forked from sheetjs/sheetjs
- parsexmltag and other hot functions now better optimized for v8 - monomorphic functions (different types -> different funcs) - more efficient decode_range implementation when source is trusted - regular expressions cached and simplified without breaking correctness - more efficient utf8 techniques when available - XLSX: large functions broken down into sub-functions (e.g. `parse_ws_xml`) - XLSB: avoid unnecessary binds - XLSB: assume no exotic codepage exists (no one else tries to write XLSB) - demo exposes rABS / worker / transferable options - more tests - jszip updated to 2.3.0 - SSF updated to 0.8.1 - codepage updated to 1.3.1
766 lines
30 KiB
766 lines
30 KiB
/* ssf.js (C) 2013-2014 SheetJS -- */
/*jshint -W041 */
var SSF = {};
var make_ssf = function make_ssf(SSF){
SSF.version = '0.8.1';
function _strrev(x) { var o = "", i = x.length-1; while(i>=0) o += x.charAt(i--); return o; }
function fill(c,l) { var o = ""; while(o.length < l) o+=c; return o; }
function pad0(v,d){var t=""+v; return t.length>=d?t:fill('0',d-t.length)+t;}
function pad_(v,d){var t=""+v;return t.length>=d?t:fill(' ',d-t.length)+t;}
function rpad_(v,d){var t=""+v; return t.length>=d?t:t+fill(' ',d-t.length);}
function pad0r1(v,d){var t=""+Math.round(v); return t.length>=d?t:fill('0',d-t.length)+t;}
function pad0r2(v,d){var t=""+v; return t.length>=d?t:fill('0',d-t.length)+t;}
var p2_32 = Math.pow(2,32);
function pad0r(v,d){if(v>p2_32||v<-p2_32) return pad0r1(v,d); var i = Math.round(v); return pad0r2(i,d); }
function isgeneral(s, i) { return s.length >= 7 + i && (s.charCodeAt(i)|32) === 103 && (s.charCodeAt(i+1)|32) === 101 && (s.charCodeAt(i+2)|32) === 110 && (s.charCodeAt(i+3)|32) === 101 && (s.charCodeAt(i+4)|32) === 114 && (s.charCodeAt(i+5)|32) === 97 && (s.charCodeAt(i+6)|32) === 108; }
/* Options */
var opts_fmt = [
["date1904", 0],
["output", ""],
["WTF", false]
function fixopts(o){
for(var y = 0; y != opts_fmt.length; ++y) if(o[opts_fmt[y][0]]===undefined) o[opts_fmt[y][0]]=opts_fmt[y][1];
SSF.opts = opts_fmt;
var table_fmt = {
0: 'General',
1: '0',
2: '0.00',
3: '#,##0',
4: '#,##0.00',
9: '0%',
10: '0.00%',
11: '0.00E+00',
12: '# ?/?',
13: '# ??/??',
14: 'm/d/yy',
15: 'd-mmm-yy',
16: 'd-mmm',
17: 'mmm-yy',
18: 'h:mm AM/PM',
19: 'h:mm:ss AM/PM',
20: 'h:mm',
21: 'h:mm:ss',
22: 'm/d/yy h:mm',
37: '#,##0 ;(#,##0)',
38: '#,##0 ;[Red](#,##0)',
39: '#,##0.00;(#,##0.00)',
40: '#,##0.00;[Red](#,##0.00)',
45: 'mm:ss',
46: '[h]:mm:ss',
47: 'mmss.0',
48: '##0.0E+0',
49: '@',
56: '"上午/下午 "hh"時"mm"分"ss"秒 "',
65535: 'General'
var days = [
['Sun', 'Sunday'],
['Mon', 'Monday'],
['Tue', 'Tuesday'],
['Wed', 'Wednesday'],
['Thu', 'Thursday'],
['Fri', 'Friday'],
['Sat', 'Saturday']
var months = [
['J', 'Jan', 'January'],
['F', 'Feb', 'February'],
['M', 'Mar', 'March'],
['A', 'Apr', 'April'],
['M', 'May', 'May'],
['J', 'Jun', 'June'],
['J', 'Jul', 'July'],
['A', 'Aug', 'August'],
['S', 'Sep', 'September'],
['O', 'Oct', 'October'],
['N', 'Nov', 'November'],
['D', 'Dec', 'December']
function frac(x, D, mixed) {
var sgn = x < 0 ? -1 : 1;
var B = x * sgn;
var P_2 = 0, P_1 = 1, P = 0;
var Q_2 = 1, Q_1 = 0, Q = 0;
var A = Math.floor(B);
while(Q_1 < D) {
A = Math.floor(B);
P = A * P_1 + P_2;
Q = A * Q_1 + Q_2;
if((B - A) < 0.0000000005) break;
B = 1 / (B - A);
P_2 = P_1; P_1 = P;
Q_2 = Q_1; Q_1 = Q;
if(Q > D) { Q = Q_1; P = P_1; }
if(Q > D) { Q = Q_2; P = P_2; }
if(!mixed) return [0, sgn * P, Q];
if(Q===0) throw "Unexpected state: "+P+" "+P_1+" "+P_2+" "+Q+" "+Q_1+" "+Q_2;
var q = Math.floor(sgn * P/Q);
return [q, sgn*P - q*Q, Q];
function general_fmt_int(v, opts) { return ""+v; }
SSF._general_int = general_fmt_int;
