/* cfb-editor (C) 2017-present SheetJS -- http://sheetjs.com */ /* eslint-env browser */ import React, { PureComponent } from 'react'; import { easyComp } from 'react-easy-state'; import { Link, Redirect } from 'react-router-dom'; import { Icon } from 'react-fa'; import SyntaxHighlighter from 'react-syntax-highlighter'; import { arduinoLight } from 'react-syntax-highlighter/styles/hljs'; import * as Spinner from 'react-spinkit'; import './MainPane.css'; import { sprintf } from 'printj'; import { buf } from 'crc-32'; import store from '../state'; import DataInput from '../components/DataInput'; import { line, fix_string, decode_msi_name } from '../utils/misc'; import { THRESH } from '../consts'; import xml from '../utils/xml'; /* TODO: load through state so screen doesn't block on render */ class FileView extends PureComponent { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = {loading: true, FN:"", _size:0, _crc32:"", show_text:false, indexData:[]}; ["export", "delete", "rename", "handle", "stload", "common"].forEach(n => { this[n] = this[n].bind(this); }); } componentWillMount() { this.common(this.props, true); } componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) { this.common(nextProps, false); return true; } export() { store.exportBStrById(this.props.idx); } delete() { this.props.deleteEntry(this.props.idx); } rename() { this.props.renameEntry(this.props.idx); } handle(f) { this.props.handleFile(this.props.idx, f); } stload() { } common(props/*, mnt*/) { if(!this.state.loading) { this.setState({loading:true}); } //const doit = mnt || this.props.idx != props.idx || this.props.mode != props.mode; setTimeout(() => { const FP = store.getFileNameById(props.idx), FI = store.getFileEntryById(props.idx); if(!FP || !FI || store.isCFB() && FI.type != 2) return this.setState({loading:false}); const FN = fix_string(FI.name); const content = store.getContentByEntry(FI); const _size = store.getSizeByEntry(FI); const _crc32 = sprintf("%0.8X", buf(content)); const show_text = props.mode == "text"; const T = show_text ? store.getTextByEntry(FI) : ""; const doxml = T && (T.slice(0,6) == "]/)); let show_link = props.mode || "text"; if(show_link == "full") show_link = "text"; if(!props.mode || props.mode == "full") { const hdr = store.getContentSliceByEntry(FI,0,16); if(hdr[0] == 0xFF && hdr[1] == 0xD8 && hdr[2] == 0xFF) show_link = "imag"; if(hdr[0] == 0x89 && hdr[1] == 0x50 && hdr[2] == 0x4E) show_link = "imag"; if(hdr[0] == 0x47 && hdr[1] == 0x49 && hdr[2] == 0x46 && hdr[3] == 0x38) show_link = "imag"; } const show_imag = this.props.mode == "imag", I = show_imag ? "data:image/jpeg;base64," + btoa(store.getTextByEntry(FI)) : ""; const Target = this.props && this.props.mode ? store.getSizeByEntry(FI) : Math.min(store.getSizeByEntry(FI),THRESH); const indices = Array.from({length:(Target)+15>>4}).map((x,i) => 16*i); const indexData = (T || I) ? [] : indices.map(x => line([x, store.getContentSliceByEntry(FI, x,x+16)])); this.setState({ loading:false, FN, _size, _crc32, show_text, T, doxml, show_link, show_imag, I, indices, indexData }); this.forceUpdate(); }, 0); } render() { const FP = store.getFileNameById(this.props.idx), FI = store.getFileEntryById(this.props.idx); if(!FP || !FI || store.isCFB() && FI.type != 2) return ( ); const _FP = fix_string(FP); /* indices, indices.map(x => line([x, store.getContentSliceByEntry(FI, x,x+16)])) */ const { FN, _size, _crc32, show_text, T, doxml, show_link, show_imag, I, indices, indexData } = this.state; const partial = _size > THRESH && !this.props.mode; const show_link_txt = { "text": "Text", "imag": "Image" }[show_link]; const out = (
File Name: {FN} {FN.charCodeAt(0) >= 0x3800 && FN.charCodeAt(0) <= 0x4840 && `MSI Name: ${decode_msi_name(FN)}`}
{FN != FI.name ? `File name has non-display characters, which are rendered as "\\u" followed by character code` : `\u00A0`}
Export Entry
Delete Entry
Rename Entry

You can also drag and drop a file.

Entry Metadata (click to show) Full Path: {_FP}
Size: {_size} bytes
CRC32: {_crc32}

{partial ? `Showing First ${THRESH} Bytes` : "Showing File Contents"} {partial && ( (Full Contents) )} {show_link && show_link != this.props.mode && ( (View as {show_link_txt}) )} {this.state.loading ? ( ) : show_text ? ( {doxml ? xml(T) : T} ) : show_imag ? (
) : !indices.length ? (
(file is empty)
) : (
); return out; } } export default easyComp(FileView);