Photoshop ExtendScript read a file (click to show) -

    readFile wraps the File logic in Photoshop and other ExtendScript targets. -The specified path should be an absolute path:

    #include "xlsx.extendscript.js"
    -/* Read test.xlsx from the Documents folder */
    -var workbook = XLSX.readFile(Folder.myDocuments + '/' + 'test.xlsx');
    -/* DO SOMETHING WITH workbook HERE */

    The extendscript demo includes a more complex example.

    - Browser read TABLE element from page (click to show) -

    The table_to_book and table_to_sheet utility functions take a DOM TABLE -element and iterate through the child nodes.

    var workbook = XLSX.utils.table_to_book(document.getElementById('tableau'));
    -/* DO SOMETHING WITH workbook HERE */

    Multiple tables on a web page can be converted to individual worksheets:

    /* create new workbook */
    -var workbook = XLSX.utils.book_new();
    +  Local file in a NodeJS server (click to show)

    readFile uses fs.readFileSync under the hood:

    var XLSX = require("xlsx");
    -/* convert table 'table1' to worksheet named "Sheet1" */
    -var ws1 = XLSX.utils.table_to_sheet(document.getElementById('table1'));
    -XLSX.utils.book_append_sheet(workbook, ws1, "Sheet1");
    +var workbook = XLSX.readFile("test.xlsx");

    For Node ESM, the readFile helper is not enabled. Instead, fs.readFileSync +should be used to read the file data as a Buffer for use with

    import { readFileSync } from "fs";
    +import { read } from "xlsx/xlsx.mjs";
    -/* convert table 'table2' to worksheet named "Sheet2" */
    -var ws2 = XLSX.utils.table_to_sheet(document.getElementById('table2'));
    -XLSX.utils.book_append_sheet(workbook, ws2, "Sheet2");
    -/* workbook now has 2 worksheets */

    Alternatively, the HTML code can be extracted and parsed:

    var htmlstr = document.getElementById('tableau').outerHTML;
    -var workbook =, {type:'string'});
    +const buf = readFileSync("test.xlsx"); +/* buf is a Buffer */ +const workbook = read(buf);
    - Browser download file (ajax) (click to show) -

    Note: for a more complete example that works in older browsers, check the demo -at The xhr demo -includes more examples with XMLHttpRequest and fetch.

    + Local file in a Deno application (click to show) +

    readFile uses Deno.readFileSync under the hood:

    // @deno-types=""
    +import * as XLSX from ''
    +const workbook = XLSX.readFile("test.xlsx");

    Applications reading files must be invoked with the --allow-read flag. The +deno demo has more examples

    + User-submitted file in a web page ("Drag-and-Drop") (click to show) +

    For modern websites targeting Chrome 76+, File#arrayBuffer is recommended:

    // XLSX is a global from the standalone script
    +async function handleDropAsync(e) {
    +  e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault();
    +  const f = e.dataTransfer.files[0];
    +  /* f is a File */
    +  const data = await f.arrayBuffer();
    +  /* data is an ArrayBuffer */
    +  const workbook =;
    +  /* DO SOMETHING WITH workbook HERE */
    +drop_dom_element.addEventListener("drop", handleDropAsync, false);

    For maximal compatibility, the FileReader API should be used:

    function handleDrop(e) {
    +  e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault();
    +  var f = e.dataTransfer.files[0];
    +  /* f is a File */
    +  var reader = new FileReader();
    +  reader.onload = function(e) {
    +    var data =;
    +    /* reader.readAsArrayBuffer(file) -> data will be an ArrayBuffer */
    +    var workbook =;
    +    /* DO SOMETHING WITH workbook HERE */
    +  };
    +  reader.readAsArrayBuffer(f);
    +drop_dom_element.addEventListener("drop", handleDrop, false);
    + demonstrates the FileReader technique.

    + User-submitted file with an HTML INPUT element (click to show) +

    Starting with an HTML INPUT element with type="file":

    <input type="file" id="input_dom_element">

    For modern websites targeting Chrome 76+, Blob#arrayBuffer is recommended:

    // XLSX is a global from the standalone script
    +async function handleFileAsync(e) {
    +  const file =[0];
    +  const data = await file.arrayBuffer();
    +  /* data is an ArrayBuffer */
    +  const workbook =;
    +  /* DO SOMETHING WITH workbook HERE */
    +input_dom_element.addEventListener("change", handleFileAsync, false);

    For broader support (including IE10+), the FileReader approach is recommended:

    function handleFile(e) {
    +  var file =[0];
    +  var reader = new FileReader();
    +  reader.onload = function(e) {
    +    var data =;
    +    /* reader.readAsArrayBuffer(file) -> data will be an ArrayBuffer */
    +    var workbook =;
    +    /* DO SOMETHING WITH workbook HERE */
    +  };
    +  reader.readAsArrayBuffer(file);
    +input_dom_element.addEventListener("change", handleFile, false);

    The oldie demo shows an IE-compatible fallback scenario.

