DBF from js-harb
- merged DBF from js-harb (fixes #407 h/t @joefreire)
- updated codepage to 1.8.0
- stub for macro/dialog sheet parsing (fixes #292 h/t @GenoD)
- XLSB/XLSM write vbaraw (fixes #606 h/t @johnothetree)
- phantomjs demo (fixes #184 h/t @machinewu)
2017-03-28 00:41:01 -04:00
XLS/XLSX/XLSB Interpret Chartsheets as Data Tables
- chartsheets are now stored as sheets with "!type" set to "chart"
- fixed Strict XML Workbook Relationships
- stubbed support for dialog and macro sheets
- removed legacy XLS `!range` field
2017-03-27 17:41:14 -04:00
version bump 0.9.6
- new ExtendScript demo
- Base64 shim improvements h/t @davidchambers @sheetjsdev
- jszip improvements to support extendscript
2017-03-25 18:18:50 -04:00
International Properties
Excel localizes "Worksheets" and other names in XLS[XMB] Properties
Fixes #33
note: @oliverz contributed a file with "Arbeitsblätter"
@sheetjsdev tested against test suite, PR #32 details used
2017-03-25 14:32:59 -04:00
API Improvements
- `aoa_to_sheet` function (fixes #314 h/t @fonzy2013 @rvdwijngaard)
- `writeFileAsync` function (fixes #396 h/t @barbalex)
- `sheet_to_json` tests + docs + blankrows (fixes #602 h/t @EEaglehouse)
- write number format scan now includes every index >= 50
- propagate SSF IE8 fixes (fixes #171 h/t @sheetjsdev)
- update shim for extendscript (see #603 h/t @firas3d)
- more flow type definitions
2017-03-24 21:36:40 -04:00
systemjs and angular demos [ci skip]
closes #447 h/t @channara
closes #453 h/t @Adtiv @paustint
closes #538 h/t @hsbilgen
closes #547 h/t @Mani2693
2017-03-23 13:11:31 -04:00
default value
uses `defval` key in options object
fixes #583 h/t @jimjin
fixes #582 h/t @jimjin
fixes #147 h/t @jtadmor
2017-03-23 01:58:08 -04:00
version bump 0.9.5: IE8+ browser tests
- minor changes to work around IE incompatibilities
- updated shim and browser tests
2017-03-22 21:18:40 -04:00
SSF undefined string guard ( fixes #584 )
note: @sheetjsdev authored commit, original PR date/author used
2017-03-22 11:23:13 -04:00
utility improvements
- sheet_to_csv strip option (fixes #182 h/t @davidworkman9)
- sheet_to_json dateNF option (fixes #134 h/t @rotemtam)
- file type detection expanded to 4 byte magic number
2017-03-22 03:50:11 -04:00
XLS/XLSX/XLSB/XLML cellDates support
- uniform number->date cell conversion
- update SSF to 0.9.0 (for is_date)
- namespaced rich str xml
- license file changed to appease GH automatic license detector
| id | author | comment |
| closes #581 | @Aymkdn | XLSX cellDates + SSF.is_date |
| closes #126 | @elad | same as #581 h/t @SystemParadox |
| closes #59 | @vratiu | same as #581 |
| closes #279 | @varunoberoi | raw json output uses date |
2017-03-21 16:44:35 -04:00
version bump 0.9.4
- changed regexes to handle odd XML (fixes #191 h/t @chk- @imsaquib)
- XLML roundtrip 1252 encoding
- browser core tests added to main repo
2017-03-20 17:42:12 -04:00
Documentation improvements
- multiformat column widths (fixes #591 h/t @sheeeeep)
- skip nested BIFF files
2017-03-20 05:02:25 -04:00
František Žiačik
better dup check ( fixes #316 )
2017-03-19 19:48:49 -04:00
Add notes about working with date cells
[ci skip]
fixes #127 h/t @elad
2017-03-19 19:05:51 -04:00
enable semaphore ci for old node tests
2017-03-19 18:15:30 -04:00
Alex Litskevich
XLSX Defined Names
closes #162 h/t @alitskevich
2017-03-19 13:29:04 -04:00
Pieter Sheth-Voss
Parse XLSX Styles
some changes picked from #263
2017-03-19 02:50:30 -04:00
explicitly share styles and themes
2017-03-18 19:25:50 -04:00
Formula write support
- XLSX/XLML/ODS/CSV formula write
- XLS Array/Formula record parsing
