SheetJS 935821423f version bump 0.11.1: dist cleanup
- dist scripts properly export library
- XLS/XLSB formulae quote sheet names containing spaces
- skipHidden ported to streaming CSV write
- updated codepage to 1.11.0
- flow and TS updates
- webpack demo example using dist scripts
- requirejs demo
2017-08-05 02:32:57 -04:00

16 lines
364 B

WPOPTS=--display-modules --display-reasons --profile
.PHONY: all
all: $(TOOL).min.js core.out.js full.out.js
$(TOOL).min.js: $(TOOL).js
uglifyjs $< > $@
.PHONY: $(TOOL).js
webpack main.js --output-filename $@ $(WPOPTS)
.PHONY: core.out.js full.out.js
core.out.js full.out.js: %.out.js: %.js
webpack $< --output-filename $@ $(WPOPTS)