    + Fetching a file in the web browser ("Ajax") (click to show) +

    For modern websites targeting Chrome 42+, fetch is recommended:

    // XLSX is a global from the standalone script
    +(async() => {
    +  const url = "";
    +  const data = await (await fetch(url)).arrayBuffer();
    +  /* data is an ArrayBuffer */
    +  const workbook =;
    +  /* DO SOMETHING WITH workbook HERE */

    For broader support, the XMLHttpRequest approach is recommended:

    var url = "";
     /* set up async GET request */
    @@ -493,108 +723,139 @@ includes more examples with XMLHttpRequest and fetch.<
       var workbook =;
       /* DO SOMETHING WITH workbook HERE */

    The xhr demo includes a longer discussion and more examples.

    + shows fallback approaches for IE6+.

    - Browser drag-and-drop (click to show) -

    For modern browsers, Blob#arrayBuffer can read data from files:

    async function handleDropAsync(e) {
    -  e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault();
    -  const f = evt.dataTransfer.files[0];
    -  const data = await f.arrayBuffer();
    -  const workbook =;
    +  Local file in a PhotoShop or InDesign plugin (click to show)

    readFile wraps the File logic in Photoshop and other ExtendScript targets. +The specified path should be an absolute path:

    #include "xlsx.extendscript.js"
    -  /* DO SOMETHING WITH workbook HERE */
    -drop_dom_element.addEventListener('drop', handleDropAsync, false);

    For maximal compatibility, the FileReader API should be used:

    function handleDrop(e) {
    -  e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault();
    -  var f = e.dataTransfer.files[0];
    -  var reader = new FileReader();
    -  reader.onload = function(e) {
    -    var workbook =;
    +/* Read test.xlsx from the Documents folder */
    +var workbook = XLSX.readFile(Folder.myDocuments + "/test.xlsx");

    The extendscript demo includes a more complex example.

    + Local file in an Electron app (click to show) +

    readFile can be used in the renderer process:

    /* From the renderer process */
    +var XLSX = require("xlsx");
    +var workbook = XLSX.readFile(path);

    Electron APIs have changed over time. The electron demo +shows a complete example and details the required version-specific settings.

    + Local file in a mobile app with React Native (click to show) +

    The react demo includes a sample React Native app.


    Since React Native does not provide a way to read files from the filesystem, a +third-party library must be used. The following libraries have been tested:

    + +

    The base64 encoding returns strings compatible with the base64 type:

    import XLSX from "xlsx";
    +import { FileSystem } from "react-native-file-access";
    +const b64 = await FileSystem.readFile(path, "base64");
    +/* b64 is a base64 string */
    +const workbook =, {type: "base64"});
    + +

    The ascii encoding returns binary strings compatible with the binary type:

    import XLSX from "xlsx";
    +import { readFile } from "react-native-fs";
    +const bstr = await readFile(path, "ascii");
    +/* bstr is a binary string */
    +const workbook =, {type: "binary"});
    + NodeJS Server File Uploads (click to show) +

    read can accept a NodeJS buffer. readFile can read files generated by a +HTTP POST request body parser like formidable:

    const XLSX = require("xlsx");
    +const http = require("http");
    +const formidable = require("formidable");
    +const server = http.createServer((req, res) => {
    +  const form = new formidable.IncomingForm();
    +  form.parse(req, (err, fields, files) => {
    +    /* grab the first file */
    +    const f = Object.entries(files)[0][1];
    +    const path = f.filepath;
    +    const workbook = XLSX.readFile(path);
         /* DO SOMETHING WITH workbook HERE */
    -  };
    -  reader.readAsArrayBuffer(f);
    -drop_dom_element.addEventListener('drop', handleDrop, false);
    + }); +}).listen(process.env.PORT || 7262); +

    The server demo has more advanced examples.

    - Browser file upload form element (click to show) -

    Data from file input elements can be processed using the same APIs as in the -drag-and-drop example.


    Using Blob#arrayBuffer:

    async function handleFileAsync(e) {
    -  const file =[0];
    -  const data = await file.arrayBuffer();
    -  const workbook =;
    +  Download files in a NodeJS process (click to show)

    Node 17.5 and 18.0 have native support for fetch:

    const XLSX = require("xlsx");
    +const data = await (await fetch(url)).arrayBuffer();
    +/* data is an ArrayBuffer */
    +const workbook =;

    For broader compatibility, third-party modules are recommended.


    request requires a null encoding to yield Buffers:

    var XLSX = require("xlsx");
    +var request = require("request");
    +request({url: url, encoding: null}, function(err, resp, body) {
    +  var workbook =;
       /* DO SOMETHING WITH workbook HERE */
    -input_dom_element.addEventListener('change', handleFileAsync, false);

    Using FileReader:

    function handleFile(e) {
    -  var files =, f = files[0];
    -  var reader = new FileReader();
    -  reader.onload = function(e) {
    -    var workbook =;

    axios works the same way in browser and in NodeJS:

    const XLSX = require("xlsx");
    +const axios = require("axios");
    +(async() => {
    +  const res = await axios.get(url, {responseType: "arraybuffer"});
    +  /* is a Buffer */
    +  const workbook =;
    +  /* DO SOMETHING WITH workbook HERE */
    + Download files in an Electron app (click to show) +