var general_fmt_num = (function make_general_fmt_num() {
var gnr1 = /\.(\d*[1-9])0+$/, gnr2 = /\.0*$/, gnr4 = /\.(\d*[1-9])0+/, gnr5 = /\.0*[Ee]/, gnr6 = /(E[+-])(\d)$/;
function gfn2(v) {
var w = (v<0?12:11);
var o = gfn5(v.toFixed(12)); if(o.length <= w) return o;
o = v.toPrecision(10); if(o.length <= w) return o;
return v.toExponential(5);
function gfn3(v) {
var o = v.toFixed(11).replace(gnr1,".$1");
if(o.length > (v<0?12:11)) o = v.toPrecision(6);
return o;
function gfn4(o) {
for(var i = 0; i != o.length; ++i) if((o.charCodeAt(i) | 0x20) === 101) return o.replace(gnr4,".$1").replace(gnr5,"E").replace("e","E").replace(gnr6,"$10$2");
return o;
function gfn5(o) {
//for(var i = 0; i != o.length; ++i) if(o.charCodeAt(i) === 46) return o.replace(gnr2,"").replace(gnr1,".$1");
//return o;
return o.indexOf(".") > -1 ? o.replace(gnr2,"").replace(gnr1,".$1") : o;
return function general_fmt_num(v, opts) {
var V = Math.floor(Math.log(Math.abs(v))*Math.LOG10E), o;
if(V >= -4 && V <= -1) o = v.toPrecision(10+V);
else if(Math.abs(V) <= 9) o = gfn2(v);
else if(V === 10) o = v.toFixed(10).substr(0,12);
else o = gfn3(v);
return gfn5(gfn4(o));
SSF._general_num = general_fmt_num;
function general_fmt(v, opts) {
switch(typeof v) {
case 'string': return v;
case 'boolean': return v ? "TRUE" : "FALSE";
case 'number': return (v|0) === v ? general_fmt_int(v, opts) : general_fmt_num(v, opts);
throw new Error("unsupported value in General format: " + v);
SSF._general = general_fmt;
function fix_hijri(date, o) { return 0; }
function parse_date_code(v,opts,b2) {
if(v > 2958465 || v < 0) return null;
var date = (v|0), time = Math.floor(86400 * (v - date)), dow=0;
var dout=[];
var out={D:date, T:time, u:86400*(v-date)-time,y:0,m:0,d:0,H:0,M:0,S:0,q:0};
if(Math.abs(out.u) < 1e-6) out.u = 0;
fixopts(opts != null ? opts : (opts=[]));
if(opts.date1904) date += 1462;
if(out.u > 0.999) {
out.u = 0;
if(++time == 86400) { time = 0; ++date; }
if(date === 60) {dout = b2 ? [1317,10,29] : [1900,2,29]; dow=3;}
else if(date === 0) {dout = b2 ? [1317,8,29] : [1900,1,0]; dow=6;}
else {
if(date > 60) --date;
/* 1 = Jan 1 1900 */
var d = new Date(1900,0,1);
d.setDate(d.getDate() + date - 1);
dout = [d.getFullYear(), d.getMonth()+1,d.getDate()];
dow = d.getDay();
if(date < 60) dow = (dow + 6) % 7;
if(b2) dow = fix_hijri(d, dout);
out.y = dout[0]; out.m = dout[1]; out.d = dout[2];
out.S = time % 60; time = Math.floor(time / 60);
out.M = time % 60; time = Math.floor(time / 60);
out.H = time;
out.q = dow;
return out;
SSF.parse_date_code = parse_date_code;
/*jshint -W086 */
function write_date(type, fmt, val, ss0) {
var o="", ss=0, tt=0, y = val.y, out, outl = 0;
switch(type) {
case 98: /* 'b' buddhist year */
y = val.y + 543;
/* falls through */
case 121: /* 'y' year */
switch(fmt.length) {
case 1: case 2: out = y % 100; outl = 2; break;
default: out = y % 10000; outl = 4; break;
} break;
case 109: /* 'm' month */
switch(fmt.length) {
case 1: case 2: out = val.m; outl = fmt.length; break;
case 3: return months[val.m-1][1];
case 5: return months[val.m-1][0];
default: return months[val.m-1][2];
} break;
case 100: /* 'd' day */
switch(fmt.length) {
case 1: case 2: out = val.d; outl = fmt.length; break;
case 3: return days[val.q][0];
default: return days[val.q][1];
} break;
case 104: /* 'h' 12-hour */
switch(fmt.length) {
case 1: case 2: out = 1+(val.H+11)%12; outl = fmt.length; break;
default: throw 'bad hour format: ' + fmt;
} break;
case 72: /* 'H' 24-hour */
switch(fmt.length) {
case 1: case 2: out = val.H; outl = fmt.length; break;
default: throw 'bad hour format: ' + fmt;
} break;
case 77: /* 'M' minutes */
switch(fmt.length) {
