forked from sheetjs/
This commit is contained in:
@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ overridden through a `package.json` override in the latest versions of NodeJS:
<details open><summary><b>Complete Example</b> (click to show)</summary>
<details><summary><b>Complete Example</b> (click to show)</summary>
@ -364,7 +364,12 @@ text editor and search for "SheetJS" to verify raw HTML was generated:
## ViteJS
## Bundling Data
Bundlers can run JS code and process assets during development and during site
builds. Custom plugins can extract data from spreadsheets.
### ViteJS
@ -460,7 +465,9 @@ ${csv}
## NextJS
## Site Generators
### NextJS
@ -516,7 +523,162 @@ export async function getServerSideProps() {
### Strategies
#### Demo
<details><summary><b>Complete Example</b> (click to show)</summary>
0) Disable NextJS telemetry:
npx next telemetry disable
Confirm it is disabled by running
npx next telemetry status
1) Set up folder structure. At the end, a `pages` folder with a `sheets`
subfolder must be created. On Linux or MacOS or WSL:
mkdir -p pages/sheets/
2) Download the [test file](pathname:///next/sheetjs.xlsx) and place in the
project root. On Linux or MacOS or WSL:
curl -LO
3) Install dependencies:
npm i --save next@12.2.5
4) Download test scripts:
Download and place the following scripts in the `pages` subfolder:
- [`index.js`](pathname:///next/index.js)
- [`getServerSideProps.js`](pathname:///next/getServerSideProps.js)
- [`getStaticPaths.js`](pathname:///next/getStaticPaths.js)
- [`getStaticProps.js`](pathname:///next/getStaticProps.js)
Download [`[id].js`](pathname:///next/%5Bid%5D.js) and place in the
`pages/sheets` subfolder.
:::caution Percent-Encoding in the script name
The `[id].js` script must have the literal square brackets in the name. If your
browser saved the file to `%5Bid%5D.js`. rename the file.
On Linux or MacOS or WSL:
cd pages
curl -LO
curl -LO
curl -LO
curl -LO
cd sheets
curl -LOg '[id].js'
cd ../..
5) Test the deployment:
npx next@12.2.5
Open a web browser and access:
- http://localhost:3000 landing page
- http://localhost:3000/getStaticProps shows data from the first sheet
- http://localhost:3000/getServerSideProps shows data from the first sheet
- http://localhost:3000/getStaticPaths shows a list (3 sheets)
The individual worksheets are available at
- http://localhost:3000/sheets/0
- http://localhost:3000/sheets/1
- http://localhost:3000/sheets/2
6) Stop the server and run a production build:
npx next@12.2.5 build
The final output will show a list of the routes and types:
Route (pages) Size First Load JS
┌ ○ / 551 B 81.7 kB
├ ○ /404 194 B 77.2 kB
├ λ /getServerSideProps 602 B 81.7 kB
├ ● /getStaticPaths 2.7 kB 83.8 kB
├ ● /getStaticProps 600 B 81.7 kB
└ ● /sheets/[id] (312 ms) 580 B 81.7 kB
├ /sheets/0
├ /sheets/1
└ /sheets/2
As explained in the summary, the `/getStaticPaths` and `/getStaticProps` routes
are completely static. 3 `/sheets/#` pages were generated, corresponding to 3
worksheets in the file. `/getServerSideProps` is server-rendered.
7) Try to build a static site:
npx next@12.2.5 export
:::note The static export will fail!
A static page cannot be generated at this point because `/getServerSideProps`
is still server-rendered.
8) Remove `pages/getServerSideProps.js` and rebuild with `npx next@12.2.5 build`
Inspecting the output, there should be no lines with the `λ` symbol:
Route (pages) Size First Load JS
┌ ○ / 551 B 81.7 kB
├ ○ /404 194 B 77.2 kB
├ ● /getStaticPaths 2.7 kB 83.8 kB
├ ● /getStaticProps 600 B 81.7 kB
└ ● /sheets/[id] (312 ms) 580 B 81.7 kB
├ /sheets/0
├ /sheets/1
└ /sheets/2
9) Generate the static site:
npx next@12.2.5 export
The static site will be written to the `out` subfolder, which can be hosted with
npx http-server out
The command will start a local HTTP server on port 8080.
#### "Static Site Generation" using `getStaticProps`
@ -605,174 +767,180 @@ export async function getServerSideProps() {
### Demo
<details><summary><b>Complete Example</b> (click to show)</summary>
0) Disable NextJS telemetry:
npx next telemetry disable
Confirm it is disabled by running
npx next telemetry status
1) Set up folder structure. At the end, a `pages` folder with a `sheets`
subfolder must be created. On Linux or MacOS or WSL:
mkdir -p pages/sheets/
2) Download the [test file](pathname:///next/sheetjs.xlsx) and place in the
project root. On Linux or MacOS or WSL:
curl -LO
3) Install dependencies:
npm i --save next
4) Download test scripts:
Download and place the following scripts in the `pages` subfolder:
- [`index.js`](pathname:///next/index.js)
- [`getServerSideProps.js`](pathname:///next/getServerSideProps.js)
- [`getStaticPaths.js`](pathname:///next/getStaticPaths.js)
- [`getStaticProps.js`](pathname:///next/getStaticProps.js)
Download [`[id].js`](pathname:///next/%5Bid%5D.js) and place in the
`pages/sheets` subfolder.
:::caution Percent-Encoding in the script name
The `[id].js` script must have the literal square brackets in the name. If your
browser saved the file to `%5Bid%5D.js`. rename the file.