    The net module in the main process can make HTTP/HTTPS requests to external +resources. Responses should be manually concatenated using Buffer.concat:

    const XLSX = require("xlsx");
    +const { net } = require("electron");
    +const req = net.request(url);
    +req.on("response", (res) => {
    +  const bufs = []; // this array will collect all of the buffers
    +  res.on("data", (chunk) => { bufs.push(chunk); });
    +  res.on("end", () => {
    +    const workbook =;
         /* DO SOMETHING WITH workbook HERE */
    -  };
    -  reader.readAsArrayBuffer(f);
    -input_dom_element.addEventListener('change', handleFile, false);

    The oldie demo shows an IE-compatible fallback scenario.

    + }); +}); +req.end();

    More specialized cases, including mobile app file processing, are covered in the -included demos


    -Parsing Examples

    - -

    Note that older versions of IE do not support HTML5 File API, so the Base64 mode -is used for testing.

    - Get Base64 encoding on OSX / Windows (click to show) -

    On OSX you can get the Base64 encoding with:

    $ <target_file base64 | pbcopy

    On Windows XP and up you can get the Base64 encoding using certutil:

    > certutil -encode target_file target_file.b64

    (note: You have to open the file and remove the header and footer lines)

    - -

    -Streaming Read

    - Why is there no Streaming Read API? (click to show) -

    The most common and interesting formats (XLS, XLSX/M, XLSB, ODS) are ultimately -ZIP or CFB containers of files. Neither format puts the directory structure at -the beginning of the file: ZIP files place the Central Directory records at the -end of the logical file, while CFB files can place the storage info anywhere in -the file! As a result, to properly handle these formats, a streaming function -would have to buffer the entire file before commencing. That belies the -expectations of streaming, so we do not provide any streaming read API.

    + Readable Streams in NodeJS (click to show)

    When dealing with Readable Streams, the easiest approach is to buffer the stream -and process the whole thing at the end. This can be done with a temporary file -or by explicitly concatenating the stream:

    - Explicitly concatenating streams (click to show) -
    var fs = require('fs');
    -var XLSX = require('xlsx');
    -function process_RS(stream/*:ReadStream*/, cb/*:(wb:Workbook)=>void*/)/*:void*/{
    +and process the whole thing at the end:

    var fs = require("fs");
    +var XLSX = require("xlsx");
    +function process_RS(stream, cb) {
       var buffers = [];
    -  stream.on('data', function(data) { buffers.push(data); });
    -  stream.on('end', function() {
    +  stream.on("data", function(data) { buffers.push(data); });
    +  stream.on("end", function() {
         var buffer = Buffer.concat(buffers);
         var workbook =, {type:"buffer"});
    @@ -602,26 +863,281 @@ or by explicitly concatenating the stream:

    cb(workbook); }); }

    More robust solutions are available using modules like concat-stream.

    - Writing to filesystem first (click to show) -

    This example uses tempfile to generate file names:

    var fs = require('fs'), tempfile = require('tempfile');
    -var XLSX = require('xlsx');
    -function process_RS(stream/*:ReadStream*/, cb/*:(wb:Workbook)=>void*/)/*:void*/{
    -  var fname = tempfile('.sheetjs');
    -  console.log(fname);
    -  var ostream = fs.createWriteStream(fname);
    -  stream.pipe(ostream);
    -  ostream.on('finish', function() {
    -    var workbook = XLSX.readFile(fname);
    -    fs.unlinkSync(fname);
    +  ReadableStream in the browser (click to show)

    When dealing with ReadableStream, the easiest approach is to buffer the stream +and process the whole thing at the end:

    // XLSX is a global from the standalone script
    -    /* DO SOMETHING WITH workbook IN THE CALLBACK */
    -    cb(workbook);
    +async function process_RS(stream) {
    +  /* collect data */
    +  const buffers = [];
    +  const reader = stream.getReader();
    +  for(;;) {
    +    const res = await;
    +    if(res.value) buffers.push(res.value);
    +    if(res.done) break;
    +  }
    +  /* concat */
    +  const out = new Uint8Array(buffers.reduce((acc, v) => acc + v.length, 0));
    +  let off = 0;
    +  for(const u8 of arr) {
    +    out.set(u8, off);
    +    off += u8.length;
    +  }
    +  return out;
    +const data = await process_RS(stream);
    +/* data is Uint8Array */
    +const workbook =;

    More detailed examples are covered in the included demos


    +Processing JSON and JS Data


    JSON and JS data tend to represent single worksheets. This section will use a +few utility functions to generate workbooks:


    Create a new Worksheet

    var workbook = XLSX.utils.book_new();

    The book_new utility function creates an empty workbook with no worksheets.


    Append a Worksheet to a Workbook

    XLSX.utils.book_append_sheet(workbook, worksheet, sheet_name);

    The book_append_sheet utility function appends a worksheet to the workbook. +The third argument specifies the desired worksheet name. Multiple worksheets can +be added to a workbook by calling the function multiple times.




