Commit Graph

20 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
6732eb76f8 hodgepodge of fixes
- missing formula elements rewritten to valid defined names (see )
- comment author length limit enforced
- XLS ifmt references renamed to numFmtId for consistency with XLSB
- removed circular symlink
- mangle/compress with uglify
- more flow comments
2017-07-27 17:15:55 -04:00
807eac273b miscellany
- systemjs browser example
- more precise file type resolution
- small corner cases from test corpus
- removed neq in tests (fixes  h/t @TeamworkGuy2)
- package.json devDependencies versions (fixes  h/t @the-spyke)
2017-07-26 04:35:28 -04:00
a8736580a5 version bump 0.10.0: cleanup
- updated SSF to 0.9.2
- XLSB style records and number format writing
- CSV avoid parseFloat (fixes  h/t @jabbermarky)
- CSV recognize mac line ending (fixes  h/t @charlesread)
- BIFF2 format table refactored to align with SSF
- BIFF5 image data exposure
- SSF custom format auto table update (fixes  h/t @Fangmingdu)
- eslint more checks
- browser test timeout extended to 10 seconds
2017-05-09 14:07:57 -04:00
f43cacaf5e experimental dense representation
- browser demo save file in global (fixes  h/t @WildDusk)
- flesh out XLSB record expectations (fixes  h/t @pgeeh)
- `dense` mode (fixes  h/t @schleumer)
2017-04-08 02:55:35 -04:00
b9dae134f2 TXT/PRN
- UTF-16 Unicode Text (TXT) write
- Lotus Formatted Text (PRN) read/write
- DBF version 2 field length adjustments
- throw errors if SheetNames is invalid (fixes  h/t @pietersv)
2017-04-02 20:16:03 -04:00
3a310bd3a7 Read/Write Comments
- XLSB/XLSX/XLML write comments
- BIFF2 write date cells (see  h/t @roccomuso)
- ODS read cell comments (fixed  h/t @yisk)
- XLSX / XLSB emit empty comments when necessary
- changed node detection logic (fixes  h/t @mhenris)

- fixes  h/t @ylbweb
- fixes  h/t @hanxi @osecki
- fixes  h/t @abarik1981 @stla
- fixes  h/t @aravindkoneru @ryangallen
2017-04-02 02:47:25 -04:00
b93569badf more formats from js-harb
- clarify usage of Props and Custprops (fixes  h/t @michahell)
- SYLK from js-harb
- DIF from js-harb
- HTML empty string bug fix
2017-04-01 03:32:12 -04:00
97f7c1d4bf sheet visibility
- XLSB read V H VH + write V H VH
- XLSX read V H VH + write V H VH
- XLML read V H VH + write V H VH
- XLS  read V H VH

- fixes  h/t @rla-dev @Mior
- fixes  h/t @enobufs @thowk
- fixes  h/t @digity
- fixes  h/t @digity
2017-03-31 14:46:42 -04:00
4743085cb5 XLSB/XLSM sheet rels and hyperlinks
- XLSB/XLSM workbook/worksheet code names for VBA
- XLSX/XLSB write hyperlinks
- updated CFB to 0.11.1

- fixes  h/t @johnothetree (XLSM CodeName)
- fixes  h/t @SheetJSDev (Write Hyperlinks)
- fixes  h/t @MayaGi (XLSX Write Hyperlinks)
- fixes  h/t @slonoed (XLSX Write Hyperlinks)
2017-03-30 20:47:35 -04:00
085150db3b DBF from js-harb
- merged DBF from js-harb (fixes  h/t @joefreire)
- updated codepage to 1.8.0
- stub for macro/dialog sheet parsing (fixes  h/t @GenoD)
- XLSB/XLSM write vbaraw (fixes  h/t @johnothetree)
- phantomjs demo (fixes  h/t @machinewu)
2017-03-28 00:41:01 -04:00
663270b762 XLS/XLSX/XLSB Interpret Chartsheets as Data Tables
- chartsheets are now stored as sheets with "!type" set to "chart"
- fixed Strict XML Workbook Relationships
- stubbed support for dialog and macro sheets
- removed legacy XLS `!range` field
2017-03-27 17:41:14 -04:00
7888070603 explicitly share styles and themes 2017-03-18 19:25:50 -04:00
8cd9e81569 flow annotations
no errors when running flow!
2017-03-12 14:02:46 -04:00
ab2ecebac9 version bump 0.8.3: BIFF2 read/write
- basic support for parsing BIFF2-4
- basic support for writing BIFF2
- cleaned up some bad substr uses for IE6 compatibility
- added flow type annotations for xlsx.flow.js
- added numerous null guards (fixes  h/t @martinheidegger)
- README cleanup (fixes  h/t @oliversalzburg)
- pin jszip to local version (closes  h/t @limouri)