On Linux or MacOS or WSL:
cd pages
curl -LO
curl -LO
curl -LO
curl -LO
cd sheets
curl -LOg '[id].js'
cd ../..
5) Test the deployment:
npx next
Open a web browser and access:
- http://localhost:3000 landing page
- http://localhost:3000/getStaticProps shows data from the first sheet
- http://localhost:3000/getServerSideProps shows data from the first sheet
- http://localhost:3000/getStaticPaths shows a list (3 sheets)
The individual worksheets are available at
- http://localhost:3000/sheets/0
- http://localhost:3000/sheets/1
- http://localhost:3000/sheets/2
6) Stop the server and run a production build:
npx next build
The final output will show a list of the routes and types:
Route (pages) Size First Load JS
┌ ○ / 551 B 81.7 kB
├ ○ /404 194 B 77.2 kB
├ λ /getServerSideProps 602 B 81.7 kB
├ ● /getStaticPaths 2.7 kB 83.8 kB
├ ● /getStaticProps 600 B 81.7 kB
└ ● /sheets/[id] (312 ms) 580 B 81.7 kB
├ /sheets/0
├ /sheets/1
└ /sheets/2
As explained in the summary, the `/getStaticPaths` and `/getStaticProps` routes
are completely static. 3 `/sheets/#` pages were generated, corresponding to 3
worksheets in the file. `/getServerSideProps` is server-rendered.
7) Try to build a static site:
npx next export
:::note The static export will fail!
A static page cannot be generated at this point because `/getServerSideProps`
is still server-rendered.
8) Remove `pages/getServerSideProps.js` and rebuild with `npx next build`.
Inspecting the output, there should be no lines with the `λ` symbol:
Route (pages) Size First Load JS
┌ ○ / 551 B 81.7 kB
├ ○ /404 194 B 77.2 kB
├ ● /getStaticPaths 2.7 kB 83.8 kB
├ ● /getStaticProps 600 B 81.7 kB
└ ● /sheets/[id] (312 ms) 580 B 81.7 kB
├ /sheets/0
├ /sheets/1
└ /sheets/2
9) Generate the static site:
npx next export
The static site will be written to the `out` subfolder, which can be hosted with
npx http-server out
The command will start a local HTTP server on port 8080.
## NuxtJS
### NuxtJS
`@nuxt/content` is a file-based CMS for Nuxt, enabling static-site generation
and on-demand server rendering powered by spreadsheets.
This demo was tested on 2022 November 07 against Nuxt Content `v1.15.1`.
This demo was tested on 2022 November 18 against Nuxt Content `v1.15.1`.
#### Nuxt Content Demo
<details><summary><b>Complete Example</b> (click to show)</summary>
The project was generated using `create-nuxt-app v4.0.0`. The generated project
used Nuxt `v2.15.8` and Nuxt Content `v1.15.1`.
1) Create a stock app:
npx create-nuxt-app@4.0.0 SheetJSNuxt
When prompted, enter the following options:
- `Project name`: press Enter (use default `SheetJSNuxt`)
- `Programming language`: press Down Arrow (`TypeScript` selected) then Enter
- `Package manager`: select `Npm` and press Enter
- `UI framework`: select `None` and press Enter
- `Nuxt.js modules`: scroll to `Content`, select with Space, then press Enter
- `Linting tools`: press Enter (do not select any Linting tools)
- `Testing framework`: select `None` and press Enter
- `Rendering mode`: select `Universal (SSR / SSG)` and press Enter
- `Deployment target`: select `Static (Static/Jamstack hosting)` and press Enter
- `Development tools`: press Enter (do not select any Development tools)
- `What is your GitHub username?`: press Enter
- `Version control system`: select `None`
The project will be configured and modules will be installed.
2) Install the SheetJS library and start the server:
cd SheetJSNuxt
npm i --save
npm run dev
When the build finishes, the terminal will display a URL like:
ℹ Listening on: http://localhost:64688/
The server is listening on that URL. Open the link in a web browser.
3) Download <> and move to the `content` folder.
curl -LO
mv pres.xlsx content/
4) Modify `nuxt.config.js` as follows:
- Add the following to the top of the script:
import { readFile, utils } from 'xlsx';
// This will be called when the files change
const parseSheet = (file, { path }) => {
// `path` is a path that can be read with `XLSX.readFile`
const wb = readFile(path);
const o = => ({ name, data: utils.sheet_to_json(wb.Sheets[name])}));
return { data: o };
- Look for the exported object. There should be a `content` property:
// Content module configuration:
content: {},
Replace the property with the following definition:
// content.extendParser allows us to hook into the parsing step
content: {
extendParser: {
// the keys are the extensions that will be matched. The "." is required
".numbers": parseSheet,
".xlsx": parseSheet,
".xls": parseSheet,
// can add other extensions like ".fods" as desired
(If the property is missing, add it to the end of the exported object)
5) Replace `pages/index.vue` with the following:
<!-- sheetjs (C) 2013-present SheetJS -- -->
<div v-for="item in" v-bind:key="">
<h2>{{ }}</h2>
<tr v-for="row in" v-bind:key="row.Index">
<td>{{ row.Name }}</td>
<td>{{ row.Index }}</td>
export default {
async asyncData ({$content}) {
return {
data: await $content('pres').fetch()
The browser should refresh to show the contents of the spreadsheet. If it does
not, click Refresh manually or open a new browser window.

