# [BinCode](jsbin.asadk.dev) - A Complete Self-Hostable JSFiddle Alternative ## Overview BinCode is a minimalist platform for managing and sharing code snippets, built with Vue.js and SQLite. It runs entirely on your own infrastructure, giving you full control over your data and workflow. ![BinCode Demo](https://i.postimg.cc/Gp4N2yPy/bincode-demo.png) ## Key Features - **Self-Contained:** No external dependencies required. - **Modern Stack:** Vue.js frontend and SQLite database. - **JWT Authentication:** Secure, simple user management. - **Instant Sharing:** Generate unique URLs for snippets. - **Minimal Setup:** Create users manually to start sharing. - **Performance-Focused:** Lightweight and fast. ## Architecture - **Frontend:** Vue.js - **Database:** SQLite - **Authentication:** JWT - **Deployment:** Single self-contained server. There is no signups its by design just create users manullay and they can start commits snippets to share ## Why BinCode? BinCode is a lightweight, self-hostable tool for teams and individuals needing a simple, reliable solution for code sharing without relying on external services. ## Design Choices - **No Signups:** Admins manually create user accounts for simplicity and security. - **Self-Hosted:** Ensures privacy and control over your data. ## Contributing Contributions are welcome, as long as the tool remains lightweight and self-contained. ## Getting Started ### 1. Clone and Install Dependencies ```bash git clone https://git.sheetjs.com/asadbek064/BinCode.git cd BinCode pnpm install ``` ### 2. Set Up Environment Variables Create a .env file in the project root and define the following variables: ```env NODE_ENV=development PORT=3000 JWT_SECRET=your-secure-secret-here JWT_EXPIRES_IN=7d ``` ### 3. Adding user ```bash node addUser.js "user@email.com" "password" ``` ### 4. Development server Before starting the development server, ensure you change the Vue.js library import from `_prod` to `_dev` in [`index.html`](https://git.sheetjs.com/asadbek064/BinCode/src/commit/3e35da0118e8e6b44863b3fee12c1e2dff96b02e/public/index.html#L129). ```bash pnpm dev ``` ### 5. Production Copy .env.example to .env and generate unique secret and cahnge NODE_ENV=production 1. Copy .env.example to .env: ```bash cp .env.example .env ``` 2. Generate a unique secret and set NODE_ENV=production in the .env file. 3. Start the production server ``` pnpm start ```` ### 5. Production - For development, using the `_dev` version of Vue.js (vue.global.js) is recommended as it includes debugging tools and warnings. - For production, switch to the `_prod` version (vue.global.prod.js) to optimize performance.