updating to 0.10.2

This commit is contained in:
SheetJS 2017-05-17 00:27:55 -04:00
parent a6dc628d85
commit d38a23fa24
6 changed files with 275 additions and 179 deletions

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ Dual licenced under the MIT license or GPLv3. See https://raw.github.com/Stuk/js
JSZip uses the library pako released under the MIT license :
if("object"==typeof exports&&"undefined"!=typeof module)module.exports=e();
else if("function"==typeof define&&define.amd){JSZip=e();define([],e);}
@ -8985,4 +8985,4 @@ function ZStream() {
module.exports = ZStream;

@ -637,6 +637,23 @@ describe('output formats', function() {
function eqarr(a,b) {
assert.equal(a.length, b.length);
a.forEach(function(x, i) { assert.equal(x, b[i]); });
describe('API', function() {
it('book_append_sheet', function() {
var wb = X.utils.book_new();
X.utils.book_append_sheet(wb, X.utils.aoa_to_sheet([[1,2,3],[4],[5]]), "A");
X.utils.book_append_sheet(wb, X.utils.aoa_to_sheet([[1,2,3],[4],[5]]));
X.utils.book_append_sheet(wb, X.utils.aoa_to_sheet([[1,2,3],[4],[5]]));
X.utils.book_append_sheet(wb, X.utils.aoa_to_sheet([[1,2,3],[4],[5]]), "B");
X.utils.book_append_sheet(wb, X.utils.aoa_to_sheet([[1,2,3],[4],[5]]));
eqarr(wb.SheetNames, ["A","Sheet1","Sheet2","B","Sheet3"]);
function coreprop(wb) {
assert.equal(wb.Props.Title, 'Example with properties');
assert.equal(wb.Props.Subject, 'Test it before you code it');
@ -1408,15 +1425,15 @@ describe('roundtrip features', function() {
it('should preserve js objects', function() {
it('should preserve JS objects', function() {
var data = [
{a:true, c:false},
{c:new Date("2017-02-19T14:30Z")}
var wb = X.utils.json_to_sheet(data);
var wb = X.utils.json_to_sheet(data, {cellDates:true});
var out = X.utils.sheet_to_json(wb, {raw:true});
data.forEach(function(row, i) {
Object.keys(row).forEach(function(k) { assert.equal(row[k], out[i][k]); });
@ -1485,14 +1502,22 @@ function datenum(v/*:Date*/, date1904/*:?boolean*/)/*:number*/ {
return (epoch + 2209161600000) / (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
var good_pd_date = new Date('2017-02-19T19:06:09.000Z');
if(isNaN(good_pd_date.getFullYear())) good_pd_date = new Date('2/19/17');
var good_pd = good_pd_date.getFullYear() == 2017;
function parseDate(str/*:string|Date*/)/*:Date*/ {
if(good_pd) return new Date(str);
var d = new Date(str);
if(good_pd) return d;
if(str instanceof Date) return str;
var n = str.match(/\d+/g);
return new Date(Date.UTC(+n[0], n[1] - 1, +n[2], +n[3], +n[4], +n[5]));
if(good_pd_date.getFullYear() == 1917 && !isNaN(d.getFullYear())) {
var s = d.getFullYear();
if(str.indexOf("" + s) > -1) return d;
d.setFullYear(d.getFullYear() + 100); return d;
var n = str.match(/\d+/g)||["2017","2","19","0","0","0"];
return new Date(Date.UTC(+n[0], +n[1] - 1, +n[2], +n[3], +n[4], +n[5]));
describe('json output', function() {
function seeker(json, keys, val) {
for(var i = 0; i != json.length; ++i) {
@ -1636,53 +1661,91 @@ describe('json output', function() {
describe('csv', function() {
var data, ws;
var bef = (function() {
data = [
[true, false, null, "sheetjs"],
["foo", "bar", parseDate("2014-02-19T14:30:00.000Z"), "0.3"],
[null, null, null],
["baz", undefined, "qux"]
ws = X.utils.aoa_to_sheet(data);
describe('input', function(){
var b = "1,2,3,\nTRUE,FALSE,,sheetjs\nfoo,bar,2/19/14,0.3\n,,,\nbaz,,qux,\n";
it('should generate date numbers by default', function() {
var opts = {type:"binary"};
var cell = get_cell(X.read(b, opts).Sheets.Sheet1, "C3");
assert.equal(cell.w, '2/19/14');
assert.equal(cell.t, 'n');
assert(typeof cell.v == "number");
it('should generate dates when requested', function() {
var opts = {type:"binary", cellDates:true};
var cell = get_cell(X.read(b, opts).Sheets.Sheet1, "C3");
assert.equal(cell.w, '2/19/14');
assert.equal(cell.t, 'd');
assert(cell.v instanceof Date || typeof cell.v == "string");
it('should use US date code 14 by default', function() {
var opts = {type:"binary"};
var cell = get_cell(X.read(b, opts).Sheets.Sheet1, "C3");
assert.equal(cell.w, '2/19/14');
opts.cellDates = true;
var cell = get_cell(X.read(b, opts).Sheets.Sheet1, "C3");
assert.equal(cell.w, '2/19/14');