- ODS to/from CSF formula conversion
- XLML parse negative dates
- formula multiformat and roundtrip tests
- update SSF
Closes issues:
- closes #549 h/t @omershelef
- closes #306 h/t @akaustel
- closes #300 h/t @wawanopoulos
- closes #152 h/t @florf
- closes #103 h/t @christocracy
- closes #112 h/t @johnyesberg
- closes #307 h/t @alexanderknapstein
2017-03-17 20:45:06 -04:00
version bump 0.9.3: multiformat alignment
- merge cells and stubs consistency
- character entity decoding
- cellDates processing for other formats
2017-03-15 21:17:24 -04:00
unify stub cells with type z
- fixes #382 h/t @jugaltheshah @pimpelsang
- fixes #333 h/t @xushuheng0623 @abhishek1234321 @mateuszkrzeszowiec
- fixes #79 h/t @volodymyrl @elad
2017-03-15 04:19:02 -04:00
Fixed vbaraw
- fixes #594 h/t @fossamagna
- fixes #348 h/t @aleramesh
2017-03-14 14:40:29 -04:00
Update index.d.ts
2017-03-14 20:02:19 +02:00
reduced build output on travis
2017-03-14 13:24:40 -04:00
XLML write support
- XLML write (fixes #173 h/t @SheetJSDev)
- removed old iteration style from README (see #592 )
- CellXF & StyleXF fields (fixes #414 h/t @ronnywang)
2017-03-14 04:19:51 -04:00
version bump 0.9.2: more bugfixes
- decode sheet name for XLSX and XLML (fixes #203 h/t @rocketmonkeys)
- XFExt (fixes #298 h/t @aetna-softwares @aimcom @baharudinafif)
- handle truly empty `<is>` elements (fixes #506 h/t @asksahil)
- pin version numbers for dependencies (fixes #469 h/t @nhtera)
- sed usage fix (see #572 h/t @liryna)
- fix hex2RGB substr indices (fixes #294 h/t @kamorahul)
- removed stale typescript files (see #442 )
- reworked shift formula regex (fixed #551 h/t @SheetJSDev)
- README note on webpack codepage suppression (fixes #438 h/t @rusty1s)
- README note on WTF (fixes #487 h/t @livesoftware)
2017-03-13 02:46:37 -04:00
flow annotations
no errors when running flow!
2017-03-12 14:02:46 -04:00
Update index.d.ts
2017-03-12 09:21:11 +02:00
Yusuke Kawasaki
18.4.6 rPh CT_PhoneticRun (ignored)
added namespace to regex (closes #476 h/t @kawanet)
note: @sheetjsdev authored commit, original PR date/author used
2017-03-11 13:08:52 -05:00
version bump 0.9.1: cpexcel update
- codepage upgraded to 1.7.0
- remove require dark pattern (closes #554 h/t @keyiis)
- test for JSON header disambiguation
- utility functions documentation (fixes #424 h/t @dskrvk)
2017-03-10 18:39:17 -05:00
Patrick Lam
disambiguate duplicate header names
closes #194 h/t @patricklam
note: @sheetjsdev authored commit, original PR date/author used
2017-03-10 14:15:39 -05:00
Takashi Fujita
fix parse_si for Japanese excel files
fixes #141 h/t @tgfjt . Original message:
using #parse_si 'Phonetic Properties' items for Japanese excel files,
the Phonetic items(KATAKANA) represents pronunciation hints of String(KANJI).
<t>漢字(japanese KANJI)</t>
<t>フリガナ(this is KATAKANA for pronounciation:漢字)</t>
It expected get '漢字' . but got '漢字フリガナ'.
so replace these string, because this can be caused by only `<rPh>`.
2017-03-10 13:27:11 -05:00
README [ci skip]
2017-03-10 12:33:08 -05:00
more formula parsing logic
- added more function argc counts and cleaned up error rendering
- disabled XLS error on MTRSettings (fixes #466 h/t @dskrvk)
- handle more unexpected XML empty tags (fixes #510 h/t @rahulsindc)
- throw error if SheetNames is not unique (fixes #231 h/t @zippy1981)
2017-03-10 03:39:51 -05:00
version bump 0.9.0: merged ODS into XLSX
The optional ODS module has been completely merged into xlsx.js and the
corresponding scripts have been removed. The new xlsx.js file provides
appropriate ODS exports, so fixing is a matter of removing ods.js refs.
