/*! sheetjs (C) 2013-present SheetJS -- http://sheetjs.com */ var subarray = function() { try { if (typeof Uint8Array == "undefined") return "slice"; if (typeof Uint8Array.prototype.subarray == "undefined") return "slice"; if (typeof Buffer !== "undefined") { if (typeof Buffer.prototype.subarray == "undefined") return "slice"; if ((typeof Buffer.from == "function" ? Buffer.from([72, 62]) : new Buffer([72, 62])) instanceof Uint8Array) return "subarray"; return "slice"; } return "subarray"; } catch (e) { return "slice"; } }(); function u8_to_dataview(array) { return new DataView(array.buffer, array.byteOffset, array.byteLength); } function u8str(u8) { return typeof TextDecoder != "undefined" ? new TextDecoder().decode(u8) : utf8read(a2s(u8)); } function stru8(str) { return typeof TextEncoder != "undefined" ? new TextEncoder().encode(str) : s2a(utf8write(str)); } function u8contains(body, search) { var L = body.indexOf(search[0]); if (L == -1) return false; outer: for (; L <= body.length - search.length; ++L) { for (var j = 0; j < search.length; ++j) if (body[L + j] != search[j]) continue outer; return true; } return false; } function u8concat(u8a) { var len = u8a.reduce(function(acc, x) { return acc + x.length; }, 0); var out = new Uint8Array(len); var off = 0; u8a.forEach(function(u8) { out.set(u8, off); off += u8.length; }); return out; } function popcnt(x) { x -= x >> 1 & 1431655765; x = (x & 858993459) + (x >> 2 & 858993459); return (x + (x >> 4) & 252645135) * 16843009 >>> 24; } function readDecimal128LE(buf, offset) { var exp = (buf[offset + 15] & 127) << 7 | buf[offset + 14] >> 1; var mantissa = buf[offset + 14] & 1; for (var j = offset + 13; j >= offset; --j) mantissa = mantissa * 256 + buf[j]; return (buf[offset + 15] & 128 ? -mantissa : mantissa) * Math.pow(10, exp - 6176); } function writeDecimal128LE(buf, offset, value) { var exp = Math.floor(value == 0 ? 0 : Math.LOG10E * Math.log(Math.abs(value))) + 6176 - 16; var mantissa = value / Math.pow(10, exp - 6176); buf[offset + 15] |= exp >> 7; buf[offset + 14] |= (exp & 127) << 1; for (var i = 0; mantissa >= 1; ++i, mantissa /= 256) buf[offset + i] = mantissa & 255; buf[offset + 15] |= value >= 0 ? 0 : 128; } function parse_varint49(buf, ptr) { var l = ptr ? ptr[0] : 0; var usz = buf[l] & 127; varint: if (buf[l++] >= 128) { usz |= (buf[l] & 127) << 7; if (buf[l++] < 128) break varint; usz |= (buf[l] & 127) << 14; if (buf[l++] < 128) break varint; usz |= (buf[l] & 127) << 21; if (buf[l++] < 128) break varint; usz += (buf[l] & 127) * Math.pow(2, 28); ++l; if (buf[l++] < 128) break varint; usz += (buf[l] & 127) * Math.pow(2, 35); ++l; if (buf[l++] < 128) break varint; usz += (buf[l] & 127) * Math.pow(2, 42); ++l; if (buf[l++] < 128) break varint; } if (ptr) ptr[0] = l; return usz; } function write_varint49(v) { var usz = new Uint8Array(7); usz[0] = v & 127; var L = 1; sz: if (v > 127) { usz[L - 1] |= 128; usz[L] = v >> 7 & 127; ++L; if (v <= 16383) break sz; usz[L - 1] |= 128; usz[L] = v >> 14 & 127; ++L; if (v <= 2097151) break sz; usz[L - 1] |= 128; usz[L] = v >> 21 & 127; ++L; if (v <= 268435455) break sz; usz[L - 1] |= 128; usz[L] = v / 256 >>> 21 & 127; ++L; if (v <= 34359738367) break sz; usz[L - 1] |= 128; usz[L] = v / 65536 >>> 21 & 127; ++L; if (v <= 4398046511103) break sz; usz[L - 1] |= 128; usz[L] = v / 16777216 >>> 21 & 127; ++L; } return usz[subarray](0, L); } function parse_packed_varints(buf) { var ptr = [0]; var out = []; while (ptr[0] < buf.length) out.push(parse_varint49(buf, ptr)); return out; } function write_packed_varints(nums) { return u8concat(nums.map(function(x) { return write_varint49(x); })); } function varint_to_i32(buf) { var l = 0, i32 = buf[l] & 127; varint: if (buf[l++] >= 128) { i32 |= (buf[l] & 127) << 7; if (buf[l++] < 128) break varint; i32 |= (buf[l] & 127) << 14; if (buf[l++] < 128) break varint; i32 |= (buf[l] & 127) << 21; if (buf[l++] < 128) break varint; i32 |= (buf[l] & 127) << 28; } return i32; } function parse_shallow(buf) { var out = [], ptr = [0]; while (ptr[0] < buf.length) { var off = ptr[0]; var num = parse_varint49(buf, ptr); var type = num & 7; num = Math.floor(num / 8); var len = 0; var res; if (num == 0) break; switch (type) { case 0: { var l = ptr[0]; while (buf[ptr[0]++] >= 128) ; res = buf[subarray](l, ptr[0]); } break; case 5: len = 4; res = buf[subarray](ptr[0], ptr[0] + len); ptr[0] += len; break; case 1: len = 8; res = buf[subarray](ptr[0], ptr[0] + len); ptr[0] += len; break; case 2: len = parse_varint49(buf, ptr); res = buf[subarray](ptr[0], ptr[0] + len); ptr[0] += len; break; case 3: case 4: default: throw new Error("PB Type ".concat(type, " for Field ").concat(num, " at offset ").concat(off)); } var v = { data: res, type: type }; if (out[num] == null) out[num] = [v]; else out[num].push(v); } return out; } function write_shallow(proto) { var out = []; proto.forEach(function(field, idx) { if (idx == 0) return; field.forEach(function(item) { if (!item.data) return; out.push(write_varint49(idx * 8 + item.type)); if (item.type == 2) out.push(write_varint49(item.data.length)); out.push(item.data); }); }); return u8concat(out); } function