it('should honor dateNF override', function() {
var opts = {type:"binary", dateNF:"YYYY-MM-DD"};
var cell = get_cell(X.read(b, opts).Sheets.Sheet1, "C3");
/* NOTE: IE interprets 2-digit years as 19xx */
assert(cell.w == '2014-02-19' || cell.w == '1914-02-19');
opts.cellDates = true; opts.dateNF = "YY-MM-DD";
var cell = get_cell(X.read(b, opts).Sheets.Sheet1, "C3");
assert.equal(cell.w, '14-02-19');
if(typeof before != 'undefined') before(bef);
else it('before', bef);
it('should generate csv', function() {
var baseline = "1,2,3,\nTRUE,FALSE,,sheetjs\nfoo,bar,2/19/14,0.3\n,,,\nbaz,,qux,\n";
assert.equal(baseline, X.utils.sheet_to_csv(ws));
it('should handle FS', function() {
assert.equal(X.utils.sheet_to_csv(ws, {FS:"|"}).replace(/[|]/g,","), X.utils.sheet_to_csv(ws));
assert.equal(X.utils.sheet_to_csv(ws, {FS:";"}).replace(/[;]/g,","), X.utils.sheet_to_csv(ws));
it('should handle RS', function() {
assert.equal(X.utils.sheet_to_csv(ws, {RS:"|"}).replace(/[|]/g,"\n"), X.utils.sheet_to_csv(ws));
assert.equal(X.utils.sheet_to_csv(ws, {RS:";"}).replace(/[;]/g,"\n"), X.utils.sheet_to_csv(ws));
it('should handle dateNF', function() {
var baseline = "1,2,3,\nTRUE,FALSE,,sheetjs\nfoo,bar,20140219,0.3\n,,,\nbaz,,qux,\n";
var _ws = X.utils.aoa_to_sheet(data, {cellDates:true});
delete get_cell(_ws,"C3").w;
delete get_cell(_ws,"C3").z;
assert.equal(baseline, X.utils.sheet_to_csv(_ws, {dateNF:"YYYYMMDD"}));
it('should handle strip', function() {
var baseline = "1,2,3\nTRUE,FALSE,,sheetjs\nfoo,bar,2/19/14,0.3\n\nbaz,,qux\n";
assert.equal(baseline, X.utils.sheet_to_csv(ws, {strip:true}));
it('should handle blankrows', function() {
var baseline = "1,2,3,\nTRUE,FALSE,,sheetjs\nfoo,bar,2/19/14,0.3\nbaz,,qux,\n";
assert.equal(baseline, X.utils.sheet_to_csv(ws, {blankrows:false}));
it('should handle various line endings', function() {
var data = ["1,a", "2,b", "3,c"];
[ "\r", "\n", "\r\n" ].forEach(function(RS) {
var wb = X.read(data.join(RS), {type:'binary'});
assert.equal(get_cell(wb.Sheets.Sheet1, "A1").v, 1);
assert.equal(get_cell(wb.Sheets.Sheet1, "B3").v, "c");
assert.equal(wb.Sheets.Sheet1['!ref'], "A1:B3");
describe('output', function(){
var data, ws;
var bef = (function() {
data = [
[true, false, null, "sheetjs"],
["foo", "bar", parseDate("2014-02-19T14:30:00.000Z"), "0.3"],
[null, null, null],
["baz", undefined, "qux"]
ws = X.utils.aoa_to_sheet(data);
if(typeof before != 'undefined') before(bef);
else it('before', bef);
it('should generate csv', function() {
var baseline = "1,2,3,\nTRUE,FALSE,,sheetjs\nfoo,bar,2/19/14,0.3\n,,,\nbaz,,qux,\n";
assert.equal(baseline, X.utils.sheet_to_csv(ws));
it('should handle FS', function() {
assert.equal(X.utils.sheet_to_csv(ws, {FS:"|"}).replace(/[|]/g,","), X.utils.sheet_to_csv(ws));
assert.equal(X.utils.sheet_to_csv(ws, {FS:";"}).replace(/[;]/g,","), X.utils.sheet_to_csv(ws));
it('should handle RS', function() {
assert.equal(X.utils.sheet_to_csv(ws, {RS:"|"}).replace(/[|]/g,"\n"), X.utils.sheet_to_csv(ws));
assert.equal(X.utils.sheet_to_csv(ws, {RS:";"}).replace(/[;]/g,"\n"), X.utils.sheet_to_csv(ws));
it('should handle dateNF', function() {
var baseline = "1,2,3,\nTRUE,FALSE,,sheetjs\nfoo,bar,20140219,0.3\n,,,\nbaz,,qux,\n";
var _ws = X.utils.aoa_to_sheet(data, {cellDates:true});
delete get_cell(_ws,"C3").w;
delete get_cell(_ws,"C3").z;
assert.equal(baseline, X.utils.sheet_to_csv(_ws, {dateNF:"YYYYMMDD"}));
it('should handle strip', function() {
var baseline = "1,2,3\nTRUE,FALSE,,sheetjs\nfoo,bar,2/19/14,0.3\n\nbaz,,qux\n";
assert.equal(baseline, X.utils.sheet_to_csv(ws, {strip:true}));
it('should handle blankrows', function() {
var baseline = "1,2,3,\nTRUE,FALSE,,sheetjs\nfoo,bar,2/19/14,0.3\nbaz,,qux,\n";
assert.equal(baseline, X.utils.sheet_to_csv(ws, {blankrows:false}));
it('should handle various line endings', function() {
var data = ["1,a", "2,b", "3,c"];
[ "\r", "\n", "\r\n" ].forEach(function(RS) {
var wb = X.read(data.join(RS), {type:'binary'});
assert.equal(get_cell(wb.Sheets.Sheet1, "A1").v, 1);
assert.equal(get_cell(wb.Sheets.Sheet1, "B3").v, "c");
assert.equal(wb.Sheets.Sheet1['!ref'], "A1:B3");
@ -1780,10 +1843,6 @@ describe('corner cases', function() {
it.skip('CFB', function() {
