This commit is contained in:
SheetJS 2023-01-25 03:25:06 -05:00
parent e130103ad3
commit ad00a8fa3c

@ -532,12 +532,6 @@ dialog box. After selecting a path, the app will write the file.
<TabItem value="mobile" label="Mobile App">
This demo runs in iOS and requires a Macintosh computer with Xcode installed.
:::note Initial Setup
Follow the [Environment Setup](
@ -552,14 +546,6 @@ npx react-native init SheetJSPres --version="0.70.6"
cd SheetJSPres
npm i -S react-native-blob-util@0.17.1
mkdir -p patches
curl -L -o patches/react-native+0.70.6.patch
npx patch-package
cd ios
pod install
cd ..
Save the following to `App.js` in the project:
@ -623,6 +609,91 @@ const App = () => ( <SafeAreaView><View style={{ marginTop: 32, padding: 24 }}>
export default App;
<TabItem value="asim" label="Android">
The Android demo has been tested in Windows 10 and in macOS.
Test the app in the Android simulator:
npm run android
After clicking "Press to Export", the app will show an alert with the location
to the generated file.
In the Android simulator, pulling the file requires additional steps. This
command will pull a Base64-encoded string from the simulator:
adb exec-out run-as com.sheetjspres base64 files/Presidents.xlsx > pres.b64
Decoding the file requires an OS-specific command:
<TabItem value="windows" label="Windows">
certutil -decode .\pres.b64 .\Presidents.xlsx
<TabItem value="macos" label="macOS">
base64 -D pres.b64 > Presidents.xlsx
This command generates `Presidents.xlsx` which can be opened.
:::note Device Testing
For testing on a real device, Android 10+ requires an additional step to access
the generated file. Add highlighted lines to `App.js`:
```jsx title="App.js"
/* write buffer to file */
const filename = RNFetchBlob.fs.dirs.DocumentDir + "/Presidents.xlsx";
await RNFetchBlob.fs.writeFile(filename, Array.from(buf), 'ascii');
// highlight-start
await RNFetchBlob.MediaCollection.copyToMediaStore({
parentFolder: "",
mimeType: "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet",
name: "Presidents.xlsx"
}, "Download", filename);
// highlight-end
return filename;
`Presidents.xlsx` will be copied to the `Downloads` folder.
<TabItem value="ios" label="iOS">
This demo runs in iOS and requires a Macintosh computer with Xcode installed.
The native component must be linked:
cd ios; pod install; cd ..
Test the app in the iOS simulator:
@ -632,5 +703,8 @@ npm run ios
After clicking "Press to Export", the app will show an alert with the location
to the generated file.