This commit is contained in:
SheetJS 2023-06-29 17:07:52 -04:00
parent aa7cc47197
commit 5f52a9f6b6
9 changed files with 173 additions and 47 deletions

@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ The React `useState` hook can configure the state:
import { useState } from 'react';
/* the component state is an array of presidents */
/* the component state is an array of objects */
const [pres, setPres] = useState([]);
@ -88,6 +88,15 @@ const [pres, setPres] = useState([]);
import { useState } from 'react';
/* the component state is an array of objects */
const [pres, setPres] = useState<any[]>([]);
When the spreadsheet header row is known ahead of time, row typing is possible:
import { useState } from 'react';
interface President {
Name: string;
Index: number;
@ -97,11 +106,13 @@ interface President {
const [pres, setPres] = useState<President[]>([]);
:::caution pass
The types are informative. They do not enforce that worksheets include the named
columns. A runtime data validation library should be used to verify the dataset.
When the file header is not known in advance, `any` should be used.

@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ require(["dojo/request/xhr", "xlsx"], function(xhr, _XLSX) {
The ["Dojo" section in "Bundlers"](/docs/demos/bundler#dojo) includes a complete example
mirroring the [official example](/docs/getting-started/example)
mirroring the [official export example](/docs/getting-started/example)
<details><summary><b>Details</b> (click to show)</summary>

@ -257,9 +257,10 @@ This demo was tested in the following environments:
| OS and Version | Arch | Tauri | Date |
| macOS 13.4.1 | ARM | `v1.4.0` | 2023-06-29 |
| macOS 13.4.0 | x64 | `v1.4.0` | 2023-06-25 |
| Windows 10 | x64 | `v1.2.3` | 2023-03-18 |
| Linux (HoloOS) | x64 | `v1.2.3` | 2023-03-18 |
| Linux (HoloOS) | x64 | `v1.2.3` | |
@ -294,6 +295,13 @@ If required dependencies are installed, the output will show a checkmark next to
- npm: 9.5.1
:::caution pass
When the demo was last tested on ARM64 macOS, the output mentioned `X64`. The
build step will correctly detect the platform architecture.
1) Create a new Tauri app:

@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
title: NeutralinoJS
sidebar_label: NeutralinoJS
description: Build data-intensive desktop apps using NeutralinoJS. Seamlessly integrate spreadsheets into your app using SheetJS. Quickly modernize Excel-powered business processes.
pagination_prev: demos/mobile/index
pagination_next: demos/data/index
sidebar_position: 5
@ -7,15 +9,25 @@ sidebar_custom_props:
summary: Webview + Lightweight Extensions
# Data Munging in NeutralinoJS
import current from '/version.js';
import Tabs from '@theme/Tabs';
import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';
import CodeBlock from '@theme/CodeBlock';
The [Standalone build](/docs/getting-started/installation/standalone) can be added
to the entry `index.html`
[NeutralinoJS]( is a modern desktop app framework.
NeutralinoJS apps pair platform-native browser tools with a static web server.
The "Complete Example" creates an app that looks like the screenshot:
[SheetJS]( is a JavaScript library for reading and writing
data from spreadsheets.
This demo uses NeutralinoJS and SheetJS to pull data from a spreadsheet and
display the data in the app. We'll explore how to load SheetJS in a NeutralinoJS
app and use native features to read and write files.
The ["Complete Example"](#complete-example) section covers a complete desktop
app to read and write workbooks. The app will look like the screenshots below:
<th><a href="#complete-example">Win10</a></th>
@ -37,15 +49,16 @@ The "Complete Example" creates an app that looks like the screenshot:
## Integration Details
The [SheetJS Standalone build](/docs/getting-started/installation/standalone)
can be added to the entry `index.html`
NeutralinoJS currently does not provide the equivalent of NodeJS `fs` module.
The raw `Neutralino.filesystem` and `Neutralino.os` methods are used.
For code running in the window, native methods must be explicitly enabled in the
NeutralinoJS `neutralino.conf.json` settings file[^1].
- `os.*` enables the open and save dialog methods.
- `filesystem.*` enables reading and writing file data.
The `os` and `filesystem` modules must be enabled in `neutralino.conf.json`.
The starter already enables `os` so typically one line must be added:
The starter app enables `os.*` so typically one line must be added:
```json title="neutralino.config.json"
"nativeAllowList": [
@ -57,28 +70,33 @@ The starter already enables `os` so typically one line must be added:
At the time of writing, `filters` did not work as expected on MacOS. They have
been omitted in the example and commented in the code snippets
### Reading Files
There are two steps to reading files: obtaining a path and reading binary data:
There are three steps to reading files:
1) Show an open file dialog with `Neutralino.os.showOpenDialog`[^2]. This method
resolves to the selected path.
2) Read raw data from the file with `Neutralino.filesystem.readBinaryFile`[^3].
This method resolves to a standard `ArrayBuffer`.
3) Parse the data with the SheetJS `read` method[^4]. This method returns a
SheetJS workbook object.
The following code example defines a single function `openFile` that performs
all three steps and returns a SheetJS workbook object:
const filters = [
{name: "Excel Binary Workbook", extensions: ["xlsb"]},
{name: "Excel Workbook", extensions: ["xlsx"]},
{name: "Excel Binary Workbook", extensions: ["xls", "xlsb"]},
{name: "Excel Workbook", extensions: ["xls", "xlsx"]},
async function openFile() {
/* show open file dialog */
const [filename] = await Neutralino.os.showOpenDialog(
'Open a spreadsheet',
{ /* filters, */ multiSelections: false }
{ filters, multiSelections: false }
/* read data into an ArrayBuffer */
@ -90,23 +108,56 @@ async function openFile() {
This method can be called from a button click or other event.
At this point, standard SheetJS utility functions[^5] can extract data from the
workbook object. The demo includes a button that calls `sheet_to_html`[^6] to
generate an HTML TABLE and add to the DOM:
const open_button_callback = async() => {
const wb = await openFile();
/* get the first worksheet */
// highlight-start
const ws = wb.Sheets[wb.SheetNames[0]];
// highlight-end
/* get data from the first worksheet */
// highlight-start
const html = XLSX.utils.sheet_to_html(ws);
// highlight-end
/* display table */
document.getElementById('info').innerHTML = html;
### Writing Files
There are two steps to writing files: obtaining a path and writing binary data:
There are three steps to reading files:
1) Show a file dialog with `Neutralino.os.showSaveDialog`[^7]. This method
resolves to the selected path.
2) Write the data with the SheetJS `write` method[^8]. The output book type can
be inferred from the selected file path. Using the `buffer` output type[^9],
the method returns a `Uint8Array` object that plays nice with NeutralinoJS.
2) Write to file with `Neutralino.filesystem.writeBinaryFile`[^10].
The following code example defines a single function `saveFile` that performs
all three steps starting from a SheetJS workbook object:
const filters = [
{name: "Excel Binary Workbook", extensions: ["xlsb"]},
{name: "Excel Workbook", extensions: ["xlsx"]},
{name: "Excel Binary Workbook", extensions: ["xls", "xlsb"]},
{name: "Excel Workbook", extensions: ["xls", "xlsx"]},
async function saveFile(wb) {
/* show save file dialog */
const filename = await Neutralino.os.showSaveDialog(
'Save to file',
{ /* filters */ }
{ filters }
/* Generate workbook */
@ -118,11 +169,35 @@ async function saveFile(wb) {
The demo includes a button that calls `table_to_book`[^11] to generate a
workbook object from the HTML table:
const save_button_callback = async() => {
/* get the table */
const tbl = document.getElementById('info').querySelector('table');
/* generate workbook from the table */
// highlight-start
const wb = XLSX.utils.table_to_book(tbl);
// highlight-end
await saveFile(wb);
## Complete Example
:::note pass
This demo was tested on 2023 March 19 with "binaries" `4.7.0` and "client" `3.6.0`
This demo was tested in the following environments:
| OS and Version | Arch | Server | Client | Date |
| macOS 13.4.1 | x64 | `v4.10.0` | `v3.8.2` | 2023-06-28 |
| macOS 13.4.1 | ARM | `v4.10.0` | `v3.8.2` | 2023-06-28 |
| Windows 10 | x64 | `v4.7.0` | `v3.6.0` | 2023-03-19 |
| Linux (HoloOS) | x64 | `v4.7.0` | `v3.6.0` | |
@ -137,13 +212,13 @@ cd sheetjs-neu
2) Download [Standalone build](/docs/getting-started/installation/standalone)
and place in `resources/js/main.js`:
and place in the `resources/js/` folder:
<CodeBlock language="bash">{`\
curl -L -o resources/js/xlsx.full.min.js${current}/package/dist/xlsx.full.min.js`}
3) Add the highlighted line to `neutralino.conf.json` in `nativeAllowList`:
3) Add the highlighted line to `neutralino.config.json` in `nativeAllowList`:
```json title="neutralino.config.json"
"nativeAllowList": [
@ -158,9 +233,16 @@ curl -L -o resources/js/xlsx.full.min.js${current}
4) Set up skeleton app and print version info:
- Edit `resources/index.html` and replace the `<body>` with the code below:
- Replace the contents of `resources/index.html` with the following code:
```html title="resources/index.html"
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>SheetJS + NeutralinoJS</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css">
<div id="neutralinoapp">
<h1>SheetJS × NeutralinoJS</h1>
@ -173,6 +255,7 @@ curl -L -o resources/js/xlsx.full.min.js${current}
<script src="js/xlsx.full.min.js"></script>
<script src="js/main.js"></script>
- Append the following code to `resources/styles.css` to center the table:
@ -190,6 +273,8 @@ table {
- Print the version number in the `showInfo` method of `resources/js/main.js`:
```js title="resources/js/main.js"
function showInfo() {
document.getElementById('info').innerHTML = `
${NL_APPID} is running on port ${NL_PORT} inside ${NL_OS}
<span>server: v${NL_VERSION} . client: v${NL_CVERSION}</span>
@ -198,6 +283,7 @@ table {
<span>SheetJS version ${XLSX.version}</span>
// highlight-end
5) Run the app:
@ -206,11 +292,11 @@ table {
npx @neutralinojs/neu run
You should see `SheetJS Version ` followed by the library version number.
<p>The app should print <code>SheetJS Version {current}</code></p>
6) Add the following code to the bottom of `resources/js/main.js`:
```js title="resources/js/main.js"
(async() => {
const ab = await (await fetch("")).arrayBuffer();
const wb =;
@ -219,13 +305,13 @@ You should see `SheetJS Version ` followed by the library version number.
Save the source file, close the app and re-run the command from step 5.
Save the source file, close the app and re-run with `npx @neutralinojs/neu run`
When the app loads, a table should show in the main screen.
7) Add `importFile` and `exportFile` to the bottom of `resources/js/main.js`:
```js title="resources/js/main.js"
async function importData() {
/* show open dialog */
const [filename] = await Neutralino.os.showOpenDialog('Open a spreadsheet');
@ -240,7 +326,7 @@ async function importData() {
async function exportData() {
/* show save dialog */
/* show save dialog */
const filename = await Neutralino.os.showSaveDialog('Save to file');
/* make workbook */
@ -254,15 +340,36 @@ async function exportData() {
Save the source file, close the app and re-run the command from step 5.
Save the source file, close the app and re-run with `npx @neutralinojs/neu run`
When the app loads, click the "Import File" button and select a spreadsheet to
see the contents. Click "Export File" and enter `SheetJSNeu.xlsx` to write.
see the contents.
Click "Export File" and enter `SheetJSNeu.xlsx` to write a new file.
:::caution pass
When saving the file, the actual file extension must be included. Attempting to
save as `SheetJSNeu` will not automatically add the `.xlsx` extension!
8) Build production apps:
npx @neutralinojs/neu run
npx @neutralinojs/neu build
Platform-specific programs will be created in the `dist` folder.
[^1]: See [`nativeAllowList`]( in the NeutralinoJS documentation
[^2]: See [`os.showOpenDialog`]( in the NeutralinoJS documentation
[^3]: See [`filesystem.readBinaryFile`]( in the NeutralinoJS documentation
[^4]: See [`read` in "Reading Files"](/docs/api/parse-options)
[^5]: See ["Utility Functions"](/docs/api/utilities/)
[^6]: See ["HTML Table Output" in "Utility Functions"](/docs/api/utilities/html#html-table-output)
[^7]: See [`os.showSaveDialog`]( in the NeutralinoJS documentation
[^8]: See [`write` in "Writing Files"](/docs/api/write-options)
[^9]: See ["Supported Output Formats"](/docs/api/write-options#supported-output-formats)
[^10]: See [`filesystem.writeBinaryFile`]( in the NeutralinoJS documentation
[^11]: See ["HTML Table Input" in "Utility Functions"](/docs/api/utilities/html#html-table-input)

