--- title: Tauri pagination_prev: demos/mobile/index pagination_next: demos/cloud/index sidebar_position: 4 sidebar_custom_props: summary: Webview + Rust Backend --- import Tabs from '@theme/Tabs'; import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem'; The [NodeJS Module](/docs/getting-started/installation/nodejs) can be imported from JavaScript code. The "Complete Example" creates an app that looks like the screenshot:
macOS Linux
![macOS screenshot](pathname:///tauri/macos.png) ![Linux screenshot](pathname:///tauri/linux.png)
## Integration Details :::note Tauri currently does not provide the equivalent of NodeJS `fs` module. The raw `@tauri-apps/api` methods used in the examples are not expected to change. ::: `http`, `dialog`, and `fs` must be explicitly allowed in `tauri.conf.json`: ```json title="src-tauri/tauri.conf.json" "allowlist": { "http": { "all": true, "request": true, "scope": ["https://**"] }, "dialog": { "all": true }, "fs": { "all": true } ``` ### Reading Files There are two steps to reading files: obtaining a path and reading binary data: ```js import { read } from 'xlsx'; import { open } from '@tauri-apps/api/dialog'; import { readBinaryFile } from '@tauri-apps/api/fs'; const filters = [ {name: "Excel Binary Workbook", extensions: ["xlsb"]}, {name: "Excel Workbook", extensions: ["xlsx"]}, {name: "Excel 97-2004 Workbook", extensions: ["xls"]}, // ... other desired formats ... ]; async function openFile() { /* show open file dialog */ const selected = await open({ title: "Open Spreadsheet", multiple: false, directory: false, filters }); /* read data into a Uint8Array */ const d = await readBinaryFile(selected); /* parse with SheetJS */ const wb = read(d); return wb; } ``` ### Writing Files There are two steps to writing files: obtaining a path and writing binary data: ```js import { write } from 'xlsx'; import { save } from '@tauri-apps/api/dialog'; import { writeBinaryFile } from '@tauri-apps/api/fs'; const filters = [ {name: "Excel Binary Workbook", extensions: ["xlsb"]}, {name: "Excel Workbook", extensions: ["xlsx"]}, {name: "Excel 97-2004 Workbook", extensions: ["xls"]}, // ... other desired formats ... ]; async function saveFile(wb) { /* show save file dialog */ const selected = await save({ title: "Save to Spreadsheet", filters }); if(!selected) return; /* Generate workbook */ const bookType = selected.slice(selected.lastIndexOf(".") + 1); const d = write(wb, {type: "buffer", bookType}); /* save data to file */ await writeBinaryFile(selected, d); } ``` ## Complete Example :::note This demo was tested against Tauri `v1.2.3` on 2023 February 12. ::: 0) [Read Tauri "Getting Started" guide and install dependencies.](https://tauri.app/v1/guides/getting-started/prerequisites) 1) Create a new Tauri app: ```bash npm create tauri-app ``` When prompted: - Project Name: `SheetJSTauri` - Package Manager: `npm` - UI template: `vue-ts` 2) Enter the directory and install dependencies: ```bash cd SheetJSTauri npm i --save https://cdn.sheetjs.com/xlsx-latest/xlsx-latest.tgz npm i --save @tauri-apps/api npm i --save-dev @tauri-apps/cli ``` 3) Enable operations by adding the highlighted lines to `tauri.conf.json` in the `tauri.allowlist` section: ```json title="src-tauri/tauri.conf.json" "tauri": { "allowlist": { // highlight-start "http": { "all": true, "request": true, "scope": ["https://**"] }, "dialog": { "all": true }, "fs": { "all": true }, // highlight-end ``` In the same file, look for the `"identifier"` key and replace the value with `com.sheetjs.tauri`: ```json title="src-tauri/tauri.conf.json" "icons/icon.ico" ], // highlight-next-line "identifier": "com.sheetjs.tauri", "longDescription": "", ``` 4) Download [`App.vue`](pathname:///tauri/App.vue) and replace `src/App.vue` with the downloaded script. ```bash curl -L -o src/App.vue https://docs.sheetjs.com/tauri/App.vue ``` 5) Build the app with ```bash npm run tauri build ``` At the end, it will print the path to the generated program. Run the program!