case 1: case 2: out = val.M; outl = fmt.length; break;
default: throw 'bad minute format: ' + fmt;
} break;
case 115: /* 's' seconds */
if(val.u === 0) switch(fmt) {
case 's': case 'ss': return pad0(val.S, fmt.length);
case '.0': case '.00': case '.000':
switch(fmt) {
case 's': case 'ss': case '.0': case '.00': case '.000':
if(ss0 >= 2) tt = ss0 === 3 ? 1000 : 100;
else tt = ss0 === 1 ? 10 : 1;
ss = Math.round((tt)*(val.S + val.u));
if(ss >= 60*tt) ss = 0;
if(fmt === 's') return ss === 0 ? "0" : ""+ss/tt;
o = pad0(ss,2 + ss0);
if(fmt === 'ss') return o.substr(0,2);
return "." + o.substr(2,fmt.length-1);
default: throw 'bad second format: ' + fmt;
case 90: /* 'Z' absolute time */
switch(fmt) {
case '[h]': case '[hh]': out = val.D*24+val.H; break;
case '[m]': case '[mm]': out = (val.D*24+val.H)*60+val.M; break;
case '[s]': case '[ss]': out = ((val.D*24+val.H)*60+val.M)*60+Math.round(val.S+val.u); break;
default: throw 'bad abstime format: ' + fmt;
} outl = fmt.length === 3 ? 1 : 2; break;
case 101: /* 'e' era */
out = y; outl = 1;
if(outl > 0) return pad0(out, outl); else return "";
/*jshint +W086 */
function commaify(s) {
if(s.length <= 3) return s;
var j = (s.length % 3), o = s.substr(0,j);
for(; j!=s.length; j+=3) o+=(o.length > 0 ? "," : "") + s.substr(j,3);
return o;
var write_num = (function make_write_num(){
var pct1 = /%/g;
function write_num_pct(type, fmt, val){
var sfmt = fmt.replace(pct1,""), mul = fmt.length - sfmt.length;
return write_num(type, sfmt, val * Math.pow(10,2*mul)) + fill("%",mul);
function write_num_cm(type, fmt, val){
var idx = fmt.length - 1;
while(fmt.charCodeAt(idx-1) === 44) --idx;
return write_num(type, fmt.substr(0,idx), val / Math.pow(10,3*(fmt.length-idx)));
function write_num_exp(fmt, val){
var o;
var idx = fmt.indexOf("E") - fmt.indexOf(".") - 1;
if(fmt.match(/^#+0.0E\+0$/)) {
var period = fmt.indexOf("."); if(period === -1) period=fmt.indexOf('E');
var ee = Math.floor(Math.log(Math.abs(val))*Math.LOG10E)%period;
if(ee < 0) ee += period;
o = (val/Math.pow(10,ee)).toPrecision(idx+1+(period+ee)%period);
if(o.indexOf("e") === -1) {
var fakee = Math.floor(Math.log(Math.abs(val))*Math.LOG10E);
if(o.indexOf(".") === -1) o = o[0] + "." + o.substr(1) + "E+" + (fakee - o.length+ee);
else o += "E+" + (fakee - ee);
while(o.substr(0,2) === "0.") {
o = o[0] + o.substr(2,period) + "." + o.substr(2+period);
o = o.replace(/^0+([1-9])/,"$1").replace(/^0+\./,"0.");
o = o.replace(/\+-/,"-");
o = o.replace(/^([+-]?)(\d*)\.(\d*)[Ee]/,function($$,$1,$2,$3) { return $1 + $2 + $3.substr(0,(period+ee)%period) + "." + $3.substr(ee) + "E"; });
} else o = val.toExponential(idx);
if(fmt.match(/E\+00$/) && o.match(/e[+-]\d$/)) o = o.substr(0,o.length-1) + "0" + o[o.length-1];
if(fmt.match(/E\-/) && o.match(/e\+/)) o = o.replace(/e\+/,"e");
return o.replace("e","E");
var frac1 = /# (\?+)( ?)\/( ?)(\d+)/;
function write_num_f1(r, aval, sign) {
var den = parseInt(r[4]), rr = Math.round(aval * den), base = Math.floor(rr/den);
var myn = (rr - base*den), myd = den;
return sign + (base === 0 ? "" : ""+base) + " " + (myn === 0 ? fill(" ", r[1].length + 1 + r[4].length) : pad_(myn,r[1].length) + r[2] + "/" + r[3] + pad0(myd,r[4].length));
function write_num_f2(r, aval, sign) {
return sign + (aval === 0 ? "" : ""+aval) + fill(" ", r[1].length + 2 + r[4].length);
var dec1 = /^#*0*\.(0+)/;
var closeparen = /\).*[0#]/;
var phone = /\(###\) ###\\?-####/;
function hashq(str) {
var o = "", cc;
for(var i = 0; i != str.length; ++i) switch((cc=str.charCodeAt(i))) {
case 35: break;
case 63: o+= " "; break;
case 48: o+= "0"; break;
default: o+= String.fromCharCode(cc);
return o;
