SheetJS 0a57229d3b version bump 0.15.6: niggles from 2012
- CFB prevent infinite loop (h/t @rossj)
- pass updated eslint checks (fixes  h/t @BjoernRave)
- defined name proper encoding (fixes  h/t @laohe98)
- correct theme color order (fixes  h/t @foreverpw)
- ODS / XLML more aggressive flagging of stub cells
- cellStyles implies sheetStubs
- updated SSF to 0.10.3
2020-03-15 03:57:44 -04:00

153 lines
5.7 KiB

function write_cfb_ctr(cfb/*:CFBContainer*/, o/*:WriteOpts*/)/*:any*/ {
switch(o.type) {
case "base64": case "binary": break;
case "buffer": case "array": o.type = ""; break;
case "file": return write_dl(o.file, CFB.write(cfb, {type:has_buf ? 'buffer' : ""}));
case "string": throw new Error("'string' output type invalid for '" + o.bookType + "' files");
default: throw new Error("Unrecognized type " + o.type);
return CFB.write(cfb, o);
/*:: declare var encrypt_agile:any; */
function write_zip_type(wb/*:Workbook*/, opts/*:?WriteOpts*/)/*:any*/ {
var o = opts||{};
var z = write_zip(wb, o);
var oopts = {};
if(o.compression) oopts.compression = 'DEFLATE';
if(o.password) oopts.type = has_buf ? "nodebuffer" : "string";
else switch(o.type) {
case "base64": oopts.type = "base64"; break;
case "binary": oopts.type = "string"; break;
case "string": throw new Error("'string' output type invalid for '" + o.bookType + "' files");
case "buffer":
case "file": oopts.type = has_buf ? "nodebuffer" : "string"; break;
default: throw new Error("Unrecognized type " + o.type);
var out = z.FullPaths ? CFB.write(z, {fileType:"zip", type: /*::(*/{"nodebuffer": "buffer", "string": "binary"}/*:: :any)*/[oopts.type] || oopts.type}) : z.generate(oopts);
/*jshint -W083 */
if(o.password && typeof encrypt_agile !== 'undefined') return write_cfb_ctr(encrypt_agile(out, o.password), o); // eslint-disable-line no-undef
/*jshint +W083 */
if(o.type === "file") return write_dl(o.file, out);
return o.type == "string" ? utf8read(/*::(*/out/*:: :any)*/) : out;
function write_cfb_type(wb/*:Workbook*/, opts/*:?WriteOpts*/)/*:any*/ {
var o = opts||{};
var cfb/*:CFBContainer*/ = write_xlscfb(wb, o);
return write_cfb_ctr(cfb, o);
function write_string_type(out/*:string*/, opts/*:WriteOpts*/, bom/*:?string*/)/*:any*/ {
if(!bom) bom = "";
var o = bom + out;
switch(opts.type) {
case "base64": return Base64.encode(utf8write(o));
case "binary": return utf8write(o);
case "string": return out;
case "file": return write_dl(opts.file, o, 'utf8');
case "buffer": {
if(has_buf) return Buffer_from(o, 'utf8');
else return write_string_type(o, {type:'binary'}).split("").map(function(c) { return c.charCodeAt(0); });
throw new Error("Unrecognized type " + opts.type);
function write_stxt_type(out/*:string*/, opts/*:WriteOpts*/)/*:any*/ {
switch(opts.type) {
case "base64": return Base64.encode(out);
case "binary": return out;
case "string": return out; /* override in sheet_to_txt */
case "file": return write_dl(opts.file, out, 'binary');
case "buffer": {
if(has_buf) return Buffer_from(out, 'binary');
else return out.split("").map(function(c) { return c.charCodeAt(0); });
throw new Error("Unrecognized type " + opts.type);
/* TODO: test consistency */
function write_binary_type(out, opts/*:WriteOpts*/)/*:any*/ {
switch(opts.type) {
case "string":
case "base64":
case "binary":
var bstr = "";
// $FlowIgnore
for(var i = 0; i < out.length; ++i) bstr += String.fromCharCode(out[i]);
return opts.type == 'base64' ? Base64.encode(bstr) : opts.type == 'string' ? utf8read(bstr) : bstr;
case "file": return write_dl(opts.file, out);
case "buffer": return out;
default: throw new Error("Unrecognized type " + opts.type);
function writeSync(wb/*:Workbook*/, opts/*:?WriteOpts*/) {
var o = opts||{};
if(o.cellStyles) { o.cellNF = true; o.sheetStubs = true; }
if(o.type == "array") { o.type = "binary"; var out/*:string*/ = (writeSync(wb, o)/*:any*/); o.type = "array"; return s2ab(out); }
switch(o.bookType || 'xlsb') {
case 'xml':
case 'xlml': return write_string_type(write_xlml(wb, o), o);
case 'slk':
case 'sylk': return write_string_type(write_slk_str(wb, o), o);
case 'htm':
case 'html': return write_string_type(write_htm_str(wb, o), o);
case 'txt': return write_stxt_type(write_txt_str(wb, o), o);
case 'csv': return write_string_type(write_csv_str(wb, o), o, "\ufeff");
case 'dif': return write_string_type(write_dif_str(wb, o), o);
case 'dbf': return write_binary_type(write_dbf_buf(wb, o), o);
case 'prn': return write_string_type(write_prn_str(wb, o), o);
case 'rtf': return write_string_type(write_rtf_str(wb, o), o);
case 'eth': return write_string_type(write_eth_str(wb, o), o);
case 'fods': return write_string_type(write_ods(wb, o), o);
case 'biff2': if(!o.biff) o.biff = 2; /* falls through */
case 'biff3': if(!o.biff) o.biff = 3; /* falls through */
case 'biff4': if(!o.biff) o.biff = 4; return write_binary_type(write_biff_buf(wb, o), o);
case 'biff5': if(!o.biff) o.biff = 5; /* falls through */
case 'biff8':
case 'xla':
case 'xls': if(!o.biff) o.biff = 8; return write_cfb_type(wb, o);
case 'xlsx':
case 'xlsm':
case 'xlam':
case 'xlsb':
case 'ods': return write_zip_type(wb, o);
default: throw new Error ("Unrecognized bookType |" + o.bookType + "|");
function resolve_book_type(o/*:WriteFileOpts*/) {
if(o.bookType) return;
var _BT = {
"xls": "biff8",
"htm": "html",
"slk": "sylk",
"socialcalc": "eth",
"Sh33tJS": "WTF"
var ext = o.file.slice(o.file.lastIndexOf(".")).toLowerCase();
if(ext.match(/^\.[a-z]+$/)) o.bookType = ext.slice(1);
o.bookType = _BT[o.bookType] || o.bookType;
function writeFileSync(wb/*:Workbook*/, filename/*:string*/, opts/*:?WriteFileOpts*/) {
var o = opts||{}; o.type = 'file';
o.file = filename;
return writeSync(wb, o);
function writeFileAsync(filename/*:string*/, wb/*:Workbook*/, opts/*:?WriteFileOpts*/, cb/*:?(e?:ErrnoError)=>void*/) {
var o = opts||{}; o.type = 'file';
o.file = filename;
o.type = 'buffer';
var _cb = cb; if(!(_cb instanceof Function)) _cb = (opts/*:any*/);
return _fs.writeFile(filename, writeSync(wb, o), _cb);