mappa(data, cb) { return (data == null ? void 0 : data.map(function(d) { return cb(d.data); })) || []; } function parse_iwa_file(buf) { var _a; var out = [], ptr = [0]; while (ptr[0] < buf.length) { var len = parse_varint49(buf, ptr); var ai = parse_shallow(buf[subarray](ptr[0], ptr[0] + len)); ptr[0] += len; var res = { id: varint_to_i32(ai[1][0].data), messages: [] }; ai[2].forEach(function(b) { var mi = parse_shallow(b.data); var fl = varint_to_i32(mi[3][0].data); res.messages.push({ meta: mi, data: buf[subarray](ptr[0], ptr[0] + fl) }); ptr[0] += fl; }); if ((_a = ai[3]) == null ? void 0 : _a[0]) res.merge = varint_to_i32(ai[3][0].data) >>> 0 > 0; out.push(res); } return out; } function write_iwa_file(ias) { var bufs = []; ias.forEach(function(ia) { var ai = [ [], [{ data: write_varint49(ia.id), type: 0 }], [] ]; if (ia.merge != null) ai[3] = [{ data: write_varint49(+!!ia.merge), type: 0 }]; var midata = []; ia.messages.forEach(function(mi) { midata.push(mi.data); mi.meta[3] = [{ type: 0, data: write_varint49(mi.data.length) }]; ai[2].push({ data: write_shallow(mi.meta), type: 2 }); }); var aipayload = write_shallow(ai); bufs.push(write_varint49(aipayload.length)); bufs.push(aipayload); midata.forEach(function(mid) { return bufs.push(mid); }); }); return u8concat(bufs); } function parse_snappy_chunk(type, buf) { if (type != 0) throw new Error("Unexpected Snappy chunk type ".concat(type)); var ptr = [0]; var usz = parse_varint49(buf, ptr); var chunks = []; while (ptr[0] < buf.length) { var tag = buf[ptr[0]] & 3; if (tag == 0) { var len = buf[ptr[0]++] >> 2; if (len < 60) ++len; else { var c = len - 59; len = buf[ptr[0]]; if (c > 1) len |= buf[ptr[0] + 1] << 8; if (c > 2) len |= buf[ptr[0] + 2] << 16; if (c > 3) len |= buf[ptr[0] + 3] << 24; len >>>= 0; len++; ptr[0] += c; } chunks.push(buf[subarray](ptr[0], ptr[0] + len)); ptr[0] += len; continue; } else { var offset = 0, length = 0; if (tag == 1) { length = (buf[ptr[0]] >> 2 & 7) + 4; offset = (buf[ptr[0]++] & 224) << 3; offset |= buf[ptr[0]++]; } else { length = (buf[ptr[0]++] >> 2) + 1; if (tag == 2) { offset = buf[ptr[0]] | buf[ptr[0] + 1] << 8; ptr[0] += 2; } else { offset = (buf[ptr[0]] | buf[ptr[0] + 1] << 8 | buf[ptr[0] + 2] << 16 | buf[ptr[0] + 3] << 24) >>> 0; ptr[0] += 4; } } if (offset == 0) throw new Error("Invalid offset 0"); var j = chunks.length - 1, off = offset; while (j >= 0 && off >= chunks[j].length) { off -= chunks[j].length; --j; } if (j < 0) { if (off == 0) off = chunks[j = 0].length; else throw new Error("Invalid offset beyond length"); } if (length < off) chunks.push(chunks[j][subarray](chunks[j].length - off, chunks[j].length - off + length)); else { if (off > 0) { chunks.push(chunks[j][subarray](chunks[j].length - off)); length -= off; } ++j; while (length >= chunks[j].length) { chunks.push(chunks[j]); length -= chunks[j].length; ++j; } if (length) chunks.push(chunks[j][subarray](0, length)); } if (chunks.length > 100) chunks = [u8concat(chunks)]; } } if (chunks.reduce(function(acc, u8) { return acc + u8.length; }, 0) != usz) throw new Error("Unexpected length: ".concat(chunks.reduce(function(acc, u8) { return acc + u8.length; }, 0), " != ").concat(usz)); return chunks; } function decompress_iwa_file(buf) { if (Array.isArray(buf)) buf = new Uint8Array(buf); var out = []; var l = 0; while (l < buf.length) { var t = buf[l++]; var len = buf[l] | buf[l + 1] << 8 | buf[l + 2] << 16; l += 3; out.push.apply(out, parse_snappy_chunk(t, buf[subarray](l, l + len))); l += len; } if (l !== buf.length) throw new Error("data is not a valid framed stream!"); return u8concat(out); } function compress_iwa_file(buf) { var out = []; var l = 0; while (l < buf.length) { var c = Math.min(buf.length - l, 268435455); var frame = new Uint8Array(4); out.push(frame); var usz = write_varint49(c); var L = usz.length; out.push(usz); if (c <= 60) { L++; out.push(new Uint8Array([c - 1 << 2])); } else if (c <= 256) { L += 2; out.push(new Uint8Array([240, c - 1 & 255])); } else if (c <= 65536) { L += 3; out.push(new Uint8Array([244, c - 1 & 255, c - 1 >> 8 & 255])); } else if (c <= 16777216) { L += 4; out.push(new Uint8Array([248, c - 1 & 255, c - 1 >> 8 & 255, c - 1 >> 16 & 255])); } else if (c <= 4294967296) { L += 5; out.push(new Uint8Array([252, c - 1 & 255, c - 1 >> 8 & 255, c - 1 >> 16 & 255, c - 1 >>> 24 & 255])); } out.push(buf[subarray](l, l + c)); L += c; frame[0] = 0; frame[1] = L & 255; frame[2] = L >> 8 & 255; frame[3] = L >> 16 & 255; l += c; } return u8concat(out); } var numbers_lut_new = function() { return { sst: [], rsst: [], ofmt: [], nfmt: [] }; }; function numbers_format_cell(cell, t, flags, ofmt, nfmt) { var _a, _b, _c, _d; var ctype = t & 255, ver = t >> 8; var fmt = ver >= 5 ? nfmt : ofmt; dur: if (flags & (ver > 4 ? 