
214 lines
7.5 KiB

/*! sheetjs (C) 2013-present SheetJS -- http://sheetjs.com */
import { CFB$Container } from 'cfb';
import { WorkBook, WorkSheet, CellAddress, Range, CellObject } from '../../';
import { u8str, u8_to_dataview } from './util';
import { parse_shallow, varint_to_i32, parse_varint49, mappa } from './proto';
import { deframe } from './frame';
import { IWAArchiveInfo, IWAMessage, parse_iwa } from './iwa';
/* written here to avoid a full import of the 'xlsx' library */
var encode_col = (C: number): string => {
var s="";
for(++C; C; C=Math.floor((C-1)/26)) s = String.fromCharCode(((C-1)%26) + 65) + s;
return s;
var encode_cell = (c: CellAddress): string => `${encode_col(c.c)}${c.r+1}`;
var encode_range = (r: Range): string => encode_cell(r.s) + ":" + encode_cell(r.e);
var book_new = (): WorkBook => ({Sheets:{}, SheetNames:[]});
var book_append_sheet = (wb: WorkBook, ws: WorkSheet, name?: string): void => {
if(!name) for(var i = 1; i < 9999; ++i) if(wb.SheetNames.indexOf(name = `Sheet ${i}`) == -1) break;
wb.SheetNames.push(name); wb.Sheets[name] = ws;
function parse_numbers(cfb: CFB$Container): WorkBook {
var out: IWAMessage[][] = [];
/* collect entire message space */
cfb.FileIndex.forEach(s => {
if(!s.name.match(/\.iwa$/)) return;
var o: Uint8Array;
try { o = deframe(s.content as Uint8Array); } catch(e) { return console.log("?? " + s.content.length + " " + (e.message || e)); }
var packets: IWAArchiveInfo[];
try { packets = parse_iwa(o); } catch(e) { return console.log("## " + (e.message || e)); }
packets.forEach(packet => {out[+packet.id] = packet.messages;});
if(!out.length) throw new Error("File has no messages");
/* find document root */
var docroot: IWAMessage;
out.forEach((iwams) => {
iwams.forEach((iwam) => {
var mtype = varint_to_i32(iwam.meta[1][0].data) >>> 0;
if(mtype == 1) {
if(!docroot) docroot = iwam;
else throw new Error("Document has multiple roots");
if(!docroot) throw new Error("Cannot find Document root");
return parse_docroot(out, docroot);
export default parse_numbers;
// .TSP.Reference
function parse_Reference(buf: Uint8Array): number {
var pb = parse_shallow(buf);
return parse_varint49(pb[1][0].data);
// .TST.TableDataList
function parse_TST_TableDataList(M: IWAMessage[][], root: IWAMessage): string[] {
var pb = parse_shallow(root.data);
var entries = pb[3];
var data = [];
entries?.forEach(entry => {
var le = parse_shallow(entry.data);
var key = varint_to_i32(le[1][0].data)>>>0;
data[key] = u8str(le[3][0].data);
return data;
interface TileRowInfo {
R: number;
cells?: Uint8Array[];
// .TSP.TileRowInfo
function parse_TST_TileRowInfo(u8: Uint8Array): TileRowInfo {
var pb = parse_shallow(u8);
var R = varint_to_i32(pb[1][0].data) >>> 0;
var storage = pb[3][0].data;
var offsets = u8_to_dataview(pb[4][0].data);
var cells = [];
for(var C = 0; C < offsets.byteLength/2; ++C) {
var off = offsets.getUint16(C*2, true);
if(off > storage.length) continue;
cells[C] = storage.subarray(off, offsets.getUint16(C*2+2, true));
return { R, cells };
// .TST.Tile
function parse_TST_Tile(M: IWAMessage[][], root: IWAMessage): Uint8Array[][] {
var pb = parse_shallow(root.data);
var ri = mappa(pb[5], parse_TST_TileRowInfo);
return ri.reduce((acc, x) => {
if(!acc[x.R]) acc[x.R] = [];
x.cells.forEach((cell, C) => {
if(acc[x.R][C]) throw new Error(`Duplicate cell r=${x.R} c=${C}`);
acc[x.R][C] = cell;
return acc;
}, [] as Uint8Array[][]);
// .TST.TableModelArchive
function parse_TST_TableModelArchive(M: IWAMessage[][], root: IWAMessage, ws: WorkSheet) {
var pb = parse_shallow(root.data);