    Create a worksheet from an array of arrays of JS values

    var worksheet = XLSX.utils.aoa_to_sheet(aoa, opts);

    The aoa_to_sheet utility function walks an "array of arrays" in row-major +order, generating a worksheet object. The following snippet generates a sheet +with cell A1 set to the string A1, cell B1 set to B2, etc:

    var worksheet = XLSX.utils.aoa_to_sheet([
    +  ["A1", "B1", "C1"],
    +  ["A2", "B2", "C2"],
    +  ["A3", "B3", "C3"]

    "Array of Arrays Input" describes the function and the +optional opts argument in more detail.


    Create a worksheet from an array of JS objects

    var worksheet = XLSX.utils.json_to_sheet(jsa, opts);

    The json_to_sheet utility function walks an array of JS objects in order, +generating a worksheet object. By default, it will generate a header row and +one row per object in the array. The optional opts argument has settings to +control the column order and header output.


    "Array of Objects Input" describes the function and +the optional opts argument in more detail.




    "Zen of SheetJS" contains a detailed example "Get Data +from a JSON Endpoint and Generate a Workbook"


    x-spreadsheet is an interactive +data grid for previewing and modifying structured data in the web browser. The +xspreadsheet demo includes a sample script with the +xtos function for converting from x-spreadsheet data object to a workbook. + is a live demo.

    + Records from a database query (SQL or no-SQL) (click to show) +

    The database demo includes examples of working with +databases and query results.

    + Numerical Computations with TensorFlow.js (click to show) +

    @tensorflow/tfjs and other libraries expect data in simple +arrays, well-suited for worksheets where each column is a data vector. That is +the transpose of how most people use spreadsheets, where each row is a vector.


    When recovering data from tfjs, the returned data points are stored in a typed +array. An array of arrays can be constructed with loops. Array#unshift can +prepend a title row before the conversion:

    const XLSX = require("xlsx");
    +const tf = require('@tensorflow/tfjs');
    +/* suppose xs and ys are vectors (1D tensors) -> tfarr will be a typed array */
    +const tfdata = tf.stack([xs, ys]).transpose();
    +const shape = tfdata.shape;
    +const tfarr = tfdata.dataSync();
    +/* construct the array of arrays */
    +const aoa = [];
    +for(let j = 0; j < shape[0]; ++j) {
    +  aoa[j] = [];
    +  for(let i = 0; i < shape[1]; ++i) aoa[j][i] = tfarr[j * shape[1] + i];
    +/* add headers to the top */
    +aoa.unshift(["x", "y"]);
    +/* generate worksheet */
    +const worksheet = XLSX.utils.aoa_to_sheet(aoa);

    The array demo shows a complete example.


    +Processing HTML Tables




    Create a worksheet by scraping an HTML TABLE in the page

    var worksheet = XLSX.utils.table_to_sheet(dom_element, opts);

    The table_to_sheet utility function takes a DOM TABLE element and iterates +through the rows to generate a worksheet. The opts argument is optional. +"HTML Table Input" describes the function in more detail.


    Create a workbook by scraping an HTML TABLE in the page

    var workbook = XLSX.utils.table_to_book(dom_element, opts);

    The table_to_book utility function follows the same logic as table_to_sheet. +After generating a worksheet, it creates a blank workbook and appends the +spreadsheet.


    The options argument supports the same options as table_to_sheet, with the +addition of a sheet property to control the worksheet name. If the property +is missing or no options are specified, the default name Sheet1 is used.




    Here are a few common scenarios (click on each subtitle to see the code):

    + HTML TABLE element in a webpage (click to show) +
    <!-- include the standalone script and shim.  this uses the UNPKG CDN -->
    +<script src=""></script>
    +<script src=""></script>
    +<!-- example table with id attribute -->
    +<table id="tableau">
    +  <tr><td>Sheet</td><td>JS</td></tr>
    +  <tr><td>12345</td><td>67</td></tr>
    +<!-- this block should appear after the table HTML and the standalone script -->
    +<script type="text/javascript">
    +  var workbook = XLSX.utils.table_to_book(document.getElementById("tableau"));
    +  /* DO SOMETHING WITH workbook HERE */

    Multiple tables on a web page can be converted to individual worksheets:

    /* create new workbook */
    +var workbook = XLSX.utils.book_new();
    +/* convert table "table1" to worksheet named "Sheet1" */
    +var sheet1 = XLSX.utils.table_to_sheet(document.getElementById("table1"));
    +XLSX.utils.book_append_sheet(workbook, sheet1, "Sheet1");
    +/* convert table "table2" to worksheet named "Sheet2" */
    +var sheet2 = XLSX.utils.table_to_sheet(document.getElementById("table2"));
    +XLSX.utils.book_append_sheet(workbook, sheet2, "Sheet2");
    +/* workbook now has 2 worksheets */

    Alternatively, the HTML code can be extracted and parsed:

    var htmlstr = document.getElementById("tableau").outerHTML;
    +var workbook =, {type:"string"});
    + Chrome/Chromium Extension (click to show) +

    The chrome demo shows a complete example and details the +required permissions and other settings.


