forked from sheetjs/sheetjs

256 lines
15 KiB
Raw Normal View History

function read_double_le(b/*:RawBytes|CFBlob*/, idx/*:number*/)/*:number*/ {
var s = 1 - 2 * (b[idx + 7] >>> 7);
var e = ((b[idx + 7] & 0x7f) << 4) + ((b[idx + 6] >>> 4) & 0x0f);
var m = (b[idx+6]&0x0f);
for(var i = 5; i >= 0; --i) m = m * 256 + b[idx + i];
if(e == 0x7ff) return m == 0 ? (s * Infinity) : NaN;
if(e == 0) e = -1022;
else { e -= 1023; m += Math.pow(2,52); }
return s * Math.pow(2, e - 52) * m;
function write_double_le(b/*:RawBytes|CFBlob*/, v/*:number*/, idx/*:number*/) {
var bs = ((((v < 0) || (1/v == -Infinity)) ? 1 : 0) << 7), e = 0, m = 0;
var av = bs ? (-v) : v;
if(!isFinite(av)) { e = 0x7ff; m = isNaN(v) ? 0x6969 : 0; }
else if(av == 0) e = m = 0;
else {
e = Math.floor(Math.log(av) / Math.LN2);
m = av * Math.pow(2, 52 - e);
if((e <= -1023) && (!isFinite(m) || (m < Math.pow(2,52)))) { e = -1022; }
else { m -= Math.pow(2,52); e+=1023; }
for(var i = 0; i <= 5; ++i, m/=256) b[idx + i] = m & 0xff;
b[idx + 6] = ((e & 0x0f) << 4) | (m & 0xf);
b[idx + 7] = (e >> 4) | bs;
2022-03-20 01:54:41 +00:00
var ___toBuffer = function(bufs/*:Array<Array<RawBytes> >*/)/*:RawBytes*/ { var x=[],w=10240; for(var i=0;i<bufs[0].length;++i) if(bufs[0][i]) for(var j=0,L=bufs[0][i].length;j<L;j+=w) x.push.apply(x, bufs[0][i].slice(j,j+w)); return x; };
var __toBuffer = has_buf ? function(bufs) { return (bufs[0].length > 0 && Buffer.isBuffer(bufs[0][0])) ? Buffer.concat(bufs[0].map(function(x) { return Buffer.isBuffer(x) ? x : Buffer_from(x); })) : ___toBuffer(bufs);} : ___toBuffer;
var ___utf16le = function(b/*:RawBytes|CFBlob*/,s/*:number*/,e/*:number*/)/*:string*/ { var ss/*:Array<string>*/=[]; for(var i=s; i<e; i+=2) ss.push(String.fromCharCode(__readUInt16LE(b,i))); return ss.join("").replace(chr0,''); };
2022-07-10 04:12:15 +00:00
var __utf16le = has_buf ? function(b/*:RawBytes|CFBlob*/,s/*:number*/,e/*:number*/)/*:string*/ { if(!Buffer.isBuffer(b)/*:: || !(b instanceof Buffer)*/ || !buf_utf16le) return ___utf16le(b,s,e); return b.toString('utf16le',s,e).replace(chr0,'')/*.replace(chr1,'!')*/; } : ___utf16le;
2022-03-20 01:54:41 +00:00
var ___hexlify = function(b/*:RawBytes|CFBlob*/,s/*:number*/,l/*:number*/)/*:string*/ { var ss/*:Array<string>*/=[]; for(var i=s; i<s+l; ++i) ss.push(("0" + b[i].toString(16)).slice(-2)); return ss.join(""); };
var __hexlify = has_buf ? function(b/*:RawBytes|CFBlob*/,s/*:number*/,l/*:number*/)/*:string*/ { return Buffer.isBuffer(b)/*:: && b instanceof Buffer*/ ? b.toString('hex',s,s+l) : ___hexlify(b,s,l); } : ___hexlify;
var ___utf8 = function(b/*:RawBytes|CFBlob*/,s/*:number*/,e/*:number*/) { var ss=[]; for(var i=s; i<e; i++) ss.push(String.fromCharCode(__readUInt8(b,i))); return ss.join(""); };
var __utf8 = has_buf ? function utf8_b(b/*:RawBytes|CFBlob*/, s/*:number*/, e/*:number*/) { return (Buffer.isBuffer(b)/*:: && (b instanceof Buffer)*/) ? b.toString('utf8',s,e) : ___utf8(b,s,e); } : ___utf8;