function rnd(val, d) { var dd = Math.pow(10,d); return ""+(Math.round(val * dd)/dd); }
function dec(val, d) { return Math.round((val-Math.floor(val))*Math.pow(10,d)); }
function flr(val) { if(val < 2147483647 && val > -2147483648) return ""+(val >= 0 ? (val|0) : (val-1|0)); return ""+Math.floor(val); }
function write_num_flt(type, fmt, val) {
if(type.charCodeAt(0) === 40 && !fmt.match(closeparen)) {
var ffmt = fmt.replace(/\( */,"").replace(/ \)/,"").replace(/\)/,"");
if(val >= 0) return write_num_flt('n', ffmt, val);
return '(' + write_num_flt('n', ffmt, -val) + ')';
if(fmt.charCodeAt(fmt.length - 1) === 44) return write_num_cm(type, fmt, val);
if(fmt.indexOf('%') !== -1) return write_num_pct(type, fmt, val);
if(fmt.indexOf('E') !== -1) return write_num_exp(fmt, val);
if(fmt.charCodeAt(0) === 36) return "$"+write_num_flt(type,fmt.substr(fmt[1]==' '?2:1),val);
var o, oo;
var r, ri, ff, aval = Math.abs(val), sign = val < 0 ? "-" : "";
if(fmt.match(/^00+$/)) return sign + pad0r(aval,fmt.length);
if(fmt.match(/^[#?]+$/)) {
o = pad0r(val,0); if(o === "0") o = "";
return o.length > fmt.length ? o : hashq(fmt.substr(0,fmt.length-o.length)) + o;
if((r = fmt.match(frac1)) !== null) return write_num_f1(r, aval, sign);
if(fmt.match(/^#+0+$/) !== null) return sign + pad0r(aval,fmt.length - fmt.indexOf("0"));
if((r = fmt.match(dec1)) !== null) {
o = rnd(val, r[1].length).replace(/^([^\.]+)$/,"$1."+r[1]).replace(/\.$/,"."+r[1]).replace(/\.(\d*)$/,function($$, $1) { return "." + $1 + fill("0", r[1].length-$1.length); });
return fmt.indexOf("0.") !== -1 ? o : o.replace(/^0\./,".");
fmt = fmt.replace(/^#+([0.])/, "$1");
if((r = fmt.match(/^(0*)\.(#*)$/)) !== null) {
return sign + rnd(aval, r[2].length).replace(/\.(\d*[1-9])0*$/,".$1").replace(/^(-?\d*)$/,"$1.").replace(/^0\./,r[1].length?"0.":".");
if((r = fmt.match(/^#,##0(\.?)$/)) !== null) return sign + commaify(pad0r(aval,0));
if((r = fmt.match(/^#,##0\.([#0]*0)$/)) !== null) {
return val < 0 ? "-" + write_num_flt(type, fmt, -val) : commaify(""+(Math.floor(val))) + "." + pad0(dec(val, r[1].length),r[1].length);
if((r = fmt.match(/^#,#*,#0/)) !== null) return write_num_flt(type,fmt.replace(/^#,#*,/,""),val);
if((r = fmt.match(/^([0#]+)(\\?-([0#]+))+$/)) !== null) {
o = _strrev(write_num_flt(type, fmt.replace(/[\\-]/g,""), val));
ri = 0;
return _strrev(_strrev(fmt.replace(/\\/g,"")).replace(/[0#]/g,function(x){return ri<o.length?o[ri++]:x==='0'?'0':"";}));
if(fmt.match(phone) !== null) {
o = write_num_flt(type, "##########", val);
return "(" + o.substr(0,3) + ") " + o.substr(3, 3) + "-" + o.substr(6);
var oa = "";
if((r = fmt.match(/^([#0?]+)( ?)\/( ?)([#0?]+)/)) !== null) {
ri = Math.min(r[4].length,7);
ff = frac(aval, Math.pow(10,ri)-1, false);
o = "" + sign;
oa = write_num("n", r[1], ff[1]);
if(oa[oa.length-1] == " ") oa = oa.substr(0,oa.length-1) + "0";
o += oa + r[2] + "/" + r[3];
oa = rpad_(ff[2],ri);
if(oa.length < r[4].length) oa = hashq(r[4].substr(r[4].length-oa.length)) + oa;
o += oa;
return o;
if((r = fmt.match(/^# ([#0?]+)( ?)\/( ?)([#0?]+)/)) !== null) {
ri = Math.min(Math.max(r[1].length, r[4].length),7);
ff = frac(aval, Math.pow(10,ri)-1, true);
return sign + (ff[0]||(ff[1] ? "" : "0")) + " " + (ff[1] ? pad_(ff[1],ri) + r[2] + "/" + r[3] + rpad_(ff[2],ri): fill(" ", 2*ri+1 + r[2].length + r[3].length));
if((r = fmt.match(/^[#0?]+$/)) !== null) {
o = pad0r(val, 0);
if(fmt.length <= o.length) return o;
return hashq(fmt.substr(0,fmt.length-o.length)) + o;
if((r = fmt.match(/^([#0?]+)\.([#0]+)$/)) !== null) {
o = "" + val.toFixed(Math.min(r[2].length,10)).replace(/([^0])0+$/,"$1");
ri = o.indexOf(".");
var lres = fmt.indexOf(".") - ri, rres = fmt.length - o.length - lres;
