forked from sheetjs/sheetjs
SheetJS 8658054872 BIFF3/4 write support
- more precise support for unknown BIFF type (see )
- `format_cell` render error strings
2021-09-26 18:51:19 -04:00

286 lines
9.9 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env node
/* xlsx.js (C) 2013-present SheetJS -- http://sheetjs.com */
/* eslint-env node */
/* vim: set ts=2 ft=javascript: */
var n = "xlsx";
var X = require('../');
try { X = require('../xlsx.flow'); } catch(e) {}
var fs = require('fs'), program = require('commander');
.usage('[options] <file> [sheetname]')
.option('-f, --file <file>', 'use specified workbook')
.option('-s, --sheet <sheet>', 'print specified sheet (default first sheet)')
.option('-N, --sheet-index <idx>', 'use specified sheet index (0-based)')
.option('-p, --password <pw>', 'if file is encrypted, try with specified pw')
.option('-l, --list-sheets', 'list sheet names and exit')
.option('-o, --output <file>', 'output to specified file')
.option('-B, --xlsb', 'emit XLSB to <sheetname> or <file>.xlsb')
.option('-M, --xlsm', 'emit XLSM to <sheetname> or <file>.xlsm')
.option('-X, --xlsx', 'emit XLSX to <sheetname> or <file>.xlsx')
.option('-I, --xlam', 'emit XLAM to <sheetname> or <file>.xlam')
.option('-Y, --ods', 'emit ODS to <sheetname> or <file>.ods')
.option('-8, --xls', 'emit XLS to <sheetname> or <file>.xls (BIFF8)')
.option('-5, --biff5','emit XLS to <sheetname> or <file>.xls (BIFF5)')
.option('-4, --biff4','emit XLS to <sheetname> or <file>.xls (BIFF4)')
.option('-3, --biff3','emit XLS to <sheetname> or <file>.xls (BIFF3)')
.option('-2, --biff2','emit XLS to <sheetname> or <file>.xls (BIFF2)')
.option('-i, --xla', 'emit XLA to <sheetname> or <file>.xla')
.option('-6, --xlml', 'emit SSML to <sheetname> or <file>.xls (2003 XML)')
.option('-T, --fods', 'emit FODS to <sheetname> or <file>.fods (Flat ODS)')
.option('-S, --formulae', 'emit list of values and formulae')
.option('-j, --json', 'emit formatted JSON (all fields text)')
.option('-J, --raw-js', 'emit raw JS object (raw numbers)')
.option('-A, --arrays', 'emit rows as JS objects (raw numbers)')
.option('-H, --html', 'emit HTML to <sheetname> or <file>.html')
.option('-D, --dif', 'emit DIF to <sheetname> or <file>.dif (Lotus DIF)')
.option('-U, --dbf', 'emit DBF to <sheetname> or <file>.dbf (MSVFP DBF)')
.option('-K, --sylk', 'emit SYLK to <sheetname> or <file>.slk (Excel SYLK)')
.option('-P, --prn', 'emit PRN to <sheetname> or <file>.prn (Lotus PRN)')
.option('-E, --eth', 'emit ETH to <sheetname> or <file>.eth (Ethercalc)')
.option('-t, --txt', 'emit TXT to <sheetname> or <file>.txt (UTF-8 TSV)')
.option('-r, --rtf', 'emit RTF to <sheetname> or <file>.txt (Table RTF)')
.option('-z, --dump', 'dump internal representation as JSON')
.option('--props', 'dump workbook properties as CSV')
.option('-F, --field-sep <sep>', 'CSV field separator', ",")
.option('-R, --row-sep <sep>', 'CSV row separator', "\n")
.option('-n, --sheet-rows <num>', 'Number of rows to process (0=all rows)')
.option('--codepage <cp>', 'default to specified codepage when ambiguous')
.option('--req <module>', 'require module before processing')
.option('--sst', 'generate shared string table for XLS* formats')
.option('--compress', 'use compression when writing XLSX/M/B and ODS')
.option('--read', 'read but do not generate output')
.option('--book', 'for single-sheet formats, emit a file per worksheet')
.option('--all', 'parse everything; write as much as possible')
.option('--dev', 'development mode')
.option('--sparse', 'sparse mode')
.option('-q, --quiet', 'quiet mode');
program.on('--help', function() {
console.log(' Default output format is CSV');
console.log(' Support email: dev@sheetjs.com');
console.log(' Web Demo: http://oss.sheetjs.com/js-'+n+'/');
/* flag, bookType, default ext */
var workbook_formats = [
['xlsx', 'xlsx', 'xlsx'],
['xlsm', 'xlsm', 'xlsm'],
['xlam', 'xlam', 'xlam'],
['xlsb', 'xlsb', 'xlsb'],
['xls', 'xls', 'xls'],
['xla', 'xla', 'xla'],
['biff5', 'biff5', 'xls'],
['ods', 'ods', 'ods'],
['fods', 'fods', 'fods']
var wb_formats_2 = [
['xlml', 'xlml', 'xls']
var filename = '', sheetname = '';
if(program.args[0]) {
filename = program.args[0];
if(program.args[1]) sheetname = program.args[1];
if(program.sheet) sheetname = program.sheet;
if(program.file) filename = program.file;
if(!filename) {
console.error(n + ": must specify a filename");
if(!fs.existsSync(filename)) {
console.error(n + ": " + filename + ": No such file or directory");
if(program.req) program.req.split(",").forEach(function(r) {
require((fs.existsSync(r) || fs.existsSync(r + '.js')) ? require('path').resolve(r) : r);
var opts = {}, wb/*:?Workbook*/;
if(program.listSheets) opts.bookSheets = true;
if(program.sheetRows) opts.sheetRows = program.sheetRows;