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ PouchDB is a pure JS database with built-in synchronization features.
`Database#allDocs` is the standard approach for bulk data export. The generated
row objects have additional `_id` and `_rev` keys that should be removed.
Nested objects must be flattened. The ["Tutorial"](/docs/getting-started/example)
Nested objects must be flattened. The ["Export Tutorial"](/docs/getting-started/example)
includes an example of constructing a simple array.

@ -735,8 +735,8 @@ the function and the optional `opts` argument in more detail.
#### Examples
["Complete Example"](/docs/getting-started/example) contains a detailed example
"Get Data from a JSON Endpoint and Generate a Workbook"
["Export Tutorial"](/docs/getting-started/example) contains a detailed
example of fetching data from a JSON Endpoint and generating a workbook.
[`x-spreadsheet`](/docs/demos/grid/xs) is an interactive data grid for
previewing and modifying structured data in the web browser.

@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ of date or time. Instead, dates and times are stored as offsets from an epoch.
The magic behind date interpretations is hidden in functions or number formats.
SheetJS attempts to create a friendly JS date experience while also exposing
options to use the traditional date codes
options to use the traditional date codes.
:::tip pass
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ function SheetJSNow() {
## How Spreadsheets Understand Time
Excel stores dates as numbers. When displaying dates, the format code should
include special date and time tokens like `yyyyy` for long year. `EDATE` and
include special date and time tokens like `yyyy` for long year. `EDATE` and
other date functions operate on and return date numbers.
For date formats like `yyyy-mm-dd`, the integer part represents the number of

docz/static/data/mf221.xlw Normal file

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.


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