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<title>SheetSense Analyzer</title>
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<div class="upload-container">
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<h2>SheetSense Analyzer</h2>
<p>Excel workbook validation engine that detects quality issues, ensures consistency, and makes your spreadsheets bulletproof.</p>
2024-11-28 21:18:59 +00:00
<div id="drop-zone">
2024-12-03 15:17:00 +00:00
<p>Drop your Excel (xls or xlsx) file here or click to choose</p>
2024-11-28 21:18:59 +00:00
<input type="file" id="file-input" accept=".xlsx,.xls" class="hidden">
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<div class="demo-container">
<h2>Test Files</h2>
<div class="test-files-list">
<div class="test-files-category">
<div class="category-header">Circular Reference Tests</div>
<button class="demo-button" data-file="test_files/circular_reference/direct_circular.xlsx">
Direct Circular Reference Test
<button class="demo-button" data-file="test_files/circular_reference/indirect_circular.xlsx">
Indirect Circular Reference Test
<button class="demo-button" data-file="test_files/circular_reference/valid_cross_reference.xlsx">
Valid Cross Reference Test
<div class="test-files-category">
<div class="category-header">Data Quality Tests</div>
<button class="demo-button" data-file="test_files/data_quality/data_quality_issues.xlsx">
Data Quality Issues Test
<div class="test-files-category">
<div class="category-header">Formula Errors</div>
<button class="demo-button" data-file="test_files/formula_errors/formula_errors.xlsx">
Formula Errors Test
<div class="test-files-category">
<div class="category-header">Hidden Content</div>
<button class="demo-button" data-file="test_files/hidden_cell/hidden_cells.xlsx">
Hidden Cell
<button class="demo-button" data-file="test_files/hidden_cell/hidden_rows_columns.xlsx">
Hidden rows and columns
<button class="demo-button" data-file="test_files/hidden_cell/hidden_cells.xlsx">
Consecutive hidden rows
2024-11-28 21:18:59 +00:00
<div id="results" class="results hidden">
<h2>Analysis Results</h2>
<div class="metadata">
<h3>Workbook Metadata</h3>
<div id="metadata-content"></div>
<div id="issues-container">
<h3>Issues Found</h3>
<div id="issues-content"></div>
2024-12-03 15:17:00 +00:00
<div class="footer">
2024-11-28 21:18:59 +00:00
2024-12-03 15:17:00 +00:00
<a href="https://ezy.ovh/bmicX" target="_blank">View on GitHub</a> |
Created by <a href="https://ezy.ovh/oEaFv" target="_blank">@asadbek064</a>
<a href="https://mylinx.cc/asad" target="_blank">mylinx.cc/asad</a>
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const dropZone = document.getElementById('drop-zone');
const fileInput = document.getElementById('file-input');
const results = document.getElementById('results');
const metadataContent = document.getElementById('metadata-content');
const issuesContent = document.getElementById('issues-content');
2024-12-03 15:17:00 +00:00
// Demo button handlers
document.querySelectorAll('.demo-button').forEach(button => {
button.addEventListener('click', async () => {
const filePath = button.dataset.file;
// Show loading state
const loadingDiv = document.createElement('div');
loadingDiv.className = 'loading';
loadingDiv.innerHTML = `Loading ${filePath}...`;
try {
// Use relative path from the root of your Cloudflare Pages deployment
const response = await fetch(`/${filePath}`, {
headers: {
'Accept': 'application/octet-stream'
if (!response.ok) {
throw new Error(`Failed to load file: ${filePath} (${response.status} ${response.statusText})`);
const arrayBuffer = await response.arrayBuffer();
const data = new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer);
const workbook = XLSX.read(data, {
type: 'array',
cellFormula: true,
cellNF: true,
cellText: true,
cellStyles: true,
cellDates: true,
raw: true
const analyzer = new SheetSense.ExcelAnalyzer(workbook);
const analysis = analyzer.analyze();
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error loading test file:', error);
issuesContent.innerHTML = `
<div class="issue error">
<strong>Error loading test file</strong>
} finally {
// Rest of the JavaScript code remains the same
2024-11-28 21:18:59 +00:00
dropZone.addEventListener('dragover', (e) => {
dropZone.addEventListener('dragleave', () => {
dropZone.addEventListener('drop', (e) => {
const file = e.dataTransfer.files[0];
dropZone.addEventListener('click', () => {
fileInput.addEventListener('change', (e) => {
const file = e.target.files[0];
function handleFile(file) {
const reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = (e) => {
const data = new Uint8Array(e.target.result);
2024-12-03 15:17:00 +00:00
const workbook = XLSX.read(data, {
type: 'buffer',
cellFormula: true,
cellNF: true,
cellText: true,
cellStyles: true,
cellDates: true,
raw: true
2024-11-28 21:18:59 +00:00
const analyzer = new SheetSense.ExcelAnalyzer(workbook);
const analysis = analyzer.analyze();
function displayResults(analysis) {
metadataContent.innerHTML = `
<p>Sheets: ${analysis.metadata.sheetCount}</p>
<p>Formulas: ${analysis.metadata.formulaCount}</p>
<p>Named Ranges: ${analysis.metadata.namedRanges.length}</p>
<p>Volatile Functions: ${analysis.metadata.volatileFunctions}</p>
<p>External References: ${analysis.metadata.externalReferences}</p>
if (analysis.issues.length === 0) {
issuesContent.innerHTML = '<p>No issues found!</p>';
} else {
issuesContent.innerHTML = analysis.issues.map(issue => `
<div class="issue ${issue.severity}">
<strong>${issue.type.toUpperCase()}: ${issue.severity}</strong>
<p>Location: Sheet "${issue.sheet}", Cell ${issue.cell}</p>
${issue.suggestion ? `<p>Suggestion: ${issue.suggestion}</p>` : ''}
2024-12-03 15:17:00 +00:00