return hashq(fmt.substr(0,lres) + o + fmt.substr(fmt.length-rres));
if((r = fmt.match(/^00,000\.([#0]*0)$/)) !== null) {
ri = dec(val, r[1].length);
return val < 0 ? "-" + write_num_flt(type, fmt, -val) : commaify(flr(val)).replace(/^\d,\d{3}$/,"0$&").replace(/^\d*$/,function($$) { return "00," + ($$.length < 3 ? pad0(0,3-$$.length) : "") + $$; }) + "." + pad0(ri,r[1].length);
switch(fmt) {
case "#,###": var x = commaify(pad0r(aval,0)); return x !== "0" ? sign + x : "";
throw new Error("unsupported format |" + fmt + "|");
function write_num_cm2(type, fmt, val){
var idx = fmt.length - 1;
while(fmt.charCodeAt(idx-1) === 44) --idx;
return write_num(type, fmt.substr(0,idx), val / Math.pow(10,3*(fmt.length-idx)));
function write_num_pct2(type, fmt, val){
var sfmt = fmt.replace(pct1,""), mul = fmt.length - sfmt.length;
return write_num(type, sfmt, val * Math.pow(10,2*mul)) + fill("%",mul);
function write_num_exp2(fmt, val){
var o;
var idx = fmt.indexOf("E") - fmt.indexOf(".") - 1;
if(fmt.match(/^#+0.0E\+0$/)) {
var period = fmt.indexOf("."); if(period === -1) period=fmt.indexOf('E');
var ee = Math.floor(Math.log(Math.abs(val))*Math.LOG10E)%period;
if(ee < 0) ee += period;
o = (val/Math.pow(10,ee)).toPrecision(idx+1+(period+ee)%period);
if(!o.match(/[Ee]/)) {
var fakee = Math.floor(Math.log(Math.abs(val))*Math.LOG10E);
if(o.indexOf(".") === -1) o = o[0] + "." + o.substr(1) + "E+" + (fakee - o.length+ee);
else o += "E+" + (fakee - ee);
o = o.replace(/\+-/,"-");
o = o.replace(/^([+-]?)(\d*)\.(\d*)[Ee]/,function($$,$1,$2,$3) { return $1 + $2 + $3.substr(0,(period+ee)%period) + "." + $3.substr(ee) + "E"; });
} else o = val.toExponential(idx);
if(fmt.match(/E\+00$/) && o.match(/e[+-]\d$/)) o = o.substr(0,o.length-1) + "0" + o[o.length-1];
if(fmt.match(/E\-/) && o.match(/e\+/)) o = o.replace(/e\+/,"e");
return o.replace("e","E");
function write_num_int(type, fmt, val) {
if(type.charCodeAt(0) === 40 && !fmt.match(closeparen)) {
var ffmt = fmt.replace(/\( */,"").replace(/ \)/,"").replace(/\)/,"");
if(val >= 0) return write_num_int('n', ffmt, val);
return '(' + write_num_int('n', ffmt, -val) + ')';
if(fmt.charCodeAt(fmt.length - 1) === 44) return write_num_cm2(type, fmt, val);
if(fmt.indexOf('%') !== -1) return write_num_pct2(type, fmt, val);
if(fmt.indexOf('E') !== -1) return write_num_exp2(fmt, val);
if(fmt.charCodeAt(0) === 36) return "$"+write_num_int(type,fmt.substr(fmt[1]==' '?2:1),val);
var o;
var r, ri, ff, aval = Math.abs(val), sign = val < 0 ? "-" : "";
if(fmt.match(/^00+$/)) return sign + pad0(aval,fmt.length);
if(fmt.match(/^[#?]+$/)) {
o = (""+val); if(val === 0) o = "";
return o.length > fmt.length ? o : hashq(fmt.substr(0,fmt.length-o.length)) + o;
if((r = fmt.match(frac1)) !== null) return write_num_f2(r, aval, sign);
if(fmt.match(/^#+0+$/) !== null) return sign + pad0(aval,fmt.length - fmt.indexOf("0"));
if((r = fmt.match(dec1)) !== null) {
o = (""+val).replace(/^([^\.]+)$/,"$1."+r[1]).replace(/\.$/,"."+r[1]).replace(/\.(\d*)$/,function($$, $1) { return "." + $1 + fill("0", r[1].length-$1.length); });
return fmt.indexOf("0.") !== -1 ? o : o.replace(/^0\./,".");
fmt = fmt.replace(/^#+([0.])/, "$1");
if((r = fmt.match(/^(0*)\.(#*)$/)) !== null) {
return sign + (""+aval).replace(/\.(\d*[1-9])0*$/,".$1").replace(/^(-?\d*)$/,"$1.").replace(/^0\./,r[1].length?"0.":".");
if((r = fmt.match(/^#,##0(\.?)$/)) !== null) return sign + commaify((""+aval));
if((r = fmt.match(/^#,##0\.([#0]*0)$/)) !== null) {
return val < 0 ? "-" + write_num_int(type, fmt, -val) : commaify((""+val)) + "." + fill('0',r[1].length);
if((r = fmt.match(/^#,#*,#0/)) !== null) return write_num_int(type,fmt.replace(/^#,#*,/,""),val);
