forked from sheetjs/sheetjs
- dateNF parse option controls interpretation of code 14 - SSF updated to 0.9.1 - SYLK write formulae - DIF support Excel-style data storage - ODS/FODS automatic styles for date formatting Issues: - Fixes #181 h/t @CharlesNo - Fixes #200 h/t @JohnJeong123 - Fixes #208 h/t @jerryhe88 - Fixes #262 h/t @JohnJeong123 - Fixes #269 h/t @calebeaires - Fixes #326 h/t @railty - Fixes #392 h/t @FourLeafClover - Fixes #449 h/t @dougschiller - Fixes #560 h/t @dpackage
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161 lines
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