
169 lines
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2017-10-29 02:52:12 +00:00
/* cfb-editor (C) 2017-present SheetJS -- */
/* eslint-env browser */
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { easyComp } from 'react-easy-state';
import { /*BrowserRouter as Router,*/ Switch, Route, Redirect } from 'react-router-dom';
import swal from 'sweetalert';
import SplitPane from 'react-split-pane';
import './SheetJSApp.css';
import store from './state';
import ToolBar from './views/ToolBar';
import TreeList from './views/TreeList';
import FileView from './views/FileView';
import ManifestView from './views/ManifestView';
import InitView from './views/InitView';
import DragDropDiv from './components/DragDropDiv';
//import { fix_string, unfix_string } from './utils/misc';
import { MAX_SIZE } from './consts';
const renamePopup = (n) => swal("Enter the new file name", {content:{element:'input', attributes:{placeholder:n}}});
const _ul = (evt) => {
if(!store.isDirty()) return;
const msg = `Recent changes have not been saved`;
swal(msg, {timer:1000});
return evt.returnValue = msg;
class SheetJSApp extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.hfoe = this.handleFileOrEntry.bind(this);
this.flipViz = this.flip_viz.bind(this);
this.force = this.force.bind(this);
this.state = { viz: true };
componentDidMount() { window.removeEventListener("beforeunload", _ul); window.addEventListener("beforeunload", _ul, true); }
flip_viz() { this.setState({viz: !this.state.viz}); this.forceUpdate(); }
force() { if(this.toolbar) this.toolbar.force(); }
erase() { if(!store.isDirty()) return store.reset();
swal(`Are you sure you want to close ${store.fname}?`, {buttons:['No', 'Yes']}).then(v => { if(v) store.reset(); });
renameFile() { renamePopup(store.fname).then(v => { if(v) store.setName(v); }); }
handleFile(file/*:File|FileList*/) {
if(!(file instanceof File)) return swal("Please drop only one file");
return this.handleOneFile(file);
handleOneFile(file/*:File*/) {
const doit = () => {
const reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = (e) => {
const bstr =;
try {
store.setBStr(bstr, (e) => { swal("Error:" + (e.message||e)); });
} catch(e) { swal("Error:" + (e.message||e)); }
let msg = [];
if(file.size > MAX_SIZE) msg.push("File size " + file.size + " exceeds limit.");
if(msg.length > 0) {
msg.push("Operations may be slow. Shall we proceed?");
const domelt = document.createElement("div");
domelt.innerHTML = msg.join("<br/>\n");
swal({content: domelt, buttons:['No', 'Yes']}).then(v => { if(v) doit(); });
} else doit();
handleEntry(idx/*:number*/, file/*:File*/) {
const ReadFileArrayBuffer = (file/*:File*/, cb, opts) => {
/* Boilerplate to set up FileReader */
const reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = (e) => {
/* Parse data */
const ab =;
cb(null, ab);
if(opts) {
if(opts.size > 0 && file.size > opts.size) return cb(new Error("File size " + file.size + " exceeds limit"), null);
ReadFileArrayBuffer(file, (err, ab) => {
if(err) return swal("Error: " + err.message);
store.setContentAB(idx, ab);
}, { size: MAX_SIZE });
handleFileOrEntry(file/*:File|FileList*/) {
if(store.isEmpty()) return this.handleFile(file);
if(!(file instanceof File)) return swal("Please drop only one file");
const idx = (!this.props.match || this.props.match.params.idx == null) ? -1 : this.props.match.params.idx;
const opts = { buttons: { open: `Open`, add: "Add File" } };
const fname = store.getFixedName(idx);
if(idx > -1) opts.buttons.update = `Update contents`;
swal(`${store.fname} ${fname && "(" + fname + ")"} is open. What do you want to do with ${}?`, opts).then(v => {
switch(v) {
case 'open': {
if(!store.isDirty()) { store.reset(); return this.handleFile(file); }
swal(`There are unsaved changes. Are you sure you want to close ${store.fname}?`, {buttons:['No', 'Yes']}).then(v => { if(!v) return; store.reset(); this.handleFile(file); });
} break;
case 'add': {
let fname = "";
if(!store.find( {
fname = store.addNewFile(;
} else {
fname = store.addNewFile();
swal(`File ${} exists! New file: ${fname}`);
const id = store.getIdByName(fname);
this.handleEntry(id, file);
} break;
case 'update': this.handleEntry(idx, file); break;
newEntry() { const fname = store.addNewFile(); swal("New File: " + fname); }
exportFile() { store.exportBStr(store.fname || "SheetJS.cfb"); }
deleteEntry(idx) {
swal(`Are you sure you want to delete ${store.getFixedName(idx)}`, {buttons:['No', 'Yes']}).then(v => {
switch(v) {
case true: store.delFileById(idx); break;
default: return;
renameEntry(idx) { renamePopup(store.getFixedPath(idx)).then(v => { if(v) store.renFileById(idx,v); }); }
render() { return (
<div className="Outer">
<DragDropDiv handleFile={this.hfoe}>
<ToolBar idx={this.props.match.params.idx} erase={this.erase} exportFile={this.exportFile} handleFile={this.hfoe} viz={this.state.viz} flipViz={this.flipViz} ref={(tb) => { this.toolbar = tb; }}/>
<div className="Bottom"><SplitPane split="vertical" minSize={50} maxSize={250}
defaultSize={window.matchMedia && !window.matchMedia("(min-width: 650px)").matches ? 50 : 250}
style={{height: 'calc(100% - 55px)'}}
pane1Style={{display:this.state.viz ? "block" : "none"}}>
{this.state.viz && ( <DragDropDiv handleFile={this.hfoe}>
<TreeList idx={this.props.match.params.idx} fname={store.fname} exportFile={this.exportFile} erase={this.erase} renameFile={this.renameFile} addFile={this.newEntry} />
<DragDropDiv handleFile={this.hfoe}><div className="RightPane">
{!store.isEmpty() ? (
<Route path="/view">
<FileView idx={this.props.match.params.idx||0} mode={this.props.match.params.mode} deleteEntry={this.deleteEntry} renameEntry={this.renameEntry} handleFile={this.handleEntry} viz={this.state.viz} force={this.force} />
<Route exact path="/">
<ManifestView exportFile={this.exportFile} erase={this.erase} renameFile={this.renameFile} addFile={this.newEntry} />
<Route><Redirect to="/" /></Route>
) : (
<Route exact path="/">
<InitView handleFile={this.handleFile} />
<Route><Redirect to="/" /></Route>
); }
export default easyComp(SheetJSApp);