var ___lpstr = function(b/*:RawBytes|CFBlob*/,i/*:number*/) { var len = __readUInt32LE(b,i); return len > 0 ? __utf8(b, i+4,i+4+len-1) : "";};
var __lpstr = ___lpstr;
var ___cpstr = function(b/*:RawBytes|CFBlob*/,i/*:number*/) { var len = __readUInt32LE(b,i); return len > 0 ? __utf8(b, i+4,i+4+len-1) : "";};
var __cpstr = ___cpstr;
var ___lpwstr = function(b/*:RawBytes|CFBlob*/,i/*:number*/) { var len = 2*__readUInt32LE(b,i); return len > 0 ? __utf8(b, i+4,i+4+len-1) : "";};
var __lpwstr = ___lpwstr;
var ___lpp4 = function lpp4_(b/*:RawBytes|CFBlob*/,i/*:number*/) { var len = __readUInt32LE(b,i); return len > 0 ? __utf16le(b, i+4,i+4+len) : "";};
var __lpp4 = ___lpp4;
var ___8lpp4 = function(b/*:RawBytes|CFBlob*/,i/*:number*/) { var len = __readUInt32LE(b,i); return len > 0 ? __utf8(b, i+4,i+4+len) : "";};
var __8lpp4 = ___8lpp4;
var ___double = function(b/*:RawBytes|CFBlob*/, idx/*:number*/) { return read_double_le(b, idx);};
var __double = ___double;
2022-02-10 12:40:50 +00:00
var is_buf = function is_buf_a(a) { return Array.isArray(a) || (typeof Uint8Array !== "undefined" && a instanceof Uint8Array); };
if(has_buf/*:: && typeof Buffer !== 'undefined'*/) {
__lpstr = function lpstr_b(b/*:RawBytes|CFBlob*/, i/*:number*/) { if(!Buffer.isBuffer(b)/*:: || !(b instanceof Buffer)*/) return ___lpstr(b, i); var len = b.readUInt32LE(i); return len > 0 ? b.toString('utf8',i+4,i+4+len-1) : "";};
__cpstr = function cpstr_b(b/*:RawBytes|CFBlob*/, i/*:number*/) { if(!Buffer.isBuffer(b)/*:: || !(b instanceof Buffer)*/) return ___cpstr(b, i); var len = b.readUInt32LE(i); return len > 0 ? b.toString('utf8',i+4,i+4+len-1) : "";};
2022-07-10 04:12:15 +00:00
__lpwstr = function lpwstr_b(b/*:RawBytes|CFBlob*/, i/*:number*/) { if(!Buffer.isBuffer(b)/*:: || !(b instanceof Buffer)*/ || !buf_utf16le) return ___lpwstr(b, i); var len = 2*b.readUInt32LE(i); return b.toString('utf16le',i+4,i+4+len-1);};
__lpp4 = function lpp4_b(b/*:RawBytes|CFBlob*/, i/*:number*/) { if(!Buffer.isBuffer(b)/*:: || !(b instanceof Buffer)*/ || !buf_utf16le) return ___lpp4(b, i); var len = b.readUInt32LE(i); return b.toString('utf16le',i+4,i+4+len);};
__8lpp4 = function lpp4_8b(b/*:RawBytes|CFBlob*/, i/*:number*/) { if(!Buffer.isBuffer(b)/*:: || !(b instanceof Buffer)*/) return ___8lpp4(b, i); var len = b.readUInt32LE(i); return b.toString('utf8',i+4,i+4+len);};
__double = function double_(b/*:RawBytes|CFBlob*/, i/*:number*/) { if(Buffer.isBuffer(b)/*::&& b instanceof Buffer*/) return b.readDoubleLE(i); return ___double(b,i); };
2022-02-10 12:40:50 +00:00
is_buf = function is_buf_b(a) { return Buffer.isBuffer(a) || Array.isArray(a) || (typeof Uint8Array !== "undefined" && a instanceof Uint8Array); };
/* from js-xls */
2022-02-13 09:35:34 +00:00
function cpdoit() {
2022-03-11 05:29:05 +00:00
