SheetJS ab2ecebac9 version bump 0.8.3: BIFF2 read/write
- basic support for parsing BIFF2-4
- basic support for writing BIFF2
- cleaned up some bad substr uses for IE6 compatibility
- added flow type annotations for xlsx.flow.js
- added numerous null guards (fixes  h/t @martinheidegger)
- README cleanup (fixes  h/t @oliversalzburg)
- pin jszip to local version (closes  h/t @limouri)

bower issues:

|  id  | author            | comment                                   |
|  | @kkirsche         | fixes  by removing version from json  |
|  | @vincentcialdella | fixes  by changing default script     |
|  | @owencraig        | fixes  by using xlsx.core.min.js      |

format issues:

|  id  | author            | comment                                   |
|  | @morstaine        | fixes  by reworking related parse fns |
|  | @JanSchuermannPH  | fixes  detect FullPaths h/t @Mithgol  |
|  | @basma-emad       | fixes  offending file used `x:` NS    |
2017-02-10 11:23:29 -08:00

21 lines
641 B

/* map from xlml named formats to SSF TODO: localize */
var XLMLFormatMap/*{[string]:string}*/ = ({
"General Number": "General",
"General Date": SSF._table[22],
"Long Date": "dddd, mmmm dd, yyyy",
"Medium Date": SSF._table[15],
"Short Date": SSF._table[14],
"Long Time": SSF._table[19],
"Medium Time": SSF._table[18],
"Short Time": SSF._table[20],
"Currency": '"$"#,##0.00_);[Red]\\("$"#,##0.00\\)',
"Fixed": SSF._table[2],
"Standard": SSF._table[4],
"Percent": SSF._table[10],
"Scientific": SSF._table[11],
"Yes/No": '"Yes";"Yes";"No";@',
"True/False": '"True";"True";"False";@',
"On/Off": '"Yes";"Yes";"No";@'