if((r = fmt.match(/^([0#]+)(\\?-([0#]+))+$/)) !== null) {
o = _strrev(write_num_int(type, fmt.replace(/[\\-]/g,""), val));
ri = 0;
return _strrev(_strrev(fmt.replace(/\\/g,"")).replace(/[0#]/g,function(x){return ri<o.length?o[ri++]:x==='0'?'0':"";}));
if(fmt.match(phone) !== null) {
o = write_num_int(type, "##########", val);
return "(" + o.substr(0,3) + ") " + o.substr(3, 3) + "-" + o.substr(6);
var oa = "";
if((r = fmt.match(/^([#0?]+)( ?)\/( ?)([#0?]+)/)) !== null) {
ri = Math.min(r[4].length,7);
ff = frac(aval, Math.pow(10,ri)-1, false);
o = "" + sign;
oa = write_num("n", r[1], ff[1]);
if(oa[oa.length-1] == " ") oa = oa.substr(0,oa.length-1) + "0";
o += oa + r[2] + "/" + r[3];
oa = rpad_(ff[2],ri);
if(oa.length < r[4].length) oa = hashq(r[4].substr(r[4].length-oa.length)) + oa;
o += oa;
return o;
if((r = fmt.match(/^# ([#0?]+)( ?)\/( ?)([#0?]+)/)) !== null) {
ri = Math.min(Math.max(r[1].length, r[4].length),7);
ff = frac(aval, Math.pow(10,ri)-1, true);
return sign + (ff[0]||(ff[1] ? "" : "0")) + " " + (ff[1] ? pad_(ff[1],ri) + r[2] + "/" + r[3] + rpad_(ff[2],ri): fill(" ", 2*ri+1 + r[2].length + r[3].length));
if((r = fmt.match(/^[#0?]+$/)) !== null) {
o = "" + val;
if(fmt.length <= o.length) return o;
return hashq(fmt.substr(0,fmt.length-o.length)) + o;
if((r = fmt.match(/^([#0]+)\.([#0]+)$/)) !== null) {
o = "" + val.toFixed(Math.min(r[2].length,10)).replace(/([^0])0+$/,"$1");
ri = o.indexOf(".");
var lres = fmt.indexOf(".") - ri, rres = fmt.length - o.length - lres;
return hashq(fmt.substr(0,lres) + o + fmt.substr(fmt.length-rres));
if((r = fmt.match(/^00,000\.([#0]*0)$/)) !== null) {
return val < 0 ? "-" + write_num_int(type, fmt, -val) : commaify(""+val).replace(/^\d,\d{3}$/,"0$&").replace(/^\d*$/,function($$) { return "00," + ($$.length < 3 ? pad0(0,3-$$.length) : "") + $$; }) + "." + pad0(0,r[1].length);
switch(fmt) {
case "#,###": var x = commaify(""+aval); return x !== "0" ? sign + x : "";
throw new Error("unsupported format |" + fmt + "|");
return function write_num(type, fmt, val) {
return (val|0) === val ? write_num_int(type, fmt, val) : write_num_flt(type, fmt, val);
function split_fmt(fmt) {
var out = [];
var in_str = false, cc;
for(var i = 0, j = 0; i < fmt.length; ++i) switch((cc=fmt.charCodeAt(i))) {
case 34: /* '"' */
in_str = !in_str; break;
case 95: case 42: case 92: /* '_' '*' '\\' */
++i; break;
case 59: /* ';' */
out[out.length] = fmt.substr(j,i-j);
j = i+1;
out[out.length] = fmt.substr(j);
if(in_str === true) throw new Error("Format |" + fmt + "| unterminated string ");
return out;
SSF._split = split_fmt;
var abstime = /\[[HhMmSs]*\]/;
function eval_fmt(fmt, v, opts, flen) {
var out = [], o = "", i = 0, c = "", lst='t', q, dt, j, cc;
var hr='H';
/* Tokenize */
while(i < fmt.length) {
switch((c = fmt[i])) {
case 'G': /* General */
if(!isgeneral(fmt, i)) throw new Error('unrecognized character ' + c + ' in ' +fmt);
out[out.length] = {t:'G', v:'General'}; i+=7; break;
case '"': /* Literal text */
for(o="";(cc=fmt.charCodeAt(++i)) !== 34 && i < fmt.length;) o += String.fromCharCode(cc);
out[out.length] = {t:'t', v:o}; ++i; break;
case '\\': var w = fmt[++i], t = (w === "(" || w === ")") ? w : 't';
out[out.length] = {t:t, v:w}; ++i; break;
case '_': out[out.length] = {t:'t', v:" "}; i+=2; break;
case '@': /* Text Placeholder */
out[out.length] = {t:'T', v:v}; ++i; break;
case 'B': case 'b':
if(fmt[i+1] === "1" || fmt[i+1] === "2") {
if(dt==null) { dt=parse_date_code(v, opts, fmt[i+1] === "2"); if(dt==null) return ""; }
out[out.length] = {t:'X', v:fmt.substr(i,2)}; lst = c; i+=2; break;
/* falls through */