    In an extension, it is recommended to generate the workbook in a content script +and pass the object back to the extension:

    /* in the worker script */
    +chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(function(msg, sender, cb) {
    +  /* pass a message like { sheetjs: true } from the extension to scrape */
    +  if(!msg || !msg.sheetjs) return;
    +  /* create a new workbook */
    +  var workbook = XLSX.utils.book_new();
    +  /* loop through each table element */
    +  var tables = document.getElementsByTagName("table")
    +  for(var i = 0; i < tables.length; ++i) {
    +    var worksheet = XLSX.utils.table_to_sheet(tables[i]);
    +    XLSX.utils.book_append_sheet(workbook, worksheet, "Table" + i);
    +  }
    +  /* pass back to the extension */
    +  return cb(workbook);
    + Server-Side HTML Tables with Headless Chrome (click to show) +

    The headless demo includes a complete demo to convert HTML +files to XLSB workbooks. The core idea is to add the script to the page, parse +the table in the page context, generate a base64 workbook and send it back +for further processing:

    const XLSX = require("xlsx");
    +const { readFileSync } = require("fs"), puppeteer = require("puppeteer");
    +const url = ``;
    +/* get the standalone build source (node_modules/xlsx/dist/xlsx.full.min.js) */
    +const lib = readFileSync(require.resolve("xlsx/dist/xlsx.full.min.js"), "utf8");
    +(async() => {
    +  /* start browser and go to web page */
    +  const browser = await puppeteer.launch();
    +  const page = await browser.newPage();
    +  await page.goto(url, {waitUntil: "networkidle2"});
    +  /* inject library */
    +  await page.addScriptTag({content: lib});
    +  /* this function `s5s` will be called by the script below, receiving the Base64-encoded file */
    +  await page.exposeFunction("s5s", async(b64) => {
    +    const workbook =, {type: "base64" });
    +    /* DO SOMETHING WITH workbook HERE */
    + + /* generate XLSB file in webpage context and send back result */ + await page.addScriptTag({content: ` + /* call table_to_book on first table */ + var workbook = XLSX.utils.table_to_book(document.querySelector("TABLE")); + + /* generate XLSX file */ + var b64 = XLSX.write(workbook, {type: "base64", bookType: "xlsb"}); + + /* call "s5s" hook exposed from the node process */ + window.s5s(b64); + `}); + + /* cleanup */ + await browser.close(); +})(); +
    + Server-Side HTML Tables with Headless WebKit (click to show) +

    The headless demo includes a complete demo to convert HTML +files to XLSB workbooks using PhantomJS. The core idea +is to add the script to the page, parse the table in the page context, generate +a binary workbook and send it back for further processing:

    var XLSX = require('xlsx');
    +var page = require('webpage').create();
    +/* this code will be run in the page */
    +var code = [ "function(){",
    +  /* call table_to_book on first table */
    +  "var wb = XLSX.utils.table_to_book(document.body.getElementsByTagName('table')[0]);",
    +  /* generate XLSB file and return binary string */
    +  "return XLSX.write(wb, {type: 'binary', bookType: 'xlsb'});",
    +"}" ].join("");
    +'', function() {
    +  /* Load the browser script from the UNPKG CDN */
    +  page.includeJs("", function() {
    +    /* The code will return an XLSB file encoded as binary string */
    +    var bin = page.evaluateJavaScript(code);
    +    var workbook =, {type: "binary"});
    +    /* DO SOMETHING WITH workbook HERE */
    +    phantom.exit();
    +  });
    + NodeJS HTML Tables without a browser (click to show) +

    NodeJS does not include a DOM implementation and Puppeteer requires a hefty +Chromium build. jsdom is a lightweight alternative:

    const XLSX = require("xlsx");
    +const { readFileSync } = require("fs");
    +const { JSDOM } = require("jsdom");
    +/* obtain HTML string.  This example reads from test.html */
    +const html_str = fs.readFileSync("test.html", "utf8");
    +/* get first TABLE element */
    +const doc = new JSDOM(html_str).window.document.querySelector("table");
    +/* generate workbook */
    +const workbook = XLSX.utils.table_to_book(doc);

    Working with the Workbook

    @@ -694,56 +1210,74 @@ files and output the contents in various formats. The source is available at XLSX.utils.sheet_to_formulae generates a list of formulae
  • -Writing Workbooks


    For writing, the first step is to generate output data. The helper functions -write and writeFile will produce the data in various formats suitable for -dissemination. The second step is to actual share the data with the end point. -Assuming workbook is a workbook object:

    +Packaging and Releasing Data +

    +Writing Workbooks




    Generate spreadsheet bytes (file) from data

    var data = XLSX.write(workbook, opts);

    The write method attempts to package data from the workbook into a file in +memory. By default, XLSX files are generated, but that can be controlled with +the bookType property of the opts argument. Based on the type option, +the data can be stored as a "binary string", JS string, Uint8Array or Buffer.