8 : 4) && cell.t == "n" && ctype == 7) { var dstyle = ((_a = fmt[7]) == null ? void 0 : _a[0]) ? parse_varint49(fmt[7][0].data) : -1; if (dstyle == -1) break dur; var dmin = ((_b = fmt[15]) == null ? void 0 : _b[0]) ? parse_varint49(fmt[15][0].data) : -1; var dmax = ((_c = fmt[16]) == null ? void 0 : _c[0]) ? parse_varint49(fmt[16][0].data) : -1; var auto = ((_d = fmt[40]) == null ? void 0 : _d[0]) ? parse_varint49(fmt[40][0].data) : -1; var d = cell.v, dd = d; autodur: if (auto) { if (d == 0) { dmin = dmax = 2; break autodur; } if (d >= 604800) dmin = 1; else if (d >= 86400) dmin = 2; else if (d >= 3600) dmin = 4; else if (d >= 60) dmin = 8; else if (d >= 1) dmin = 16; else dmin = 32; if (Math.floor(d) != d) dmax = 32; else if (d % 60) dmax = 16; else if (d % 3600) dmax = 8; else if (d % 86400) dmax = 4; else if (d % 604800) dmax = 2; if (dmax < dmin) dmax = dmin; } if (dmin == -1 || dmax == -1) break dur; var dstr = [], zstr = []; if (dmin == 1) { dd = d / 604800; if (dmax == 1) { zstr.push('d"d"'); } else { dd |= 0; d -= 604800 * dd; } dstr.push(dd + (dstyle == 2 ? " week" + (dd == 1 ? "" : "s") : dstyle == 1 ? "w" : "")); } if (dmin <= 2 && dmax >= 2) { dd = d / 86400; if (dmax > 2) { dd |= 0; d -= 86400 * dd; } zstr.push('d"d"'); dstr.push(dd + (dstyle == 2 ? " day" + (dd == 1 ? "" : "s") : dstyle == 1 ? "d" : "")); } if (dmin <= 4 && dmax >= 4) { dd = d / 3600; if (dmax > 4) { dd |= 0; d -= 3600 * dd; } zstr.push((dmin >= 4 ? "[h]" : "h") + '"h"'); dstr.push(dd + (dstyle == 2 ? " hour" + (dd == 1 ? "" : "s") : dstyle == 1 ? "h" : "")); } if (dmin <= 8 && dmax >= 8) { dd = d / 60; if (dmax > 8) { dd |= 0; d -= 60 * dd; } zstr.push((dmin >= 8 ? "[m]" : "m") + '"m"'); if (dstyle == 0) dstr.push((dmin == 8 && dmax == 8 || dd >= 10 ? "" : "0") + dd); else dstr.push(dd + (dstyle == 2 ? " minute" + (dd == 1 ? "" : "s") : dstyle == 1 ? "m" : "")); } if (dmin <= 16 && dmax >= 16) { dd = d; if (dmax > 16) { dd |= 0; d -= dd; } zstr.push((dmin >= 16 ? "[s]" : "s") + '"s"'); if (dstyle == 0) dstr.push((dmax == 16 && dmin == 16 || dd >= 10 ? "" : "0") + dd); else dstr.push(dd + (dstyle == 2 ? " second" + (dd == 1 ? "" : "s") : dstyle == 1 ? "s" : "")); } if (dmax >= 32) { dd = Math.round(1e3 * d); if (dmin < 32) zstr.push('.000"ms"'); if (dstyle == 0) dstr.push((dd >= 100 ? "" : dd >= 10 ? "0" : "00") + dd); else dstr.push(dd + (dstyle == 2 ? " millisecond" + (dd == 1 ? "" : "s") : dstyle == 1 ? "ms" : "")); } cell.w = dstr.join(dstyle == 0 ? ":" : " "); cell.z = zstr.join(dstyle == 0 ? '":"' : " "); if (dstyle == 0) cell.w = cell.w.replace(/:(\d\d\d)$/, ".$1"); } } function parse_old_storage(buf, lut, v) { var dv = u8_to_dataview(buf); var flags = dv.getUint32(4, true); var ridx = -1, sidx = -1, zidx = -1, ieee = NaN, dt = new Date(2001, 0, 1); var doff = v > 1 ? 12 : 8; if (flags & 2) { zidx = dv.getUint32(doff, true); doff += 4; } doff += popcnt(flags & (v > 1 ? 3468 : 396)) * 4; if (flags & 512) { ridx = dv.getUint32(doff, true); doff += 4; } doff += popcnt(flags & (v > 1 ? 12288 : 4096)) * 4; if (flags & 16) { sidx = dv.getUint32(doff, true); doff += 4; } if (flags & 32) { ieee = dv.getFloat64(doff, true); doff += 8; } if (flags & 64) { dt.setTime(dt.getTime() + dv.getFloat64(doff, true) * 1e3); doff += 8; } if (v > 1) { flags = dv.getUint32(8, true) >>> 16; if (flags & 255) { if (zidx == -1) zidx = dv.getUint32(doff, true); doff += 4; } } var ret; var t = buf[v >= 4 ? 1 : 2]; switch (t) { case 0: return void 0; case 2: ret = { t: "n", v: ieee }; break; case 3: ret = { t: "s", v: lut.sst[sidx] }; break; case 5: ret = { t: "d", v: dt }; break; case 6: ret = { t: "b", v: ieee > 0 }; break; case 7: ret = { t: "n", v: ieee }; break; case 8: ret = { t: "e", v: 0 }; break; case 9: { if (ridx > -1) ret = { t: "s", v: lut.rsst[ridx] }; else throw new Error("Unsupported cell type ".concat(buf[subarray](0, 4))); } break; default: throw new Error("Unsupported cell type ".concat(buf[subarray](0, 4))); } if (zidx > -1) numbers_format_cell(ret, t | v << 8, flags, lut.ofmt[zidx], lut.nfmt[zidx]); if (t == 7) ret.v /= 86400; return ret; } function parse_new_storage(buf, lut) { var dv = u8_to_dataview(buf); var flags = dv.getUint32(4, true); var fields = dv.getUint32(8, true); var doff = 12; var ridx = -1, sidx = -1, zidx = -1, d128 = NaN, ieee = NaN, dt = new Date(2001, 0, 1); if (fields & 1) { d128 = readDecimal128LE(buf, doff); doff += 16; } if (fields & 2) { ieee = dv.getFloat64(doff, true); doff += 8; } if (fields & 4) { dt.setTime(dt.getTime() + dv.getFloat64(doff, true) * 1e3); doff += 8; } if (fields & 8) { sidx = dv.getUint32(doff, true); doff += 4; } if (fields & 16) { ridx = dv.getUint32(doff, true); doff += 4; } var ret; var t = buf[1]; switch (t) { case 0: return void 0; case 2: ret = { t: "n", v: d128 }; break; case 3: ret = { t: "s", v: lut.sst[sidx] }; break; case 5: ret = { t: "d", v: dt }; break; case 6: ret = { t: "b", v: ieee > 0 }; break; case 7: ret = { t: "n", v: ieee }; break; case 8: ret = { t: "e", v: 0 }; break; case 9: ret = { t: "s", v: lut.rsst[ridx] }; break; case 10: ret = { t: "n", v: d128 }; break; default: throw new Error("Unsupported cell type ".concat(buf[1], " : ").concat(fields & 31, " : ").concat(buf[subarray](0, 4))); } doff += popcnt(fields & 8160) * 4; if (fields & 516096) { if (zidx == -1) zidx = dv.getUint32(doff, true); doff += 4; } if (zidx > -1) numbers_format_cell(ret, t | 5 << 8, fields >> 13, lut.ofmt[zidx], lut.nfmt[zidx]); if (t == 7) ret.v /= 86400; return ret; } function write_new_storage(cell, sst) { var out = new Uint8Array(32), dv = u8_to_dataview(out), l = 12, flags = 0; out[0] = 5; switch (cell.t) { case "n": out[1] = 2; writeDecimal128LE(out, l, cell.v); flags |= 1; l += 16; break; case "b": out[1] = 6; dv.setFloat64(l, cell.v ? 