case 'M': case 'D': case 'Y': case 'H': case 'S': case 'E':
c = c.toLowerCase();
/* falls through */
case 'm': case 'd': case 'y': case 'h': case 's': case 'e': case 'g':
if(v < 0) return "";
if(dt==null) { dt=parse_date_code(v, opts); if(dt==null) return ""; }
o = c; while(++i<fmt.length && fmt[i].toLowerCase() === c) o+=c;
if(c === 'm' && lst.toLowerCase() === 'h') c = 'M'; /* m = minute */
if(c === 'h') c = hr;
out[out.length] = {t:c, v:o}; lst = c; break;
case 'A':
q={t:c, v:"A"};
if(dt==null) dt=parse_date_code(v, opts);
if(fmt.substr(i, 3) === "A/P") { if(dt!=null) q.v = dt.H >= 12 ? "P" : "A"; q.t = 'T'; hr='h';i+=3;}
else if(fmt.substr(i,5) === "AM/PM") { if(dt!=null) q.v = dt.H >= 12 ? "PM" : "AM"; q.t = 'T'; i+=5; hr='h'; }
else { q.t = "t"; ++i; }
if(dt==null && q.t === 'T') return "";
out[out.length] = q; lst = c; break;
case '[':
o = c;
while(fmt[i++] !== ']' && i < fmt.length) o += fmt[i];
if(o.substr(-1) !== ']') throw 'unterminated "[" block: |' + o + '|';
if(o.match(abstime)) {
if(dt==null) { dt=parse_date_code(v, opts); if(dt==null) return ""; }
out[out.length] = {t:'Z', v:o.toLowerCase()};
} else { o=""; }
/* Numbers */
case '.':
if(dt != null) {
o = c; while((c=fmt[++i]) === "0") o += c;
out[out.length] = {t:'s', v:o}; break;
/* falls through */
case '0': case '#':
o = c; while("0#?.,E+-%".indexOf(c=fmt[++i]) > -1 || c=='\\' && fmt[i+1] == "-" && "0#".indexOf(fmt[i+2])>-1) o += c;
out[out.length] = {t:'n', v:o}; break;
case '?':
o = c; while(fmt[++i] === c) o+=c;
q={t:c, v:o}; out[out.length] = q; lst = c; break;
case '*': ++i; if(fmt[i] == ' ' || fmt[i] == '*') ++i; break; // **
case '(': case ')': out[out.length] = {t:(flen===1?'t':c), v:c}; ++i; break;
case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9':
o = c; while("0123456789".indexOf(fmt[++i]) > -1) o+=fmt[i];
out[out.length] = {t:'D', v:o}; break;
case ' ': out[out.length] = {t:c, v:c}; ++i; break;
if(",$-+/():!^&'~{}<>=€acfijklopqrtuvwxz".indexOf(c) === -1) throw new Error('unrecognized character ' + c + ' in ' + fmt);
out[out.length] = {t:'t', v:c}; ++i; break;
var bt = 0, ss0 = 0, ssm;
for(i=out.length-1, lst='t'; i >= 0; --i) {
switch(out[i].t) {
case 'h': case 'H': out[i].t = hr; lst='h'; if(bt < 1) bt = 1; break;
case 's':
if((ssm=out[i].v.match(/\.0+$/))) ss0=Math.max(ss0,ssm[0].length-1);
if(bt < 3) bt = 3;
/* falls through */
case 'd': case 'y': case 'M': case 'e': lst=out[i].t; break;
case 'm': if(lst === 's') { out[i].t = 'M'; if(bt < 2) bt = 2; } break;
case 'X': if(out[i].v === "B2");
case 'Z':
if(bt < 1 && out[i].v.match(/[Hh]/)) bt = 1;
if(bt < 2 && out[i].v.match(/[Mm]/)) bt = 2;
if(bt < 3 && out[i].v.match(/[Ss]/)) bt = 3;
switch(bt) {
case 0: break;
case 1:
if(dt.u >= 0.5) { dt.u = 0; ++dt.S; }
if(dt.S >= 60) { dt.S = 0; ++dt.M; }
if(dt.M >= 60) { dt.M = 0; ++dt.H; }
case 2:
if(dt.u >= 0.5) { dt.u = 0; ++dt.S; }
if(dt.S >= 60) { dt.S = 0; ++dt.M; }
/* replace fields */
var nstr = "", jj;
for(i=0; i < out.length; ++i) {
switch(out[i].t) {
case 't': case 'T': case ' ': case 'D': break;
case 'X': out[i] = undefined; break;
case 'd': case 'm': case 'y': case 'h': case 'H': case 'M': case 's': case 'e': case 'b': case 'Z':
out[i].v = write_date(out[i].t.charCodeAt(0), out[i].v, dt, ss0);
out[i].t = 't'; break;
case 'n': case '(': case '?':
jj = i+1;
while(out[jj] != null && (
(c=out[jj].t) === "?" || c === "D" ||
(c === " " || c === "t") && out[jj+1] != null && (out[jj+1].t === '?' || out[jj+1].t === "t" && out[jj+1].v === '/') ||
out[i].t === '(' && (c === ' ' || c === 'n' || c === ')') ||
c === 't' && (out[jj].v === '/' || '$€'.indexOf(out[jj].v) > -1 || out[jj].v === ' ' && out[jj+1] != null && out[jj+1].t == '?')