    The second opts argument is required. "Writing Options" +covers the supported properties and behaviors.


    Generate and attempt to save file

    XLSX.writeFile(workbook, filename, opts);

    The writeFile method packages the data and attempts to save the new file. The +export file format is determined by the extension of filename (SheetJS.xlsx +signals XLSX export, SheetJS.xlsb signals XLSB export, etc).


    The writeFile method uses platform-specific APIs to initiate the file save. In +NodeJS, fs.readFileSync can create a file. In the web browser, a download is +attempted using the HTML5 download attribute, with fallbacks for IE.


    Generate and attempt to save an XLSX file

    XLSX.writeFileXLSX(workbook, filename, opts);

    The writeFile method embeds a number of different export functions. This is +great for developer experience but not amenable to dead code elimination using +the current toolset. When only XLSX exports are needed, this method avoids +referencing the other export codecs.


    The second opts argument is optional. "Writing Options" +covers the supported properties and behaviors.



    - nodejs write a file (click to show) -

    XLSX.writeFile uses fs.writeFileSync in server environments:

    if(typeof require !== 'undefined') XLSX = require('xlsx');
    +  Local file in a NodeJS server (click to show)

    writeFile uses fs.writeFileSync in server environments:

    var XLSX = require("xlsx");
     /* output format determined by filename */
    -XLSX.writeFile(workbook, 'out.xlsb');
    -/* at this point, out.xlsb is a file that you can distribute */
    +XLSX.writeFile(workbook, "out.xlsb");

    For Node ESM, the writeFile helper is not enabled. Instead, fs.writeFileSync +should be used to write the file data to a Buffer for use with XLSX.write:

    import { writeFileSync } from "fs";
    +import { write } from "xlsx/xlsx.mjs";
    +const buf = write(workbook, {type: "buffer", bookType: "xlsb"});
    +/* buf is a Buffer */
    +const workbook = writeFileSync("out.xlsb", buf);
    - Photoshop ExtendScript write a file (click to show) + Local file in a Deno application (click to show) +

    writeFile uses Deno.writeFileSync under the hood:

    // @deno-types=""
    +import * as XLSX from ''
    +XLSX.writeFile(workbook, "test.xlsx");

    Applications writing files must be invoked with the --allow-write flag. The +deno demo has more examples

    + Local file in a PhotoShop or InDesign plugin (click to show)

    writeFile wraps the File logic in Photoshop and other ExtendScript targets. The specified path should be an absolute path:

    #include "xlsx.extendscript.js"
     /* output format determined by filename */
    -XLSX.writeFile(workbook, 'out.xlsx');
    +XLSX.writeFile(workbook, "out.xlsx");
     /* at this point, out.xlsx is a file that you can distribute */

    The extendscript demo includes a more complex example.

    - Browser add TABLE element to page (click to show) -

    The sheet_to_html utility function generates HTML code that can be added to -any DOM element.

    var worksheet = workbook.Sheets[workbook.SheetNames[0]];
    -var container = document.getElementById('tableau');
    -container.innerHTML = XLSX.utils.sheet_to_html(worksheet);
    - Browser upload file (ajax) (click to show) -

    A complete example using XHR is included in the XHR demo, along -with examples for fetch and wrapper libraries. This example assumes the server -can handle Base64-encoded files (see the demo for a basic nodejs server):

    /* in this example, send a base64 string to the server */
    -var wopts = { bookType:'xlsx', bookSST:false, type:'base64' };
    -var wbout = XLSX.write(workbook,wopts);
    -var req = new XMLHttpRequest();"POST", "/upload", true);
    -var formdata = new FormData();
    -formdata.append('file', 'test.xlsx'); // <-- server expects `file` to hold name
    -formdata.append('data', wbout); // <-- `data` holds the base64-encoded data
    - Browser save file (click to show) + Download a file in the browser to the user machine (click to show)

    XLSX.writeFile wraps a few techniques for triggering a file save:

    There is no standard way to determine if the actual file has been downloaded.

    /* output format determined by filename */
    -XLSX.writeFile(workbook, 'out.xlsb');
    +XLSX.writeFile(workbook, "out.xlsb");
     /* at this point, out.xlsb will have been downloaded */
    - Browser save file (compatibility) (click to show) + Download a file in legacy browsers (click to show)

    XLSX.writeFile techniques work for most modern browsers as well as older IE. For much older browsers, there are workarounds implemented by wrapper libraries.

    FileSaver.js implements saveAs. Note: XLSX.writeFile will automatically call saveAs if available.

    /* bookType can be any supported output type */
    -var wopts = { bookType:'xlsx', bookSST:false, type:'array' };
    +var wopts = { bookType:"xlsx", bookSST:false, type:"array" };
     var wbout = XLSX.write(workbook,wopts);
    @@ -776,14 +1310,47 @@ Note: XLSX.writeFile will automatically call saveAs if

    Downloadify uses a Flash SWF button to generate local files, suitable for environments where ActiveX is unavailable:

    -	/* other options are required! read the downloadify docs for more info */
    -	filename: "test.xlsx",
    -	data: function() { return XLSX.write(wb, {bookType:"xlsx", type:'base64'}); },
    -	append: false,
    -	dataType: 'base64'
    +  /* other options are required! read the downloadify docs for more info */
    +  filename: "test.xlsx",
    +  data: function() { return XLSX.write(wb, {bookType:"xlsx", type:"base64"}); },
    +  append: false,
    +  dataType: "base64"

    The oldie demo shows an IE-compatible fallback scenario.