var cfb = X.CFB.read(paths.swcxls, {type:"file"});
var xls = X.parse_xlscfb(cfb);
it('codepage', function() {
X.read(fs.readFileSync(dir + "biff5/number_format_greek.xls"), {type:"binary"});
@ -1815,14 +1874,15 @@ describe('encryption', function() {
describe.skip('multiformat tests', function() {
describe('multiformat tests', function() {
var mfopts = opts;
var mft = fs.readFileSync('multiformat.lst','utf-8').split("\n");
var csv = true, formulae = false;
mft.forEach(function(x) {
if(x[0]!="#") describe('MFT ' + x, function() {
if(x.charAt(0)!="#") describe('MFT ' + x, function() {
var fil = {}, f = [], r = x.split(/\s+/);
if(r.length < 3) return;
if(!fs.existsSync(dir + r[0] + r[1])) return;
it('should parse all', function() {
for(var j = 1; j != r.length; ++j) f[j-1] = X.read(fs.readFileSync(dir + r[0] + r[j]), mfopts);

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

xlsx.core.min.js vendored

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

xlsx.full.min.js vendored

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long


@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
/* xlsx.js (C) 2013-present SheetJS -- http://sheetjs.com */
/* vim: set ts=2: */
/*jshint -W041 */
/*jshint funcscope:true, eqnull:true */
/*jshint funcscope:true, eqnull:true, loopfunc:true */
/*exported XLSX */
/*global exports, module, require:false, process:false, Buffer:false */
/*global global, exports, module, require:false, process:false, Buffer:false */
var XLSX = {};
(function make_xlsx(XLSX){
XLSX.version = '0.10.1';
XLSX.version = '0.10.2';
var current_codepage = 1200;
/*global cptable:true */
if(typeof module !== "undefined" && typeof require !== 'undefined') {
if(typeof cptable === 'undefined') cptable = require('./dist/cpexcel.js');
if(typeof cptable === 'undefined') global.cptable = require('./dist/cpexcel.js');
function reset_cp() { set_cp(1200); }
var set_cp = function(cp) { current_codepage = cp; };
@ -1431,12 +1431,19 @@ function parse_isodur(s) {
var good_pd_date = new Date('2017-02-19T19:06:09.000Z');
if(isNaN(good_pd_date.getFullYear())) good_pd_date = new Date('2/19/17');
var good_pd = good_pd_date.getFullYear() == 2017;
function parseDate(str) {
if(good_pd) return new Date(str);
var d = new Date(str);
if(good_pd) return d;
if(str instanceof Date) return str;
if(good_pd_date.getFullYear() == 1917 && !isNaN(d.getFullYear())) {
var s = d.getFullYear();
if(str.indexOf("" + s) > -1) return d;
d.setFullYear(d.getFullYear() + 100); return d;
var n = str.match(/\d+/g)||["2017","2","19","0","0","0"];
return new Date(Date.UTC(+n[0], +n[1] - 1, +n[2], +n[3], +n[4], +n[5]));
return new Date(Date.UTC(+n[0], +n[1] - 1, +n[2], (+n[3]||0), (+n[4]||0), (+n[5]||0)));
function cc2str(arr) {
@ -1662,8 +1669,7 @@ if(has_buf) {
if(ww !== 0) { out[k++] = ww&255; out[k++] = ww>>>8; ww = 0; }
out[k++] = w%256; out[k++] = w>>>8;
out.length = k;
return out.toString('ucs2');
return out.slice(0,k).toString('ucs2');
var corpus = "foo bar baz\u00e2\u0098\u0083\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00a3";
if(utf8read(corpus) == utf8readb(corpus)) utf8read = utf8readb;
@ -5313,12 +5319,14 @@ var SYLK = (function() {
else if(+val === +val) {
val = +val;
if(next_cell_format !== null && SSF.is_date(next_cell_format)) val = numdate(val);
} else if(!isNaN(fuzzydate(val).getDate())) {
val = parseDate(val);
arr[R][C] = val;
next_cell_format = null;
case 'E':
formula = rc_to_a1(record[rj].substr(1), {r:R,c:C});
var formula = rc_to_a1(record[rj].substr(1), {r:R,c:C});
arr[R][C] = [arr[R][C], formula];
default: if(opts && opts.WTF) throw new Error("SYLK bad record " + rstr);
@ -5330,7 +5338,7 @@ var SYLK = (function() {
case 'Y':
R = parseInt(record[rj].substr(1))-1; /*C = 0;*/
for(j = arr.length; j <= R; ++j) arr[j] = [];
++F_seen; break;
case 'M': Mval = parseInt(record[rj].substr(1)) / 20; break;
case 'F': break; /* ??? */
case 'P':
@ -5357,19 +5365,18 @@ var SYLK = (function() {
default: if(opts && opts.WTF) throw new Error("SYLK bad record " + rstr);
if(F_seen < 2) next_cell_format = null; break;
if(F_seen < 1) next_cell_format = null; break;
default: if(opts && opts.WTF) throw new Error("SYLK bad record " + rstr);