1 : 0, true); flags |= 2; l += 8; break; case "s": if (sst.indexOf(cell.v) == -1) throw new Error("Value ".concat(cell.v, " missing from SST!")); out[1] = 3; dv.setUint32(l, sst.indexOf(cell.v), true); flags |= 8; l += 4; break; default: throw "unsupported cell type " + cell.t; } dv.setUint32(8, flags, true); return out[subarray](0, l); } function write_old_storage(cell, sst) { var out = new Uint8Array(32), dv = u8_to_dataview(out), l = 12, flags = 0; out[0] = 4; switch (cell.t) { case "n": out[2] = 2; dv.setFloat64(l, cell.v, true); flags |= 32; l += 8; break; case "b": out[2] = 6; dv.setFloat64(l, cell.v ? 1 : 0, true); flags |= 32; l += 8; break; case "s": if (sst.indexOf(cell.v) == -1) throw new Error("Value ".concat(cell.v, " missing from SST!")); out[2] = 3; dv.setUint32(l, sst.indexOf(cell.v), true); flags |= 16; l += 4; break; default: throw "unsupported cell type " + cell.t; } dv.setUint32(8, flags, true); return out[subarray](0, l); } function parse_cell_storage(buf, lut) { switch (buf[0]) { case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: return parse_old_storage(buf, lut, buf[0]); case 5: return parse_new_storage(buf, lut); default: throw new Error("Unsupported payload version ".concat(buf[0])); } } function parse_TSP_Reference(buf) { var pb = parse_shallow(buf); return parse_varint49(pb[1][0].data); } function write_TSP_Reference(idx) { return write_shallow([ [], [{ type: 0, data: write_varint49(idx) }] ]); } function parse_TST_TableDataList(M, root) { var pb = parse_shallow(root.data); var type = varint_to_i32(pb[1][0].data); var entries = pb[3]; var data = []; (entries || []).forEach(function(entry) { var le = parse_shallow(entry.data); var key = varint_to_i32(le[1][0].data) >>> 0; switch (type) { case 1: data[key] = u8str(le[3][0].data); break; case 8: { var rt = M[parse_TSP_Reference(le[9][0].data)][0]; var rtp = parse_shallow(rt.data); var rtpref = M[parse_TSP_Reference(rtp[1][0].data)][0]; var mtype = varint_to_i32(rtpref.meta[1][0].data); if (mtype != 2001) throw new Error("2000 unexpected reference to ".concat(mtype)); var tswpsa = parse_shallow(rtpref.data); data[key] = tswpsa[3].map(function(x) { return u8str(x.data); }).join(""); } break; case 2: data[key] = parse_shallow(le[6][0].data); break; default: throw type; } }); return data; } function parse_TST_TileRowInfo(u8, type) { var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f, _g, _h, _i, _j, _k, _l, _m, _n; var pb = parse_shallow(u8); var R = varint_to_i32(pb[1][0].data) >>> 0; var cnt = varint_to_i32(pb[2][0].data) >>> 0; var wide_offsets = ((_b = (_a = pb[8]) == null ? void 0 : _a[0]) == null ? void 0 : _b.data) && varint_to_i32(pb[8][0].data) > 0 || false; var used_storage_u8, used_storage; if (((_d = (_c = pb[7]) == null ? void 0 : _c[0]) == null ? void 0 : _d.data) && type != 0) { used_storage_u8 = (_f = (_e = pb[7]) == null ? void 0 : _e[0]) == null ? void 0 : _f.data; used_storage = (_h = (_g = pb[6]) == null ? void 0 : _g[0]) == null ? void 0 : _h.data; } else if (((_j = (_i = pb[4]) == null ? void 0 : _i[0]) == null ? void 0 : _j.data) && type != 1) { used_storage_u8 = (_l = (_k = pb[4]) == null ? void 0 : _k[0]) == null ? void 0 : _l.data; used_storage = (_n = (_m = pb[3]) == null ? void 0 : _m[0]) == null ? void 0 : _n.data; } else throw "NUMBERS Tile missing ".concat(type, " cell storage"); var width = wide_offsets ? 4 : 1; var used_storage_offsets = u8_to_dataview(used_storage_u8); var offsets = []; for (var C = 0; C < used_storage_u8.length / 2; ++C) { var off = used_storage_offsets.getUint16(C * 2, true); if (off < 65535) offsets.push([C, off]); } if (offsets.length != cnt) throw "Expected ".concat(cnt, " cells, found ").concat(offsets.length); var cells = []; for (C = 0; C < offsets.length - 1; ++C) cells[offsets[C][0]] = used_storage[subarray](offsets[C][1] * width, offsets[C + 1][1] * width); if (offsets.length >= 1) cells[offsets[offsets.length - 1][0]] = used_storage[subarray](offsets[offsets.length - 1][1] * width); return { R: R, cells: cells }; } function parse_TST_Tile(M, root) { var _a; var pb = parse_shallow(root.data); var storage = -1; if ((_a = pb == null ? void 0 : pb[7]) == null ? void 0 : _a[0]) { if (varint_to_i32(pb[7][0].data) >>> 0) storage = 1; else storage = 0; } var ri = mappa(pb[5], function(u8) { return parse_TST_TileRowInfo(u8, storage); }); return { nrows: varint_to_i32(pb[4][0].data) >>> 0, data: ri.reduce(function(acc, x) { if (!acc[x.R]) acc[x.R] = []; x.cells.forEach(function(cell, C) { if (acc[x.R][C]) throw new Error("Duplicate cell r=".concat(x.R, " c=").concat(C)); acc[x.R][C] = cell; }); return acc; }, []) }; } function parse_TST_TableModelArchive(M, root, ws) { var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f; var pb = parse_shallow(root.data); var range = { s: { r: 0, c: 0 }, e: { r: 0, c: 0 } }; range.e.r = (varint_to_i32(pb[6][0].data) >>> 0) - 1; if (range.e.r < 0) throw new Error("Invalid row varint ".concat(pb[6][0].data)); range.e.c = (varint_to_i32(pb[7][0].data) >>> 0) - 1; if (range.e.c < 0) throw new Error("Invalid col varint ".concat(pb[7][0].data)); ws["!ref"] = encode_range(range); var dense = Array.isArray(ws); var store = parse_shallow(pb[4][0].data); var lut = numbers_lut_new(); if ((_a = store[4]) == null ? void 0 : _a[0]) lut.sst = parse_TST_TableDataList(M, M[parse_TSP_Reference(store[4][0].data)][0]); if ((_b = store[11]) == null ? void 0 : _b[0]) lut.ofmt = parse_TST_TableDataList(M, M[parse_TSP_Reference(store[11][0].data)][0]); if ((_c = store[17]) == null ? void 0 : _c[0]) lut.rsst = parse_TST_TableDataList(M, M[parse_TSP_Reference(store[17][0].data)][0]); if ((_d = store[22]) == null ? void 0 : _d[0]) lut.nfmt = parse_TST_TableDataList(M, M[parse_TSP_Reference(store[22][0].data)][0]); var tile = parse_shallow(store[3][0].data); var _R = 0; tile[1].forEach(function(t) { var tl = parse_shallow(t.data); var ref2 = M[parse_TSP_Reference(tl[2][0].data)][0]; var mtype2 = varint_to_i32(ref2.meta[1][0].data); if (mtype2 != 6002) throw new Error("6001 unexpected reference to ".concat(mtype2)); var _tile = parse_TST_Tile(M, ref2); _tile.data.forEach(function(row, R) { row.forEach(function(buf, C) { var res = parse_cell_storage(buf, lut); if (res) { if (dense) { if (!ws[_R + R]) ws[_R + R] = []; ws[_R + R][C] = res; } else { var addr = encode_cell({ r: _R + R, c: C }); ws[addr] = res; } } }); }); _R += _tile.nrows; }); if ((_e = store[13]) == null ? void 0 : _e[0]) { var ref = M[parse_TSP_Reference(store[13][0].data)][0]; var mtype = varint_to_i32(ref.meta[1][0].data); if (mtype != 6144) throw new Error("Expected merge type 6144, found ".concat(mtype)); ws["!merges"] = (_f = parse_shallow(ref.data)) == null ? void 0 : _f[1].map(function(pi) { var merge = parse_shallow(pi.data); var origin = u8_to_dataview(parse_shallow(merge[1][0].data)[1][0].data), size = u8_to_dataview(parse_shallow(merge[2][0].data)[1][0].data); return { s: { r: origin.getUint16(0, true), c: origin.getUint16(2, true) }, e: { r: origin.getUint16(0, true) + size.getUint16(0, true) - 1, c: origin.getUint16(2, true) + size.getUint16(2, true) - 1 } }; }); } } function parse_TST_TableInfoArchive(M, root, opts) { var pb = parse_shallow(root.data); var out; if (!(opts == null ? void 0 : opts.dense)) out = { "!ref": "A1" }; else out = []; out["!ref"] = "A1"; var tableref = M[parse_TSP_Reference(pb[2][0].data)]; var mtype = varint_to_i32(tableref[0].meta[1][0].data); if (mtype != 6001) throw new Error("6000 unexpected reference to ".concat(mtype)); parse_TST_TableModelArchive(M, tableref[0], out); return out; } function parse_TN_SheetArchive(M, root, opts) { var _a; var pb = parse_shallow(root.data); var out = { name: ((_a = pb[1]) == null ? void 0 : _a[0]) ? u8str(pb[1][0].data) : "", sheets: [] }; var shapeoffs = mappa(pb[2], parse_TSP_Reference); shapeoffs.forEach(function(off) { M[off].forEach(function(m) { var mtype = varint_to_i32(m.meta[1][0].data); if (mtype == 6e3) out.sheets.push(parse_TST_TableInfoArchive(M, m, opts)); }); }); return out; } function parse_TN_DocumentArchive(M, root, opts) { var _a; var out = book_new(); var pb = parse_shallow(root.data); if ((_a = pb[2]) == null ? void 0 : _a[0]) throw new Error("Keynote presentations are not supported"); var sheetoffs = mappa(pb[1], parse_TSP_Reference); sheetoffs.forEach(function(off) { M[off].forEach(function(m) { var mtype = varint_to_i32(m.meta[1][0].data); if (mtype == 2) { var root2 = parse_TN_SheetArchive(M, m, opts); root2.sheets.forEach(function(sheet, idx) { book_append_sheet(out, sheet, idx == 0 ? root2.name : root2.name + "_" + idx, true); }); } }); }); if (out.SheetNames.length == 0) throw new Error("Empty NUMBERS file"); out.bookType = "numbers"; return out; } function parse_numbers_iwa(cfb, opts) { var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f, _g, _h; var M = {}, indices = []; cfb.FullPaths.forEach(function(p) { if (p.match(/\.iwpv2/)) throw new Error("Unsupported password protection"); }); cfb.FileIndex.forEach(function(s) { if (!s.name.match(/\.iwa$/)) return; if (s.content[0] == 98) return; var o; try { o = decompress_iwa_file(s.content); } catch (e) { return console.log("?? " + s.content.length + " " + (e.message || e)); } var packets; try { packets = parse_iwa_file(o); } catch (e) { return console.log("## " + (e.message || e)); } packets.forEach(function(packet) { M[packet.id] = packet.messages; indices.push(packet.id); }); }); if (!indices.length) throw new Error("File has no messages"); if (((_d = (_c = (_b = (_a = M == null ? void 0 : M[1]) == null ? void 0 : _a[0]) == null ? void 0 : _b.meta) == null ? void 0 : _c[1]) == null ? void 0 : _d[0].data) && varint_to_i32(M[1][0].meta[1][0].data) == 1e4) throw new Error("Pages documents are not supported"); var docroot = ((_h = (_g = (_f = (_e = M == null ? void 0 : M[1]) == null ? void 0 : _e[0]) == null ? void 0 : _f.meta) == null ? void 0 : _g[1]) == null ? void 0 : _h[0].data) && varint_to_i32(M[1][0].meta[1][0].data) == 1 && M[1][0]; if (!docroot) indices.forEach(function(idx) { M[idx].forEach(function(iwam) { var mtype = varint_to_i32(iwam.meta[1][0].data) >>> 0; if (mtype == 1) { if (!docroot) docroot = iwam; else throw new Error("Document has multiple roots"); } }); }); if (!docroot) throw new Error("Cannot find Document root"); return parse_TN_DocumentArchive(M, docroot, opts); } function write_tile_row(tri, data, SST, wide) { var _a, _b; if (!