Done with worker doc

This commit is contained in:
TomDo1234 2024-04-03 18:22:39 +11:00
parent 46523eb75a
commit be1192f0d3

@ -113,11 +113,58 @@ free requests per day and 10 milliseconds of CPU time per invocation.
1) If you do not have an account, create a new account[^7].
1) If you do not have an account, create a new Cloudflare account[^7].
### Setting up the Project and Testing
#### Setting up the Project and Testing
[The Cloudflare Docs provide a simple step by step guide to setup, develop, test, build and deploy your project](
We will be using the C3 CLI which means we do not have to interact with the Cloudflare dashboard as much.
2) Create a Worker project with C3 CLI. It will ask you to authenticate into cloudflare. It will also give you some options but for this example we will be using JS,
npm create cloudflare@latest
3) Install Required Dependencies
npm i --save${current}/xlsx-${current}.tgz @aws-sdk/client-s3@3.540.0
4) Navigate to src/index.js, then replace the default `async fetch` function there with this
const XLSX = require("xlsx");
export default {
async fetch(request, env, ctx) {
const wb ="S,h,e,e,t,J,S\n5,4,3,3,7,9,5", {type: "binary"});
/* write to XLSX file in a NodeJS Buffer */
const data = XLSX.write(wb, {type: "buffer", bookType: "xlsx"});
return new Response(data,{
headers: {
"Content-Disposition": 'attachment; filename="SheetJSCFWorker.xlsx"'
5) Start the development server
npx wrangler dev
Then open the browser at the port wrangler opened, it should download a file called SheetJSCFWorker.xlsx with some test data in it
6) Deploy the worker and configure live enviromnent secrets
npx wrangler deploy
7) Go to your Cloudflare dashboard, go to Workers & Pages, click on your worker, then go to Settings -> Triggers and then click on your worker route,
it should download SheetJSCFWorker.xlsx with the same test data
## Cloudflare R2