--- title: NoSQL Data Stores --- import Tabs from '@theme/Tabs'; import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem'; So-called "Schema-less" databases allow for arbitrary keys and values within the entries in the database. K/V stores and Objects add additional restrictions. :::note These data stores are capable of storing structured data. Those use cases are covered in the [Database demo](./database). ::: ## Arbitrary Data to Spreadsheets There is no natural way to translate arbitrarily shaped schemas to worksheets in a workbook. One common trick is to dedicate one worksheet to holding named keys. For example, considering the JS object: ```json { "title": "SheetDB", "metadata": { "author": "SheetJS", "code": 7262 }, "data": [ { "Name": "Barack Obama", "Index": 44 }, { "Name": "Donald Trump", "Index": 45 }, ] } ``` A dedicated worksheet should store the one-off named values: ``` XXX| A | B | ---+-----------------+---------+ 1 | Path | Value | 2 | title | SheetDB | 3 | metadata.author | SheetJS | 4 | metadata.code | 7262 | ``` ## Data Stores ### Redis Redis has 5 core data types: "String", List", "Set", "Sorted Set", and "Hash". Since the keys and values are limited to simple strings (and numbers), it is possible to store complete databases in a single worksheet. ![SheetJSRedis.xlsx](pathname:///nosql/sheetjsredis.png) #### Mapping The first row holds the data type and the second row holds the property name. Strings can be stored in a unified String table. The first column holds keys and the second column holds values: ``` XXX| A | B | ---+---------+-------+ 1 | Strings | | 2 | | | 3 | Hello | World | 4 | Sheet | JS | ``` The SheetJS array-of-arrays representation of the string table is an array of key/value pairs: ```js let aoa = ["Strings"]; aoa.length = 2; // [ "Strings", empty ] const keys = await client.KEYS("*"); for(let key of keys) { const type = await client.TYPE(key); if(type == "string") aoa.push([key, await client.GET(key)]); } ``` Lists are unidimensional and can be stored in their own columns. ``` XXX| C | ---+---------+ 1 | List | 2 | List1 | 3 | List1V1 | 4 | List1V2 | ``` The SheetJS array-of-arrays representation of lists is a column of values. ```js if(type == "list") { let values = await client.LRANGE(key, 0, -1); aoa = [ ["List"], [key] ].concat(values.map(v => [v])); } ``` Sets are unidimensional and can be stored in their own columns. ``` XXX| D | ---+-------+ 1 | Set | 2 | Set1 | 3 | Set1A | 4 | Set1B | ``` The SheetJS array-of-arrays representation of sets is a column of values. ```js if(type == "set") { let values = await client.SMEMBERS(key); aoa = [ ["Set"], [key] ].concat(values.map(v => [v])); } ``` Sorted Sets have an associated score which can be stored in the second column. ``` XXX| E | F | ---+---------+---+ 1 | Sorted | | 2 | ZSet1 | | 3 | Key1 | 1 | 4 | Key2 | 2 | ``` The SheetJS array-of-arrays representation is an array of key/score pairs. ```js if(type == "zset") { let values = await client.ZRANGE_WITHSCORES(key, 0, -1); aoa = [ ["Sorted"], [key] ].concat(values.map(v => [v.value, v.score])); } ``` Hashes are stored like the string table, with key and value columns in order. ``` XXX| G | H | ---+-------+-------+ 1 | Hash | | 2 | Hash1 | | 3 | Key1 | Val1 | 4 | Key2 | Val2 | ``` The SheetJS array-of-arrays representation is an array of key/value pairs. ```js if(type == "hash") { let values = await client.HGETALL(key); aoa = [ ["Hash"], [key] ].concat(Object.entries(values)); } ``` #### Example
Complete Example (click to show) 0) Set up and start a local Redis server 1) Download the following scripts: - [`SheetJSRedis.mjs`](pathname:///nosql/SheetJSRedis.mjs) - [`SheetJSRedisTest.mjs`](pathname:///nosql/SheetJSRedisTest.mjs) 2) Install dependencies and run: ```bash npm i --save https://cdn.sheetjs.com/xlsx-latest/xlsx-latest.tgz redis node SheetJSRedisTest.mjs ``` Inspect the output and compare with the data in `SheetJSRedisTest.mjs`. Open `SheetJSRedis.xlsx` and verify the columns have the correct data
### PouchDB `Database#allDocs` is the standard approach for bulk data export. The generated row objects have additional `_id` and `_rev` keys that should be removed. Nested objects must be flattened. The ["Tutorial"](../getting-started/example) includes an example of constructing a simple array. ```js function export_pouchdb_to_xlsx(db) { /* fetch all rows, including the underlying data */ db.allDocs({include_docs: true}, function(err, doc) { /* pull the individual data rows */ const aoo = doc.rows.map(r => { /* `rest` will include every field from `r` except for _id and _rev */ const { _id, _rev, ...rest } = r; return rest; }); /* generate worksheet */ const ws = XLSX.utils.json_to_sheet(aoo); /* generate workbook and export */ const wb = XLSX.utils.book_new(); XLSX.utils.book_append_sheet(wb, ws, "Sheet1"); XLSX.writeFile(wb, "SheetJSPouch.xlsx"); }); } ```
Complete Example (click to show) 0) Download the "Working Version" from the Getting Started guide. [ZIP](https://github.com/nickcolley/getting-started-todo/archive/master.zip) The ZIP file should have `MD5` checksum `ac4da7cb0cade1be293ba222462f109c`: ```bash curl -LO https://github.com/nickcolley/getting-started-todo/archive/master.zip md5sum master.zip || md5 master.zip ### the checksum will be printed ``` If the download is unavailable, a mirror is available at 1) Unzip the `master.zip` file and enter the folder: ```bash unzip master.zip cd getting-started-todo-master ``` 2) Edit `index.html` to reference the SheetJS library and add a button: ```html title="index.html"
``` 3) Just before the end of `app.js`, add a `click` event listener: ```js title="app.js" if (remoteCouch) { sync(); } // highlight-start document.getElementById("xport").addEventListener("click", function() { db.allDocs({include_docs: true}, function(err, doc) { const aoo = doc.rows.map(r => { const { _id, _rev, ... rest } = r.doc; return rest; }); const ws = XLSX.utils.json_to_sheet(aoo); const wb = XLSX.utils.book_new(); XLSX.utils.book_append_sheet(wb, ws, "Sheet1"); XLSX.writeFile(wb, "SheetJSPouch.xlsx"); }); }); // highlight-end })(); ``` 4) Start a local web server: ```bash npx http-server . ``` Access `http://localhost:8080` from your browser. Add a few items and click the "Export!" button to generate a new file.