((_a = tri[6]) == null ? void 0 : _a[0]) || !((_b = tri[7]) == null ? void 0 : _b[0])) throw "Mutation only works on post-BNC storages!"; var cnt = 0; if (tri[7][0].data.length < 2 * data.length) { var new_7 = new Uint8Array(2 * data.length); new_7.set(tri[7][0].data); tri[7][0].data = new_7; } if (tri[4][0].data.length < 2 * data.length) { var new_4 = new Uint8Array(2 * data.length); new_4.set(tri[4][0].data); tri[4][0].data = new_4; } var dv = u8_to_dataview(tri[7][0].data), last_offset = 0, cell_storage = []; var _dv = u8_to_dataview(tri[4][0].data), _last_offset = 0, _cell_storage = []; var width = wide ? 4 : 1; for (var C = 0; C < data.length; ++C) { if (data[C] == null) { dv.setUint16(C * 2, 65535, true); _dv.setUint16(C * 2, 65535); continue; } dv.setUint16(C * 2, last_offset / width, true); _dv.setUint16(C * 2, _last_offset / width, true); var celload, _celload; switch (typeof data[C]) { case "string": celload = write_new_storage({ t: "s", v: data[C] }, SST); _celload = write_old_storage({ t: "s", v: data[C] }, SST); break; case "number": celload = write_new_storage({ t: "n", v: data[C] }, SST); _celload = write_old_storage({ t: "n", v: data[C] }, SST); break; case "boolean": celload = write_new_storage({ t: "b", v: data[C] }, SST); _celload = write_old_storage({ t: "b", v: data[C] }, SST); break; default: throw new Error("Unsupported value " + data[C]); } cell_storage.push(celload); last_offset += celload.length; { _cell_storage.push(_celload); _last_offset += _celload.length; } ++cnt; } tri[2][0].data = write_varint49(cnt); tri[5][0].data = write_varint49(5); for (; C < tri[7][0].data.length / 2; ++C) { dv.setUint16(C * 2, 65535, true); _dv.setUint16(C * 2, 65535, true); } tri[6][0].data = u8concat(cell_storage); tri[3][0].data = u8concat(_cell_storage); tri[8] = [{ type: 0, data: write_varint49(wide ? 1 : 0) }]; return cnt; } function write_iwam(type, payload) { return { meta: [ [], [{ type: 0, data: write_varint49(type) }] ], data: payload }; } function get_unique_msgid(dep, dependents) { if (!dependents.last) dependents.last = 927262; for (var i = dependents.last; i < 2e6; ++i) if (!dependents[i]) { dependents[dependents.last = i] = dep; return i; } throw new Error("Too many messages"); } function build_numbers_deps(cfb) { var dependents = {}; var indices = []; cfb.FileIndex.map(function(fi, idx) { return [fi, cfb.FullPaths[idx]]; }).forEach(function(row) { var fi = row[0], fp = row[1]; if (fi.type != 2) return; if (!fi.name.match(/\.iwa/)) return; if (fi.name.match(/OperationStorage/)) return; parse_iwa_file(decompress_iwa_file(fi.content)).forEach(function(packet) { indices.push(packet.id); dependents[packet.id] = { deps: [], location: fp, type: varint_to_i32(packet.messages[0].meta[1][0].data) }; }); }); indices.sort(function(x, y) { return x - y; }); var indices_varint = indices.filter(function(x) { return x > 1; }).map(function(x) { return [x, write_varint49(x)]; }); cfb.FileIndex.forEach(function(fi) { if (!fi.name.match(/\.iwa/)) return; if (fi.name.match(/OperationStorage/)) return; parse_iwa_file(decompress_iwa_file(fi.content)).forEach(function(ia) { indices_varint.forEach(function(ivi) { if (ia.messages.some(function(mess) { return varint_to_i32(mess.meta[1][0].data) != 11006 && u8contains(mess.data, ivi[1]); })) { dependents[ivi[0]].deps.push(ia.id); } }); }); }); return dependents; } function write_numbers_iwa(wb, opts) { if (!opts || !opts.numbers) throw new Error("Must pass a `numbers` option -- check the README"); var cfb = CFB.read(opts.numbers, { type: "base64" }); var dependents = build_numbers_deps(cfb); var cfb_DA = CFB.find(cfb, dependents[1].location); if (!cfb_DA) throw "Could not find ".concat(dependents[1].location, " in Numbers template"); var iwa_DA = parse_iwa_file(decompress_iwa_file(cfb_DA.content)); var docroot = iwa_DA.find(function(packet) { return packet.id == 1; }); if (docroot == null) throw "Could not find message ".concat(1, " in Numbers template"); var sheetrefs = mappa(parse_shallow(docroot.messages[0].data)[1], parse_TSP_Reference); wb.SheetNames.forEach(function(name, idx) { return write_numbers_ws(cfb, dependents, wb.Sheets[name], name, idx, sheetrefs[idx]); }); return cfb; } function numbers_iwa_doit(cfb, deps, id, cb) { var entry = CFB.find(cfb, deps[id].location); if (!entry) throw "Could not find ".concat(deps[id].location, " in Numbers template"); var x = parse_iwa_file(decompress_iwa_file(entry.content)); var ainfo = x.find(function(packet) { return packet.id == id; }); cb(ainfo, x); entry.content = compress_iwa_file(write_iwa_file(x)); entry.size = entry.content.length; } function numbers_iwa_find(cfb, deps, id) { var entry = CFB.find(cfb, deps[id].location); if (!entry) throw "Could not find ".concat(deps[id].location, " in Numbers template"); var x = parse_iwa_file(decompress_iwa_file(entry.content)); var ainfo = x.find(function(packet) { return packet.id == id; }); return ainfo; } function write_numbers_ws(cfb, deps, ws, wsname, sheetidx, rootref) { if (sheetidx >= 1) return console.error("The Numbers writer currently writes only the first table"); var drawables = []; numbers_iwa_doit(cfb, deps, rootref, function(docroot) { var sheetref = parse_shallow(docroot.messages[0].data); { sheetref[1] = [{ type: 2, data: stru8(wsname) }]; drawables = mappa(sheetref[2], parse_TSP_Reference); } docroot.messages[0].data = write_shallow(sheetref); }); var tia = numbers_iwa_find(cfb, deps, drawables[0]); var tmaref = parse_TSP_Reference(parse_shallow(tia.messages[0].data)[2][0].data); numbers_iwa_doit(cfb, deps, tmaref, function(docroot, x) { return write_numbers_tma(cfb, deps, ws, docroot, x, tmaref); }); } var USE_WIDE_ROWS = true; function write_numbers_tma(cfb, deps, ws, tmaroot, tmafile, tmaref) { var _a, _b; var range = decode_range(ws["!ref"]); range.s.r = range.s.c = 0; var trunc = false; if (range.e.c > 999) { trunc = true; range.e.c = 999; } if (range.e.r > 999999) { trunc = true; range.e.r = 999999; } if (trunc) console.error("The Numbers writer is currently limited to ".concat(encode_range(range))); var data = sheet_to_json(ws, { range: range, header: 1 }); var SST = ["~Sh33tJ5~"]; data.forEach(function(row) { return row.forEach(function(cell) { if (typeof cell == "string") SST.push(cell); }); }); var loc = deps[tmaref].location; loc = loc.replace(/^Root Entry\//, ""); loc = loc.replace(/^Index\//, "").replace(/\.iwa$/, ""); var pb = parse_shallow(tmaroot.messages[0].data); { pb[6][0].data = write_varint49(range.e.r + 1); pb[7][0].data = write_varint49(range.e.c + 1); delete pb[46]; var store = parse_shallow(pb[4][0].data); { var row_header_ref = parse_TSP_Reference(parse_shallow(store[1][0].data)[2][0].data); numbers_iwa_doit(cfb, deps, row_header_ref, function(rowhead, _x) { var _a2; var base_bucket = parse_shallow(rowhead.messages[0].data); if ((_a2 = base_bucket == null ? void 0 : base_bucket[2]) == null ? void 0 : _a2[0]) for (var R2 = 0; R2 < data.length; ++R2) { var _bucket = parse_shallow(base_bucket[2][0].data); _bucket[1][0].data = write_varint49(R2); _bucket[4][0].data = write_varint49(data[R2].length); base_bucket[2][R2] = { type: base_bucket[2][0].type, data: write_shallow(_bucket) }; } rowhead.messages[0].data = write_shallow(base_bucket); }); var col_header_ref = parse_TSP_Reference(store[2][0].data); numbers_iwa_doit(cfb, deps, col_header_ref, function(colhead, _x) { var base_bucket = parse_shallow(colhead.messages[0].data); for (var C = 0; C <= range.e.c; ++C) { var _bucket = parse_shallow(base_bucket[2][0].data); _bucket[1][0].data = write_varint49(C); _bucket[4][0].data = write_varint49(range.e.r + 1); base_bucket[2][C] = { type: base_bucket[2][0].type, data: write_shallow(_bucket) }; } colhead.messages[0].data = write_shallow(base_bucket); }); var sstref = parse_TSP_Reference(store[4][0].data); numbers_iwa_doit(cfb, deps, sstref, function(sstroot) { var sstdata = parse_shallow(sstroot.messages[0].data); { sstdata[3] = []; SST.forEach(function(str, i) { sstdata[3].push({ type: 2, data: write_shallow([ [], [{ type: 0, data: write_varint49(i) }], [{ type: 0, data: write_varint49(1) }], [{ type: 2, data: stru8(str) }] ]) }); }); } sstroot.messages[0].data = write_shallow(sstdata); }); var rbtree = parse_shallow(store[9][0].data); rbtree[1] = []; var tilestore = parse_shallow(store[3][0].data); { var tstride = 256; tilestore[2] = [{ type: 0, data: write_varint49(tstride) }]; var tileref = parse_TSP_Reference(parse_shallow(tilestore[1][0].data)[2][0].data); var save_token = 0; { CFB.utils.cfb_del(cfb, deps[tileref].location); numbers_iwa_doit(cfb, deps, 2, function(ai) { var mlist = parse_shallow(ai.messages[0].data); var lst = mlist[3].filter(function(m) { return parse_varint49(parse_shallow(m.data)[1][0].data) == tileref; }); if (lst && lst.length > 0) save_token = parse_varint49(parse_shallow(lst[0].data)[12][0].data); mlist[3] = mlist[3].filter(function(m) { return parse_varint49(parse_shallow(m.data)[1][0].data) != tileref; }); var parentidx = mlist[3].findIndex(function(m) { var _a2, _b2; var mm = parse_shallow(m.data); if ((_a2 = mm[3]) == null ? void 0 : _a2[0]) return u8str(mm[3][0].data) == loc; if (((_b2 = mm[2]) == null ? void 0 : _b2[0]) && u8str(mm[2][0].data) == loc) return true; return false; }); var parent = parse_shallow(mlist[3][parentidx].data); if (!parent[6]) parent[6] = []; parent[6] = parent[6].filter(function(m) { return parse_varint49(parse_shallow(m.data)[1][0].data) != tileref; }); mlist[3][parentidx].data = write_shallow(parent); ai.messages[0].data = write_shallow(mlist); }); } tilestore[1] = []; var ntiles = Math.ceil((range.e.r + 1) / tstride); for (var tidx = 0; tidx < ntiles; ++tidx) { var newtileid = get_unique_msgid({ deps: [], location: "", type: 6002 }, deps); deps[newtileid].location = "Root Entry/Index/Tables/Tile-".concat(newtileid, ".iwa"); var tiledata = [ [], [{ type: 0, data: write_varint49(0) }], [{ type: 0, data: write_varint49(Math.min(range.e.r + 1, (tidx + 1) * tstride)) }], [{ type: 0, data: write_varint49(0) }], [{ type: 0, data: write_varint49(Math.min((tidx + 1) * tstride, range.e.r + 1) - tidx * tstride) }], [], [{ type: 0, data: write_varint49(5) }], [{ type: 0, data: write_varint49(1) }], [{ type: 0, data: write_varint49(USE_WIDE_ROWS ? 