if(program.password) opts.password = program.password;
var seen = false;
function wb_fmt() {
seen = true;
opts.cellFormula = true;
opts.cellNF = true;
if(program.output) sheetname = program.output;
function isfmt(m/*:string*/)/*:boolean*/ {
if(!program.output) return false;
var t = m.charAt(0) === "." ? m : "." + m;
return program.output.slice(-t.length) === t;
workbook_formats.forEach(function(m) { if(program[m[0]] || isfmt(m[0])) { wb_fmt(); } });
wb_formats_2.forEach(function(m) { if(program[m[0]] || isfmt(m[0])) { wb_fmt(); } });
if(seen) {
} else if(program.formulae) opts.cellFormula = true;
else opts.cellFormula = false;
var wopts = ({WTF:opts.WTF, bookSST:program.sst}/*:any*/);
if(program.compress) wopts.compression = true;
if(program.all) {
opts.cellFormula = true;
opts.bookVBA = true;
opts.cellNF = true;
opts.cellHTML = true;
opts.cellStyles = true;
opts.sheetStubs = true;
opts.cellDates = true;
wopts.cellStyles = true;
wopts.sheetStubs = true;
wopts.bookVBA = true;
if(program.sparse) opts.dense = false; else opts.dense = true;
if(program.codepage) opts.codepage = +program.codepage;
if(program.dev) {
opts.WTF = true;
wb = X.readFile(filename, opts);
} else try {
wb = X.readFile(filename, opts);
} catch(e) {
var msg = (program.quiet) ? "" : n + ": error parsing ";
msg += filename + ": " + e;
if(program.read) process.exit(0);
if(!wb) { console.error(n + ": error parsing " + filename + ": empty workbook"); process.exit(0); }
/*:: if(!wb) throw new Error("unreachable"); */
if(program.listSheets) {
if(program.dump) {
if(program.props) {
if(wb) dump_props(wb);
/* full workbook formats */
workbook_formats.forEach(function(m) { if(program[m[0]] || isfmt(m[0])) {
wopts.bookType = m[1];
if(wb) X.writeFile(wb, program.output || sheetname || ((filename || "") + "." + m[2]), wopts);
} });
wb_formats_2.forEach(function(m) { if(program[m[0]] || isfmt(m[0])) {
wopts.bookType = m[1];
if(wb) X.writeFile(wb, program.output || sheetname || ((filename || "") + "." + m[2]), wopts);
} });
var target_sheet = sheetname || '';
if(target_sheet === '') {
if(+program.sheetIndex < (wb.SheetNames||[]).length) target_sheet = wb.SheetNames[+program.sheetIndex];
else target_sheet = (wb.SheetNames||[""])[0];
var ws;
try {
ws = wb.Sheets[target_sheet];
if(!ws) {
console.error("Sheet " + target_sheet + " cannot be found");
} catch(e) {
console.error(n + ": error parsing "+filename+" "+target_sheet+": " + e);
if(!program.quiet && !program.book) console.error(target_sheet);
/* single worksheet file formats */
['biff2', '.xls'],
['biff3', '.xls'],
['biff4', '.xls'],
['sylk', '.slk'],
['html', '.html'],
['prn', '.prn'],
['eth', '.eth'],
['rtf', '.rtf'],
['txt', '.txt'],
['dbf', '.dbf'],
['dif', '.dif']
].forEach(function(m) { if(program[m[0]] || isfmt(m[1])) {
wopts.bookType = m[0];
if(program.book) {
/*:: if(wb == null) throw new Error("Unreachable"); */
wb.SheetNames.forEach(function(n, i) {
wopts.sheet = n;
X.writeFile(wb, (program.output || sheetname || filename || "") + m[1] + "." + i, wopts);
} else X.writeFile(wb, program.output || sheetname || ((filename || "") + m[1]), wopts);
} });
function outit(o, fn) { if(fn) fs.writeFileSync(fn, o); else console.log(o); }
function doit(cb) {
/*:: if(!wb) throw new Error("unreachable"); */
if(program.book) wb.SheetNames.forEach(function(n, i) {
/*:: if(!wb) throw new Error("unreachable"); */
outit(cb(wb.Sheets[n]), (program.output || sheetname || filename) + "." + i);
else outit(cb(ws), program.output);
var jso = {};
switch(true) {
case program.formulae:
doit(function(ws) { return X.utils.sheet_to_formulae(ws).join("\n"); });
case program.arrays: jso.header = 1;
/* falls through */
case program.rawJs: jso.raw = true;
/* falls through */
case program.json:
doit(function(ws) { return JSON.stringify(X.utils.sheet_to_json(ws,jso)); });
if(!program.book) {
var stream = X.stream.to_csv(ws, {FS:program.fieldSep||",", RS:program.rowSep||"\n"});
if(program.output) stream.pipe(fs.createWriteStream(program.output));
else stream.pipe(process.stdout);
} else doit(function(ws) { return X.utils.sheet_to_csv(ws,{FS:program.fieldSep, RS:program.rowSep}); });
function dump_props(wb/*:Workbook*/) {
var propaoa = [];
if(Object.assign && Object.entries) propaoa = Object.entries(Object.assign({}, wb.Props, wb.Custprops));
else {
var Keys/*:: :Array<string> = []*/, pi;
if(wb.Props) {
Keys = Object.keys(wb.Props);
for(pi = 0; pi < Keys.length; ++pi) {
if(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(Keys, Keys[pi])) propaoa.push([Keys[pi], Keys[/*::+*/Keys[pi]]]);
if(wb.Custprops) {
Keys = Object.keys(wb.Custprops);
for(pi = 0; pi < Keys.length; ++pi) {
if(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(Keys, Keys[pi])) propaoa.push([Keys[pi], Keys[/*::+*/Keys[pi]]]);