if(rowinfo.length > 0) sht['!rows'] = rowinfo;
if(colinfo.length > 0) sht['!cols'] = colinfo;
arr[arr.length] = sht;
return arr;
return [arr, sht];
function sylk_to_sheet(str, opts) {
var aoa = sylk_to_aoa(str, opts);
var ws = aoa.pop();
var aoasht = sylk_to_aoa(str, opts);
var aoa = aoasht[0], ws = aoasht[1];
var o = aoa_to_sheet(aoa, opts);
keys(ws).forEach(function(k) { o[k] = ws[k]; });
return o;
@ -5557,6 +5564,7 @@ var PRN = (function() {
else if(data === 'FALSE') arr[R][C] = false;
else if(data === ""){/* empty */}
else if(+data == +data) arr[R][C] = +data;
else if(!isNaN(fuzzydate(data).getDate())) arr[R][C] = parseDate(data);
else arr[R][C] = data;
@ -5604,8 +5612,12 @@ var PRN = (function() {
else if(s == "TRUE") { cell.t = 'b'; cell.v = true; }
else if(s == "FALSE") { cell.t = 'b'; cell.v = false; }
else if(!isNaN(v = +s)) { cell.t = 'n'; cell.w = s; cell.v = v; }
else if(!isNaN(fuzzydate(s).getDate())) { cell.t = 'd'; cell.v = parseDate(s); }
else {
else if(!isNaN(fuzzydate(s).getDate())) {
cell.z = o.dateNF || SSF._table[14];
if(o.cellDates) { cell.t = 'd'; cell.v = parseDate(s); }
else { cell.t = 'n'; cell.v = datenum(parseDate(s)); }
cell.w = SSF.format(cell.z, cell.v instanceof Date ? datenum(cell.v):cell.v);
} else {
cell.t = 's';
if(s.charAt(0) == '"' && s.charAt(s.length - 1) == '"') s = s.slice(1,-1).replace(/""/g,'"');
cell.v = s;
@ -5742,11 +5754,15 @@ var WK_ = (function() {
case 0x0E: /* NUMBER */
case 0x10: /* FORMULA */
case 0x33: /* STRING */
/* TODO: actual translation of the format code */
if(RT == 0x0E && (val[2] & 0x70) == 0x70 && (val[2] & 0x0F) > 1 && (val[2] & 0x0F) < 15) {
val[1].z = o.dateNF || SSF._table[14];
if(o.cellDates) { val[1].t = 'd'; val[1].v = numdate(val[1].v); }
if(o.dense) {
if(!s[val[0].r]) s[val[0].r] = [];
s[val[0].r][val[0].c] = val[1];
} else s[encode_cell(val[0])] = val[1];
} else switch(RT) {
case 0x16: /* LABEL16 */
@ -5915,7 +5931,7 @@ var WK_ = (function() {
var WK1Enum = {
0x0000: { n:"BOF", f:parseuint16 },
0x0001: { n:"EOF", f:parsenoop },
0x0002: { n: "CALCMODE", f:parsenoop },
0x0002: { n:"CALCMODE", f:parsenoop },
0x0003: { n:"CALCORDER", f:parsenoop },
0x0004: { n:"SPLIT", f:parsenoop },
0x0005: { n:"SYNC", f:parsenoop },
@ -6308,6 +6324,7 @@ function parse_CRYPTOVersion(blob, length) {
var o = {};
o.Major = blob.read_shift(2);
o.Minor = blob.read_shift(2);
if(length >= 4) blob.l += length - 4;
return o;
@ -7192,7 +7209,7 @@ var XLSBFillPTNames = [
var rev_XLSBFillPTNames = evert(XLSBFillPTNames);
var rev_XLSBFillPTNames = (evert(XLSBFillPTNames));
/* TODO: gradient fill representation */
function write_BrtFill(fill, o) {
if(!o) o = new_buf(4*3 + 8*7 + 16*1);
@ -7352,13 +7369,13 @@ function write_FMTS_bin(ba, NF) {
if(!NF) return;
var cnt = 0;
[[5,8],[23,26],[41,44],[/*63*/57,/*66],[164,*/392]].forEach(function(r) {
for(var i = r[0]; i <= r[1]; ++i) if(NF[i] != null) ++cnt;
for(var i = r[0]; i <= r[1]; ++i) if(NF[i] != null) ++cnt;
if(cnt == 0) return;
write_record(ba, "BrtBeginFmts", write_UInt32LE(cnt));
[[5,8],[23,26],[41,44],[/*63*/57,/*66],[164,*/392]].forEach(function(r) {
for(var i = r[0]; i <= r[1]; ++i) if(NF[i] != null) write_record(ba, "BrtFmt", write_BrtFmt(i, NF[i]));
for(var i = r[0]; i <= r[1]; ++i) if(NF[i] != null) write_record(ba, "BrtFmt", write_BrtFmt(i, NF[i]));
write_record(ba, "BrtEndFmts");
@ -8965,15 +8982,15 @@ function stringify_formula(formula/*Array<any>*/, range, cell, supbooks, opts) {
case 'PtgRef': /* */
type = f[1][0]; c = shift_cell_xls(f[1][1], _range, opts);
type = f[1][0]; c = shift_cell_xls((f[1][1]), _range, opts);
case 'PtgRefN': /* */
type = f[1][0]; c = cell ? shift_cell_xls(f[1][1], cell, opts) : f[1][1];
type = f[1][0]; c = cell ? shift_cell_xls((f[1][1]), cell, opts) : (f[1][1]);
case 'PtgRef3d': /* */
type = f[1][0]; ixti = f[1][1]; c = shift_cell_xls(f[1][2], _range, opts);
type = f[1][0]; ixti = f[1][1]; c = shift_cell_xls((f[1][2]), _range, opts);
sname = supbooks.SheetNames[ixti];
var w = sname; /* IE9 fails on defined names */
stack.push(sname + "!" + encode_cell_xls(c));
@ -9024,7 +9041,7 @@ function stringify_formula(formula/*Array<any>*/, range, cell, supbooks, opts) {
case 'PtgName': /* TODO: revisions */