    + Browser upload file (ajax) (click to show) +

    A complete example using XHR is included in the XHR demo, along +with examples for fetch and wrapper libraries. This example assumes the server +can handle Base64-encoded files (see the demo for a basic nodejs server):

    /* in this example, send a base64 string to the server */
    +var wopts = { bookType:"xlsx", bookSST:false, type:"base64" };
    +var wbout = XLSX.write(workbook,wopts);
    +var req = new XMLHttpRequest();"POST", "/upload", true);
    +var formdata = new FormData();
    +formdata.append("file", "test.xlsx"); // <-- server expects `file` to hold name
    +formdata.append("data", wbout); // <-- `data` holds the base64-encoded data
    + PhantomJS (Headless Webkit) File Generation (click to show) +

    The headless demo includes a complete demo to convert HTML +files to XLSB workbooks using PhantomJS. PhantomJS +fs.write supports writing files from the main process but has a different +interface from the NodeJS fs module:

    var XLSX = require('xlsx');
    +var fs = require('fs');
    +/* generate a binary string */
    +var bin = XLSX.write(workbook, { type:"binary", bookType: "xlsx" });
    +/* write to file */
    +fs.write("test.xlsx", bin, "wb");

    Note: The section "Processing HTML Tables" shows how +to generate a workbook from HTML tables in a page in "Headless WebKit".


    The included demos cover mobile apps and other special deployments.

    Writing Examples

    @@ -824,6 +1391,193 @@ Stream. They are only exposed in NodeJS.

    stream.pipe(conv); conv.pipe(process.stdout); pipes write streams to nodejs response.


    +Generating JSON and JS Data


    JSON and JS data tend to represent single worksheets. The utility functions in +this section work with single worksheets.


    The "Common Spreadsheet Format" section describes +the object structure in more detail. workbook.SheetNames is an ordered list +of the worksheet names. workbook.Sheets is an object whose keys are sheet +names and whose values are worksheet objects.


    The "first worksheet" is stored at workbook.Sheets[workbook.SheetNames[0]].




    Create an array of JS objects from a worksheet

    var jsa = XLSX.utils.sheet_to_json(worksheet, opts);

    Create an array of arrays of JS values from a worksheet

    var aoa = XLSX.utils.sheet_to_json(worksheet, {...opts, header: 1});

    The sheet_to_json utility function walks a workbook in row-major order, +generating an array of objects. The second opts argument controls a number of +export decisions including the type of values (JS values or formatted text). The +"JSON" section describes the argument in more detail.


    By default, sheet_to_json scans the first row and uses the values as headers. +With the header: 1 option, the function exports an array of arrays of values.




    x-spreadsheet is an interactive +data grid for previewing and modifying structured data in the web browser. The +xspreadsheet demo includes a sample script with the +stox function for converting from a workbook to x-spreadsheet data object. + is a live demo.

    + Previewing data in a React data grid (click to show) +

    react-data-grid is a data grid tailored for +react. It expects two properties: rows of data objects and columns which +describe the columns. For the purposes of massaging the data to fit the react +data grid API it is easiest to start from an array of arrays.


    This demo starts by fetching a remote file and using to extract:

    import { useEffect, useState } from "react";
    +import DataGrid from "react-data-grid";
    +import { read, utils } from "xlsx";
    +const url = "";
    +export default function App() {
    +  const [columns, setColumns] = useState([]);
    +  const [rows, setRows] = useState([]);
    +  useEffect(() => {(async () => {
    +    const wb = read(await (await fetch(url)).arrayBuffer(), { WTF: 1 });
    +    /* use sheet_to_json with header: 1 to generate an array of arrays */
    +    const data = utils.sheet_to_json(wb.Sheets[wb.SheetNames[0]], { header: 1 });
    +    /* see react-data-grid docs to understand the shape of the expected data */
    +    setColumns(data[0].map((r) => ({ key: r, name: r })));
    +    setRows(data.slice(1).map((r) => r.reduce((acc, x, i) => {
    +      acc[data[0][i]] = x;
    +      return acc;
    +    }, {})));
    +  })(); });
    +  return <DataGrid columns={columns} rows={rows} />;
    + Populating a database (SQL or no-SQL) (click to show) +

    The database demo includes examples of working with +databases and query results.

    + Numerical Computations with TensorFlow.js (click to show) +

    @tensorflow/tfjs and other libraries expect data in simple +arrays, well-suited for worksheets where each column is a data vector. That is +the transpose of how most people use spreadsheets, where each row is a vector.