__utf16le = function(b/*:RawBytes|CFBlob*/,s/*:number*/,e/*:number*/) { return $cptable.utils.decode(1200, b.slice(s,e)).replace(chr0, ''); };
__utf8 = function(b/*:RawBytes|CFBlob*/,s/*:number*/,e/*:number*/) { return $cptable.utils.decode(65001, b.slice(s,e)); };
__lpstr = function(b/*:RawBytes|CFBlob*/,i/*:number*/) { var len = __readUInt32LE(b,i); return len > 0 ? $cptable.utils.decode(current_ansi, b.slice(i+4, i+4+len-1)) : "";};
__cpstr = function(b/*:RawBytes|CFBlob*/,i/*:number*/) { var len = __readUInt32LE(b,i); return len > 0 ? $cptable.utils.decode(current_codepage, b.slice(i+4, i+4+len-1)) : "";};
__lpwstr = function(b/*:RawBytes|CFBlob*/,i/*:number*/) { var len = 2*__readUInt32LE(b,i); return len > 0 ? $cptable.utils.decode(1200, b.slice(i+4,i+4+len-1)) : "";};
__lpp4 = function(b/*:RawBytes|CFBlob*/,i/*:number*/) { var len = __readUInt32LE(b,i); return len > 0 ? $cptable.utils.decode(1200, b.slice(i+4,i+4+len)) : "";};
__8lpp4 = function(b/*:RawBytes|CFBlob*/,i/*:number*/) { var len = __readUInt32LE(b,i); return len > 0 ? $cptable.utils.decode(65001, b.slice(i+4,i+4+len)) : "";};
2022-03-11 05:29:05 +00:00
if(typeof $cptable !== 'undefined') cpdoit();
var __readUInt8 = function(b/*:RawBytes|CFBlob*/, idx/*:number*/)/*:number*/ { return b[idx]; };
var __readUInt16LE = function(b/*:RawBytes|CFBlob*/, idx/*:number*/)/*:number*/ { return (b[idx+1]*(1<<8))+b[idx]; };
var __readInt16LE = function(b/*:RawBytes|CFBlob*/, idx/*:number*/)/*:number*/ { var u = (b[idx+1]*(1<<8))+b[idx]; return (u < 0x8000) ? u : ((0xffff - u + 1) * -1); };
var __readUInt32LE = function(b/*:RawBytes|CFBlob*/, idx/*:number*/)/*:number*/ { return b[idx+3]*(1<<24)+(b[idx+2]<<16)+(b[idx+1]<<8)+b[idx]; };
var __readInt32LE = function(b/*:RawBytes|CFBlob*/, idx/*:number*/)/*:number*/ { return (b[idx+3]<<24)|(b[idx+2]<<16)|(b[idx+1]<<8)|b[idx]; };
var __readInt32BE = function(b/*:RawBytes|CFBlob*/, idx/*:number*/)/*:number*/ { return (b[idx]<<24)|(b[idx+1]<<16)|(b[idx+2]<<8)|b[idx+3]; };
function ReadShift(size/*:number*/, t/*:?string*/)/*:number|string*/ {
var o="", oI/*:: :number = 0*/, oR, oo=[], w, vv, i, loc;
switch(t) {
case 'dbcs':
loc = this.l;
2022-07-10 04:12:15 +00:00
if(has_buf && Buffer.isBuffer(this) && buf_utf16le) o = this.slice(this.l, this.l+2*size).toString("utf16le");
else for(i = 0; i < size; ++i) { o+=String.fromCharCode(__readUInt16LE(this, loc)); loc+=2; }
size *= 2;
case 'utf8': o = __utf8(this, this.l, this.l + size); break;
case 'utf16le': size *= 2; o = __utf16le(this, this.l, this.l + size); break;
case 'wstr':
2022-03-11 05:29:05 +00:00
if(typeof $cptable !== 'undefined') o = $cptable.utils.decode(current_codepage, this.slice(this.l, this.l+2*size));
else return ReadShift.call(this, size, 'dbcs');
size = 2 * size; break;
/* [MS-OLEDS] 2.1.4 LengthPrefixedAnsiString */
case 'lpstr-ansi': o = __lpstr(this, this.l); size = 4 + __readUInt32LE(this, this.l); break;
case 'lpstr-cp': o = __cpstr(this, this.l); size = 4 + __readUInt32LE(this, this.l); break;
/* [MS-OLEDS] 2.1.5 LengthPrefixedUnicodeString */
case 'lpwstr': o = __lpwstr(this, this.l); size = 4 + 2 * __readUInt32LE(this, this.l); break;
/* [MS-OFFCRYPTO] 2.1.2 Length-Prefixed Padded Unicode String (UNICODE-LP-P4) */