/* f[1] = type, 0, nameindex */
nameidx = f[1][2];
nameidx = (f[1][2]);
var lbl = (supbooks.names||[])[nameidx-1] || (supbooks[0]||[])[nameidx];
var name = lbl ? lbl.Name : "**MISSING**" + String(nameidx);
if(name in XLSXFutureFunctions) name = XLSXFutureFunctions[name];
@ -9033,7 +9050,7 @@ function stringify_formula(formula/*Array<any>*/, range, cell, supbooks, opts) {
case 'PtgNameX': /* TODO: revisions */
/* f[1] = type, ixti, nameindex */
var bookidx = (f[1][1]); nameidx = f[1][2]; var externbook;
var bookidx = (f[1][1]); nameidx = (f[1][2]); var externbook;
/* TODO: Properly handle missing values */
//console.log(bookidx, supbooks);
if(opts.biff <= 5) {
@ -10592,7 +10609,7 @@ function parse_ws_xml(data, opts, rels, wb, themes, styles) {
var refguess = ({s: {r:2000000, c:2000000}, e: {r:0, c:0} });
var data1 = "", data2 = "";
var mtch=data.match(sheetdataregex);
var mtch =data.match(sheetdataregex);
if(mtch) {
data1 = data.substr(0, mtch.index);
data2 = data.substr(mtch.index + mtch[0].length);
@ -11063,7 +11080,6 @@ function write_ws_xml(idx, opts, wb, rels) {
if(ws['!drawing'].length > 0) {
rId = add_rels(rels, -1, "../drawings/drawing" + (idx+1) + ".xml", RELS.DRAW);
ws['!drawing'].rid = rId;
o[o.length] = writextag("drawing", null, {"r:id":"rId" + rId});
else delete ws['!drawing'];
@ -11464,7 +11480,7 @@ function write_BrtSheetProtection(sp, o) {
["pivotTables", true], // fPivotTables
["selectUnlockedCells", false] // fSelUnlockedCells
].forEach(function(n) {
if(n[1]) o.write_shift(4, sp[n[0]] != null && !sp[n[0]] ? 1 : 0);
if(n[1]) o.write_shift(4, sp[n[0]] != null && !sp[n[0]] ? 1 : 0);
else o.write_shift(4, sp[n[0]] != null && sp[n[0]] ? 0 : 1);
return o;
@ -11476,7 +11492,7 @@ function parse_ws_bin(data, _opts, rels, wb, themes, styles) {
var opts = _opts || {};
if(!rels) rels = {'!id':{}};
if(DENSE != null && opts.dense == null) opts.dense = DENSE;
var s = opts.dense ? [] : {};
var s = (opts.dense ? [] : {});
var ref;
var refguess = {s: {r:2000000, c:2000000}, e: {r:0, c:0} };
@ -11598,7 +11614,7 @@ function parse_ws_bin(data, _opts, rels, wb, themes, styles) {
case 0x01AA: /* 'BrtArrFmla' */
if(!opts.cellFormula) break;
cell = (opts.dense ? s[R][C] : s[encode_col(C) + rr]);
cell = ((opts.dense ? s[R][C] : s[encode_col(C) + rr]));
cell.f = stringify_formula(val[1], refguess, {r:row.r, c:C}, supbooks, opts);
cell.F = encode_range(val[0]);
@ -12445,7 +12461,7 @@ function parse_wb_bin(data, opts) {
opts.biff = 12;
var Names = [];
var supbooks = [];
var supbooks = ([]);
supbooks.SheetNames = [];
recordhopper(data, function hopper_wb(val, R_n, RT) {
@ -12815,6 +12831,7 @@ function parse_xlml_data(xml, ss, data, cell, base, styles, csty, row, arrayf, o
cell.v = xml.indexOf("<") > -1 ? unescapexml(ss) : cell.r;
case 'DateTime':
if(xml.slice(-1) != "Z") xml += "Z";
cell.v = (parseDate(xml) - new Date(Date.UTC(1899, 11, 30))) / (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
if(cell.v !== cell.v) cell.v = unescapexml(xml);
else if(cell.v<60) cell.v = cell.v -1;
@ -13026,12 +13043,12 @@ for(var cma = c; cma <= cc; ++cma) {
case 'NamedRange':
if(!Workbook.Names) Workbook.Names = [];
var _NamedRange = parsexmltag(Rn[0]);
var _DefinedName = {
var _DefinedName = ({
Name: _NamedRange.Name,
Ref: rc_to_a1(_NamedRange.RefersTo.substr(1))
if(Workbook.Sheets.length>0) _DefinedName.Sheet=Workbook.Sheets.length-1;
case 'NamedCell': break;
@ -13835,8 +13852,9 @@ function slurp(R, blob, length, opts) {
function safe_format_xf(p, opts, date1904) {
if(p.t === 'z') return;
if(!p.XF) return;
var fmtid = 0;
try {
var fmtid = p.z || p.XF.ifmt || 0;
fmtid = p.z || p.XF.ifmt || 0;
if(opts.cellNF) p.z = SSF._table[fmtid];
} catch(e) { if(opts.WTF) throw e; }
if(!opts || opts.cellText !== false) try {
@ -13864,7 +13882,7 @@ function parse_workbook(blob, options) {
var wb = ({opts:{}});
var Sheets = {};
if(DENSE != null && options.dense == null) options.dense = DENSE;
var out = (options.dense ? [] : {});
var out = ((options.dense ? [] : {}));
var Directory = {};
var found_sheet = false;
var range = ({});
@ -13880,7 +13898,7 @@ function parse_workbook(blob, options) {
var cell_valid = true;
var XFs = []; /* XF records */
var palette = [];
