# Deno Deno is a runtime capable of running JS code including this library. There are a few different builds and recommended use cases as covered in this demo. For user code, [the `sheetjs` module](https://deno.land/x/sheetjs) can be used. ## Reading and Writing Files In general, the command-line flag `--allow-read` must be passed to enable file reading. The flag `--allow-write` must be passed to enable file writing. Starting in version 0.18.1, this library will check for the `Deno` global and use `Deno.readFileSync` and `Deno.writeFileSync` behind the scenes. For older versions, the API functions must be called from user code. _Reading a File_ ```ts const filedata = Deno.readFileSync("test.xlsx"); const workbook = XLSX.read(filedata, {type: "buffer"}); /* DO SOMETHING WITH workbook HERE */ ``` _Writing a File_ Older versions of the library did not properly detect features from Deno, so the `buffer` export would return an array of bytes. Since `Deno.writeFileSync` does not handle byte arrays, user code must generate a `Uint8Array` first: ```ts const buf = XLSX.write(workbook, {type: "buffer", bookType: "xlsb"}); const u8: Uint8Array = new Uint8Array(buf); Deno.writeFileSync("test.xlsb", u8); ``` ## Demos **Complete Examples** `sheet2csv.ts` is a complete command-line tool for generating CSV text from workbooks. Building the application is incredibly straightforward: ```bash $ deno compile -r --allow-read sheet2csv.ts # build the sheet2csv binary $ ./sheet2csv test.xlsx # print the first worksheet as CSV $ ./sheet2csv test.xlsx s5s # print worksheet "s5s" as CSV ``` The [`server` demo](../server) includes a sample Deno server for parsing uploads and generating HTML TABLE previews. **Module Import Scenarios** All demos attempt to read a file and write a new file. [`doit.ts`](./doit.ts) accepts the `XLSX` module as an argument. - `x` imports the ESM build without the codepage library: ```ts // @deno-types="https://deno.land/x/sheetjs/types/index.d.ts" import * as XLSX from 'https://deno.land/x/sheetjs/xlsx.mjs'; ``` - `mjs` imports the ESM build and the associated codepage library: ```ts import * as XLSX from '../../xlsx.mjs'; /* recommended for reading XLS files */ import * as cptable from '../../dist/cptable.full.mjs'; XLSX.set_cptable(cptable); ``` - `jspm` imports the browser standalone script using JSPM: ```ts import * as XLSX from 'https://jspm.dev/npm:xlsx!cjs'; ``` - `node` uses the node compatibility layer: ```ts import { createRequire } from 'https://deno.land/std/node/module.ts'; const require = createRequire(import.meta.url); const XLSX = require('../../'); ``` [](https://github.com/SheetJS/js-xlsx)