SheetJS a3d9c4d9ac version bump 0.7.4: I/O improvements
- basic style + theme parsing, option .cellStyles (h/t @eladxxx)
- more XLSB writing stubs
- correct resolution of .xml/.bin files
- sheet_to_json improvements from js-xls
o opts.header = 1 for array of arrays
o opts.header = 'A' for spreadsheet column labels
o custom opts.header array for custom labels
o opts.range = n starts from row n
o opts.range = range restricts writer to work within the specified range
- Makefile adapted to work with cygwin on windows
2014-05-29 18:30:03 -04:00

19 lines
498 B

/* 18.6 Calculation Chain */
function parse_cc_xml(data, opts) {
var d = [];
var l = 0, i = 1;
(data.match(/<[^>]*>/g)||[]).forEach(function(x) {
var y = parsexmltag(x);
switch(y[0]) {
case '<?xml': break;
/* 18.6.2 calcChain CT_CalcChain 1 */
case '<calcChain': case '<calcChain>': case '</calcChain>': break;
/* 18.6.1 c CT_CalcCell 1 */
case '<c': delete y[0]; if(y.i) i = y.i; else y.i = i; d.push(y); break;
return d;
function write_cc_xml(data, opts) { }