var Workbook = { Sheets:[] }, wsprops = {};
var Workbook = ({ Sheets:[] }), wsprops = {};
var get_rgb = function getrgb(icv) {
if(icv < 8) return XLSIcv[icv];
if(icv < 64) return palette[icv-8] || XLSIcv[icv];
@ -14043,10 +14061,10 @@ function parse_workbook(blob, options) {
case 'Index': break; // TODO
case 'Lbl':
last_lbl = {
last_lbl = ({
Name: val.Name,
Ref: stringify_formula(val.rgce,range,null,supbooks,opts)
if(val.itab > 0) last_lbl.Sheet = val.itab - 1;
if(!supbooks[0]) supbooks[0] = [];
@ -14061,7 +14079,7 @@ function parse_workbook(blob, options) {
case 'NameCmt':
/* TODO: search for correct name */
if(opts.biff < 8) break;
last_lbl.Comment = val[1];
if(last_lbl != null) last_lbl.Comment = val[1];
case 'Protect': out["!protect"] = val; break; /* for sheet or book */
@ -14087,7 +14105,7 @@ function parse_workbook(blob, options) {
if(cur_sheet === "") Preamble = out; else Sheets[cur_sheet] = out;
out = options.dense ? [] : {};
out = ((options.dense ? [] : {}));
} break;
case 'BOF': {
if(opts.biff !== 8){/* empty */}
@ -14100,7 +14118,7 @@ function parse_workbook(blob, options) {
else if(val.BIFFVer === 0x0007) opts.biff = 2;
if(file_depth++) break;
cell_valid = true;
out = (options.dense ? [] : {});
out = ((options.dense ? [] : {}));
if(opts.biff < 5) {
if(cur_sheet === "") cur_sheet = "Sheet1";
@ -14123,19 +14141,19 @@ function parse_workbook(blob, options) {
case 'Number': case 'BIFF2NUM': case 'BIFF2INT': {
if(out["!type"] == "chart") if(options.dense ? (out[val.r]||[])[val.c]: out[encode_cell({c:val.c, r:val.r})]) ++val.c;
temp_val = {ixfe: val.ixfe, XF: XFs[val.ixfe]||{}, v:val.val, t:'n'};
temp_val = ({ixfe: val.ixfe, XF: XFs[val.ixfe]||{}, v:val.val, t:'n'});
if(BIFF2Fmt > 0) temp_val.z = BIFF2FmtTable[(temp_val.ixfe>>8) & 0x1F];
safe_format_xf(temp_val, options, wb.opts.Date1904);
addcell({c:val.c, r:val.r}, temp_val, options);
} break;
case 'BoolErr': {
temp_val = {ixfe: val.ixfe, XF: XFs[val.ixfe], v:val.val, t:val.t};
temp_val = ({ixfe: val.ixfe, XF: XFs[val.ixfe], v:val.val, t:val.t});
if(BIFF2Fmt > 0) temp_val.z = BIFF2FmtTable[(temp_val.ixfe>>8) & 0x1F];
safe_format_xf(temp_val, options, wb.opts.Date1904);
addcell({c:val.c, r:val.r}, temp_val, options);
} break;
case 'RK': {
temp_val = {ixfe: val.ixfe, XF: XFs[val.ixfe], v:val.rknum, t:'n'};
temp_val = ({ixfe: val.ixfe, XF: XFs[val.ixfe], v:val.rknum, t:'n'});
if(BIFF2Fmt > 0) temp_val.z = BIFF2FmtTable[(temp_val.ixfe>>8) & 0x1F];
safe_format_xf(temp_val, options, wb.opts.Date1904);
addcell({c:val.c, r:val.r}, temp_val, options);
@ -14143,7 +14161,7 @@ function parse_workbook(blob, options) {
case 'MulRk': {
for(var j = val.c; j <= val.C; ++j) {
var ixfe = val.rkrec[j-val.c][0];
temp_val= {ixfe:ixfe, XF:XFs[ixfe], v:val.rkrec[j-val.c][1], t:'n'};
temp_val= ({ixfe:ixfe, XF:XFs[ixfe], v:val.rkrec[j-val.c][1], t:'n'});
if(BIFF2Fmt > 0) temp_val.z = BIFF2FmtTable[(temp_val.ixfe>>8) & 0x1F];
safe_format_xf(temp_val, options, wb.opts.Date1904);
addcell({c:j, r:val.r}, temp_val, options);
@ -14151,7 +14169,7 @@ function parse_workbook(blob, options) {
} break;
case 'Formula': {
if(val.val == 'String') { last_formula = val; break; }
temp_val = ({v:val.val, ixfe:val.cell.ixfe, t:val.tt});
temp_val = make_cell(val.val, val.cell.ixfe, val.tt);
temp_val.XF = XFs[temp_val.ixfe];
if(options.cellFormula) {
var _f = val.formula;
@ -14170,7 +14188,7 @@ function parse_workbook(blob, options) {
case 'String': {
if(last_formula) { /* technically always true */
last_formula.val = val;
temp_val = ({v:val, ixfe:last_formula.cell.ixfe, t:'s'});
temp_val = make_cell(val, last_formula.cell.ixfe, 's');
temp_val.XF = XFs[temp_val.ixfe];
if(options.cellFormula) {
temp_val.f = ""+stringify_formula(last_formula.formula, range, last_formula.cell, supbooks, opts);
@ -14211,7 +14229,7 @@ function parse_workbook(blob, options) {
addcell({c:val.c, r:val.r}, temp_val, options);
case 'Blank': if(options.sheetStubs) {
temp_val = {ixfe: val.ixfe, XF: XFs[val.ixfe], t:'z'};
temp_val = ({ixfe: val.ixfe, XF: XFs[val.ixfe], t:'z'});
if(BIFF2Fmt > 0) temp_val.z = BIFF2FmtTable[(temp_val.ixfe>>8) & 0x1F];
safe_format_xf(temp_val, options, wb.opts.Date1904);
addcell({c:val.c, r:val.r}, temp_val, options);
