--- sidebar_position: 13 title: Command-Line Tools --- import current from '/version.js'; With the availability of JS engines and the success of server-side runtimes, it is natural to want command-line tools for various workflows. This demo covers a number of strategies for building standalone processors. The goal is to generate CSV output from an arbitrary spreadsheet file. ## Deno `deno compile` generates a standalone executable that includes the entire JS runtime as well as user JS code. When compiling, the `--allow-read` option must be specified to allow the script to read files from the filesystem with `Deno.readFileSync`.
Complete Example (click to show) 1) Save the following script to `sheet2csv.ts`: ```ts title="sheet2csv.ts" /*! sheetjs (C) 2013-present SheetJS -- http://sheetjs.com */ // @deno-types="https://cdn.sheetjs.com/xlsx-latest/package/types/index.d.ts" import * as XLSX from 'https://cdn.sheetjs.com/xlsx-latest/package/xlsx.mjs'; import * as cptable from 'https://cdn.sheetjs.com/xlsx-latest/package/dist/cpexcel.full.mjs'; XLSX.set_cptable(cptable); /* Read and parse workbook */ const filename = Deno.args[0]; if(!filename) { console.error("usage: sheet2csv [sheetname]"); Deno.exit(1); } const workbook = XLSX.readFile(filename); /* Find worksheet */ const sheetname = Deno.args[1] || workbook.SheetNames[0]; if(!workbook.Sheets[sheetname]) { console.error(`error: workbook missing sheet ${sheetname}`); Deno.exit(1); } /* Generate CSV and print to stdout */ console.log(XLSX.utils.sheet_to_csv(workbook.Sheets[sheetname])); ``` 2) Build `sheet2csv` with `deno compile`: ```bash deno compile -r --allow-read sheet2csv.ts ``` `sheet2csv` is a generated executable that you can run.