case 'lpp4': size = 4 + __readUInt32LE(this, this.l); o = __lpp4(this, this.l); if(size & 0x02) size += 2; break;
/* [MS-OFFCRYPTO] 2.1.3 Length-Prefixed UTF-8 String (UTF-8-LP-P4) */
case '8lpp4': size = 4 + __readUInt32LE(this, this.l); o = __8lpp4(this, this.l); if(size & 0x03) size += 4 - (size & 0x03); break;
case 'cstr': size = 0; o = "";
while((w=__readUInt8(this, this.l + size++))!==0) oo.push(_getchar(w));
o = oo.join(""); break;
case '_wstr': size = 0; o = "";
while((w=__readUInt16LE(this,this.l +size))!==0){oo.push(_getchar(w));size+=2;}
size+=2; o = oo.join(""); break;
/* sbcs and dbcs support continue records in the SST way TODO codepages */
case 'dbcs-cont': o = ""; loc = this.l;
for(i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
if(this.lens && this.lens.indexOf(loc) !== -1) {
w = __readUInt8(this, loc);
this.l = loc + 1;
vv = ReadShift.call(this, size-i, w ? 'dbcs-cont' : 'sbcs-cont');
return oo.join("") + vv;
oo.push(_getchar(__readUInt16LE(this, loc)));
} o = oo.join(""); size *= 2; break;
case 'cpstr':
2022-03-11 05:29:05 +00:00
if(typeof $cptable !== 'undefined') {
o = $cptable.utils.decode(current_codepage, this.slice(this.l, this.l + size));
/* falls through */
case 'sbcs-cont': o = ""; loc = this.l;
for(i = 0; i != size; ++i) {
if(this.lens && this.lens.indexOf(loc) !== -1) {
w = __readUInt8(this, loc);
this.l = loc + 1;
vv = ReadShift.call(this, size-i, w ? 'dbcs-cont' : 'sbcs-cont');
return oo.join("") + vv;
oo.push(_getchar(__readUInt8(this, loc)));
} o = oo.join(""); break;
switch(size) {
case 1: oI = __readUInt8(this, this.l); this.l++; return oI;
case 2: oI = (t === 'i' ? __readInt16LE : __readUInt16LE)(this, this.l); this.l += 2; return oI;
case 4: case -4:
if(t === 'i' || ((this[this.l+3] & 0x80)===0)) { oI = ((size > 0) ? __readInt32LE : __readInt32BE)(this, this.l); this.l += 4; return oI; }
else { oR = __readUInt32LE(this, this.l); this.l += 4; } return oR;
case 8: case -8:
if(t === 'f') {
if(size == 8) oR = __double(this, this.l);
else oR = __double([this[this.l+7],this[this.l+6],this[this.l+5],this[this.l+4],this[this.l+3],this[this.l+2],this[this.l+1],this[this.l+0]], 0);
this.l += 8; return oR;
} else size = 8;
/* falls through */
case 16: o = __hexlify(this, this.l, size); break;
this.l+=size; return o;
var __writeUInt32LE = function(b/*:RawBytes|CFBlob*/, val/*:number*/, idx/*:number*/)/*:void*/ { b[idx] = (val & 0xFF); b[idx+1] = ((val >>> 8) & 0xFF); b[idx+2] = ((val >>> 16) & 0xFF); b[idx+3] = ((val >>> 24) & 0xFF); };
var __writeInt32LE = function(b/*:RawBytes|CFBlob*/, val/*:number*/, idx/*:number*/)/*:void*/ { b[idx] = (val & 0xFF); b[idx+1] = ((val >> 8) & 0xFF); b[idx+2] = ((val >> 16) & 0xFF); b[idx+3] = ((val >> 24) & 0xFF); };
var __writeUInt16LE = function(b/*:RawBytes|CFBlob*/, val/*:number*/, idx/*:number*/)/*:void*/ { b[idx] = (val & 0xFF); b[idx+1] = ((val >>> 8) & 0xFF); };
function WriteShift(t/*:number*/, val/*:string|number*/, f/*:?string*/)/*:any*/ {
var size = 0, i = 0;
if(f === 'dbcs') {
/*:: if(typeof val !== 'string') throw new Error("unreachable"); */
