forked from sheetjs/sheetjs
SheetJS 7b4bafba49 Miscellaneous format fixes
- SSF update to address extendscript issue (fixes  h/t @mjdb3d)
- XLSX cellDates set date format (fixes  h/t @psalmody)
- ODS add stub stylesheet for Excel (fixes  h/t @WaqasJaved1)
- CSV with UTF8 BOM (fixes  h/t @charlesread)
- DIF/CSV fuzzy date speculation
- SYLK parse RC formulae
- CSF utils for manipulating workbooks
2017-05-11 03:29:59 -04:00

119 lines
5.1 KiB

function decode_row(rowstr/*:string*/)/*:number*/ { return parseInt(unfix_row(rowstr),10) - 1; }
function encode_row(row/*:number*/)/*:string*/ { return "" + (row + 1); }
function fix_row(cstr/*:string*/)/*:string*/ { return cstr.replace(/([A-Z]|^)(\d+)$/,"$1$$$2"); }
function unfix_row(cstr/*:string*/)/*:string*/ { return cstr.replace(/\$(\d+)$/,"$1"); }
function decode_col(colstr/*:string*/)/*:number*/ { var c = unfix_col(colstr), d = 0, i = 0; for(; i !== c.length; ++i) d = 26*d + c.charCodeAt(i) - 64; return d - 1; }
function encode_col(col/*:number*/)/*:string*/ { var s=""; for(++col; col; col=Math.floor((col-1)/26)) s = String.fromCharCode(((col-1)%26) + 65) + s; return s; }
function fix_col(cstr/*:string*/)/*:string*/ { return cstr.replace(/^([A-Z])/,"$$$1"); }
function unfix_col(cstr/*:string*/)/*:string*/ { return cstr.replace(/^\$([A-Z])/,"$1"); }
function split_cell(cstr/*:string*/)/*:Array<string>*/ { return cstr.replace(/(\$?[A-Z]*)(\$?\d*)/,"$1,$2").split(","); }
function decode_cell(cstr/*:string*/)/*:CellAddress*/ { var splt = split_cell(cstr); return { c:decode_col(splt[0]), r:decode_row(splt[1]) }; }
function encode_cell(cell/*:CellAddress*/)/*:string*/ { return encode_col(cell.c) + encode_row(cell.r); }
function fix_cell(cstr/*:string*/)/*:string*/ { return fix_col(fix_row(cstr)); }
function unfix_cell(cstr/*:string*/)/*:string*/ { return unfix_col(unfix_row(cstr)); }
function decode_range(range/*:string*/)/*:Range*/ { var x =range.split(":").map(decode_cell); return {s:x[0],e:x[x.length-1]}; }
/*# if only one arg, it is assumed to be a Range. If 2 args, both are cell addresses */
function encode_range(cs/*:CellAddrSpec|Range*/,ce/*:?CellAddrSpec*/)/*:string*/ {
if(typeof ce === 'undefined' || typeof ce === 'number') {
/*:: if(!(cs instanceof Range)) throw "unreachable"; */
return encode_range(cs.s, cs.e);
/*:: if((cs instanceof Range)) throw "unreachable"; */
if(typeof cs !== 'string') cs = encode_cell((cs/*:any*/));
if(typeof ce !== 'string') ce = encode_cell((ce/*:any*/));
/*:: if(typeof cs !== 'string') throw "unreachable"; */
/*:: if(typeof ce !== 'string') throw "unreachable"; */
return cs == ce ? cs : cs + ":" + ce;
function safe_decode_range(range/*:string*/)/*:Range*/ {
var o = {s:{c:0,r:0},e:{c:0,r:0}};
var idx = 0, i = 0, cc = 0;
var len = range.length;
for(idx = 0; i < len; ++i) {
if((cc=range.charCodeAt(i)-64) < 1 || cc > 26) break;
idx = 26*idx + cc;
o.s.c = --idx;
for(idx = 0; i < len; ++i) {
if((cc=range.charCodeAt(i)-48) < 0 || cc > 9) break;
idx = 10*idx + cc;
o.s.r = --idx;
if(i === len || range.charCodeAt(++i) === 58) { o.e.c=o.s.c; o.e.r=o.s.r; return o; }
for(idx = 0; i != len; ++i) {
if((cc=range.charCodeAt(i)-64) < 1 || cc > 26) break;
idx = 26*idx + cc;
o.e.c = --idx;
for(idx = 0; i != len; ++i) {
if((cc=range.charCodeAt(i)-48) < 0 || cc > 9) break;
idx = 10*idx + cc;
o.e.r = --idx;
return o;
function safe_format_cell(cell/*:Cell*/, v/*:any*/) {
var q = (cell.t == 'd' && v instanceof Date);
if(cell.z != null) try { return (cell.w = SSF.format(cell.z, q ? datenum(v) : v)); } catch(e) { }
try { return (cell.w = SSF.format((cell.XF||{}).ifmt||(q ? 14 : 0), q ? datenum(v) : v)); } catch(e) { return ''+v; }
function format_cell(cell/*:Cell*/, v/*:any*/, o/*:any*/) {
if(cell == null || cell.t == null || cell.t == 'z') return "";
if(cell.w !== undefined) return cell.w;
if(cell.t == 'd' && !cell.z && o && o.dateNF) cell.z = o.dateNF;
if(v == undefined) return safe_format_cell(cell, cell.v, o);
return safe_format_cell(cell, v, o);
function sheet_to_workbook(sheet/*:Worksheet*/, opts)/*:Workbook*/ {
var n = opts && opts.sheet ? opts.sheet : "Sheet1";
var sheets = {}; sheets[n] = sheet;
return { SheetNames: [n], Sheets: sheets };
function aoa_to_sheet(data/*:AOA*/, opts/*:?any*/)/*:Worksheet*/ {
var o = opts || {};
if(DENSE != null && o.dense == null) o.dense = DENSE;
var ws/*:Worksheet*/ = o.dense ? ([]/*:any*/) : ({}/*:any*/);
var range/*:Range*/ = ({s: {c:10000000, r:10000000}, e: {c:0, r:0}}/*:any*/);
for(var R = 0; R != data.length; ++R) {
for(var C = 0; C != data[R].length; ++C) {
if(typeof data[R][C] === 'undefined') continue;
var cell/*:Cell*/ = ({v: data[R][C] }/*:any*/);
if(Array.isArray(cell.v)) { cell.f = data[R][C][1]; cell.v = cell.v[0]; }
if(range.s.r > R) range.s.r = R;
if(range.s.c > C) range.s.c = C;
if(range.e.r < R) range.e.r = R;
if(range.e.c < C) range.e.c = C;
if(cell.v === null) { if(cell.f) cell.t = 'n'; else if(!o.cellStubs) continue; else cell.t = 'z'; }
else if(typeof cell.v === 'number') cell.t = 'n';
else if(typeof cell.v === 'boolean') cell.t = 'b';
else if(cell.v instanceof Date) {
cell.z = o.dateNF || SSF._table[14];
if(o.cellDates) { cell.t = 'd'; cell.w = SSF.format(cell.z, datenum(cell.v)); }
else { cell.t = 'n'; cell.v = datenum(cell.v); cell.w = SSF.format(cell.z, cell.v); }
else cell.t = 's';
if(o.dense) {
if(!ws[R]) ws[R] = [];
ws[R][C] = cell;
} else {
var cell_ref = encode_cell(({c:C,r:R}/*:any*/));
ws[cell_ref] = cell;
if(range.s.c < 10000000) ws['!ref'] = encode_range(range);
return ws;