SheetJS 5f0f2c91c5 version bump 0.18.0
- Removed global variables `XLS` and `ODS` from standalone browser build
- Removed `dist/jszip.js` from the package
- XLSX SST parse, fixes 
2022-02-01 00:58:45 -05:00

80 lines
3.3 KiB

var current_codepage = 1200, current_ansi = 1252;
/*:: declare var cptable:any; */
/*global cptable:true, window */
if(typeof module !== "undefined" && typeof require !== 'undefined') {
if(typeof cptable === 'undefined') {
if(typeof global !== 'undefined') global.cptable = require('./dist/cpexcel.js');
else if(typeof window !== 'undefined') window.cptable = require('./dist/cpexcel.js');
var VALID_ANSI = [ 874, 932, 936, 949, 950, 10000 ];
for(var i = 0; i <= 8; ++i) VALID_ANSI.push(1250 + i);
/* ECMA-376 Part I 18.4.1 charset to codepage mapping */
var CS2CP = ({
/*::[*/0/*::]*/: 1252, /* ANSI */
/*::[*/1/*::]*/: 65001, /* DEFAULT */
/*::[*/2/*::]*/: 65001, /* SYMBOL */
/*::[*/77/*::]*/: 10000, /* MAC */
/*::[*/128/*::]*/: 932, /* SHIFTJIS */
/*::[*/129/*::]*/: 949, /* HANGUL */
/*::[*/130/*::]*/: 1361, /* JOHAB */
/*::[*/134/*::]*/: 936, /* GB2312 */
/*::[*/136/*::]*/: 950, /* CHINESEBIG5 */
/*::[*/161/*::]*/: 1253, /* GREEK */
/*::[*/162/*::]*/: 1254, /* TURKISH */
/*::[*/163/*::]*/: 1258, /* VIETNAMESE */
/*::[*/177/*::]*/: 1255, /* HEBREW */
/*::[*/178/*::]*/: 1256, /* ARABIC */
/*::[*/186/*::]*/: 1257, /* BALTIC */
/*::[*/204/*::]*/: 1251, /* RUSSIAN */
/*::[*/222/*::]*/: 874, /* THAI */
/*::[*/238/*::]*/: 1250, /* EASTEUROPE */
/*::[*/255/*::]*/: 1252, /* OEM */
/*::[*/69/*::]*/: 6969 /* MISC */
var set_ansi = function(cp/*:number*/) { if(VALID_ANSI.indexOf(cp) == -1) return; current_ansi = CS2CP[0] = cp; };
function reset_ansi() { set_ansi(1252); }
var set_cp = function(cp/*:number*/) { current_codepage = cp; set_ansi(cp); };
function reset_cp() { set_cp(1200); reset_ansi(); }
function char_codes(data/*:string*/)/*:Array<number>*/ { var o/*:Array<number>*/ = []; for(var i = 0, len = data.length; i < len; ++i) o[i] = data.charCodeAt(i); return o; }
function utf16leread(data/*:string*/)/*:string*/ {
var o/*:Array<string>*/ = [];
for(var i = 0; i < (data.length>>1); ++i) o[i] = String.fromCharCode(data.charCodeAt(2*i) + (data.charCodeAt(2*i+1)<<8));
return o.join("");
function utf16beread(data/*:string*/)/*:string*/ {
var o/*:Array<string>*/ = [];
for(var i = 0; i < (data.length>>1); ++i) o[i] = String.fromCharCode(data.charCodeAt(2*i+1) + (data.charCodeAt(2*i)<<8));
return o.join("");
var debom = function(data/*:string*/)/*:string*/ {
var c1 = data.charCodeAt(0), c2 = data.charCodeAt(1);
if(c1 == 0xFF && c2 == 0xFE) return utf16leread(data.slice(2));
if(c1 == 0xFE && c2 == 0xFF) return utf16beread(data.slice(2));
if(c1 == 0xFEFF) return data.slice(1);
return data;
var _getchar = function _gc1(x/*:number*/)/*:string*/ { return String.fromCharCode(x); };
var _getansi = function _ga1(x/*:number*/)/*:string*/ { return String.fromCharCode(x); };
if(typeof cptable !== 'undefined') {
set_cp = function(cp/*:number*/) { current_codepage = cp; set_ansi(cp); };
debom = function(data/*:string*/) {
if(data.charCodeAt(0) === 0xFF && data.charCodeAt(1) === 0xFE) { return cptable.utils.decode(1200, char_codes(data.slice(2))); }
return data;
_getchar = function _gc2(x/*:number*/)/*:string*/ {
if(current_codepage === 1200) return String.fromCharCode(x);
return cptable.utils.decode(current_codepage, [x&255,x>>8])[0];
_getansi = function _ga2(x/*:number*/)/*:string*/ {
return cptable.utils.decode(current_ansi, [x])[0];