var range: Range = { s: {r:0, c:0}, e: {r:0, c:0} };
range.e.r = (varint_to_i32(pb[6][0].data) >>> 0) - 1;
if(range.e.r < 0) throw new Error(`Invalid row varint ${pb[6][0].data}`);
range.e.c = (varint_to_i32(pb[7][0].data) >>> 0) - 1;
if(range.e.c < 0) throw new Error(`Invalid col varint ${pb[7][0].data}`);
ws["!ref"] = encode_range(range);
// .TST.DataStore
var store = parse_shallow(pb[4][0].data);
var sst = parse_TST_TableDataList(M, M[parse_Reference(store[4][0].data)][0]);
// .TST.TileStorage
var tile = parse_shallow(store[3][0].data);
var tiles: Array<{id: number, ref: Uint8Array[][]}> = [];
tile[1].forEach(t => {
var tl = (parse_shallow(t.data));
var ref = M[parse_Reference(tl[2][0].data)][0];
var mtype = varint_to_i32(ref.meta[1][0].data);
if(mtype != 6002) throw new Error(`6001 unexpected reference to ${mtype}`);
tiles.push({id: varint_to_i32(tl[1][0].data), ref: parse_TST_Tile(M, ref) });
tiles.forEach((tile) => {
tile.ref.forEach((row, R) => {
row.forEach((buf, C) => {
var dv = u8_to_dataview(buf);
//var version = buf[0]; // numbers 3.x use "3", 6.x - 11.x use "4"
/* TODO: find the correct field position of the data type and value. */
var ctype = buf[2];
var addr = encode_cell({r:R,c:C});
switch(ctype) {
case 0: { // TODO: generic ??
switch(buf[1]) {
case 3: ws[addr] = { t: "s", v: sst[dv.getUint32(buf.length - 4,true)] } as CellObject; break;
case 2: ws[addr] = { t: "n", v: dv.getFloat64(16, true) } as CellObject; break;
case 0: break; // ws[addr] = { t: "z" } as CellObject; // blank?
case 5: break; // date-time
case 7: break; // duration
case 6: ws[addr] = { t: "b", v: dv.getFloat64(buf.length - 8, true) > 0 } as CellObject; break;
default: throw new Error(`Unsupported cell type ${buf.slice(0,4)}`);
} break;
case 3: { // string
ws[addr] = { t: "s", v: sst[dv.getUint32(16,true)] } as CellObject;
} break;
case 2: { // number
ws[addr] = { t: "n", v: dv.getFloat64(buf.length - 12, true) } as CellObject;
} break;
case 6: { // boolean
ws[addr] = { t: "b", v: dv.getFloat64(16, true) > 0 } as CellObject; // 1 or 0
} break;
default: throw new Error(`Unsupported cell type ${ctype}`);
// .TST.TableInfoArchive
function parse_TST_TableInfoArchive(M: IWAMessage[][], root: IWAMessage): WorkSheet {
var pb = parse_shallow(root.data);
var out: WorkSheet = { "!ref": "A1" };
var tableref = M[parse_Reference(pb[2][0].data)];
var mtype = varint_to_i32(tableref[0].meta[1][0].data);
if(mtype != 6001) throw new Error(`6000 unexpected reference to ${mtype}`);
parse_TST_TableModelArchive(M, tableref[0], out);
return out;
// .TN.SheetArchive
function parse_sheetroot(M: IWAMessage[][], root: IWAMessage): [WorkSheet, string] {
var pb = parse_shallow(root.data);
var out: [WorkSheet, string] = [ { "!ref":"A1" }, (pb[1]?.[0] ? u8str(pb[1][0].data) : "") ];
var shapeoffs = mappa(pb[2], parse_Reference);
var seen = false;
shapeoffs.forEach((off) => {
M[off].forEach((m: IWAMessage) => {
var mtype = varint_to_i32(m.meta[1][0].data);
if(mtype == 6000) {
if(seen) return; // TODO: multiple Tables in a sheet
out[0] = parse_TST_TableInfoArchive(M, m);
seen = true;
return out;
// .TN.DocumentArchive
function parse_docroot(M: IWAMessage[][], root: IWAMessage): WorkBook {
var out = book_new();
var pb = parse_shallow(root.data);
var sheetoffs = mappa(pb[1], parse_Reference);
sheetoffs.forEach((off) => {
M[off].forEach((m: IWAMessage) => {
var mtype = varint_to_i32(m.meta[1][0].data);
if(mtype == 2) {
var root = parse_sheetroot(M, m);
book_append_sheet(out, root[0], root[1]);
if(out.SheetNames.length == 0) throw new Error("Empty NUMBERS file");
return out;