@ -14219,7 +14237,7 @@ function parse_workbook(blob, options) {
case 'MulBlank': if(options.sheetStubs) {
for(var _j = val.c; _j <= val.C; ++_j) {
var _ixfe = val.ixfe[_j-val.c];
temp_val= {ixfe:_ixfe, XF:XFs[_ixfe], t:'z'};
temp_val= ({ixfe:_ixfe, XF:XFs[_ixfe], t:'z'});
if(BIFF2Fmt > 0) temp_val.z = BIFF2FmtTable[(temp_val.ixfe>>8) & 0x1F];
safe_format_xf(temp_val, options, wb.opts.Date1904);
addcell({c:_j, r:val.r}, temp_val, options);
@ -14310,12 +14328,7 @@ function parse_workbook(blob, options) {
case 'TopMargin':
case 'BottomMargin':
if(!out['!margins']) default_margins(out['!margins'] = {});
switch(Rn) {
case 'LeftMargin': out['!margins'].left = val; break;
case 'RightMargin': out['!margins'].right = val; break;
case 'TopMargin': out['!margins'].top = val; break;
case 'BottomMargin': out['!margins'].bottom = val; break;
out['!margins'][Rn.slice(0,-6).toLowerCase()] = val;
case 'Setup': // TODO
@ -15978,7 +15991,7 @@ function write_biff_buf(wb, opts) {
return ba.end();
/* TODO: in browser attach to DOM; in node use an html parser */
/* note: browser DOM element cannot see mso- style attrs, must parse */
var HTML_ = (function() {
function html_to_sheet(str, _opts) {
var opts = _opts || {};
@ -16034,6 +16047,7 @@ var HTML_ = (function() {
function make_html_row(ws, r, R, o) {
var M = (ws['!merges'] ||[]);
var oo = [];
var nullcell = "<td" + (o.editable ? ' contenteditable="true"' : "" ) + "></td>";
for(var C = r.s.c; C <= r.e.c; ++C) {
var RS = 0, CS = 0;
for(var j = 0; j < M.length; ++j) {
@ -16045,28 +16059,36 @@ var HTML_ = (function() {
if(RS < 0) continue;
var coord = encode_cell({r:R,c:C});
var cell = o.dense ? (ws[R]||[])[C] : ws[coord];
if(!cell || cell.v == null) { oo.push("<td></td>"); continue; }
if(!cell || cell.v == null) { oo.push(nullcell); continue; }
/* TODO: html entities */
var w = cell.h || escapexml(cell.w || (format_cell(cell), cell.w) || "");
var sp = {};
if(RS > 1) sp.rowspan = RS;
if(CS > 1) sp.colspan = CS;
if(o.editable) sp.contenteditable = "true";
oo.push(writextag('td', w, sp));
return "<tr>" + oo.join("") + "</tr>";
var _BEGIN = "<html><head><title>SheetJS Table Export</title></head><body><table>";
var _END = "</table></body></html>";
function sheet_to_html(ws, opts) {
var o = [];
var o = opts || {};
var out = [];
var r = decode_range(ws['!ref']);
o.dense = Array.isArray(ws);
for(var R = r.s.r; R <= r.e.r; ++R) o.push(make_html_row(ws, r, R, o));
return "<html><body><table>" + o.join("") + "</table></body></html>";
for(var R = r.s.r; R <= r.e.r; ++R) out.push(make_html_row(ws, r, R, o));
var header = o.header != null ? o.header : _BEGIN;
var footer = o.footer != null ? o.footer : _END;
return header + out.join("") + footer ;
return {
to_workbook: html_to_book,
to_sheet: html_to_sheet,
_row: make_html_row,
from_sheet: sheet_to_html
@ -16083,7 +16105,7 @@ function parse_dom_table(table, _opts) {
var row = rows[R];
var elts = row.children;
for(_C = C = 0; _C < elts.length; ++_C) {
var elt = elts[_C], v = elts[_C].innerText;
var elt = elts[_C], v = elts[_C].innerText || elts[_C].textContent;
for(midx = 0; midx < merges.length; ++midx) {
var m = merges[midx];
if(m.s.c == C && m.s.r <= R && R <= m.e.r) { C = m.e.c+1; midx = -1; }
@ -16092,7 +16114,14 @@ function parse_dom_table(table, _opts) {
CS = +elt.getAttribute("colspan") || 1;
if((RS = +elt.getAttribute("rowspan"))>0 || CS>1) merges.push({s:{r:R,c:C},e:{r:R + (RS||1) - 1, c:C + CS - 1}});
var o = {t:'s', v:v};
if(v != null && v.length && !isNaN(Number(v))) o = {t:'n', v:Number(v)};
if(v != null && v.length) {
if(!isNaN(Number(v))) o = {t:'n', v:Number(v)};
else if(!isNaN(fuzzydate(v).getDate())) {
o = ({t:'d', v:parseDate(v)});
if(!opts.cellDates) o = ({t:'n', v:datenum(o.v)});
o.z = opts.dateNF || SSF._table[14];
if(opts.dense) { if(!ws[R]) ws[R] = []; ws[R][C] = o; }
else ws[encode_cell({c:C, r:R})] = o;
if(range.e.c < C) range.e.c = C;
@ -16998,8 +17027,7 @@ function parse_xlsxcfb(cfb, opts) {
data = cfb.find(f);
if(!data) throw new Error("ECMA-376 Encrypted file missing " + f);
var dsm = parse_DataSpaceMap(data.content);
if(dsm.length != 1 || dsm[0].comps.length != 1 || dsm[0].comps[0].t != 0 ||
