kinwah 59d9d9086b Support for parsing Comments
Comments parts listed in the [Content Types] are parsed.
Sheets's relationships are parsed.
Comments parts are correlated to their corresponding sheets parts.
Comments's contents are added to the ref'ed cells.
Rich text styling properties are currently ignored.

For example:
  "!ref": "A1:B3",
  "A1": {
    "v": 1,
    "t": "n"
  "B1": {
    "v": "one",
    "t": "s",
    "r": "one",
    "c": [
      { "a": "Yegor Kozlov",
       "t": [ "Yegor Kozlov:",
              "\r\nfirst cell" ]
2014-01-16 10:30:01 +08:00

53 lines
2.1 KiB

/* vim: set ts=2: */
var XLSX;
var fs = require('fs'), assert = require('assert');
describe('source', function() { it('should load', function() { XLSX = require('./'); }); });
var files = (fs.existsSync('tests.lst') ? fs.readFileSync('tests.lst', 'utf-8').split("\n") : fs.readdirSync('test_files')).filter(function(x){return x.substr(-5)==".xlsx" || x.substr(-13)==".xlsx.pending"});
function normalizecsv(x) { return x.replace(/\t/g,",").replace(/#{255}/g,"").replace(/"/g,"").replace(/[\n\r]+/g,"\n").replace(/\n*$/,""); }
function parsetest(x, wb) {
describe(x + ' should have all bits', function() {
var sname = './test_files/2011/' + x + '.sheetnames';
it('should have all sheets', function() {
wb.SheetNames.forEach(function(y) { assert(wb.Sheets[y], 'bad sheet ' + y); });
it('should have the right sheet names', fs.existsSync(sname) ? function() {
var file = fs.readFileSync(sname, 'utf-8');
var names = wb.SheetNames.join("\n") + "\n";
assert.equal(names, file);
} : null);
describe(x + ' should generate correct output', function() {
wb.SheetNames.forEach(function(ws, i) {
var name = ('./test_files/' + x + '.' + i + '.csv');
it('#' + i + ' (' + ws + ')', fs.existsSync(name) ? function() {
var file = fs.readFileSync(name, 'utf-8');
var csv = XLSX.utils.make_csv(wb.Sheets[ws]);
assert.equal(normalizecsv(csv), normalizecsv(file), "CSV badness");
} : null);
describe('should parse test files', function() {
files.forEach(function(x) {
it(x, x.substr(-8) == ".pending" ? null : function() {
var wb = XLSX.readFile('./test_files/' + x);
parsetest(x, wb);
describe('should have comment as part of cell\'s properties', function(){
it('Parse comments.xml and insert into cell',function(){
var wb = XLSX.readFile('./test_files/SimpleWithComments.xlsx');
var sheetName = 'Sheet1';
var ws = wb.Sheets[sheetName];
assert.equal(ws.B1.c.length, 1,"must have 1 comment");
assert.equal(ws.B1.c[0].t.length, 2,"must have 2 texts");
assert.equal(ws.B1.c[0].a, 'Yegor Kozlov',"must have the same author");