- codepage updated to 1.6.0 (latest)
- clean up Makefile
- adapted .travis.yml to support 0.8
- removed test files that drifted from baseline
- removed XLSB pseudo-inverse tests due to fails in node 4+
- parsexmltag and other hot functions now better optimized for v8
- monomorphic functions (different types -> different funcs)
- more efficient decode_range implementation when source is trusted
- regular expressions cached and simplified without breaking correctness
- more efficient utf8 techniques when available
- XLSX: large functions broken down into sub-functions (e.g. `parse_ws_xml`)
- XLSB: avoid unnecessary binds
- XLSB: assume no exotic codepage exists (no one else tries to write XLSB)
- demo exposes rABS / worker / transferable options
- more tests
- jszip updated to 2.3.0
- SSF updated to 0.8.1
- codepage updated to 1.3.1
- jscs linting to check for trailing comma issues (h/t @altkatz)
- IE: phased out lazy string indexing in favor of charCodeAt
- XLSX: replaced certain operations in hot functions with faster alternatives
- updated SSF to 0.7.1
- improved coverage in tests
- read BOM, handle UTF16LE-encoded XML
- handle namespaces in [Content_Types].xml
- parse workbook rels to determine sheet files
- numbers OSX boolean support (apparently requires "0" or "1")
- XLSX force "General" style to be serialized, omit implied cell type and style
- updated SSF to 0.7.0 (h/t @sysarchitect)
- updated jszip to 2.2.2
- removed old tests/files path, replaced with test_files
- themes written
- ignore potential existence of thumbnail when calculating relationship ids