SheetJS 19620da30b version bump 0.12.1: BIFF5 features
- BIFF5 write number formats and other features
- XLSX/XLSB/BIFF8 Suppress "Number stored as Text" errors
- codename awareness (fixes #992 h/t @samusstrike)
- updated CFB to 1.0.3
- demo refresh
2018-02-14 15:06:35 -05:00

52 lines
1.6 KiB

.PHONY: all
all: duktape nashorn rhinojs swift
.PHONY: base
if [ ! -e sheetjs.xlsx ]; then node ../../tests/write.js; fi
if [ ! -e xlsx.full.min.js ]; then cp ../../dist/xlsx.full.min.js .; fi
.PHONY: duktape
duktape: base ## duktape demo
bash ./duktape.sh
gcc -std=c99 -Wall -osheetjs.duk sheetjs.duk.c duktape.c -lm
.PHONY: nashorn
nashorn: base ## nashorn demo
jjs nashorn.js
.PHONY: swift
swift: base ## swift demo
swiftc SheetJSCore.swift main.swift -o SheetJSSwift
.PHONY: chakra
chakra: base ## Chakra demo
node -pe "fs.writeFileSync('payload.js', 'var payload = \"' + fs.readFileSync('sheetjs.xlsx').toString('base64') + '\";')"
cat global.js xlsx.full.min.js payload.js chakra.js > xlsx.chakra.js
chakra ./xlsx.chakra.js
.PHONY: rhinojs ## rhino demo
rhinojs: base SheetJSRhino.class
for ext in xlsx xlsb biff8.xls xml.xls; do java -cp .:SheetJS.jar:rhino.jar SheetJSRhino sheetjs.$$ext; done
RHDEPS=$(filter-out SheetJSRhino.class,$(patsubst %.java,%.class,$(wildcard com/sheetjs/*.java)))
$(RHDEPS): %.class: %.java rhino.jar
javac -cp .:SheetJS.jar:rhino.jar $*.java
SheetJSRhino.class: $(RHDEPS)
jar -cf SheetJS.jar $^ xlsx.full.min.js
javac -cp .:SheetJS.jar:rhino.jar SheetJSRhino.java
if [ ! -e rhino ]; then git clone https://github.com/mozilla/rhino; fi
#if [ ! -e rhino/build/rhino*/js.jar ]; then cd rhino; ant jar; fi
#cp rhino/build/rhino*/js.jar rhino.jar
if [ ! -e rhino/buildGradle/libs/rhino*.jar ]; then cd rhino; ./gradlew jar; fi
cp rhino/buildGradle/libs/rhino*.jar rhino.jar
.PHONY: clean
rm SheetJS.jar *.class com/sheetjs/*.class