bower issues:

|  id  | author            | comment                                   |
|  | @kkirsche         | fixes  by removing version from json  |
|  | @vincentcialdella | fixes  by changing default script     |
|  | @owencraig        | fixes  by using xlsx.core.min.js      |

format issues:

|  id  | author            | comment                                   |
|  | @morstaine        | fixes  by reworking related parse fns |
|  | @JanSchuermannPH  | fixes  detect FullPaths h/t @Mithgol  |
|  | @basma-emad       | fixes  offending file used `x:` NS    |
2017-02-10 11:23:29 -08:00
86d6a093f0 version bump 0.8.2: ODS and cleanup
- README and example cleanup
- basic XLSB and ODS write support
- flow typecheck for ODS file
  Note: xlsx.js flow fails:
- exposed jszip compression (fixes , closes )

README issues:

|  id  | author         | comment                                      |
|  | @sao93859      | closes                                   |
|  | @alexanderchan | closes  corrected examples               |
|  | @cskaandorp    | changed saveAs example to match write tests  |
|  | @dskrvk        | added note about s2roa h/t @LeonardoPatignio |
|  | @jimmywarting  | closes  adapted rABS examples with rAAS  |

ODS file format issues:

|  id  | author         | comment                                      |
|  | @user4815162342| closes  h/t @ziacik                      |
|  | @paulproteus   | closes  rudimentary ODS write support    |
|  | @ziacik        | closes                                   |
|  | @ziacik        | closes  use JSON when available          |
|  | @ziacik        | closes                                   |
|  | @think01       | closes                                   |
|  | @mdamt         | closes  duplicate cells should be copied |
|  | @RB-Lab        | closes                                   |
|  | @lgodard       | closes  thanks to other changes          |
2017-02-03 15:50:45 -05:00
6bc24374b9 version bump 0.7.7: needs more cowbell
- parsexmltag and other hot functions now better optimized for v8
- monomorphic functions (different types -> different funcs)
- more efficient decode_range implementation when source is trusted
- regular expressions cached and simplified without breaking correctness
- more efficient utf8 techniques when available
- XLSX: large functions broken down into sub-functions (e.g. `parse_ws_xml`)
- XLSB: avoid unnecessary binds
- XLSB: assume no exotic codepage exists (no one else tries to write XLSB)
- demo exposes rABS / worker / transferable options
- more tests
- jszip updated to 2.3.0
- SSF updated to 0.8.1
- codepage updated to 1.3.1
2014-06-29 14:29:45 -04:00
a3d9c4d9ac version bump 0.7.4: I/O improvements
- basic style + theme parsing, option .cellStyles (h/t @eladxxx)
- more XLSB writing stubs
- correct resolution of .xml/.bin files
- sheet_to_json improvements from js-xls
o opts.header = 1 for array of arrays
o opts.header = 'A' for spreadsheet column labels
o custom opts.header array for custom labels
o opts.range = n starts from row n
o opts.range = range restricts writer to work within the specified range
- Makefile adapted to work with cygwin on windows
2014-05-29 18:30:03 -04:00
e1f8dbb863 version bump 0.7.2: bughunt
- read BOM, handle UTF16LE-encoded XML
- handle namespaces in [Content_Types].xml
- parse workbook rels to determine sheet files
- numbers OSX boolean support (apparently requires "0" or "1")
- XLSX force "General" style to be serialized, omit implied cell type and style
- updated SSF to 0.7.0 (h/t @sysarchitect)
- updated jszip to 2.2.2
- removed old tests/files path, replaced with test_files
- themes written
- ignore potential existence of thumbnail when calculating relationship ids
2014-05-22 05:16:51 -07:00
a1990758a0 version bump 0.7.1: test now ignores missing files
apparently openpyxl removed a few test files from their suite :/
2014-05-15 20:02:26 -07:00
d15b81e0e9 version bump 0.7.0: Basic write support
- very basic XLSX / XLSM write support with roundtrip tests (XLSB stubs)
- reorganized source tree
- new XLSB range check ensures that A1 is not emitted for empty sheets
- SSF table emitted in output (consistent with js-xls)
- CLI supports writing

Backwards-incompatible changes:
o new Property aliases (see CORE_PROPS and EXT_PROPS)
o FILETIME custom properties parsed as JS Dates
o `xlsx2csv` -> `xlsx` (and `bin/xlsx{2csv,}.njs`)
2014-05-15 17:33:34 -07:00