)) {
out[i].v += out[jj].v;
out[jj] = undefined; ++jj;
nstr += out[i].v;
i = jj-1; break;
case 'G': out[i].t = 't'; out[i].v = general_fmt(v,opts); break;
var vv = "", myv, ostr;
if(nstr.length > 0) {
myv = (v<0&&nstr.charCodeAt(0) === 45 ? -v : v); /* '-' */
ostr = write_num(nstr.charCodeAt(0) === 40 ? '(' : 'n', nstr, myv); /* '(' */
var decpt = out.length;
for(i=0; i < out.length; ++i) if(out[i] != null && out[i].v.indexOf(".") > -1) { decpt = i; break; }
var lasti=out.length;
if(decpt === out.length && ostr.indexOf("E") === -1) {
for(i=out.length-1; i>= 0;--i) {
if(out[i] == null || 'n?('.indexOf(out[i].t) === -1) continue;
if(jj>=out[i].v.length-1) { jj -= out[i].v.length; out[i].v = ostr.substr(jj+1, out[i].v.length); }
else if(jj < 0) out[i].v = "";
else { out[i].v = ostr.substr(0, jj+1); jj = -1; }
out[i].t = 't';
lasti = i;
if(jj>=0 && lasti<out.length) out[lasti].v = ostr.substr(0,jj+1) + out[lasti].v;
else if(decpt !== out.length && ostr.indexOf("E") === -1) {
jj = ostr.indexOf(".")-1;
for(i=decpt; i>= 0; --i) {
if(out[i] == null || 'n?('.indexOf(out[i].t) === -1) continue;
vv = out[i].v.substr(j+1);
for(; j>=0; --j) {
if(jj>=0 && (out[i].v[j] === "0" || out[i].v[j] === "#")) vv = ostr[jj--] + vv;
out[i].v = vv;
out[i].t = 't';
lasti = i;
if(jj>=0 && lasti<out.length) out[lasti].v = ostr.substr(0,jj+1) + out[lasti].v;
jj = ostr.indexOf(".")+1;
for(i=decpt; i<out.length; ++i) {
if(out[i] == null || 'n?('.indexOf(out[i].t) === -1 && i !== decpt ) continue;
vv = out[i].v.substr(0,j);
for(; j<out[i].v.length; ++j) {
if(jj<ostr.length) vv += ostr[jj++];
out[i].v = vv;
out[i].t = 't';
lasti = i;
for(i=0; i<out.length; ++i) if(out[i] != null && 'n(?'.indexOf(out[i].t)>-1) {
myv = (flen >1 && v < 0 && i>0 && out[i-1].v === "-" ? -v:v);
out[i].v = write_num(out[i].t, out[i].v, myv);
out[i].t = 't';
var retval = "";
for(i=0; i !== out.length; ++i) if(out[i] != null) retval += out[i].v;
return retval;
SSF._eval = eval_fmt;
var cfregex = /\[[=<>]/;
var cfregex2 = /\[([=<>]*)(-?\d+\.?\d*)\]/;
function chkcond(v, rr) {
if(rr == null) return false;
var thresh = parseFloat(rr[2]);
switch(rr[1]) {
case "=": if(v == thresh) return true; break;
case ">": if(v > thresh) return true; break;
case "<": if(v < thresh) return true; break;
case "<>": if(v != thresh) return true; break;
case ">=": if(v >= thresh) return true; break;
case "<=": if(v <= thresh) return true; break;
return false;
function choose_fmt(f, v) {
var fmt = split_fmt(f);
var l = fmt.length, lat = fmt[l-1].indexOf("@");
if(l<4 && lat>-1) --l;
if(fmt.length > 4) throw "cannot find right format for |" + fmt + "|";
if(typeof v !== "number") return [4, fmt.length === 4 || lat>-1?fmt[fmt.length-1]:"@"];
switch(fmt.length) {
case 1: fmt = lat>-1 ? ["General", "General", "General", fmt[0]] : [fmt[0], fmt[0], fmt[0], "@"]; break;
case 2: fmt = lat>-1 ? [fmt[0], fmt[0], fmt[0], fmt[1]] : [fmt[0], fmt[1], fmt[0], "@"]; break;
case 3: fmt = lat>-1 ? [fmt[0], fmt[1], fmt[0], fmt[2]] : [fmt[0], fmt[1], fmt[2], "@"]; break;
case 4: break;
var ff = v > 0 ? fmt[0] : v < 0 ? fmt[1] : fmt[2];
if(fmt[0].indexOf("[") === -1 && fmt[1].indexOf("[") === -1) return [l, ff];
if(fmt[0].match(cfregex) != null || fmt[1].match(cfregex) != null) {
var m1 = fmt[0].match(cfregex2);
var m2 = fmt[1].match(cfregex2);
return chkcond(v, m1) ? [l, fmt[0]] : chkcond(v, m2) ? [l, fmt[1]] : [l, fmt[m1 != null && m2 != null ? 2 : 1]];
return [l, ff];
function format(fmt,v,o) {
fixopts(o != null ? o : (o=[]));
var sfmt = "";
switch(typeof fmt) {
case "string": sfmt = fmt; break;
case "number": sfmt = (o.table != null ? o.table : table_fmt)[fmt]; break;
if(isgeneral(sfmt,0)) return general_fmt(v, o);
var f = choose_fmt(sfmt, v);
if(isgeneral(f[1])) return general_fmt(v, o);
if(v === true) v = "TRUE"; else if(v === false) v = "FALSE";
else if(v === "" || v == null) return "";
return eval_fmt(f[1], v, o, f[0]);
SSF._table = table_fmt;
SSF.load = function load_entry(fmt, idx) { table_fmt[idx] = fmt; };
SSF.format = format;
SSF.get_table = function get_table() { return table_fmt; };
SSF.load_table = function load_table(tbl) { for(var i=0; i!=0x0188; ++i) if(tbl[i] !== undefined) SSF.load(tbl[i], i); };