- blank cells are omitted or stubbed (fixes#770 h/t @doxma)
- bare equals signs are interpred as strings
- CSV / TSV determination based on frequency (fixes#732 h/t @nknapp)
- HTML DOM Element and CSV tests
- XLS do not leak XF and index (fixes#782 h/t @the-spyke)
- cellText and cellNF apply to CSV (fixes#781 h/t @the-spyke)
- TZ consistency for DBF and others (closes#663 h/t @peeyushsrivastava)
- Date1904 XLSX/XLSB/XLS/XLML consistency (fixes#175 h/t @SheetJSDev)
- dateNF corrects for plaintext date parsing (fixes#658 h/t @mmancosu)
- new travis tests override local time zones
- BIFF 2-12 formula parsing
- more content type coverage
- unified `.f` form: A1-style string
- `.F` field for array formulae
- formula output groups array formulae
- bin script -A --arrays output JS row objects
- whitespace robustness in inline string xml
- UTF-8 parsing in rich text runs (fixes#505 h/t @fuchsc)
- bold/italic/underline accept null val attr (h/t @qqilihq)
- sst trimming (fixes#176 h/t @shakhal @oising)
- codepage updated to 1.6.0 (latest)
- clean up Makefile
- adapted .travis.yml to support 0.8
- removed test files that drifted from baseline
- removed XLSB pseudo-inverse tests due to fails in node 4+
- jscs linting to check for trailing comma issues (h/t @altkatz)
- IE: phased out lazy string indexing in favor of charCodeAt
- XLSX: replaced certain operations in hot functions with faster alternatives
- updated SSF to 0.7.1
- improved coverage in tests
- read BOM, handle UTF16LE-encoded XML
- handle namespaces in [Content_Types].xml
- parse workbook rels to determine sheet files
- numbers OSX boolean support (apparently requires "0" or "1")
- XLSX force "General" style to be serialized, omit implied cell type and style
- updated SSF to 0.7.0 (h/t @sysarchitect)
- updated jszip to 2.2.2
- removed old tests/files path, replaced with test_files
- themes written
- ignore potential existence of thumbnail when calculating relationship ids
- very basic XLSX / XLSM write support with roundtrip tests (XLSB stubs)
- reorganized source tree
- new XLSB range check ensures that A1 is not emitted for empty sheets
- SSF table emitted in output (consistent with js-xls)
- CLI supports writing
Backwards-incompatible changes:
o new Property aliases (see CORE_PROPS and EXT_PROPS)
o FILETIME custom properties parsed as JS Dates
o `xlsx2csv` -> `xlsx` (and `bin/xlsx{2csv,}.njs`)
- all utilities are now wrapped in XLSX object
- codepage handling (h/t @xch89820)
- formula tag attributes (h/t @shaunthomas999)
- hyperlink support (h/t @sysarchitect, fixes#55)
- coverage test spinner (to prevent travis timeouts)
- merged test repo with xls
- travis integration
- shifted to Apache 2.0 LICENSE
- mocha tests
The shift to Apache 2.0 was long overdue. It's becoming clear that compliance
requires deeper integration with the xls libraries and other implementations
whose specifications are covered under the OSP. It was a grave oversight for
the ISO and ECMA people to not try to implement parsers themselves, for if they
did I suspect the outcome would have been much different