dsm[0].name != "StrongEncryptionDataSpace" || dsm[0].comps[0].v != "EncryptedPackage")
if(dsm.length != 1 || dsm[0].comps.length != 1 || dsm[0].comps[0].t != 0 || dsm[0].name != "StrongEncryptionDataSpace" || dsm[0].comps[0].v != "EncryptedPackage")
throw new Error("ECMA-376 Encrypted file bad " + f);
f = 'StrongEncryptionDataSpace';
@ -17509,6 +17537,7 @@ function sheet_to_formulae(sheet) {
function json_to_sheet(js, opts) {
var o = opts || {};
var ws = ({});
var cell;
var range = ({s: {c:0, r:0}, e: {c:0, r:js.length}});
var hdr = o.header || [], C = 0;
@ -17517,11 +17546,17 @@ function json_to_sheet(js, opts) {
if((C=hdr.indexOf(k)) == -1) hdr[C=hdr.length] = k;
var v = js[R][k];
var t = 'z';
var z = "";
if(typeof v == 'number') t = 'n';
else if(typeof v == 'boolean') t = 'b';
else if(typeof v == 'string') t = 's';
else if(v instanceof Date) t = 'd';
ws[encode_cell({c:C,r:R+1})] = {t:t, v:v};
else if(v instanceof Date) {
t = 'd';
if(!o.cellDates) { t = 'n'; v = datenum(v); }
z = o.dateNF || SSF._table[14];
ws[encode_cell({c:C,r:R+1})] = cell = ({t:t, v:v});
if(z) cell.z = z;
range.e.c = hdr.length - 1;
@ -17551,13 +17586,14 @@ var utils = {
table_to_book: table_to_book,
sheet_to_csv: sheet_to_csv,
sheet_to_json: sheet_to_json,
sheet_to_html: HTML_.from_sheet,
sheet_to_formulae: sheet_to_formulae,
sheet_to_row_object_array: sheet_to_json
(function(utils) {
utils.consts = utils.consts || {};
function add_consts(R) { R.forEach(function(a){ utils.consts[a[0]] = a[1]; }); }
function add_consts(R/*Array<any>*/) { R.forEach(function(a){ utils.consts[a[0]] = a[1]; }); }
function get_default(x, y, z) { return x[y] != null ? x[y] : (x[y] = z); }
@ -17568,7 +17604,7 @@ function ws_get_cell_stub(ws, R, C) {
/* cell address object */
if(typeof R != "number") return ws_get_cell_stub(ws, encode_cell(R));
/* R and C are 0-based indices */
return ws_get_cell_stub(ws, encode_cell({r:R,c:C}));
return ws_get_cell_stub(ws, encode_cell({r:R,c:C||0}));
/* find sheet index for given name / validate index */
@ -17590,7 +17626,8 @@ utils.book_new = function() {
/* add a worksheet to the end of a given workbook */
utils.book_append_sheet = function(wb, ws, name) {
if(!name) for(var i = 1; i <= 0xFFFF; ++i) if(wb.SheetNames.indexOf("Sheet" + i) == -1) break;
if(!name) for(var i = 1; i <= 0xFFFF; ++i) if(wb.SheetNames.indexOf(name = "Sheet" + i) == -1) break;
if(!name) throw new Error("Too many worksheets");
if(wb.SheetNames.indexOf(name) >= 0) throw new Error("Worksheet with name |" + name + "| already exists!");
@ -17604,12 +17641,14 @@ utils.book_set_sheet_visibility = function(wb, sh, vis) {
var idx = wb_sheet_idx(wb, sh);
// $FlowIgnore
get_default(wb.Workbook.Sheets,idx, {});
switch(vis) {
case 0: case 1: case 2: break;
default: throw new Error("Bad sheet visibility setting " + vis);
// $FlowIgnore
wb.Workbook.Sheets[idx].Hidden = vis;
@ -17629,7 +17668,7 @@ utils.cell_set_hyperlink = function(cell, target, tooltip) {
if(!target) {
delete cell.l;
} else {
cell.l = { Target: target };
cell.l = ({ Target: target });
if(tooltip) cell.l.Tooltip = tooltip;
return cell;
@ -17678,32 +17717,30 @@ if(has_buf && typeof require != 'undefined') (function() {
if(R > r.e.r) return stream.push(null);
while(R <= r.e.r) {
row = make_csv_row(sheet, r, R, cols, fs, rs, FS, o);
if(row == null) { ++R; continue; }
if(o.strip) row = row.replace(endregex,"");
stream.push(row + RS);
if(row != null) {
if(o.strip) row = row.replace(endregex,"");
stream.push(row + RS);
return stream;
var HTML_BEGIN = "<html><body><table>";
var HTML_END = "</table></body></html>";
var write_html_stream = function(sheet, opts) {
var stream = Readable();
var o = [];
var o = opts == null ? {} : opts;
var r = decode_range(sheet['!ref']), cell;
o.dense = Array.isArray(sheet);
var R = r.s.r;
var end = false;
stream._read = function() {
if(R > r.e.r) {
if(!end) { end = true; stream.push(HTML_END); }
if(!end) { end = true; stream.push(HTML_.END); }
return stream.push(null);
while(R <= r.e.r) {
@ -17734,7 +17771,6 @@ XLSX.writeFile = writeFileSync;
XLSX.writeFileSync = writeFileSync;
XLSX.writeFileAsync = writeFileAsync;
XLSX.utils = utils;
})(typeof exports !== 'undefined' ? exports : XLSX);
/*exported XLS */