6) To verify that hot loading works, open `pres.xlsx` from the `content` folder
in Excel. Add a new row to the bottom and save the file:

The server terminal window should show a line like:
ℹ Updated ./content/pres.xlsx @nuxt/content 05:43:37
The page should automatically refresh with the new content:

7) Stop the server (press `CTRL+C` in the terminal window) and run
npm run generate
This will create a static site in the `dist` folder, which can be served with:
npx http-server dist
Accessing the page http://localhost:8080 will show the page contents. Verifying
the static nature is trivial: make another change in Excel and save. The page
will not change.
#### nuxt.config.js configuration
Through an override in `nuxt.config.js`, Nuxt Content will use custom parsers.
@ -839,128 +1007,3 @@ neatly with nested `v-for`:
### Nuxt Content Demo
<details><summary><b>Complete Example</b> (click to show)</summary>
This was tested against `create-nuxt-app v4.0.0` on 2022 November 07.
The generated project used Nuxt `v2.15.8` and Nuxt Content `v1.15.1`.
1) Create a stock app:
npx create-nuxt-app@4.0.0 SheetJSNuxt
When prompted, enter the following options:
- `Project name`: press Enter (use default `SheetJSNuxt`)
- `Programming language`: press Down Arrow (`TypeScript` selected) then Enter
- `Package manager`: select `Npm` and press Enter
- `UI framework`: select `None` and press Enter
- `Nuxt.js modules`: scroll to `Content`, select with Space, then press Enter
- `Linting tools`: press Enter (do not select any Linting tools)
- `Testing framework`: select `None` and press Enter
- `Rendering mode`: select `Universal (SSR / SSG)` and press Enter
- `Deployment target`: select `Static (Static/Jamstack hosting)` and press Enter
- `Development tools`: press Enter (do not select any Development tools)
- `What is your GitHub username?`: press Enter
- `Version control system`: select `None`
The project will be configured and modules will be installed.
2) Install the SheetJS library and start the server:
cd SheetJSNuxt
npm i --save
npm run dev
When the build finishes, the terminal will display a URL like:
ℹ Listening on: http://localhost:64688/
The server is listening on that URL. Open the link in a web browser.
3) Download <> and move to the `content` folder.
curl -LO
mv pres.xlsx content/
4) Modify `nuxt.config.js` as described [earlier](#nuxtconfigjs-configuration)
5) Replace `pages/index.vue` with the following:
<!-- sheetjs (C) 2013-present SheetJS -- -->
<div v-for="item in" v-bind:key="">
<h2>{{ }}</h2>
<tr v-for="row in" v-bind:key="row.Index">
<td>{{ row.Name }}</td>
<td>{{ row.Index }}</td>
export default {
async asyncData ({$content}) {
return {
data: await $content('pres').fetch()
The browser should refresh to show the contents of the spreadsheet. If it does
not, click Refresh manually or open a new browser window.

6) To verify that hot loading works, open `pres.xlsx` from the `content` folder
in Excel. Add a new row to the bottom and save the file:

The server terminal window should show a line like:
ℹ Updated ./content/pres.xlsx @nuxt/content 05:43:37
The page should automatically refresh with the new content:

7) Stop the server (press `CTRL+C` in the terminal window) and run
npm run generate
This will create a static site in the `dist` folder, which can be served with:
npx http-server dist
Accessing the page http://localhost:8080 will show the page contents. Verifying
the static nature is trivial: make another change in Excel and save. The page
will not change.
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ worksheet objects that use arrays of arrays under the hood:
var dense_wb =, {dense: true});
var dense_sheet = XLSX.utils.aoa_to_sheet(aoa);
var dense_sheet = XLSX.utils.aoa_to_sheet(aoa, {dense: true});
<details><summary><b>Historical Note</b> (click to show)</summary>
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ perused before reading this demo:
The library plays nice with each script type, including RESTlets and Suitelets.
## Loading the SheetJS Standalone Script
## Installation
[This script](
plays nice with SuiteScript `define`. It should be downloaded and uploaded to
Reference in New Issue
Block a user