    A single Array#map can pull individual named rows from sheet_to_json export:

    const XLSX = require("xlsx");
    +const tf = require('@tensorflow/tfjs');
    +const key = "age"; // this is the field we want to pull
    +const ages = XLSX.utils.sheet_to_json(worksheet).map(r => r[key]);
    +const tf_data = tf.tensor1d(ages);

    All fields can be processed at once using a transpose of the 2D tensor generated +with the sheet_to_json export with header: 1. The first row, if it contains +header labels, should be removed with a slice:

    const XLSX = require("xlsx");
    +const tf = require('@tensorflow/tfjs');
    +/* array of arrays of the data starting on the second row */
    +const aoa = XLSX.utils.sheet_to_json(worksheet, {header: 1}).slice(1);
    +/* dataset in the "correct orientation" */
    +const tf_dataset = tf.tensor2d(aoa).transpose();
    +/* pull out each dataset with a slice */
    +const tf_field0 = tf_dataset.slice([0,0], [1,tensor.shape[1]]).flatten();
    +const tf_field1 = tf_dataset.slice([1,0], [1,tensor.shape[1]]).flatten();

    The array demo shows a complete example.


    +Generating HTML Tables




    Generate HTML Table from Worksheet

    var html = XLSX.utils.sheet_to_html(worksheet);

    The sheet_to_html utility function generates HTML code based on the worksheet +data. Each cell in the worksheet is mapped to a <TD> element. Merged cells +in the worksheet are serialized by setting colspan and rowspan attributes.




    The sheet_to_html utility function generates HTML code that can be added to +any DOM element by setting the innerHTML:

    var container = document.getElementById("tavolo");
    +container.innerHTML = XLSX.utils.sheet_to_html(worksheet);

    Combining with fetch, constructing a site from a workbook is straightforward:

    + Vanilla JS + HTML fetch workbook and generate table previews (click to show) +
    +  <style>TABLE { border-collapse: collapse; } TD { border: 1px solid; }</style>
    +  <div id="tavolo"></div>
    +  <script src=""></script>
    +  <script type="text/javascript">
    +(async() => {
    +  /* fetch and parse workbook -- see the fetch example for details */
    +  const workbook = (await fetch("sheetjs.xlsx")).arrayBuffer());
    +  let output = [];
    +  /* loop through the worksheet names in order */
    +  workbook.SheetNames.forEach(name => {
    +    /* generate HTML from the corresponding worksheets */
    +    const worksheet = workbook.Sheets[name];
    +    const html = XLSX.utils.sheet_to_html(worksheet);
    +    /* add a header with the title name followed by the table */
    +    output.push(`<H3>${name}</H3>${html}`);
    +  });
    +  /* write to the DOM at the end */
    +  tavolo.innerHTML = output.join("\n");
    +  </script>
    + React fetch workbook and generate HTML table previews (click to show) +

    It is generally recommended to use a React-friendly workflow, but it is possible +to generate HTML and use it in React with dangerouslySetInnerHTML:

    function Tabeller(props) {
    +  /* the workbook object is the state */
    +  const [workbook, setWorkbook] = React.useState(XLSX.utils.book_new());
    +  /* fetch and update the workbook with an effect */
    +  React.useEffect(() => { (async() => {
    +    /* fetch and parse workbook -- see the fetch example for details */
    +    const wb = (await fetch("sheetjs.xlsx")).arrayBuffer());
    +    setWorkbook(wb);
    +  })(); });
    +  return => (<>
    +    <h3>name</h3>
    +    <div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{
    +      /* this __html mantra is needed to set the inner HTML */
    +      __html: XLSX.utils.sheet_to_html(workbook.Sheets[name])
    +    }} />
    +  </>));

    The react demo includes more React examples.

    + VueJS fetch workbook and generate HTML table previews (click to show) +

    It is generally recommended to use a VueJS-friendly workflow, but it is possible +to generate HTML and use it in VueJS with the v-html directive:

    import { read, utils } from 'xlsx';
    +import { reactive } from 'vue';
    +const S5SComponent = {
    +  mounted() { (async() => {
    +    /* fetch and parse workbook -- see the fetch example for details */
    +    const workbook = read(await (await fetch("sheetjs.xlsx")).arrayBuffer());
    +    /* loop through the worksheet names in order */
    +    workbook.SheetNames.forEach(name => {
    +      /* generate HTML from the corresponding worksheets */
    +      const html = utils.sheet_to_html(workbook.Sheets[name]);
    +      /* add to state */
    +      this.wb.wb.push({ name, html });
    +    });
    +  })(); },
    +  /* this state mantra is required for array updates to work */
    +  setup() { return { wb: reactive({ wb: [] }) }; },
    +  template: `
    +  <div v-for="ws in wb.wb" :key="">
    +    <h3>{{ }}</h3>
    +    <div v-html="ws.html"></div>
    +  </div>`

    The vuejs demo includes more React examples.



    XLSX is the exposed variable in the browser and the exported node variable

    @@ -847,6 +1601,13 @@ If o is omitted, the writer will use the third argument as the call Utilities

    Utilities are available in the XLSX.utils object and are described in the Utility Functions section:



