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## Utility Functions
The `sheet_to_*` functions accept a worksheet and an optional options object.
The `*_to_sheet` functions accept a data object and an optional options object.
The examples are based on the following worksheet:
XXX| A | B | C | D | E | F | G |
1 | S | h | e | e | t | J | S |
2 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
3 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
### Array of Arrays Input
`XLSX.utils.aoa_to_sheet` takes an array of arrays of JS values and returns a
worksheet resembling the input data. Numbers, Booleans and Strings are stored
as the corresponding styles. Dates are stored as date or numbers. Array holes
and explicit `undefined` values are skipped. `null` values may be stubbed. All
other values are stored as strings. The function takes an options argument:
| Option Name | Default | Description |
| :---------- | :------: | :-------------------------------------------------- |
2017-09-24 23:40:09 +00:00
|`dateNF` | FMT 14 | Use specified date format in string output |
|`cellDates` | false | Store dates as type `d` (default is `n`) |
|`sheetStubs` | false | Create cell objects of type `z` for `null` values |
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<summary><b>Examples</b> (click to show)</summary>
To generate the example sheet:
var ws = XLSX.utils.aoa_to_sheet([
2017-09-24 23:40:09 +00:00
### Array of Objects Input
`XLSX.utils.json_to_sheet` takes an array of objects and returns a worksheet
with automatically-generated "headers" based on the keys of the objects. The
default column order is determined by the first appearance of the field using
`Object.keys`, but can be overridden using the options argument:
| Option Name | Default | Description |
| :---------- | :------: | :-------------------------------------------------- |
2017-09-24 23:40:09 +00:00
|`header` | | Use specified column order (default `Object.keys`) |
|`dateNF` | FMT 14 | Use specified date format in string output |
|`cellDates` | false | Store dates as type `d` (default is `n`) |
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<summary><b>Examples</b> (click to show)</summary>
The original sheet cannot be reproduced because JS object keys must be unique.
After replacing the second `e` and `S` with `e_1` and `S_1`:
var ws = XLSX.utils.json_to_sheet([
2017-09-24 23:40:09 +00:00
], {header:["S","h","e","e_1","t","J","S_1"]});
### HTML Table Input
`XLSX.utils.table_to_sheet` takes a table DOM element and returns a worksheet
resembling the input table. Numbers are parsed. All other data will be stored
as strings.
`XLSX.utils.table_to_book` produces a minimal workbook based on the worksheet.
Both functions accept options arguments:
| Option Name | Default | Description |
| :---------- | :------: | :-------------------------------------------------- |
2017-09-24 23:40:09 +00:00
|`dateNF` | FMT 14 | Use specified date format in string output |
|`cellDates` | false | Store dates as type `d` (default is `n`) |
|`raw` | | If true, every cell will hold raw strings |
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<summary><b>Examples</b> (click to show)</summary>
To generate the example sheet, start with the HTML table:
<table id="sheetjs">
To process the table:
var tbl = document.getElementById('sheetjs');
var wb = XLSX.utils.table_to_book(tbl);
Note: `XLSX.read` can handle HTML represented as strings.
### Formulae Output
`XLSX.utils.sheet_to_formulae` generates an array of commands that represent
how a person would enter data into an application. Each entry is of the form
`A1-cell-address=formula-or-value`. String literals are prefixed with a `'` in
accordance with Excel.
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<summary><b>Examples</b> (click to show)</summary>
For the example sheet:
> var o = XLSX.utils.sheet_to_formulae(ws);
> o.filter(function(v, i) { return i % 5 === 0; });
[ 'A1=\'S', 'F1=\'J', 'D2=4', 'B3=3', 'G3=8' ]
### Delimiter-Separated Output
As an alternative to the `writeFile` CSV type, `XLSX.utils.sheet_to_csv` also
produces CSV output. The function takes an options argument:
| Option Name | Default | Description |
| :---------- | :------: | :-------------------------------------------------- |
2017-09-24 23:40:09 +00:00
|`FS` | `","` | "Field Separator" delimiter between fields |
|`RS` | `"\n"` | "Record Separator" delimiter between rows |
|`dateNF` | FMT 14 | Use specified date format in string output |
|`strip` | false | Remove trailing field separators in each record ** |
|`blankrows` | true | Include blank lines in the CSV output |
|`skipHidden` | false | Skips hidden rows/columns in the CSV output |
- `strip` will remove trailing commas from each line under default `FS/RS`
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- `blankrows` must be set to `false` to skip blank lines.
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<summary><b>Examples</b> (click to show)</summary>
For the example sheet:
> console.log(XLSX.utils.sheet_to_csv(ws));
> console.log(XLSX.utils.sheet_to_csv(ws, {FS:"\t"}));
S h e e t J S
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
2017-04-13 17:05:42 +00:00
> console.log(XLSX.utils.sheet_to_csv(ws,{FS:":",RS:"|"}));
#### UTF-16 Unicode Text
The `txt` output type uses the tab character as the field separator. If the
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`codepage` library is available (included in full distribution but not core),
the output will be encoded in `CP1200` and the BOM will be prepended.
`XLSX.utils.sheet_to_txt` takes the same arguments as `sheet_to_csv`.
### HTML Output
As an alternative to the `writeFile` HTML type, `XLSX.utils.sheet_to_html` also
produces HTML output. The function takes an options argument:
| Option Name | Default | Description |
| :---------- | :------: | :-------------------------------------------------- |
2017-09-24 23:40:09 +00:00
|`editable` | false | If true, set `contenteditable="true"` for every TD |
|`header` | | Override header (default `html body`) |
|`footer` | | Override footer (default `/body /html`) |
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<summary><b>Examples</b> (click to show)</summary>
For the example sheet:
> console.log(XLSX.utils.sheet_to_html(ws));
// ...
### JSON
`XLSX.utils.sheet_to_json` generates different types of JS objects. The function
takes an options argument:
| Option Name | Default | Description |
| :---------- | :------: | :-------------------------------------------------- |
2017-09-24 23:40:09 +00:00
|`raw` | `false` | Use raw values (true) or formatted strings (false) |
|`range` | from WS | Override Range (see table below) |
|`header` | | Control output format (see table below) |
|`dateNF` | FMT 14 | Use specified date format in string output |
|`defval` | | Use specified value in place of null or undefined |
|`blankrows` | ** | Include blank lines in the output ** |
- `raw` only affects cells which have a format code (`.z`) field or a formatted
text (`.w`) field.
- If `header` is specified, the first row is considered a data row; if `header`
is not specified, the first row is the header row and not considered data.
- When `header` is not specified, the conversion will automatically disambiguate
header entries by affixing `_` and a count starting at `1`. For example, if
three columns have header `foo` the output fields are `foo`, `foo_1`, `foo_2`
- `null` values are returned when `raw` is true but are skipped when false.
- If `defval` is not specified, null and undefined values are skipped normally.
If specified, all null and undefined points will be filled with `defval`
- When `header` is `1`, the default is to generate blank rows. `blankrows` must
be set to `false` to skip blank rows.
- When `header` is not `1`, the default is to skip blank rows. `blankrows` must
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be true to generate blank rows
`range` is expected to be one of:
| `range` | Description |
| :--------------- | :-------------------------------------------------------- |
| (number) | Use worksheet range but set starting row to the value |
| (string) | Use specified range (A1-style bounded range string) |
| (default) | Use worksheet range (`ws['!ref']`) |
`header` is expected to be one of:
| `header` | Description |
| :--------------- | :-------------------------------------------------------- |
2017-04-13 17:05:42 +00:00
| `1` | Generate an array of arrays ("2D Array") |
| `"A"` | Row object keys are literal column labels |
| array of strings | Use specified strings as keys in row objects |
| (default) | Read and disambiguate first row as keys |
If header is not `1`, the row object will contain the non-enumerable property
`__rowNum__` that represents the row of the sheet corresponding to the entry.
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<summary><b>Examples</b> (click to show)</summary>
For the example sheet:
2017-09-24 23:40:09 +00:00
> XLSX.utils.sheet_to_json(ws);
[ { S: 1, h: 2, e: 3, e_1: 4, t: 5, J: 6, S_1: 7 },
{ S: 2, h: 3, e: 4, e_1: 5, t: 6, J: 7, S_1: 8 } ]
2017-09-24 23:40:09 +00:00
> XLSX.utils.sheet_to_json(ws, {header:"A"});
[ { A: 'S', B: 'h', C: 'e', D: 'e', E: 't', F: 'J', G: 'S' },
2017-04-13 17:05:42 +00:00
{ A: '1', B: '2', C: '3', D: '4', E: '5', F: '6', G: '7' },
{ A: '2', B: '3', C: '4', D: '5', E: '6', F: '7', G: '8' } ]
2017-09-24 23:40:09 +00:00
> XLSX.utils.sheet_to_json(ws, {header:["A","E","I","O","U","6","9"]});
[ { '6': 'J', '9': 'S', A: 'S', E: 'h', I: 'e', O: 'e', U: 't' },
2017-04-13 17:05:42 +00:00
{ '6': '6', '9': '7', A: '1', E: '2', I: '3', O: '4', U: '5' },
{ '6': '7', '9': '8', A: '2', E: '3', I: '4', O: '5', U: '6' } ]
2017-09-24 23:40:09 +00:00
> XLSX.utils.sheet_to_json(ws, {header:1});
[ [ 'S', 'h', 'e', 'e', 't', 'J', 'S' ],
[ '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7' ],
[ '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8' ] ]
Example showing the effect of `raw`:
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> ws['A2'].w = "3"; // set A2 formatted string value
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> XLSX.utils.sheet_to_json(ws, {header:1});
[ [ 'S', 'h', 'e', 'e', 't', 'J', 'S' ],
2017-04-13 17:05:42 +00:00
[ '3', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7' ], // <-- A2 uses the formatted string
[ '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8' ] ]
2017-09-24 23:40:09 +00:00
> XLSX.utils.sheet_to_json(ws, {header:1, raw:true});
[ [ 'S', 'h', 'e', 'e', 't', 'J', 'S' ],
[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ], // <-- A2 uses the raw value
[ 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ] ]