2017-03-09 20:09:18 -05:00
version bump 0.8.8: HTML
- read MSO HTML (fixes #419 h/t @vineetl fixes #458 h/t @tienne)
- roll out xml namespace fix (closes #362 h/t @PierreOCXP)
- cellDates clarifications
2017-03-09 00:24:32 -05:00
Giovanni Bruno
parse rich strings with bare boolean tags
h/t @giowe fixes #309
note: @sheetjsdev authored commit, original PR date/author used
2017-03-07 14:09:28 -05:00
Sebastian Metzger
Added 'var' to example to be strict mode compliant
closes #206
[ci skip]
2017-03-06 01:46:30 -05:00
Francis Crick
fixing an issue where _xd_ is getting escaped
2017-03-05 18:39:56 -08:00
version bump 0.8.7: bundlers
demos for browserify/requirejs/webpack
2017-03-04 20:14:08 -05:00
version bump 0.8.6: module flush
- fixes #571 h/t @FredrikL @mooyoul
- pin npm version in travis, see https://github.com/npm/npm/issues/15855
- updated CFB (fixes #569 h/t @e12009)
- remove BOM for some SpreadsheetML files
case insensitive zip file search fixes:
- fixes #439 h/t @chikh
- fixes #440 h/t @chikh
- fixes #567 h/t @duzun
2017-02-24 02:33:01 -08:00
README fix [ci skip]
2017-02-21 23:25:10 -08:00
version bump 0.8.5: FODS/UOS and IE6+ support
- read and write support for Flat ODS files
- read support for Uniform Office Spreadsheet (UOS)
- IE6-8 cell regex split fix (fixes #350 #140 #268 h/t @Aymkdn @C0d3ine)
- replace substr negative index with slices (fixes #351 h/t @Aymkdn)
- ODS parsexmltag ignores ext overrides (fixes #548 h/t @lgodard)
- csv can be written using write/writeFile with csv type
- added `type` to README (fixes #432 h/t @tomkel)
2017-02-21 22:57:59 -08:00
version bump 0.8.4: formula parsing
- BIFF 2-12 formula parsing
- more content type coverage
- unified `.f` form: A1-style string
- `.F` field for array formulae
- formula output groups array formulae
- bin script -A --arrays output JS row objects
- whitespace robustness in inline string xml
- UTF-8 parsing in rich text runs (fixes #505 h/t @fuchsc)
- bold/italic/underline accept null val attr (h/t @qqilihq)
- sst trimming (fixes #176 h/t @shakhal @oising)
2017-02-19 12:36:32 -08:00
version bump 0.8.3: BIFF2 read/write
- basic support for parsing BIFF2-4
- basic support for writing BIFF2
- cleaned up some bad substr uses for IE6 compatibility
- added flow type annotations for xlsx.flow.js
- added numerous null guards (fixes #255 h/t @martinheidegger)
- README cleanup (fixes #539 h/t @oliversalzburg)
- pin jszip to local version (closes #408 h/t @limouri)
bower issues:
| id | author | comment |
| #254 | @kkirsche | fixes #254 by removing version from json |
| #165 | @vincentcialdella | fixes #165 by changing default script |
| #180 | @owencraig | fixes #180 by using xlsx.core.min.js |
format issues:
| id | author | comment |
| #271 | @morstaine | fixes #271 by reworking related parse fns |
| #504 | @JanSchuermannPH | fixes #504 detect FullPaths h/t @Mithgol |
| #508 | @basma-emad | fixes #508 offending file used `x:` NS |
2017-02-10 11:23:29 -08:00
Update xlsx typings
Add optional 'options' parameter to function sheet_to_csv. (53f7f6d944/bits/90_utils.js (L132)
2017-02-07 13:21:31 +01:00
removing node 0.11 from travis
2017-02-03 19:09:09 -05:00
version bump 0.8.2: ODS and cleanup
- README and example cleanup
- basic XLSB and ODS write support
- flow typecheck for ODS file
Note: xlsx.js flow fails: https://github.com/facebook/flow/issues/380
- exposed jszip compression (fixes #220 , closes #284 )
README issues:
| id | author | comment |
| #202 | @sao93859 | closes #202 |
| #211 | @alexanderchan | closes #211 corrected examples |
| #327 | @cskaandorp | changed saveAs example to match write tests |
| #424 | @dskrvk | added note about s2roa h/t @LeonardoPatignio |
| #496 | @jimmywarting | closes #496 adapted rABS examples with rAAS |
ODS file format issues:
| id | author | comment |
| #148 | @user4815162342| closes #148 h/t @ziacik |
| #166 | @paulproteus | closes #166 rudimentary ODS write support |
| #177 | @ziacik | closes #177 |
| #179 | @ziacik | closes #179 use JSON when available |
| #317 | @ziacik | closes #317 |
| #328 | @think01 | closes #328 |
| #383 | @mdamt | closes #383 duplicate cells should be copied |
| #430 | @RB-Lab | closes #430 |
| #546 | @lgodard | closes #546 thanks to other changes |
2017-02-03 15:50:45 -05:00
Use "lib" in tsconfigs instead of "target". ( #13968 )
* Use "lib" in tsconfigs instead of "target".
Only add "dom" to libraries that need it. This is determined by a script, so many libraries that have "dom" maybe should not.
* Update new-package and readme
* Add back "target" where necessary
2017-01-18 07:51:51 -08:00