for(i = 0; i != val.length; ++i) __writeUInt16LE(this, val.charCodeAt(i), this.l + 2 * i);
size = 2 * val.length;
} else if(f === 'sbcs' || f == 'cpstr') {
2022-03-11 05:29:05 +00:00
if(typeof $cptable !== 'undefined' && current_ansi == 874) {
/* TODO: use tables directly, don't encode */
/*:: if(typeof val !== "string") throw new Error("unreachable"); */
for(i = 0; i != val.length; ++i) {
var cpp = $cptable.utils.encode(current_ansi, val.charAt(i));
this[this.l + i] = cpp[0];
size = val.length;
} else if(typeof $cptable !== 'undefined' && f == 'cpstr') {
2022-09-09 20:59:22 +00:00
cpp = $cptable.utils.encode(current_codepage, val);
/* replace null bytes with _ when relevant */
if(cpp.length == val.length) for(i = 0; i < val.length; ++i) if(cpp[i] == 0 && val.charCodeAt(i) != 0) cpp[i] = 0x5F;
if(cpp.length == 2 * val.length) for(i = 0; i < val.length; ++i) if(cpp[2*i] == 0 && cpp[2*i+1] == 0 && val.charCodeAt(i) != 0) cpp[2*i] = 0x5F;
for(i = 0; i < cpp.length; ++i) this[this.l + i] = cpp[i];
size = cpp.length;
} else {
/*:: if(typeof val !== 'string') throw new Error("unreachable"); */
val = val.replace(/[^\x00-\x7F]/g, "_");
/*:: if(typeof val !== 'string') throw new Error("unreachable"); */
for(i = 0; i != val.length; ++i) this[this.l + i] = (val.charCodeAt(i) & 0xFF);
size = val.length;
} else if(f === 'hex') {
for(; i < t; ++i) {
/*:: if(typeof val !== "string") throw new Error("unreachable"); */
this[this.l++] = (parseInt(val.slice(2*i, 2*i+2), 16)||0);
} return this;
} else if(f === 'utf16le') {
/*:: if(typeof val !== "string") throw new Error("unreachable"); */
var end/*:number*/ = Math.min(this.l + t, this.length);
for(i = 0; i < Math.min(val.length, t); ++i) {
var cc = val.charCodeAt(i);
this[this.l++] = (cc & 0xff);
this[this.l++] = (cc >> 8);
while(this.l < end) this[this.l++] = 0;
return this;
} else /*:: if(typeof val === 'number') */ switch(t) {
case 1: size = 1; this[this.l] = val&0xFF; break;
case 2: size = 2; this[this.l] = val&0xFF; val >>>= 8; this[this.l+1] = val&0xFF; break;
case 3: size = 3; this[this.l] = val&0xFF; val >>>= 8; this[this.l+1] = val&0xFF; val >>>= 8; this[this.l+2] = val&0xFF; break;
case 4: size = 4; __writeUInt32LE(this, val, this.l); break;
case 8: size = 8; if(f === 'f') { write_double_le(this, val, this.l); break; }
/* falls through */
case 16: break;
case -4: size = 4; __writeInt32LE(this, val, this.l); break;
this.l += size; return this;
function CheckField(hexstr/*:string*/, fld/*:string*/)/*:void*/ {
var m = __hexlify(this,this.l,hexstr.length>>1);
if(m !== hexstr) throw new Error(fld + 'Expected ' + hexstr + ' saw ' + m);
this.l += hexstr.length>>1;
function prep_blob(blob, pos/*:number*/)/*:void*/ {
blob.l = pos;
blob.read_shift = /*::(*/ReadShift/*:: :any)*/;
blob.chk = CheckField;
blob.write_shift = WriteShift;
function parsenoop(blob, length/*:: :number, opts?:any */) { blob.l += length; }
function new_buf(sz/*:number*/)/*:Block*/ {
var o = new_raw_buf(sz);
prep_blob(o, 0);
return o;