1 : 0) }] ]; for (var R = tidx * tstride; R <= Math.min(range.e.r, (tidx + 1) * tstride - 1); ++R) { var tilerow = [ [], [{ type: 0, data: write_varint49(0) }], [{ type: 0, data: write_varint49(0) }], [{ type: 2, data: new Uint8Array([]) }], [{ type: 2, data: new Uint8Array(Array.from({ length: 510 }, function() { return 255; })) }], [{ type: 0, data: write_varint49(5) }], [{ type: 2, data: new Uint8Array([]) }], [{ type: 2, data: new Uint8Array(Array.from({ length: 510 }, function() { return 255; })) }], [{ type: 0, data: write_varint49(1) }] ]; write_tile_row(tilerow, data[R], SST, USE_WIDE_ROWS); tilerow[1][0].data = write_varint49(R - tidx * tstride); tiledata[5].push({ data: write_shallow(tilerow), type: 2 }); } tilestore[1].push({ type: 2, data: write_shallow([ [], [{ type: 0, data: write_varint49(tidx) }], [{ type: 2, data: write_TSP_Reference(newtileid) }] ]) }); var newtile = { id: newtileid, messages: [write_iwam(6002, write_shallow(tiledata))] }; var tilecontent = compress_iwa_file(write_iwa_file([newtile])); CFB.utils.cfb_add(cfb, "/Index/Tables/Tile-".concat(newtileid, ".iwa"), tilecontent); numbers_iwa_doit(cfb, deps, 2, function(ai) { var mlist = parse_shallow(ai.messages[0].data); mlist[3].push({ type: 2, data: write_shallow([ [], [{ type: 0, data: write_varint49(newtileid) }], [{ type: 2, data: stru8("Tables/Tile") }], [{ type: 2, data: stru8("Tables/Tile-".concat(newtileid)) }], [{ type: 2, data: new Uint8Array([2, 0, 0]) }], [{ type: 2, data: new Uint8Array([2, 0, 0]) }], [], [], [], [], [{ type: 0, data: write_varint49(0) }], [], [{ type: 0, data: write_varint49(save_token) }] ]) }); mlist[1] = [{ type: 0, data: write_varint49(Math.max(newtileid + 1, parse_varint49(mlist[1][0].data))) }]; var parentidx = mlist[3].findIndex(function(m) { var _a2, _b2; var mm = parse_shallow(m.data); if ((_a2 = mm[3]) == null ? void 0 : _a2[0]) return u8str(mm[3][0].data) == loc; if (((_b2 = mm[2]) == null ? void 0 : _b2[0]) && u8str(mm[2][0].data) == loc) return true; return false; }); var parent = parse_shallow(mlist[3][parentidx].data); if (!parent[6]) parent[6] = []; parent[6].push({ type: 2, data: write_shallow([ [], [{ type: 0, data: write_varint49(newtileid) }] ]) }); mlist[3][parentidx].data = write_shallow(parent); ai.messages[0].data = write_shallow(mlist); }); var orefs = ((_a = tmaroot.messages[0].meta[5]) == null ? void 0 : _a[0]) ? parse_packed_varints(tmaroot.messages[0].meta[5][0].data) : []; var orefidx = orefs.indexOf(newtileid); if (orefidx == -1) { orefs[orefidx = orefs.length] = newtileid; tmaroot.messages[0].meta[5] = [{ type: 2, data: write_packed_varints(orefs) }]; } rbtree[1].push({ type: 2, data: write_shallow([ [], [{ type: 0, data: write_varint49(tidx * tstride) }], [{ type: 0, data: write_varint49(tidx) }] ]) }); } } store[3][0].data = write_shallow(tilestore); store[9][0].data = write_shallow(rbtree); store[10] = [{ type: 2, data: new Uint8Array([]) }]; if (ws["!merges"]) { var mergeid = get_unique_msgid({ type: 6144, deps: [tmaref], location: deps[tmaref].location }, deps); var mergedata = [[], []]; ws["!merges"].forEach(function(m) { mergedata[1].push({ type: 2, data: write_shallow([ [], [{ type: 2, data: write_shallow([ [], [{ type: 5, data: new Uint8Array(new Uint16Array([m.s.r, m.s.c]).buffer) }] ]) }], [{ type: 2, data: write_shallow([ [], [{ type: 5, data: new Uint8Array(new Uint16Array([m.e.r - m.s.r + 1, m.e.c - m.s.c + 1]).buffer) }] ]) }] ]) }); }); tmafile.push({ id: mergeid, messages: [write_iwam(6144, write_shallow(mergedata))] }); store[13] = [{ type: 2, data: write_TSP_Reference(mergeid) }]; numbers_iwa_doit(cfb, deps, 2, function(ai) { var mlist = parse_shallow(ai.messages[0].data); var parentidx = mlist[3].findIndex(function(m) { var _a2, _b2; var mm = parse_shallow(m.data); if ((_a2 = mm[3]) == null ? void 0 : _a2[0]) return u8str(mm[3][0].data) == loc; if (((_b2 = mm[2]) == null ? void 0 : _b2[0]) && u8str(mm[2][0].data) == loc) return true; return false; }); var parent = parse_shallow(mlist[3][parentidx].data); if (!parent[6]) parent[6] = []; parent[6].push({ type: 2, data: write_shallow([ [], [{ type: 0, data: write_varint49(mergeid) }] ]) }); mlist[3][parentidx].data = write_shallow(parent); ai.messages[0].data = write_shallow(mlist); }); orefs = ((_b = tmaroot.messages[0].meta[5]) == null ? void 0 : _b[0]) ? parse_packed_varints(tmaroot.messages[0].meta[5][0].data) : []; orefidx = orefs.indexOf(mergeid); if (orefidx == -1) { orefs[orefidx = orefs.length] = mergeid; tmaroot.messages[0].meta[5] = [{ type: 2, data: write_packed_varints(orefs) }]; } } else delete store[13]; } pb[4][0].data = write_shallow(store); } tmaroot.messages[0].data = write_shallow(pb); }